Monster Hunter World | Long Sword Tutorial

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[Music] [Music] yo what's going on guys Eric's here welcome back to another Mon startup world video and the next episode in my weapon workshop tutorial series this is the series where I go over absolutely everything you could possibly want to know about a given weapon right from the basic moves available to you all the way up to the main most efficient combos you should be using and some overarching weapon theory if you guys missed last week's episode then I went over how to use the bow and over the course next few weeks I'll be putting together guides to cover each of the 14 weapons in Monster Hunter World and today we're continuing that by turning our attention to the long sword the long sword is an elegant weapon that offers both speed and power where some of the other more heavy hitting weapons in the game steel mobility take a hit as a trade-off the longsword falls nicely in between allowing you to remain mobile at all times while still dishing out some great damage numbers it's also a weapon with a relatively simple movesets making it a great option to pick up if you're new to the series but in the right hands it's also a devastating weapon the long blade allows hunters to attack parts of the monster off and out of reach of some other weapons and the inbuilt spirit meter gives you a way to further increase your damage outputs as well as allowing you to pull off some incredibly flashy moves in short there's no wonder the longsword is one of the most popular weapons in the game now before we dive in and go over the core moves for the weapon let's take a moment to vertically speak about the spirit meter since this mechanic underpins the entire longsword playstyle and as such is good to have an understanding of this before we press on at the top of the screen you have this meter this is your spirit meter whenever you land an attack with the longsword this will gradually fill up this resource can then be expended but before we what are known as spirit attacks we'll go over exactly how you do these in just a moment but the spirit combo ends in a roundhouse slash and this final hit is without question the most important hit if the final hit lands you'll notice the both your blade and the gauge itself begin to glow wet this glow then provides you with a small attack boost however if you repeat this process and land another roundhouse slash it will go yellow giving you a greater attack boost and if you do once more it'll go red giving you an even greater attack boost the meter will gradually deplete over time and if it isn't topped up before the half then it will drop down 11 going from red to yellow yellow to white and whites back down to nothing however new to monster hunter world this gauge is also a resource for one of the new flashy and high damage moves the spirit held breaker so all washed your plane with this weapon you need to keep that spirit meter and your gauge levels at the forefront of your mind so a little bit covered now let's go over the moves pressing triangle from idle will perform a standard overhead slash but you can then press triangle a further three times to do the standard triangle combo two overhead slashes into a thrust and an into a rising slash this is your bread and butter long sword combo and it's the way that you'll be building a spirit meter furthermore this combo can be looped indefinitely so it doesn't actually stop after the fourth hit you can in fact continue to press triangle as much as you like also given the long sword is a very mobile weapon you can press X at any point during the combo to evade out should you lose your opening or the monster turn to attack you pressing circle performs a standalone thrust the same thrust from the triangle combo and you can also go directly from this back into that same combo so a circle triangle triangle repeats also you can stop a circle input into the regular triangle combo too but since it does the exact same thing its main purpose is if you want to skip the second overhead slash and dive right into the main looping combo overhead slash stab into rising the slash you might let me think of yourself war isn't circle a bit of a useless move if it's essentially a copy of a move that's already present in the regular combo and the answer is no not at all on the contrary the circle input is incredibly useful when paired with other moves given that it's faster than your opening triangle attack so in situations where you need to perform an attack before being able to trigger a follow-up move circle will be your go to press and triangle a circle together will perform the fade slash by default you will swipe in front of you and hop backwards this is an incredibly important move for repositioning or if time correctly dodging a monster's attack when you first pick up the weapon you might wonder whether this move is really that important but once you master it it'll become one of your most useful tools in combats the fade slash much like the evade roll can also be worked into the triangle combo at any point and if you input a direction with this you can also fade slash to the left or to the right but keep in mind this latter one only works following attack since doing it from neutral we'll just see your character of backwards pressing r2 will then perform the first hit of your spirit combo and pressing R to four times consecutively will complete said combo however keep in mind that this combo uses and relies on the spirit meter in order to pull off a complete spirit combo this meter needs to be almost full and that's discussed the me in the video if follow hit lands this is what we'll see your gauge level up so to speak you'll get the white glow followed by yellow and then red with subsequent around house slashes that final hits wings in a very wide 180-degree arc so it's actually pretty generous and therefore often gives you plenty of room to clip part of the monster even if it appears to be almost out of range you can also input a direction and during the spirit combo to gradually turn in that direction so if the monster is moving try to do this so as to ensure that file here lands furthermore if you press R to following a fade slash you can skip the first hit of the Spirit combo and dive right into a spirit jumping slash and then into the final two hits of the combo since the first hit of the default spirit combo is a little slow this is often seen as a saw shortcut if you will into the meat of the spirit combo but further to that it just provides you with great follow-up options of the back of a fade slash if you use it to reposition or dodge you can then press r2 to dive right back into action and aim to max out that gauge something else is incredibly important to note is that the spirit combo has natural mind's eye meaning you can attack a monster in a location that would otherwise cause your attacks to bounce