Monster Hunter World | Heavy Bowgun Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] yo what's going on guys Eric's here and welcome back to another monster hunt of world video and the next episode in my weapon workshop tutorial series this in this area is where I go about absolutely everything you could possibly want to know about a given weapon right from the basic moves available to you all the way ups the main most efficient combos you should be using and some overarching weapon theory if you guys missed last week's episode then I went over how to use the lights bow gun and of course the next few weeks I'm putting together guides to cover each of the 14 weapons in must have the world and today we're continuing that by turning attention to the last of the ranged offerings the heavy bow gun the heavy bow gun is the polar opposite to its light counterpart with a lipo gun off for speed mobility and a plethora of status and elemental options the heavy bow gun is much slower but also much more powerful with less recoil and typically larger ammo capacities with access to more damage focused ammo types it really does excel at dishing out those big numbers and with the addition of two new special ammo introduced in most underworld there are also some rather interesting ways to use this weapon in short the range playstyle is something that interests you but you want something that hits a little harder perhaps you've come over from one of the heavy hitting melee options and heavy Vogon might just be what you're looking for now before we dive in and guard the basic moves the weapon there's kind of things you need to understand first to begin with I'm gonna once again very quickly recap critical distance if you saw the lipo gun tutorial last week or the bow tutorial a while ago then this would be your third time hearing this but since it applies to each of the range weapons it's important I go over this for anyone picking this up critical distance is essentially the distance you want to maintain it in order to ensure you're doing the most damage possible if you're outside at a critical distance you'll do less damage and if you are too far out in other words out of range then your shots won't land at all so good use of this weapon will require that you maintain critical distance at all times when aiming your weapon a reticle will appear on screen if you're too far out then it'll say out of range and quite simply your shots were in land meanwhile if you move forward a little then you'll have these standard wider reticle and while this will see your shots land you're still not doing optimal damage move a little closer again and a second circle appear inside the first vertical and this this is critical distance now supported understand that for bogans both light and heavy different ammo types have different critical distances so something like spread shot a close range ammo type naturally requires you be much closer meanwhile a long range other types a peer shots will see you put much greater distance between you and your targets but since the on screen reticle is your visual indicator it's really not difficult to adjust your placement on the flyer furthermore the heavy bow gun much like the light bogan also has a relatively simple move set as you'll see in a moment when we go over all the basics it's not a combo heavy weapon you'll largely be pointing shooting and repositioning but your complexity comes from your armor choices and the way you spec your build there will once again be a dedicated section this video that speaks about ammo as well as mods but ultimately these choices will influence how you play before you stand how you move etc there are lots of things to consider here and it's all part of what makes the bow guns fun so with all that in mind let's first begin by going over how to use this weapon and then we'll tie it all together by talking about ammo types mods skills and how you should use it in combat if you're familiar with the light bogan then the moves are largely going to be the same here bar a couple of minor differences first things first you can either press r2 or triangle to draw your weapon and then pressing r2 with your weapon drawn will see you fire your currently selected amber type remember that unlike Bo which needs the coatings to be applied bow guns don't need the ammo to be loaded you simply scroll to the one you want and then begin firing on l1 and pressing either triangle or X will allow you to scroll through your different ammo types or you can press up and down on the d-pad to do the same thing either one works so use whatever feels comfortable to you holding down l2 will bring up the aiming reticle you'll use this a lot since it not only allows you to aim and be more accurate with your shots but it's also your visual indicator for critical distance and when you factor in the bow gun has different critical distances based on the ammo you're using it's nice having this here to keep yourself in check pressing triangle will then allow you to reload your currently selected ammo meanwhile holding down triangle will allow you to reload all ammo in order so again if I empty are a few different ammo types when holding down triangle it'll reload my currently equipped one first and then begin reloading from top down bear in mind this animation will take longer but it's a good thing to do in between engagements or when you have a window where you're not doing damage pressing triangular circle will later form a melee attack this is an