Money Energy - Why People Attract Money Easily, How You Can Too Audiobook

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money energy written and published by engus life money possesses its own unique energy some people effortlessly attracted While others find it more challenging this book delves into the mindsets beliefs and behaviors that Empower people to effortlessly attract wealth into their lives we'll discover that wealth is not solely determined by effort or chance but rather by nurturing the appropriate mindset with 12 impactful lessons you'll learn how to elevate your money mindset cultivate a sense of abundance and confidently pursue your goals you'll discover that achieving success involves generating value for others rather than solely focusing on competition and you'll see the importance of pursuing your passion purpose for achieving Prosperity aligning your energy with the energetic frequency of money allows for a smooth flow of abundance towards you by embracing the mindsets and behaviors of successful people you can attract more Prosperity into your own life lesson one money is energy and energy is never lost money can be thought of as condensed energy the concept of money is similar to energy it cannot be destroyed only transformed and its Essence remains even after it is spent when money seems to disappear from your life it's important to understand that its energy has simply transformed rather than completely vanished when you handle your finances whether it's paying bills investing in yourself funding projects or donating to those in need the money undergo a transformation in terms of its energy the energy you traded remains intact that value continues to resonate like Echoes vibrating through space if you encounter Financial setbacks rest assured that the flow of money will come back to you as long as you continue to offer valuable contributions similar to how energy transforms between different states your money has the ability to transition from being readily available to being saved for future use however its power is ready to be reactivated always remember that losses are not permanent destruction money like energy under go transformation while remaining an essential aspect of potential by making a few changes and adopting a positive mindset you can align yourself with the flow of money it's natural for people to sense and absorb The Vibes of the people in their vicinity when you have a lot of energy you naturally draw people towards you your energy is infectious and you exude a genuine sense of excitement and dedication you have a captivating presence when you Embrace this positive energy you increase your chances of attracting opportunities connections and financial abundance keeping your energy levels up requires actively controlling your mental and physical state pay attention to your inner dialogue concentration and mindset do you have a positive and grateful Outlook or are you stuck in a cycle of negativity and fear the thoughts and beliefs you uphold consistently have an impact on your energy level transform your inner dialogue with empowering affirmations and abundant mindsets take care of your physical health to boost your energy levels make sure to consume nutritious foods and prioritize getting enough rest exercise can help boost your mood and improve mental Clarity make sure to find time for activities that bring you Joy and reju juvenate your spirit understanding the concept of vibration can help you attract the things you want project the energy you desire to attract to attract positive energy it's important to make it a daily Habit to maintain a high level of energy follow what brings you Joy and ignites Your Enthusiasm you will spread positivity and uplift others while also attracting abundance in various forms hi energy people naturally attract others due to their contagious nature and association with success expressing enthusiasm passion and dynamism is a great way to capture attention you have a magnetic energy that draws people who are seeking connection towards you having an energetic Charisma is crucial for attracting financial success and opportunities people are more inclined to support people who demonstrate a clear sense of purpose enthusiasm and vitality in their work you have demonstrated exceptional energy and qualities that make you stand out as the best your drive commitment and competence are evident allowing you to provide significant value to attract money it's important to make sure that your personal brand and business exude a high level of positive energy embrace your offerings with great enthusiasm demonstrate your complete engagement in your work and unwavering commitment to achieving the highest standards express your grand vision and unwavering optimism keep your attention firmly fixed on your objectives when others perceive your enthusiastic and optimistic Aura they will view you and your business as formidable competitors deserving of their investment you can effortlessly attract support for your ideas and Ventures by consistently maintaining high energy lesson two the SM smell of money is more fragrant to those who love it for those who have a keen sense of abundance and prosperity the Allure of money scent is undeniable it naturally attracts their attention and they have a knack for spotting opportunities to create wealth however for people who do not possess a wealthy mindset money holds no scent whatsoever many people Miss opportunities to attract money because they are not tuned into the frequency of abundance they seem unaware of the paths that can lead to success