Money Drawing Community Candle Spell for 12-9-2021

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hi guys it's papa g and this is this week's thursday money drawing community candle service there were seven of you who participated this week and all of these candles are dressed with money drawing oil um money um lasts oil and crown of achievement oil and everyone's petitions are underneath the silver platter so we do this every thursday every thursday is money drawing day fridays are for our community love services that's a way you can get collective energy from your neighbors your friends people across the globe all wanting the same thing as you and all of your energy you know forms together to create this big this big petition this powerful petition where you're all working together asking for the same thing so there we go all seven of those are lit on the redecorated altar and if you look over here you see i've already got some people this is a private money service for someone and someone's doing a success these are part of my new chime candle services uh they're 3.99 each and these you know these chimes burn um they're also called spell candles about three to four hours sometimes it can be as little as two depending on conditions and i'm not sure you notice but as in this week's community money service i did drop the price down to 5.99 so more people could become a part of it and that goes for the web service and fridays too so there we are second week in december 2021 the thursday monday drawing candle service if you want to be a part of it go to my website at thanks so much bye
Channel: Folk Magic Studio
Views: 15,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: candle spell, money drawing candle, candle magick, money spell, candle spell for money, community candle service, law of attraction
Id: Z5krNsigg38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 51sec (171 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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