Monday Tour of my FREEZERS after Once a month Meal Prep and a LONG FUN DAY

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys I'm having a great day today all right it is Monday in my household happy Monday to you I hope your day is going well if not I understand I understand the world in a little bit of a panic right now and worry and fear I was three panic worrying fear three things you never want to live by no matter what don't live by panic to live by fear and don't let by worry right bhava says do not worry about to my office tomorrow is gonna worry about itself right where's that focus on today and right now so today is Monday in my household it's a busy cleaning day anyways people say you should disinfect you should disinfect all of the time not just because of this epidemic you need to do this all the time anyway so today is gonna be a put clean of everything I did my freezing nail prep on Friday have not done a whole lot this weekend not very good relaxed weekend so now today is a good day to like get it done so I'm gonna get through and wipe everything down we're all good clean it really good get everything done laundry all the above I could take everything out of my freezer wet my freezers down I'm gonna be a good cleaning day good working day school I have school I'll be above clean boy's room messy boy's room I don't even know how he gets investing the boys room oh I do they're little boys and they like to make things that a box isn't who knows what so we've got some big cleaning up to do today and then tonight we're gonna end it with a little bit of outside family time it's getting warmer out oh so much nicer outside now and so we're gonna do something hopefully the weather is nice today outside tonight the kids have been looking forward to doing so I'm just gonna bring you along keep my intro short today talk to you throughout the video that'll be a little bit easier we're just gonna go and do put my ear button maybe something good to distract yourself right now go to my main youtube channel page it's one of my babe my playlists and go to my favorites and on that is set up worship songs there's a bun there's a ton there's tons on there their sons I just like then we've listened to over the years once my kids are like put this I'm up so I save it anything we enjoy listen to but the first the first while taking a long time to get through our good worship songs put those on put those honey earbuds put them on in your home just listen to him just listen to the words just repeating and focusing on the truths that God has for you it's a good thing to do when you're worried about things when you're stressed you don't know what to do because I don't know what to do I'm a human I don't have all the answers at all put that music on listen to his words and go okay this look got to where it says this is what he says and you're singing those songs or singing those you're declaring the things all those things that God says to do and that's you gotta get it you don't get a reprogrammed in yourself that yes this is what God is going to do in my life in the lives of others and then we're going to keep it rolling right yes that's we're gonna do so I'm gonna put my nap listen cat my coffee like in the funfetti coffee that tastes really good and I forgot that I made whipped cream hello on Friday in two days I haven't even had it I keep seeing it again sour cream in it so last night I'm like I did have this in my coffee before it goes bad so whipped cream and coffee so good it's something someone told me ice cream but the ice cream melts really fast the whipped cream just stays nice and firm when you drink it it's just like I don't know I don't know I like cream my coffee or anything when I bite go somewhere but anymore I don't know something different about what homemade whipped cream in there just a little bit that's good so I'll go do some walking today I'm the mountain okay so we're just going with our day you ready coffee music we're gonna start clean let's go have a good day [Music] [Music] [Music] oh here with you [Music] [Music] [Music] every word is so dress [Music] tell me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I'm just realized raining through the sky with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I get so caught up in the middle thinking of challenges both eyes I'm losing sight cause I'm falling I'm songs II down deep town [Music] I can harmonize and you can tell I will put if [Music] I can carry you [Music] and you can tell me lies I will put out the fire it forgets your turn [Music] [Music] environment for you [Music] if you get [Music] [Music] [Music] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right oh what a morning feeling this ready you donate oh it's warmer on Sykes I'm like sweating it I'll pair back I'm like why don't I wear my hair down today most of my work is finished now like the cleaning part the rest I have a list over here on my marker board right there and that will be the kids jobs they have plenty to do people think that I do all the work no I don't do all the work I don't know the work that is gonna affect me personally like this is good and then they can come in and put like dishes away they're gonna dust they're gonna clean windows they're gonna vacuum the stairs wash the stairs vacuum downstairs wash downstairs bathroom all that good stuff their bedrooms oh yeah bedrooms where and wash all the bedding today usually we do it different times