but this will cut right through it your sharpness will take a hit as a result but it won't stop you land in the attack and that means it makes it much easier to secure the final hits in addition to this if you begin the spirit combo a little early let's say you only have half meter and therefore don't have enough to complete the combo you can actually work a triangle attack in between the first two hits to build a little extra meter mid combo sure it's a little slower overall but let's say you began the combo a little uncertain as to whether you have the opening but then there must have falls down or gets trapped and the opening presents itself then you can do this as a means to top up meter enough to let you complete the spirit combo so our two triangle are two triangle R 2 R 2 also keep in mind if your weapon is cheap you can draw directly into the spirit combo by pressing R 2 now new must under work is the spirits help breaker this is the flashy move where you drive your sword into the monster launch yourself into the air and then come crashing down forming a vertical slice whilst looking like a character straight out of an anime this new move however relies on your gauge being charged up since it uses that as a resource to perform the attack sure you can hold down Isle to impress triangle to calm the attack anytime but without gauge it won't actually do anything however provided you have at least white charge then upon landing spirit thrust on the monster your character will launch up into the air and come crashing down with this powerful slash once you've launched you don't actually have to press anything else since you'll come down anyway however as I'm sure you've no doubt noticed with no additional input sometimes you miss your targets if the initial thrust misses you're free to try again but if it connects even at the follow-up helm breaker misses your gauge will still be consumed so with that in mind once you're airborne if you push your analog stick in the direction of the monster or the direction that you want to hit to land and press either triangle or circle either one works they're both attack buttons that'll then allow you to alter the angle or the direction of the spirit on breaker ensuring that you always land the attack unless of course the monster runs away in addition to this doing a lot of damage if this attack lands your spirit meter will also begin to autofill for a short period of time which is great given at the attack you just performed consumed a level of your gauge so it'll then be in your interest to work on refilling that soon after now this is a powerful move and something you want to take frequent advantage of but it's also important to know when to use it first and foremost the spirit home breaker is also affected by the level of the spirit gauge in other words a spirit home breaker done from white gauge is not as powerful as one doll from yellow which is not as powerful as one done from red so while it might be tempting to just use this the second you have charged if you really want to be doing some serious damage to your playstyle should focus around building up to red meter first and then dipping into this attack furthermore I mentioned just a moment ago that following a successful helm breaker your spirit gauge Auto refills for a period of time will the speed at which it refills also correlates the level of helm breaker in other words not only does a helm break up from red do more damage but it also provides the fastest possible spirit generation - so I can't stress enough how much red should be your priority even if it takes you an extra thirty seconds or even a minute to get there in combat it's well worth it in the long run maybe often there another new move introduced in world is the foresight slash this is essentially your counter move this has to follow an attack but if you press all to encircle together you'll have a backwards and then move back in with a slice now this in itself has a very generous invulnerability window so you can use it to dodge attacks but there's more to it than that if you're hit during the foresight slash you will see this blue particle effect following this if you're able to land the attack we're moving back in you can then press R to straight after to go directly into the spirit roundhouse slash in other words the final hit of the spirit combo that levels off your gauge so this is without a doubt the fastest way to level up your meter provided you can pull it off yes it's a little bit risky but given how generous the window is if you can get the habit of pulling this off as the monster is running towards you it becomes very easy to then land the follow-up attack it's worth noting but this doesn't need spirit meter in order to pull off but if you have spirit meter that's the red inside the bar not the charge on the outside if you have this when performing the move it will consume it anyway the reason I say it's not necessary is because if you land the attack following a counter it'll provide you with enough meter to pull off the roundhouse slash and this is where the circle attack comes in especially handy since the foresight slash can only be performed following attack in a situation where you specifically want to pull it off pressing circle into force light slash is by far the quickest way to access it the overhead triangle attack is slower and might result in your getting hit in the process so in a situation like this where you can see the attack coming a quick circle stab into force I slash is a quick and easy way to pull it off additionally much like the face flash from before you can also input a direction with your foresight slash to alter the angle that you move so it doesn't always have to be backwards however where this differs to the foresight slash is that the direction you input should be where you want to end up since the four side slash comes in two parts the evade out and the fade back in the direction you input essentially influences the fade slash back in so if you want to evade to the right push left if you want to way to the left push right forward push back and back push forward now that's it for the basic moves let's very quickly talk about sliding and aerial moves if you slide on a hill and press triangle triangle you'll perform a rising slash into a jumping slash and upon completing this you can then go directly into your default bread-and-butter triangle combo how more useful than that if you press r2 while sliding down a hill and you can draw into a spirit / and provided you have meter upon landing you can go directly into the spirit router / to level up your meter so second to the foresight / this is one of the fastest ways to level up that gauge albeit a little situational since it hinges on being on a slope but should the opportunity present itself definitely take advantage of this jumping for legend pressing triangle performs a standard jumping attack and jumping off