in order to appreciate the scent of wealth one must first develop a fondness for it let go of any negative feelings or thoughts of lack that you may have understanding the positive impact of money and how it can help you achieve your goals can make it more appealing by cultivating a positive mindset and nurturing a healthy relationship with money you can manifest its presence in your life life you'll feel a tingling sensation in your nose signaling exciting opportunities and Ventures Investments and career advancements and career advancements money can be quite appealing but only to those who have a fondness for it by shifting your energy to a frequency of abundance you can also start to sense the presence of wealth around you to experience the scent of financial success it is important to adopt a mindset that Embraces abundance when you adopt a mindset of abundance you start to become more aware of unexpected opportunities helpful advice and previously overlooked possibilities opportunities to attract money have a unique Allure but they only resonate with those who are in sync with them if you want to identify potential opportunities for wealth it's important to closely observe Emerging Markets Trends or needs allow profitable ideas to come to your attention listen to your instincts when you come across a promising business opportunity or investment investigate new career paths educational opportunities or romantic relationships with financial considerations in mind stay vigilant and you'll discover opportunities all around you participate in events express your thoughts and ask insightful questions let your intuition be your guide when you have a strong focus on abundance you'll start to notice opportunities for financial gain in unexpected places keep a Keen Eye on the scent of money and it will guide you towards prosperous opportunities continuously search for opportunities to provide value and meet needs acting on opportunities will lead to increased Prosperity Annie had a natural talent for recognizing opportunities that others overlooked she had a knack for transforming old forgotten objects into stunning works of art she now used her talent to transform outdated properties many people saw nothing but Decay when they gazed upon rundown old homes however Annie sensed potential in them she had a keen nose for profit the attic suggested a beautiful top floor Suite while the kitchen's dated scent hinted at fresh paint and new hardware and Annie explored the newest house on her list various scents filled the air around her she noticed the exposed brick that would give the accent wall some character the floorboards emitted a faint Creek and carried the scent of mahogany stain adding character to the Aged appearance the scent of modern stainless steel Replacements filled the air replacing the outdated appliances Annie's Keen senses detected the potential for blossoming design trend Trends where others only noticed neglect the wallpaper clashed and had a distinct smell of textured paint while the worn carpets already gave off sense of polished wood flooring Annie relied on her sharp sense of smell for spotting lucrative opportunities so she decided to buy the property confident that she could transform it into a valuable asset through renovation with her Clear Vision and creative instincts she began the task of updating finishes and preserving the original architectural details the old house was quickly transformed into a stylish Showplace that Annie sold for a great price the neglected house was waiting for someone to recognize its hidden possibilities Annie's Keen intuition for finances allowed her to uncover hidden worth that went unnotice by others after demolishing one old house she immediately began searching for the next one lesson three giving and receiving the energy of money cash flow not hoarding is what sustains Prosperity share your gifts time and attention generously and you'll find that money's energy will come back to you assisting others creates a positive ripple effect that you can benefit from it's important to give with sincerity rather than feeling obligated share your skills be a good listener and guide and support others when you genuinely give what you receive in return is Multiplied get behind the causes and communities that matter to you show your generosity by giving tips making donations and supporting businesses experiencing the joy of giving is a real phenomenon it feels great to help others however it's crucial to keep in mind that receiving something in return shouldn't be the only driving force behind giving find a harmonious equilibrium between receiving and giving let others lend you their support as well helping others can hinder your own abundance flow embrace the act of receiving so that you can continue to give generously understanding the importance of polarity providing value attracts value in return just like the natural rhythm of inhaling and exhaling there is a continuous cycle of giving and receiving promote balance by fostering Mutual Exchange in every aspect of existence be generous within your limits and be open to receiving as well this Fosters a continuous exchange where Prosperity flows through you not only to you understanding the flow of energy when it comes to giving and receiving money money is like energy in motion flowing and changing in order for it to keep circulating its flow must be maintained through a fair exchange of value understanding the energetic value of money helps you recognize the significance of providing equivalent value in every transaction consider whether you have