during the month I think I'm gonna do it you know a real good time today and get that done so largely is going so now I'm gonna do my most unfavorite job as a parent can't guess what it is does anybody else have this job waking children up I despise waking people up I don't know why I just do not like waking people up anyway like maybe it's because like when I get woken up my alarm I'm up and like the entire household well not the entire cuz I do a few kids that you wake up right away I just don't like okay come on come on come on I just don't like it so I think we have to Google homes I shouldn't plug it was one and when I Gregg's um workmates gave him one too I don't want one in the boys room because the girls have one downstairs and I should go down there and tell him to play Mindy says good morning and loud so I think I would do that in the boys room I was just afraid to put in the room because I prayed that they'd be asking the questions like you know what questions like poopy and pee pee you know like little boys do but we'll have a talk about this so I think that is what I'm going to do probably can send up a certain way so that doesn't hear anything Jayden does all that for me she's good techno I'm sure I can figure it out but she's good for that so I think I'm gonna do something like that and then maybe sit like an alarm for them to wake up with or I don't know something I just need to get the sleep its situation under control in my house it's it's a lot difficult because it's not just like me being at home all day with my kids even though I am because I'm working these videos ticket a lot of time a lot of time but it has been a benefit because it's an income for our family so I'm working during school cleaning how it's doing all that as well and so what happens is I'd rather keep working and getting my kids up so they sleep in that's ok but the problem is they're all late at night so and if I'm so busy during the day and they get a lot more town the time versus a lot more playtime that's bad so I need to get a hold of that it's like Lord has reminded me get this figured out at me so I'm going to that's why I need to do it when you have an issue and it's stressing you out fix it your kitchen driving you crazy clean it organize it declutter it something like that you just need to get a solution a plan so this give me day one do you want to the Google home waking the boys up I know it's great fun so I'm gonna put down the room right now wake them up get everybody else up on my plate I filled my containers of vinegar and some essential oils just for cleaning the bathroom everything's dad I felt the sink up for breakfast dishes the bone is still soft cleaning laundry is rolling the other thing today is going to be organizing my freezers and pantries that kind of thing but I can do that later after I get her base set this morning so we're just gonna go get the kids up you won't see this devastating awfulness because you'd be like oh my goodness Amy yeah so I'm gonna go do that right now all right successful got the kids up I know put in a good morning Simon Lauren came up and she says she's like it's not see mommy look they put a when will my life begin it's by tangled I'm like oh that's perfect so what we're gonna do I got the kids they brush the teeth a breakfast they went outside there and go outside for about 15 minutes and they are gonna run run get some exercise they can do it so let me show you the room this is this is the room look at it's like like look it like this is the room what it looks like right now it's a pigsty it's gross and awful so I actually have another book chef's we're gonna bring in here because Jensen seems to not have a lot of room and it's a bigger one and I'm gonna try to put one I think over here and then put his new bookshelf over here a wide one and get the smaller here look at like everything's falling down so we're gonna transform this room I probably won't show me cleaning it because it's gonna be me and two boys in here clean it up this is my goal for right now so we're gonna get this done alright let's clean this room we don't throw out ha so much goodness alright this one we came up with clean look at that wave it's a pigsty but it's clean again we the hole is behind there for the TV's so I'm gonna do something with that but we will closets clean we got bins here all clean come on gave them their Xbox this corner we gave him the book bookshelf big bookshelf so it's clean here's this looking good alright boys room is done which is awesome I'm working on laundry still and then ready to go head down to the girls room and start cleaning their corner we're getting this place done we've been cleaning we show Lauren yeah Lauren wait wait first look at hey Google pause look at he was over there loving life Maxine she's like too much change we're moving things around and nobody's happy cuz it's good though we have Goodwill piles and so there's just so much stuff everywhere likes so much there's so much the boys when we did their room they don't care but the girls their little sensitive to change and that's okay I understand it's like me coming in with the big giant tornado and clear I'm like just so much stuff and like autumns getting older which needs to get rid of a cup of a little kid toys that you burn man and nobody wants to give those up and you know it's just change it's good so I didn't record any of the kids cleaning room because I didn't want to disappoint you with how