Monster Jam Steel Titans 2 INSANE Open World Gameplay

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don't forget if you like this video hit that like drop an elbow on that subscribe button and cross that notification bell what is going on monster jam fans today we're going to be exploring one of the monster jam steel titans 2 worlds we're going to be exploring dog park we're going to empty out the dog pound and use all of the monster mutt trucks they've got dog houses there's a bunch of little secrets and stuff we're just going to explore all around up first we're using monster mud poodle there's monster mutt poodle's doghouse you've got to have the match and monster mutt to get into the doghouses and unlock them let's go on in i don't know what this one does they all supposed to do something we're gonna spin around and take a look i'll check it out there's a big ramp here we go we get some big-time air oh and we crash we miss the collectible but we're gonna keep moving and go change our monster trucks and get the next monster mud you gotta go back to the truck changing spot up here and we'll be able to switch [Music] out right up here here we go all right up next we're going to choose let's see we're going to choose monster mud husky and his dog house is right over there it's not too far away [Music] these open world maps are so huge we're gonna do a video for each one [Music] there's monster mud husky's dog house check it out it looks like a cannon out front i wonder what this one's gonna do the door's not opening uh let's go check around back maybe this one will open up here we go whoa check it out the cannon just shot a huge dog biscuit now we're gonna go fetch the dog biscuit we get some big-time air whoa check out that big beach ball that's pretty awesome where did that dog biscuit go there it is right there i guess we'll run into it see what happens [Music] and when you crush the dog bone it opens up the collectible back over at monster mud husky's house but we're gonna keep on moving and switch to our next monster mud well we had a little bit of a crash there [Music] all right up next we're going to choose monster mutt dalmatian [Music] his dog house is kind of up over in them hills actually you can see that big old fire hydrant that's where his dog house is at i'm kinda excited to see what this dog house does [Music] we got to figure out how to get up there first [Music] there's a road that leads to it we get a nice climb in well check it out the door is open and there is water spraying from the fire hydrant i guess we're just gonna run up in there here we go whoa we get some huge air wow we got the collectible wow that was awesome that was my favorite dog house so far checking out the hydrant still spraying water everywhere all right now we're gonna go switch out monster trucks we get some nice air all right up next we're gonna select let's go with monster mutt junkyard dog this is one of my favorite monster mud trucks check it out we get in a bicycle oh we lose it all right we powered out let's keep on going [Music] monster mutt junkyard dogs dog house is just over these hills we got a nice little climb ahead of us whoa we take on some damage let's try to get through here get us some nice rock crawling in and there's monster mud junkyard dog's house check it out it's got a fenced in area with some sand i wonder what this one's gonna do the door opened up here we go [Music] whoa check it out we're digging down into the ground i'm gonna try to get in some donuts and there's the collectible we'll go ahead and grab that while we're down here and head back to switch out my [Music] trucks [Music] at the end of the video leave in the comments below your favorite monster mutt dog house [Music] we get some nice air all right we're about to switch out whoa as soon as we can get up in there [Music] all right next up we're gonna pick let's go with monster mud rottweiler monster mutt rottweiler's dog house is kind of close to monster mutt dalmatian's dog house i wish they would have added scooby doo to this game maybe that'll be an upcoming dlc there's monster mud rottweiler's house right up over this hill check it out it looks like a it's a huge box of dog biscuits i can't wait to see what this dog house does the door's open guess we're gonna crash into the dog biscuits [Music] here we go dog biscuits flying everywhere it's raining dog biscuits check that out let's ride around and collect all the dog biscuits [Music] [Music] [Music] there's the last dog biscuit we'll get it and head on back to switch out monster trucks [Music] we get in a nice bicycle there all right here we go now we're going to select monster mud it's a pretty good drive to monster mud's doghouse it's all the way over there on that other side [Music] maybe this road will lead us to it check out those huge dog balls whoa that's a super-sized mailbox back there too i still don't see monster mud's house there it is i see it now the door opens up it's a big ramp let's get backed up here we go we get some big-time air oh and we crash into the side of the mountain we didn't make it up there we're going to try that again because i want to see what's up there we're gonna get way back this time here we go again and we yes we make it we took on some damage but we are up here let's check it out there's the monster jam collectible and it looks like another ramp with a turbo boost on it here we go we get some huge air let's see if we can land it oh we can't land it well that is all for today guys thanks for watching and don't forget to leave in the comments below your favorite dog house hey guys that's another awesome video right over there all you gotta do is click on it and don't forget to crush that subscribe [Music] button
Channel: Mace Mace TV
Views: 1,166,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster jam, beamng drive, monster trucks, grave digger, high speed jumps, crashes, freestyle, backflips, monster jam freestyle, beamng drive monster trucks, racing, monster jam racing, steel titans, monster jam steel titans 2, steel titans 2
Id: -U5zw5eO9oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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