genuinely contributed enough value before expecting financial gain by prioritizing meeting needs solving problems and adding value you can effortlessly attract Financial abundance steer clear of Antiquated Notions regarding bargaining or competition understand your value and set your prices accordingly emphasize the importance of quality service and impact this Fosters a positive energy exchange when your offerings are clear and easily comprehensible money will flow towards you with enthusiasm consistently providing value leads to increased income however it's important to not solely pursue money without a greater purpose make an effort to convert your talents into Financial Resources to support your purpose find a greater meaning in life and financial abundance will come naturally understanding the fundamental principles of money exchange helps you recognize the importance of developing your own value discover creative methods to support Foster connections and Advance Society follow these steps and you'll attract money in a grateful and ethical manner one effective mindset shift is to encourage prospects to qualify themselves instead of attempting to persuade them positioning your offerings as exclusive opportunities can make people feel recognized and special which is something they love here are some examples this is not suitable for everyone but rather reserved for those who truly deserve it it motivates people to demonstrate their worthiness this opportunity is limited and only a select few will be able to take advantage of it now they will consider themselves fortunate to be among the select few finding this product may be a bit challenging it's fortunate that you're here they want to believe that luck brought them to you present yourself as Discerning when it comes to choosing your collaborators present your offerings as exclusive and tailored for those who appreciate quality this captures one's attention and ignites ambition by encouraging prospects to qualify themselves you can ignite a higher level of Engagement people are eager to earn the privilege of working with you this Vibe appeals to people who appreciate the value of your offerings and are willing to invest in them qualifying attracts financial and energetic abundance Lesson Four Purpose Driven wealth pursuing money solely for its own sake often results in a sense of emptiness however when money is utilized to further a greater cause genuine abundance ensues discovering your purpose attracts abundance work with a purpose and let your efforts make a meaningful impact uncover your individual talents passions and causes Focus your financial resources on enhancing your purpose when you have a clear Mission and consistently work towards it you'll find that resources naturally come together to support you projects that ignite passion and raise awareness tend to receive generous support instead of focusing on a massing wealth let's redefine it as having enough to fulfill our purpose help others and uplift Society you will receive ample support to achieve your vision the money you receive is a direct result of the way you live your life will you waste it on things that divert and exhaust or use it wisely as a tool for transformation a clear Purpose Driven wealth has the power to produce favorable effects that will ultimately help you in many ways when your motivations are based on financial objectives abundance can take many different forms such as happiness fulfillment and a sense of community Teddy had a clear goal in mind to establish cost-effective housing options that cater to the needs of remote workers he had a vision of creating collaborative co-living spaces in cities around the world drawing from his own experience as a digital Nomad however he encountered a hurdle a lack of funds to begin instead of allowing a lack of funds to discourage him Teddy remained focused on the purpose driving his idea he felt deep within in that this mission was worth pursuing despite lacking Capital Teddy took small steps towards making his dream a reality he enthusiastically shared the idea with fellow Nomads he met sparking connections and conversations wherever he went he searched for properties and neighborhoods that would be perfect for multi-use collaborative spaces Teddy even created floor plans as a fun way to improve shared Community areas news quickly circulated and before long investors flocked to Teddy eager to offer financial support for the launch of his inaugural establishment agents eagerly provided off Market properties at discounted rates showing their enthusiasm for supporting the project gradually all puzzle pieces began to fit together in just a few months Teddy was able to start the first nomad Hub location with the support of several angel inv FS he was able to attract the right supporters and resources at the perfect time by prioritizing purpose over profit people were drawn to Teddy's genuine enthusiasm for building spaces where digital workers could come together and Thrive both emotionally and financially the money started coming in once the purpose struck a cord now nomad Hub has numerous thriving locations where remote workers come together in affordable and enrich environments fulfilling Teddy's original purpose allowing purpose to guide led to the Natural flow of money and energy shift your thinking proactively instead of Simply reacting to external conditions transition from a state of scarcity to one of abundance fear to a realm of possibility and lack to a world of opportunity your thoughts and emotions have a powerful influence on your external reality view