much teen just fun but we're getting there so we're gonna go ahead lunch now for any player right now okay hey we got vacuums on so this is what we got going on for the girls corner now I'm making a late on so this is what we got we we've been trapped we had to clean up these bins there was a bin in the closet so we just had a clean clean clean and then kind of fill these up over here this have a lot of stuff so and then Brooklands is playing Jaden's working on hers too but we're getting there so like it's just stuff we're getting there and getting our warrant go off her wedding stuff back there so it's one of those rooms that's just like working progress and I'm like but I'm not usually down here so don't see them up all the time so done so we need to take a break and get lost but it's noon right now flipping laundry I still gonna play on my friend Jedi Master in that next other girls do the chores change back you mean yeah we're gonna get done all right this is lunch this was dinner yesterday beef stroganoff so Brooklyn is heated up we got some carrots easy lunch and potato soup right potato soup and we got all this stuff to put away regs for daddy we're getting there so much goodness okay so the girls we just had lunch the girls are going dress the chores right now so I'm gonna start my freezer I gotta take the stuff out like input the burritos in a bag the yogurt cups in the bag and then organize everything [Music] yes waise talking these I need something else to understand [Music] [Music] if maybe could see me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh you [Music] and I had to frozen right now but I got everything at least in a freezer it's not perfectly organized because I mean 66 their dinners it's gonna be hard to put in there so I got out for today I'm spaghetti sauce or I do chicken parmesan tonight so I got this home is where the stuff tripped over it so this is chicken and then I get up some french toast that can be breakfast tomorrow we'll do sloppy joe baking cups that's delicious off of that refrigerator Wednesday will be chicken Eddie so those are pretty frozen but I can take those out and that'll be good some will have chicken tonight we'll do the beef tomorrow and chicken Eddie yeah I'll get some more up too so now what I'm gonna do is I have a Thai stir fry package sure this extra type of the downstairs my freezer downstairs freezer has like sandwiches and the extra like applesauce now so I'm actually gonna put bananas in containers they're not gonna feel proud but if you up here but most will go downstairs so I'm gonna do the the bananas and then I have a lot of cheese and agrees that she's so I'm gonna do the chicken parmesan you get it started cooking right now so here throw these out put a pan and cook it and get my water boiling and then also across my [Music] okay so I kind of cleaned out my fridge I figure out what I have I have four and a half bags machine a lot of cheese but it was so cheap so I have this sharp cheddar I'm just gonna freeze this whole moderate cheese shop and like a mozzarella provolone Romano and Parmesan though with just one trainer I'm going to keep this one this big cheddar I'm gonna keep this separate in the prejudiced we will use this out in like our smoky bacon cups tomorrow okay so I bought whole milk because I was going to make some homemade yogurt I figured I'm just gonna clean the frigerator see what I have I'm like okay let me mix me that so I'm gonna take a gallon of my whole milk and I use some of this Greek yogurt for our euros and I'm gonna use that as my base I've never used the Greek I've always use plain non-fat yogurt but I think that you can do the same thing so this is put in here and then put on these saute CEQA and then about that 20 minutes is when it reaches that 180 degree mark okay so I've got a bunch of these spotty bananas 1 2 3 4 5 6 bunches I'm going to slice them and put them in containers to freeze for smoothies [Music] alright so I'm gonna run this cheese and these bananas down to the downstairs freezer give them there and I'll show you a tour in a little bit here [Music] okay now that I got the pant the freezer is all clean I've just written the pantry because I grab food out of here mind time so I'm just gonna pick it up real quick oh I need you how I'm need to buy my see and I want you to be to the name really [Music] [Music] I feel when I'm drifting up tonight and I'm home single [Music] really [Music] [Applause] [Music] how can I clean everything up now so I pulled some stuff for dinner some asparagus right here broccoli I got some hot chocolate some marshmallow material if you know what that's gonna be used for tonight and then we're gonna have spaghetti squash for the month so I'm gonna take this we're gonna cook that for a few more minutes so it's easier to cook we'll have that because I don't want to ever toast I'll have that say and then this is what this looks like in the fridge in the freezers for the month so we will go shopping and go get more fruits and veggies obviously few more weeks from that we have plenty of food in it we couldn't we will just eat what we have we can still survive with what we have so this is how this how has to look for now so everything's just behind here just easier to do okay this way that's actually not too bad down there so this is good here look it I even have an empty space right there what do I do with all that we'll definitely go get some more fruit and veggies for the