impact attack meaning it can KO monsters if daunt their head but in truth you're not really going to be running around Mele and monsters left right and center with this weapon so this is generally speaking more useful for hitting stun teammates or knocking back small monsters that being said it does still do a fair amount of damage all things considered so if your team were working on a KO and you happen to be close by then sneaking one of these in won't hurt it just won't be your main priority now where the heavy and light boat guns differ are these special ammo options where the light bogan has access to wive and blasts the heavy bow gun has access to two different options wive and Hart and wagons snipe pressing circle will load the special ammo in question the animation is a little lengthy so if you're going to use this try to do so in a time you're not going to be hit consider planning ahead and pre loading for that moment I'm crafting your bow guns your special ammo type is listed here typically weapons in the iron tree have white and hot meanwhile weapons in the bone tree have wive and snipe but what's the difference well wive and Hart is essentially the machine gun mode you load it and then when you begin firing initially your damage starts off low but it very quickly ramps up to the point where you're just unloading bullet hell into the models face as you use it the special ammo meter will begin to deplete but the nice thing about this ammo type is that you don't have to use it all at once you can fire some unload it and then go back to it later and likewise if you use it up and it's recharging you can also use it when it isn't fully charged just keep in mind you can only use it while you have meter in this gauge and once it's out it'll refill over time this is a nice damage option and if you really wanna have some fun throw in the impact mantle and use this on a monsters head and you'll be seeing kos left right and center meanwhile the wideness knight again it needs to be loaded like the other one but with this once it's ready holding down l2 to aim we'll see you go into a prone sniper position with this you have one shot and the shot Pierce is the target dealing some initial damage then shortly after those shots will explode now good use of this ammo type comes in understanding the best way to use Pierce since the ammo type will pass through a monster and the follow-up explosions explode as many times as you'd land they hit you want to be shooting down the length of the monster to get as many hits as possible head to tail or tail to head doing so will mean that this hammer hits multiple times and then you'll get the most bang for your buck from the follow-up explosions however unlike wave and heart this mo can only be used when the meter is full so once it's used you need to wait until it's fully recharged both of these have value however I will say that wyman heart is a little more general use and more forgiving meanwhile and sniper can dish out some nasty damage but its use is a little more situational if you really want to make it work then finally the last thing to note is that once again you can press X to roll with this weapon no fancy slide - like the lipo gun and also your roll is much slower but you can use this to dodge incoming attacks and also as a means to close the gap between you and the monster since moving with this weapon is much slower keep in mind that while you can roll in between shots you can't roll mid reloads so if you're gonna reload don't do it if the monster is charging at you that's pretty much it for the basic moves so let's very quickly go over aerial and sliding moves slide down a hill and pressing r2 will allow you to draw into your weapon and begin firing meanwhile sliding down a hill and pressing X followed by either r2 or triangle will see you first jump and then follow that with a melee attack now this will do mounting damage if the attack connects with the monster but more importantly if you remain still for a moment after landing this attack you'll go directly into a reload so if you've been fighting and you're then slide jump into this attack it allows you to land reload and then very quickly get back into the action this is also a good option if you have a slow reload time on a particular ammo since this can help speed up the process additionally jumping for ledge with your weapons teeth and pressing r2 or triangle again does the melee attack into reload but jumping for ledge with your weapons drawn and pressing r2 will light fire and this is actually a good move to use to compensate some of the higher recoil ammo types so if you're firing something like recovery ammo that has a plus for recoil then this can actually be a good way to compensate for that and of course jumping off and pressing triangle will again do the melee attack as for a double wall sadly no flashy move here so quite simply running and jumping off the walls and again pressing r2 or triangle does the male a slap in to reload so now we have a basic understanding of how the weapon plays it's once again time to talk about the most important thing your ammo as mentioned ammo is what will ultimately influence the way that you use this weapon and it's where the depth begins to reveal itself the purpose of this tutorial I've again grouped the ammo types into four different categories raw damage and a mental damage status and support I'm crafting a bow gun or inspecting it from your inventory if you flick l3 you'll get a list of all the ammo