setbacks as valuable learning opportunities release the narratives that hold you back utilize the power of optimism faith and vision to enhance your mindset operating system make it a habit to nurture your mind every day with affirmations visualization and gratitude create an environment that promotes a mindset focused on abundance the current situation you find yourself in is a direct result of choices made in the past plant new seeds through your mindset to reclaim power nurture ideas of Liberation generating worth and the movement of finances have confidence in Your Capacity to succeed regardless of the circumstances your mindset is the key to overcoming any economic situation job market challenges or past experiences take control of your financial future lesson five five become powerful magnet for money when you have a strong belief in the value of your offerings you emit an energy that draws people in and encourages them to make a purchase if you view yourself solely as someone who promotes products or Services the overall Energy may feel lacking however when you truly believe that people can benefit from what you offer your energy becomes captivating customers ultimately purchase solutions to their challenges and opportunities for growth what people desire is not just material possessions but rather the hope of enhancing their lives Your Enthusiasm shines through when you believe that your work is meeting genuine needs and improving lives focus on selling the benefits and value instead prioritize understanding the needs challenges and aspirations of the people you are assisting demonstrate how our product or service meets their existing needs when people feel that you have a clear grasp of their requirements and genuinely value their well-being they will enthusiastically respond by offering their support and Financial Resources have complete confidence that you possess precisely what others are seeking may this Faith serve as a source of inspiration for your words and offerings when others recognize the value of what you offer you naturally attract positive energy and abundance the need for your services is a powerful magnet for money many times humans are motivated by desires rather than Necessities our desires are often driven by emotions impulses and societal influences causing us to want things that may not be necessary providing people with what they truly need leads to longlasting fulfillment meeting our basic needs is crucial for our overall well-being these needs include things like nourishing food a safe place to live a sense of purpose opportunities for creativity meaningful connections with others and the ability to express ourselves fulfilling genuine needs instead of temporary desires Fosters loyalty and contentment pay close attention to grasping people's fundamental desires explore underlying desires to reveal deeper motivations provide offerings that meet genuine needs for purpose growth and empowerment providing solutions that genuinely improve people's lives establishes longlasting value your customers will stay loyal because you provided something that was crucially necessary provide people with what they require rather than solely catering to their desires meeting people's needs will result in extremely satisfied customers when you address the desires that fuel progress you Foster a sense of community meeting essential needs is crucial for the success of your business lesson six let your money solve the problem money provides people with a range of choices and the ability to live a life of freedom however using that freedom to grow have a positive impact and go beyond one's own limitations is how one achieves true success investing in experiences that enhance people's lives yields greater rewards than indulging in fleeting Pleasures you have the ability to use the power of money for either personal gain or to benefit others help others rise as you achieve greater success support dreams contribute to causes and invest in people and communities Empower yourself to create meaningful change money has the power to enhance whatever it is used for which do you prefer to amplify Darkness or light spread Justice creativity and compassion as your financial power grows Empower Society unlock potential and distribute abundance there are different ways to utilize the power of money embrace the principles of wisdom ethics and concern for Humanity money holds great influence make sure to utilize it to positively impact lives then the prosperity gained can benefit others money represents condensed energy that can be exchanged for Value in a straightforward manner money can liberate you from negative beliefs about scarcity when seen as a neutral Force you can utilize the power of money to effectively address various challenges instead of resisting money or obsessing over it view it as a tool to to accomplish your objectives when faced with a problem it's best to focus on what you do have instead of dwelling on what you lack highlight the potential of money to address the issue money enables you to manage expenses pursue education enlist assistance utilize resources and contribute to causes as you place more trust in money as a solution enabler it gains more energetic power why wait for money to come before solving problems instead let the solutions and the money you need come together when you focus on overcoming obstacles and believe that money will come your way it will think of money as a neutral energy that you can use when faced with difficulties such as lack or overwork it can be helpful to approach the situation with a positive