month but this will definitely tide us over for now here is 466 dinners this between all these freezers empty space look at that probably shove some Morse this is definitely packed all the way in the back as well all the way in the back here lots of others these are really good by the way my smoothie packets absolutely love those this one's got all the lunch those are all the sandwiches up there there's extra cheese those are the sliders this is my extra meat shelf I've got a lot of extra meats this has got the pizzas and the lots of applesauce lots of igress and tons of apple and the bottoms got bananas and some like different frozen fruit here's the laundry we're still kicking out some logic tells my new pope we're almost there the last load a little bit so i'm gavin of fragments of what i have to use up have some asparagus so I'm gonna make some maybe like a roasted asparagus roasted basically I'm going to be putting a little olive oil on that sea salt hey Google pause put olive oil sea salt garlic pepper seasoning and I have a little bit of they said like fresh parmesan but I have my cheese I'll put that in sprinkle put that in this I'm gonna cut my spaghetti squash in half put it in the baking dish upside down actually if I can be big enough I'll do a pan baking pan upside with some water so it can kind of steam it and I'll flip it over and the rest of the way and then I have some broccoli here that's gonna go kinda it's kind of let you know we have a limp so I'm going to actually just chop this and put it you know what wishes to all in a pan let's just do it let me get I've got three dishes so here I'm gonna put out a big Jack cookie sheet kind of roast it right ways here and then we put that in the oven we've already got the noodles that cook my chicken is cooking my sauce is one so okay let's get a cookie sheet out [Music] I need you I need to buy myself [Music] all right my yogurt is sets on the website 115 degrees I always do 125 so I'm gonna go to 125 and I madman yogurt started whisk it up and then just turn out in the yogurt setting [Music] all right so dinner is done which is good I've got my pantry is all organized I mean - as good as I can get and then cupboards have gone through I've gone through my filter - kind of eaten up what we've had to eat up I've got the dinner in the oven it's cooking it's good I'd have to worry about it which is awesome that was the point of me wanting to do freezer meals and now my laundry's almost finished up so I thought I'd make my bed put my chute and my white comforter back against springtime I feel like I need to feel bright and colorful versus the darker gray so I'm gonna make my bed right now [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay why'd she bring so much more brightness to my room I love it alright me give me a laundry ducts there's a lot of laundry I know [Music] [Applause] [Music] our kind of day is coming closer closer to dinnertime I'm getting going through the clothes now putting away a foot away mind you camera show us I don't know that recording be pretty mad we're not and then the kids are outside jumping on trampoline they made some much-needed jumping outside so I'm gonna put lunch away so they could do this two phenomena but this away real quick here so I can kind of see we have a ton of black socks a ton and for a while there I just got tired and I stir them all into a boy's bed well now there's like a surplus of socks here and the boys been in like no match of anywhere so I'm trying to get some planets matches here for their clothes I'm gonna put their laundry away real quick here just because I organized the room I'm gonna do the girls clothes this week and like later in the week but the little boys gonna do theirs put something right here so then I know what they have because kids are good about just doing toys wherever yes they could be in here but outside cleaning up a little break inside to get some work done I don't wear that shirt keep sending up about laundry [Music] [Music] I've been dreaming so much lately about your face when you smile it's the only thing that I pulled the hair back up because I was feeling hot it's a fraud and it's a play state money there was a lot to clean I felt like I cleaned everything really good organizing those pantries getting everything done I'm like cleaning the kids room and cleaning the girls and boys before let me get my stuff in the oven here [Music] roasted broccoli the asparagus here's this just came out the pan was flimsy and I nearly dropped it so that's good and done the pastas cooked the sauce is cooked and the chicken is cooked it's only 4:30 so I'm trying to kill some time let me go step outside the yogurt is over there alright so today's idea that you need to step outside it's been so busy oh my goodness it's so chilly up say the kids got to come out and do some running and jumping on the trampoline so that's good got them a little bit of energy I have not but I've been running in the house all day busy busy busy but if today's running guess what tomorrow's gonna be that's running so a lot of you guys I posted my video and a lot of you guys have asked about the coronavirus and stuff like that for and if I can't believe that chili cook-off hasn't been canceled but my videos are a week behind and so like you're gonna see my grocery haul last week and you go oh my goodness I can't bleep shake out everything I literally went grocery shopping and like there was like a day or two