types of supports within this table you can see the default ammo capacity a shot type and recoil and also the reload time you'll also notice these two small icons the first one rapid-fire doesn't apply to heavy bow guns that's something reserved for the light bogan but or to reload types quite simply these mo types will reload themselves instead of requiring you to press a button to do so manually now so the ammo types themselves under the raw damage category you have normal spread shot Pierce sticky slicing cluster and weapon normal is your bog-standard ammo type the higher the number the more powerful and this applies to all arrow types so normal three it's more powerful than normal - which is more powerful than normal one typically you'll use type two and three and then type one will be your base for crafting if you need to make more ammo in the field in between all of the other fantasy shot types you have normal and spread shot ammo will be your bread and butter normal if you want a little bit more range meanwhile spread shot ammo is more like firing a shotgun considerably shorter range fires in a wide spread but it's a great damage dealer and also incredibly good at breaking pots however on top of that you have Pierce the long range ammo type to get the most of this you want to be firing down the length of the body so while it's a good ammo type it'll require a little bit more positioning to use effectively sticky this is a powerful ammo type that sticks to the target explodes shortly after it also deals impact damage so it can be used to ko a monster also given the sticky ammo is considered an explosive ammo type it ignores monster weak spots and feels the same damage no matter where you fire it slicing this ammo type can be used to cut tails in the one star when you fire it it attaches to a part and they shortly off to dish it up moderate slicing damage not the fastest thing in the world but useful if you're gunning solo and once that tail comes cluster ammo types now these are the big damage dealers and you've more than likely seen these being used in heavy bow gun speedruns it's a high damage ammo type that launches a shot into the air like a mortar and upon landing it fragments into lots of smaller explosions this ammo will send your teammates flying so don't just fire this with reckless abandon and then finally wive and ammo is charged off an explosive short-range blast and does very high damage but again will also send your teammates flying so don't use this unless you have a clear opening when you fire this you remain rooted to the spot for a short time so really you only want to be using this when you have a genuine opening or the monster is sleeping and you don't have a great sword user around to do the wakeup then outside of raw damage you have elemental flaming water thunder and freeze however in truth this isn't really an ammo type that heavy blow guns excel at even for light bogans you have to work a little bit harder to really draw the value out of elemental ammo shots the heavy bogans have always been more about big raw damage so while you will support the odd elemental hammer type it'll invariably do less damage than normal so it's not something you typically use on the status front this is pretty self-explanatory poison paralysis sleep and exhausts much like with melee weapons part of these shots in the monster will build up the abnormal status and once it is the threshold the effect will prompt while light bogan is definitely one of the best applying statuses the heavy blowgun also has this in its arsenal and it's for sure something you should take advantage on paralyzing or sleeping a monster provides you with great openings to then unload some of your big damage and other times then finally for support you have recovery ammo which can heal your teammates if you shoot them all man demon ammo which are defense and attack boosts respectively tranq ammo which can be used in place of track form when capturing monsters and finally dragon ammo which is like a bullet form of elder seal it's a really slow firing bullet so it can be a little hard to land but it applies the elder seal effect so in summary when dealing basic damage you'll typically be using normal and special ammos with the addition of those high damage more specialized demos like cluster 11 given the correct opening and alongside that you can take advantage of these supported States demos to control the monster in combat and provide further opportunities for big damage now once you go your head around the ammo types of this weapon it's also important to understand how to mod your bow gun when you visit the smithy and scroll down to the customized bow go on option you'll have the ability to add mods to your weapon now mods are used to change the default properties of a bow gun and the number of mods you can apply is tied directly to the rarity of the weapon bogans of rarity one and two can apply one mod bogans of rarity three and four can apply two and bow guns of rarity five and above can apply three the heavy rogue on all six multiply here so if you saw the light bug on tutorial last week then the addition this time around is the shield additionally a mod can be applied more than once if you want to amplify that particular effect first op recoil suppressors this reduces recoil for certain ammo types and while the game initially displays a table on the right with words like low average and high in truth that isn't especially descriptive so if you click l3 you'll get a more