mindset and harness the power of money to find a resolution understanding the power of money to solve problems is essential lesson seven following up to get the money many times the funds are not received initially but rather through subsequent requests building trust and familiarity with prospects is essential following up is a way to show people that you are capable of addressing their problem or fulfilling their needs keep going even if you face an initial rejection every followup is a step forward as it helps you stay on their radar guide leads by providing valuable content and regularly checking in with them through conversations discover ways to provide assistance even if they haven't made a purchase yet following up respect people's autonomy you give them the freedom to evaluate their needs at their own pace by consistently staying in touch you can enhance the perceived value of what you have to off offer ensure you remain memorable by consistently nurturing and reaching out feel free to send in any new articles testimonials or questions to encourage active participation suggest scheduling a brief call to provide updates on our latest offerings understanding the Readiness of prospects is key to attracting money keep following up until the timing falls into place by consistently delivering valuable content you'll be present when they're prepared to make a purchase regular and attentive follow-up is key to attracting funds keep pursuing without giving up seeing each rejection as a step toward success many people need to see something multiple times before making a purchase instead of feeling discouraged by rejection view it as a step forward in the sales process some people may not immediately agree with consistent nurturing many rejections can turn into acceptances over time Keep Your solution fresh in their minds for when they're ready to make a purchase rejections should not be taken personally the opinion of people who are not currently purchasing from you is ultimately inconsequential be persistent in your follow-ups but avoid sounding desperate continue offering valuable information until they are ready to make a commitment building trust and familiarity is enhanced through follow-up develop relationships with potential customers by sharing valuable content reaching out on a personal level and demonstrating genuine concern success in sales often comes down to persistence and followup keep reaching out until you connect with someone who is ready to make a purchase each rejection brings you closer to achieving a positive outcome stay motivated by concentrating solely on qualified leads ensure that your follow-ups have a clear purpose and offer valuable information rather than just focusing on making sales pitches yeses will come with time after completing his debut novel Christopher wasted no time in sending out query letters to numerous literary agents however week after week his inbox was consistently filled with rejections after two months of no success many writers would have thrown in the towel however Christopher was Resolute in his pursuit of publishing his book he diligently reached out to each agent who showed interest expressing gratitude for their consideration and requesting any suggestions to enhance the premise or writing through consistent follow-ups he was able to establish strong connections and gain valuable insights to enhance his manuscript Christopher also made sure to connect with writers who had successfully published their work gaining valuable insights from their experiences he went to conferences to pitch agents face to face receiving valuable advice even from those who ultimately said no after a lot of effort he was able to achieve success a dedicated agent recognized Christopher's writing talent and provided guidance throughout an extensive revision process C that spanned several months after the book was polished they were able to secure a great deal with a Publishing House Christopher proudly held his printed novel on launch day knowing that it was now available for readers to find on bookstore shelves he remained resilient and continued to follow up despite facing constant rejections he maintained a positive attitude despite the rejections recognizing that each one was a step toward success he never gave gave up on his dream sending countless emails to make it happen lesson 8 money flows means consistent action achieving Financial abundance usually requires taking regular and persistent steps understanding the flow of finances involves consistently directing efforts towards creating value on a daily basis commit to making progress every day rather than relying on occasional Strokes of luck instead of relying on risky get rich quick schemes it's better to gradually build assets by staying focused investing diligently over decades rather than years can generate significant wealth through compound interest transform your creative ideas into a streamlined workflow create reliable money making systems that operate consistently regardless of your mood or energy levels create multiple sources of income through a combination of active and passive Endeavors keep up the pace Building Wealth comes from harnessing the power of compounding your gifts and assets rather than constantly pursuing risky opportunities direct your energy towards maintaining a consistent output make Daily Progress no matter how small on the journey toward success embrace the principle of cause and effect taking small focused actions can lead to significant rewards in the long run achieving the financial abundance you seek sometimes calls