Monk Hunts Down a Serial Killer | Monk

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handcuffed to one wrist inside the 70 ft of rope God and then he was dragged West 7/10 of a mile I just saw the body what's left of it em said he's never seen anything like it there's no end to it what do you mean I mean this is number nine nine bizarre murders in the past two weeks every time my beeper goes off my heart skips a beig are they connected no no connection at all I mean four have been men five women all different ages Latino White black and Theos all different there's been a couple of shootings different weapons a hit and run a drowning an electrocution I mean it's it's it's like a full moon every night and you sure that the cases have absolutely nothing in common well they have one thing in common monk we can't solve them I swear there's something in the water saw the picture of you and your new boyfriend he's not my boyfriend I was thinking of voting for him but uh now I worry about his judgment I mean if he's going out with you there's no tell him what else he might do start a nuclear war or something don't tell him that you said that no don't just I was joking then I'll tell you were joking no don't don't say that just just don't say anything brought you some coffee thank you I appreciate um actually it's for shirona oh thanks tell Kenny I say hi I will he stayed in his feet as long as he could then he fell dragged the away I could hear him screaming and begging it could have been me should have been me what do you mean I was wide open Frankie had three cars in line wait you were wide open but the killer went to Mr P's booth and waited in line yeah why would he do that unless he was after that particular guy so you didn't see the driver and you didn't get a make of the car I'm sorry might have been a Chrysler I'm not sure Captain what's this the killer paid his toll with that that's supposed to be at the [Music] lab Arley arle and Carney yes how are you arene is that so she goes inside and about a minute later a man steps up can you describe it I couldn't really see his face he was holding a handkerchief over his mouth like he had a cold he bought a ticket for the same movie and and I asked him if he wanted the combo special which is large popcorn and a medium drink a $9 value at only $750 he said no and then he went inside and killed her which I had no idea he was planning to do and he paid you with this yes sir great thanks a lot you need to go down town and talk to a sketch artist Jerry officer Johnson will give you a ride Captain what you've got a serial killer on your hands monk the woman was strangled she didn't know any of the other victims I am not crying wolf until I am 100% sure this is definitely the same man that killed Frank palaski at the toll booth a lot of people pay with $10 bills it's brand new there are a lot of brand new tens out there right now serial numbers are sequential what you remember well I got a pretty good look at it the bill at the toll booth ended with 609 2B this is 609 3B a serial killer it's not moving yeah yeah it's moving it's [Music] moving oh no oh god oh no look out behind you out out Henry small Henry small Adrian what are you do I don't [Music] know [Music] it's number 11 damn it all right nobody's going home I want to know how many of our victims knew Mr Henry Smalls we're going to revisit every crime scene every house we huddle back here at 0900 go go in a few minutes Deputy Mayor Kenny Shale will be making his brief statement regarding the recent series of homicides in Monkey Too Late they've already started they about to name Wallace Cassidy as the primary suspect no no they're making a mistake Lieutenant there is something else going on here Stuart and Lisa Babcock are involved in all of this I know it the homeowners where the guy fell off the roof how we're still working on it well can you prove it not yet what what what's this corner found it it's sleeve or a part of it Henry small J number 12 he was clutching it when he died must have ripped it off the killer monk forget it it's dead end it's already gone through the lab it's untraceable there'll be time for a Q&A later but remember officially this is still an open case so we're not going to be able to get into Captain what you got what's up I think I know what's been going on here it wasn't juror number 12 it was Stuart and Lisa bapa what the couple that's being sued are you sure do you mean am I certain yeah yes that's what I mean by are you sure not yet I I I I need an hour just one hour and then we'll know is there a problem Captain are we about ready hang on just a second Kenny monk needs an hour I'm going to give it to him what about the press the Press can wait that's what they get paid for well I can't now if we don't start now we're not going to make the 6:00 news all right look I'm going to go ahead with Without You Captain it's called leadership no no Kenny it's called grandstanding let's go Kenny Kenny Kenny oh hey sweetie I'm glad you stayed watch this A Star is Born no no wait Kenny Kenny listen to me you making a big mistake this is the kind of mistake that that people won't forget well shirona sweetheart you don't understand how this game is played hey you said you trusted me well I trusted you to pick out my tie babe not with the big stuff a suggestion sir good afternoon ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for coming I'd like you all to know that we've made a significant breakthrough in this case Mr and Mrs babc San Francisco PD I'm captain stonel Meer were you folks going somewhere we're just getting away for the weekend yes we have a house at the beach well I'm glad we caught you I trust you with my ties where the hell does he get off where the hell I don't know are those passports in your handbag Mrs Babcock you're not leaving for the weekend are you you're leaving for good because you heard they just arrested Wallace Cassidy who fixes a few parking tickets and you think he can talk to me that way nobody talks to me that way nobody Wallace Cassidy stupid he was on the jury when you were being sued 6 years ago what are you talking about why would we care about somebody on a jury that maybe because you knew he was going to confess not for murder for blackmail juror number 12 was blackmailing you he knew that you had murdered your first wife after Ian agnu fell off your roof 6 years ago and sued you for negligence the jury was brought here to visit the scene of the accident one of them Wallace Cassidy wandered off most likely he was looking for something to steal Mr Cassidy had a gambling problem he was always in debt oh God I can't believe I went out with him he's not even my type felt sorry for that stupid weasel shirona what we're working here Mr cassid you never did find anything to steal he found something a lot more valuable it was the first Mrs Babcock he didn't leave without taking a picture and one of her fingers we have that picture and we have the finger at it won't be hard to prove who it belongs to he sent you an anonymous note demanding money you knew it was from one of the jurors but you didn't know which one at the time you didn't really care Cassidy was small time and he wasn't asking for much so you paid him and you thought that was the end of it but it didn't end there Cassidy kept coming back from more so you decided to kill the black mailer but since you didn't know which of the 12 jurors it was they all had to go one at a time bastard not you chirona murderers okay relax honey they can't prove a thing if they could they would have arrested us as soon as they got here that's true I couldn't prove a thing until I found this your shirt sleeve was torn off when you attacked juror number 11 can you you prove that's my shirt no sir I can't but I know someone who can as soon as I saw this I had a strange feeling that the Killer and I might have something in common we both use the same dry cleaner Mr Monk why you bring me here I got to close my shop I'm losing money you're just my worst customer longest car ride of my life I'm sorry Mrs Ling but this is very important do you recognize this yeah yeah I know this shirt I clean this shirt silk beautiful shirt hanger no starch what you do to this shirt Mrs Ling there must be a thousand shirts like this in the world how do you know you cleaned this particular one you know how the button it fall off I sewed it back on the thread is parallel not crisscross no one else sews a button on like this I told you Mr Monk That's My Style he's always complaining about the buttons hey Mr Babcock what when I fix this shirt for you you don't complain right cuz you're a good customer Mrs Ling are you certain that this shirt belongs to Mr Babcock yeah I'm sure he's a good customer you come back anytime Mr Babcock ma'am he just killed 11 people 12 let's not forget about the first Mrs Babcock who I'll bet is buried under that new porch well he's still a good customer not crazy like that Mr Monk over there it's jungle out there disorder a confusion everywhere no seems to well I do hey who's in charge here it's jle
Channel: Monk
Views: 65,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monk, Adrian Monk, Mr Monk, Tony Shalhoub, Tony Shalhoub Monk, Monk full episodes, monk season 1, monk season 2, monk season 3, monk season 4, monk season 5, monk season 6, monk season 7, monk season 8, monk season 9
Id: M4WR91v4nN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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