useful numerical breakdown recoil affects the physical feedback of your weapon when you fire a shot the higher your reco the more kickback you get and different ammo types have different recoil the recoil ranged from plus 1 to plus 4 and plus 4 is very noticeable and will have a serious impact in gameplay but plus 2 is the one you want to focus on really plus 2 and below means you're generous being able to move and shoot at the same time however keep in mind that heaven gobo is typically a more stable weapon so while for light pogon recoil is often a priority for heavy bow gun you might find that a lot of your core ammo types don't actually require any additional recoil modes reload assist this one is pretty self-explanatory it speeds up your reload times for specific ammo now the heavy Vogon often has much slower reload times when compared to its light counterpart so this may well be something you look into depending on your ammo choices again remember that you're typically mod based around your core ammo type so think about them when deciding your priorities deviation suppressor now this one is an interesting one and again often causes some confusion the best way to describe deviation is that ties directly into your reticle movement when crafting a bow gun it'll list the deviation level here if the gun has no deviation then you can't apply these mods but if it has low or above then you can use this to compensate I think our ball here is a gun with deviation and no deviation modes applied as you can see when deviation is at its lowest it's possible to fire without the reticle moving which does have its uses in combat however it's also important to understand this does not have any impact on physical recoil so even if your reticle doesn't move if you still have really high recoil it's really not gonna be that useful in combat so you should always aim to manage your recall first or think about your recoil first and then consider your remaining options you then have close range up and range attack of mods these increase the attack power when firing either close range or long range respectively close range modes would apply to ammo types like spread shot and normal meanwhile long ranges apply for things like Pierce the first one you'll play actually provides a rather noticeable improvement around 20% meanwhile there are diminishing returns for subsequent damage modes with the second adding 10% and the third adding 5% so while stacking all three will without question provided the greatest possible damage boost I'll argue that provided you at least slot in the first one you're gaining the most important benefits on the topic of normal note that it has a pretty generous critical distance and if you fire at the outer limits you won't see the benefit of the close-range mod so aim to use it a little bit closer to remain both at critical distance and take advantage of the mods as a point of reference usually about one roll away from your target is the optimal distance for the close range mod and finally the other mode option exclusive the heavy bow gun is the shield this mod when attached will also guard for you provides you're looking at the when the attack comes your way stacking multiple of these will give you a stronger shield as an example three shields can be used to block nodig antes dive-bomb with minimal health and stamina loss you could still do that with simply one shield mod but you would of course take more damage and standard loss in the process so think of it like trying to block with a sword and shield shield versus a large shield for the more since you do have a shield on your gun you can also use God's skills if you wanted to go for a really tanky setup but to summarize this give you some more clarity in your choices the first thing you want to decide is why mo types you're primarily going to be using what's your main damage dealer that will likely influence your weapon choice in the first place but once you know that throw on the base damage mod relevance you a no choice and then look at the remaining options do you need to further manage your recoil do you want faster reload or can you afford to just stack more damage there's a degree of personal preference here so you'll need to play around and decide what best works for you now moving on from there to talk about Almer skills if you're thinking of giving this weapon a try and you want some skill recommendations then here are some pointers to get you started first off as always this applies to every single weapon but your usual damage focus skills like attack boost weakness exploit critical a critical boost agitator maximum might even peak performance any of those will provide value however in addition to this much like for the light bogan three very important skills in further increasing your base damage output or normal shots piercing shots and spread / power shots depending on the ammo type you intend to use let's say freeze up or you're using a normal ammo type as your core damage dealer then you should without a doubt to be running with the normal shots armor skill it provides a noticeable damage boost and will go hand-in-hand with any other attack focus skills you decide to stack so one of these should without question be on your bow gun set furthermore free element / handle up for the bow gun this increases your loading capacity mini you can load more of a particular type allow you to shoot more before needing to reload the focus on a skill can be used to speed up the rate at which your