for taking unconventional steps it involves disregarding any uncertainties or unease and making daring decisions then further amplifying that boldness instead of being cautious and taking small steps be open to making big leaps by taking significant action you can attract attention and generate excitement even if your skills are currently lacking the objective is to gain visibility and create a significant impression begin your business venture immediately pursue your vision with determination and confidently Market yourself taking consistent and focused action leads to building momentum and achieving compounding returns actions taken today can become valuable assets in the future continue moving forward with confidence even in the face of fear or uncertainty silence restrictive beliefs and enhance visibility through strategic positioning focus on establishing a strong Presence by prioritizing high visibility strategies and worry about optimization later Building Wealth often requires taking bold and unconventional actions rather than following a steady and cautious approach if you want to turn your money goals into reality be willing to take bold risks and have confidence in yourself being bold often leads to success many times the main challenge in monetizing your talents is not your lack of skill but rather the fact that you are not well known it's important to consistently work on getting noticed and making your presence known in the marketplace if your talent isn't visible it won't attract financial support it's important to consistently promote your gifts even if they're not perfect showcase your growing skills until they gain widespread recognition Clarity can be achieved through persistent effort build awareness of your offerings by making pitches leveraging connections creating content and taking meetings don't hesitate take action start taking action and sharing your work with others letting go of the need for perfection utilize platforms to showcase the benefits explore Partnerships to broaden your audience achieving Prosperity demands continuous effort stay dedicated to the Endeavor you love through good times and bad gain and loss keep going until your abilities are recognized success favors those who are able to create excitement around their innovative ideas lesson nine create not compete to earn money instead of fixating on competitors concentrate solely on creating unique value being unique is appealing while copying is off-putting explore your inner self to discover your unique worth utilize your unique talents and interests to address various needs in innovative ways generating attention and interest is straightforward while fostering competition can lead to hostility avoid pursuing money directly make it more accessible by incorporating creative elements that enhance its significance enhance lives by sharing your unique abilities rather than engaging in Petty disputes continue to develop and introduce fresh offerings services and solutions successful businesses that thrive in the long run are able to create value by continuously Reinventing themselves explore Uncharted territories ahead of the crowd as you create more your earnings increase Innovation is the source of success competition can sometimes lead to resistance while creation Fosters a joyful exchange don't worry about trying to outshine everyone else direct your attention towards uncovering and expressing your innate Brilliance Embrace and harness the full potential of your unique talents value creation is is facilitated when purpose aligns with the flow of financial energy instead of engaging in competition focus on generating value by asking yourself empowering questions what lessons can I take away from my failures and mistakes that will benefit me in the future reflection helps to develop wisdom that can inform future decisions what actions can I take to achieve better results in my life assume complete accountability for your results what does education entail and how can I go about educating myself keep striving to acquire new knowledge develop your skills and broaden your talents what does it mean to truly succeed and how can I determine my clear objective create your own set of metrics to measure success based on your values and principles competition directs its attention towards external cont conflicts however in order to manifest money one must engage in inner work to offer something of distinct value focus on your own progress instead of comparing yourself to others make a commitment to consistently improve yourself developing value is a process that involves tapping into your unique abilities and continuously improving your skills focus on improving your skills gaining Knowledge from past experiences and defining your Pur purpose share your unique talents to make positive impact on others lives Amelia being a botanist could have chosen to keep her research confidential in order to outperform other scientists she willingly shared her findings on plant-based medicines ensuring that they were accessible to a wider audience Amelia chose to sustainably propagate popular medicinal plants instead of keeping them all to herself she she generously distributed starter plants to support Community Gardens and urban farmers in their cultivation Endeavors Amelia focused on providing free education about the properties of trendy herbal supplements making it accessible to everyone she understood that sharing information would help grow the plant medicine Community Amelia's passion for helping people experience Nature's healing powers turned into a successful business