a legend pressing r2 skips the first hit of spirit combo allow you to get to the Roundhouse / after just three inputs so again pretty handy if fighting by a Ledge as for your run over walls sadly there aren't any fancy moves you can do by dodging into these walls so quite simply right up the wall and pressing triangle again performs the jumping attack and upon landing you can loop back into your standard combo I much like jumping off a ledge pressing r2 will again allow you to skip the first hit and work into your spirit combo quicker so those are all the moves as mentioned to be in the video the longsword is a simple weapon with a few basic moves and combos and as such there isn't a great deal to worry about when it comes to the way you play your bread-and-butter combo has a few minor variations your damage will actually come from pairing up through red your spirit combo and the new hell breaker and you have a few evasive options thanks to fade slash and for Sai / that being said there are still a couple of interesting things worth calling out so very quickly here are the core combos you'll be using as previously mentioned your standard triangle combo is your bread and butter move provided all four hits land you'll have enough meter to go directly into a full spirit combo however if you're fighting a monster that moves around a lot and you want to ditch this second slow overhead slash remember you can cut directly into a stab with a circle input just keep in mind establish that we can hit so not only does it do less damage but it also builds less meter so I typically use this if I know that I don't have time to pull off the full combo additionally as mentioned earlier I know it might be tempting but try to avoid using spirit hell breaker until you have red gauge sure it does decent damage but you could be doing much greater damage if done from red also not forgetting that on the way up there you're attacking anyway and since the gauge also provides you with an attack boost for your regular attacks your overall damage on the way to red will be much higher so again to have it building first even if it takes time to set up and then go in for the damage now something else really useful that I want to share is an interesting follow-up option the back of the spirit on breaker if you complete the attack you'll notice that you're left standing there for a second or so you can't go straight back into the triangle combo from here so your typical reaction would then be to evade out however if you factor in the foresight slash you can also do something pretty cool following the spirit hub breaker if you pull up a foresight slash then you have two options if the stars align and their monster hits you then perfect you go in press r2 and your meter is already at max but given that doesn't always happen all is not lost if you perform fate / following that foresight / then press r2 to cut in her spirit combo given that you've landed a spirit Hound breaker from read your meter is Auto refilling pretty quickly this refill gives you just enough time to pull off a complete spirit combo and land that roundhouse slash so even though you just consumed red to perform the spirit on breaker already you're back at RIT provided of course the final hit lands you also have a small window following the penultimate hit of the Spirit combo before you need to land the final hit so if you don't have enough meter on first input just hold out for half a second press onto again and you're still landing it so to tie that all together r2 plus triangle for spirit I'll break up our two buff circle for for side slash triangle for circle into fate / then R - R - R - back into red now with regards to damage your spear home breaker is without question your biggest damage dealing move a spirit home breaker from Red does more damage than your entire spirit combo put together however as with anything in Monster Hunter you can't always just default to one stand alone move yes in an ideal situation where the monster is knocked over or trapped then for sure spirit home breaker is your best move but if you're fighting a moving target and you aren't sure if you're able to land the move then your spirit combo is the next best bet while the combo helps build meter it's also high damage especially if done from ribs so if you decide you don't have the opening and it's just not the right time for the helm breaker don't be afraid to use the spirit combo for damage in fact if you're using it for damage you could also work in those extra two triangle attacks at the beginning for some extra hits - by using this move you're also simultaneously keeping your meter top top which then ensures that you're doing the most damage possible and you're ready to pull off the helm breaker when the opening presents itself so to run this out the long sword is a powerful weapon offering incredible reach and mobility and thanks to relatively simple moveset is also a very easy weapon to pick up however on that very note I want to end this tutorial we're making a very important point if you're gonna pick up the longsword your positioning in combat is incredibly important especially if you're playing in a team in previous entries in the series longsword users had a bit of a bad rep and that's because your weapon trips your teammates if you stand there just wailing on the monster with no regard for your team you'll be tripping them up not only does this stop them attacking and lowering your team's overall damage output but it's also just incredibly frustrating to be on the receiving end or given the long blade you have plenty of place to attack the tail the wings the legs just try to think before you dive in think about where your team is if you can be mindful of others when using this weapon then you'll be dishing out some great damage cutting tails and your team will love you but that my friends is it for this episode hopefully you guys found this helpful if you did then allow me super appreciate it and be sure to comment down below if you have any questions if you missed any of the other weapon workshops so far then I've linked the playlist down below but otherwise keep it locked because next Sunday we'll be at the next episode thanks you for watching take it easy catch you next time south [Music]
Channel: Arekkz Gaming
Views: 3,251,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: monster hunter world weapon tutorial, weapon tutorial, tutorial, monster hunter world tutorial, long sword, long sword tutorial, monster hunter world armor, monster hunter world, monster hunter world all monsters, monster hunter world weapons, monster hunter, monster hunter world trailer, monster hunter world gameplay, monster hunter 5, mh5, monster hunter world multiplayer gameplay, xbox one, ps4, pc, arekkz gaming, arekkz gaming monster hunter, mh
Id: e86lHq-03H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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