special ammo is recharged so if you wanna make more frequent use of either wave and heart or wive and snipe then this could be an option and to pair up with that special ammo boost will increase the power of your special ammo types so if you wanted to build around those specifically these two skills will provide great value now the interesting skill this is one I could have also mentioned in my light bogan tutorial but it's the set bonus for Zenergy Oh gee-whiz divinity for bogans there's a 25% chance that you won't consume ammo on shooting now obviously this is a random chance but it does proc more than you might think so this could be handy and making your ammo go further if you decide that you want to run a shield on your Boger and then keep in mind the skills like God and God up can also be used these aren't your typical picks for bow gun I'll admit but given the shield you have access to their skills you can take advantage of it should you want to potentially useful if say you're learning the bow gun for the first time I want to protect yourself a little bit and finally you can also run a basic skills like evade window or a veil extender to give you more breathing room especially when you consider that you move much slower with a heavy bow gun having more distance or iframes on your role might just come in handy of course there are some other options on top but as a starting block those are some good skills to pursue now finally to round things out is time for another combat test a chance to use the weapon in a hunt and give you the opportunity to see how everything we've just learned ties together today we're in the arena hunting a high rank and Earth and I'm reusing the power shooter 3le bogan it's part of the bone tree meaning it's a web and sniper type but it also has access to a nice array of Pogo nano types including pasta sticky paralysis sleep and normal 3 so the purpose of this fight normal 3 and spread shot to be my vogue standard damage dealers depending on whether I want to get close or not now I'd usually start off a hunt with asleep but since my paralysis mo has recoil 3 I'm gonna stop with the paralysis and use the ledge of the arena to my advantage these job shots will allow for an easy way to manage high recoil ammo types and while I don't get the paralysis of the first clip it's safe to say he's just one shot away so follow the paralysis this gives me an opening to rain down some cluster ammo and pile some sticky shots into his face in truth I could have been a little bit more efficient and just rolled up and you spread showing his face instead but I was having a bit of fun in the process anyway now that's of the way the next thing on the agenda is sleep so piling sleep shot into him since it is the first one of the hunt it won't take long to get there and now that he's asleep I can plant bombs and use opportunity to light up a wire and snipe now I'm sure there are other ways to get the wake up the since Antonov is tall this is a good opportunity to get a full length snipe down the body at this point with the paralysis and sleep at the way and my special ammo on cooldown I want to go into general damage mode so I'm starting with normal three to give me a little bit of distance save me getting stopped by engine Earth when he's angry ideally I'll walk it towards the flinch and you never to knock down that usually follows him getting the flamey breath at which point I'll then use the opportunity to close the gap a little bit more now I did get knocked around a couple times here since I'd miss time to my rolls but that was in combat so no big deal you pick yourself back up you heal and you move on now given my rolls to put me a little bit closer to engine Earth that gives me a chance to you spread shot too instead this is great breaking pots and if I can get a good break on the face then I'll get a flinch out of it too first of all a little bit but that's what I was working towards now that he's down like it's been opening to pilot some shots now I rolled past him in this instance because part of me was going to see if I could get a cheeky wider side than the body and then the other part of me that was more sensible was like there's not enough time for that so instead I helps to just pile spread short damage into his hit however shortly following that my cat put to sleep anyway so here is an alternative wakeup option of using your wife and Amal and after that the rest of fight played out as normal and then ultimately I ran out with a spread shot to the face but that my friends is pretty much it that was a quick hunt to tie it all together hopefully this tutorial if it helpful be sure to keep it locked for plenty more stunts of videos the next weapon workshop will be next Sunday so until then thanks for watching take it easy catch you next time sound [Music]
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 1,537,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter world weapon tutorial, weapon tutorial, tutorial, monster hunter world tutorial, heavy bowgun, heavy bowgun tutorial, monster hunter world armor, monster hunter world, monster hunter world all monsters, monster hunter world weapons, monster hunter, monster hunter world trailer, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter 5, mh5, monster hunter world multiplayer gameplay, xbox one, ps4, pc, arekkz gaming, arekkz gaming monster hunter, mh
Id: aK5npTZpSyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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