as she generously shared her value she found herself presented with more and more opportunities Amelia gained recognition for her efforts in educating others and making plant remedies more accessible her business appealed to clients who valued ethical practices Amelia discovered success by shifting her Focus away from competing with others and instead finding meaning in her work she collaborated with like-minded people who shared her passion for spreading the wonders of nature Amelia discovered that ideas have a tendency to multiply when you focus on creating value driven by purpose rather than being driven by competition and scarcity she had a straightforward approach that created many opportunities to share an abundance of plants lesson 10 imagine all the money you want imagination is the most powerful tool of the human mind people we consider Geniuses have a remarkable ability to Envision a future reality and bring it to life through focused action with the power of imagination anyone can achieve remarkable results start by clearly defining your long-term Financial objectives visualize the specifics what will it be like to have achieved them imagine these scenarios every day fully embracing the feelings of accomplishment imagination has the power to transform thoughts into reality break down your vision into small smaller manageable steps visualize a clear and practical plan of action using your imagination witness the completion of each Milestone which strengthens the neural Pathways that facilitate realization imagination is a powerful force that brings energy inspiration and action it turns desires into motivation it transforms vague aspirations into practical objectives you can Envision different possibilities for the future future which motivates you to make them a reality maintain an open channel for imagination by engaging in Daily visualization sessions cultivate the potential within your subconscious mind imagination is the driving force behind transforming thoughts into tangible Creations utilize it effectively to create the financial future you aspire to your vision of prosperity is brought to life through the power of imagination a it brings it into action effort is the bridge between our thoughts and their realization start by envisioning the financial future you desire with great clarity visualize yourself already accomplishing that future experience the emotions navigate through the scenarios continue improving the image until it Sparks a sense of belief and enthusiasm inside you this mental movie will serve as the blueprint for what you will create start by taking small steps to establish the foundation of your vision ways to save money increase income enhance skills and pursue education ensure that every action is in line with your imagination make progress towards the goals you have in mind manifesting money knows no bounds as it is fueled by the Limitless power of imagination imagination uncovers potential action sets it free free maintain confidence in yourself as you move from envisioning to achieving your goals through consistent hard work you can achieve anything you can imagine let your imagination Take the Lead as the architect transform your imagination into reality by taking consistent and inspired action make your Financial Freedom a reality lesson 11 say thank you for all the money come to you expressing gratitude is essential for bringing our desires into reality practicing daily gratitude can boost your energy and attract Prosperity start by making a list of things you value Express gratitude to the cosmos nature loved ones teachers and experiences that have shaped you appreciate the positive impact that challenges have had on your personal growth be grateful for the blessings of having your gifts and basic needs fulfilled experience the power of gratitude as it cleanses your energy field of negativity by cultivating a mindset of gratitude you attract positive energy and open yourself up to receiving various blessings including Financial ones incorporate gratitude into your visualization practice imagine reaching your financial goals effortlessly Express gratitude to the universe for fulfilling your aspirations easily shape your Reality by embracing and showing appreciation for everything that is coming your way at this moment this mindset helps your ideas grow and develop develop the practice of expressing gratitude when you wake up and before you go to bed start and end each day with a fresh outlook on life's many blessings expressing gratitude opens the door to new possibilities pay attention to any Fe fears guilt or attachments that may come up in relation to your finances then release them on purpose remove any obstacles that may be hindering the flow of money into your life are you in need of financial assistance let go of the mindset of scarcity return to a state of divine sufficiency are you struggling with feelings of inadequacy when it comes to achieving Prosperity let go of any feelings of not being good enough you deserve to experience abundance that is perfectly aligned with your purpose is wealth a challenging or solemn experience make your Vibe lighter by embracing playfulness understanding and achieving Financial Freedom is within your reach learn to master your emotions by tapping into the power of gratitude love and inner peace manifest your Des desires with intention from this space of spiritual connection purify your mindset around money by eliminating any doubts or feelings of disempowerment find healing by cultivating self-compassion just create a channel where positive energy can easily come your way understanding and mastering your emotions helps maintain a positive and welcoming energy embrace the flow of money with mindfulness and elegance just as you embra Embrace each breath understand that you are always deserving Ronnie had always aspired to launch his own Venture in the realm of Real Food wholesome Cuisine ever since acquiring culinary skills under the tutelage of his grandmother however even after completing culinary school he faced challenges in attracting customers and making ends meet during those initial years every morning Ronnie would embrace his inherited cookware and Express gratitude for its role in preparing wholesome meals he would lovingly stroke his cutting boards expressing gratitude for their role in transforming fresh ingredients into delicious meals Ronnie would imagined satisfied customers enjoying his nutritious Creations soon enough people were enticed by the delightful sense and began aring news quickly circulated about the skill young chef with a passion for cooking before long Ronnie struggled to keep the fridge filled when faced with a stack of bills and expenses Ronnie found solace in focusing on gratitude he expressed gratitude to every customer including those who had complaints for their valuable feedback he expressed gratitude for the financial support that allowed him to pursue his dreams he was grateful for the use of genuine nourishing ingredients that enabled him to purs pursue his passion Ronnie's business experienced remarkable growth as he embraced a grateful mindset towards everyone who visited his establishment shifting our Focus towards gratitude instead of dwelling on what we lack has allowed us to discover new opportunities after a few years Ronnie's healthy food business was doing really well he smiled reflecting on how gratitude had helped him recognize and attract abundance even during challenging periods he would always be grateful to everyone who helped make his dream a reality as their contributions were essential to his success understanding the importance of consistently investing in your gifts and offerings is crucial for achieving Financial growth when your individual abilities enhance your expertise and stay up to date with the latest information invest your time and money wisely to get the most out of it instead of focusing on short-term success successes dedicate yourself to achieving Mastery over a long period of time take a look at those who are succeeding in your industry find experienced guides and educational resources establish goals to help you keep progressing invest in resources that enhance your abilities seek assistance establish strategic alliances obtain resources to enhance efficiency discover how to increase your wealth effortlessly it's important to periodically reinvent yourself professionally ensure the longevity of your career by identifying and addressing emerging demands continuously seek knowledge throughout your life Prosperity is not a fixed destination it requires continuous effort continue honing your skills and increasing your influence investing your time and money wisely can lead to a bountiful return make smart choices to enhance your talents investing in your value consistently leads to long-term money flows to you final lesson money energy and now we conclude our journey into the enigmatic realm of money energy throughout these Pages we have discovered the fundamental mindsets and behaviors that allow people to effortlessly attract wealth and abundance this book offers 12 valuable lessons that can assist you in enhancing your personal money energy you discovered the power of high energy bold action imagination purpose and persistence in attracting Prosperity we explored techniques to effectively manage emotions mindset and energy flow in order to become a channel for achieving Financial Freedom now you have the necessary tools to begin attracting the wealth you desire however it's important to not just have knowledge but to also apply these principles consistently and with commitment transform your money mindset with daily rituals that involve visualization affirmation and gratitude let go of outdated beliefs that revolve around scarcity or struggle cultivate a deep inner realm and your external reality will align accordingly by adopting the qualities of successful money manifest you can develop this skill for yourself keep your attention on helping others follow your passion and success will come naturally understanding the concept of money's energy field is important aligning your frequency with it is key I hope this encourages you to form a stronger connection with your talents and aspirations money is readily available to those who consistently offer valuable contributions now that you have the blueprint it's time to Unleash Your Money magnetism there is a wealth of opportunities waiting for you
Channel: Ngaslife
Views: 214,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Money energy, attract money easily, how you can attract money, Money is Energy, and Energy is Never Lost, The smell of money is more fragrant to those who love it, Giving and receiving the energy of money, Purpose-driven wealth, Become powerful magnet for money, Let your money solve the problem, Following up to get the money, Money flows means consistent action, Create, not compete, to earn money, Imagine all the money you want, Say thank you for all the money come to you
Id: IyIAn3FxsYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 4sec (3184 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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