days later when everything like was disappearing so I got everything I needed and then I deal that freezes up out of all the food that we had so that was all done way before like before everything had happened so we just we had so I did all of my freezer cooking and then that weekend is when they decided to we had to not be allowed to go to church so they cancelled them anything over a hundred group people then governor said that we couldn't meet so that was saddened and then schools are closed for two weeks for our kids but our kids are home-schooled so they didn't they don't get a break so that's what's happening here in North Carolina we they say the stores are not don't have things Lauren had gone to Walmart and she said there was still some stuff now she was definitely like missing stuff and like definitely low on stuff but not like everything gone and then we just went to our little town in went to our store and it was still packed with stuff there so I know there was still stuff around it just I think it's just going to be like in the bigger areas where it's the everybody you know the pandemic of like I don't have don't have don't have it's so important I know it's you know it's one of those like an hindsight look at but it's good to like prepare a little bit I know you can't always I get that I totally totally get this on paper living paycheck-to-paycheck we did that at one time and then what I did though is I took like a little bit of each grocery money each week put a little bit aside and then I just bought a few things and stocked up this was way back in the day we had a lot of little kids just because I couldn't like there was no way I could do a month's worth of groceries I just had to go week to week based on what we can get out of our paycheck but now we get paid once a month that's how it works so at the beginning the month I pay all my bills and that's how we get our groceries set up I don't have to do paycheck to paycheck right now it's just one month paycheck so but take a little bit and start stockpiling your but you know you're just so you have a little bit of stuff on hand it's good to do that you can't always I know like things happen and you can't always stock up I get that I'm like okay I didn't like plan for coronavirus I didn't plan to have everything but we have food for the month we would have food for the month anyways that's just the way we had to do things in our family because that's the most inexpensive way and that's the best way for our family so that's that's how we're not affected there's so cars go by you here on the expressway we haven't gone we don't really go and do anything our little town is small we have a park to go to our library is tiny everything's small so I don't think we'll be too badly affected out here kids there M of the kids we don't go to cherish and they'll definitely miss that that's the one thing that has affected us that not being able to go but we just do what she can do and just gonna by the rules of the state and just okay we'll just go from there so we're still the same that's what's happening here you know check on your neighbors that's so important to do that I know we have some elderly neighbors and we when we go but I haven't my vehicles gettin worked out right now I drove up my I should show you I drove up my driveway we have a we have a big drive and come up the mountain mountain driveways are not the best especially like rocks and things everything moves and it just rains and it washes down so washing to drive my way well there was a big rock sticking up on one side and so I moved over to avoid it and my my pilot came down it wasn't even that much well anyways I hit my oil pan and so it put like a huge hole like about like this big in my old pan yeah like I was like that's crazy so let me show you let me show you what it did this is this is great so here's my big giant driveway okay right about there like behind these trees there's like some white cement there that is where I avoided and hit it and as you can see sand black line that is my oil coming out of my car so we're driving and got to about here and I was like wow what's that smell because I didn't know I had anything and it smelled really bad and it smelled like burning rubber and I thought well that's where it may be something the belt got hot or something well then I didn't know look at all that I didn't know what it wasn't an Evan I haven't came out he's like oh my goodness there's oil out of your car he's like I thought it was my car I looked out and I looked and there was all this oil on the floor I'm like oh my goodness so yeah it looked yesterday I'm like honey I'm so sorry so being a possum he does a car fixer he's awesome he's so good so he is replacing my oil pan but it's not just to easy unbolt and take out your oil pan put new on it it's more of a disconnect the frame and the exhaust is a little bit more work so he's down the garage right now he's down there working it so thankful for that so I haven't gone anywhere it this was perfect timing because it did this yesterday yes yesterday Sunday and then I was I had to go out this morning but Lord meant for me and that was in so Jayden stuffs been canceled she does catering and they cancelled that and so we don't have to go anywhere this week so it's actually good week that he's up people to work out it but yeah that's what happened when you live in a man I'm like oh that's bad so be gentle hole in your oil pan so that that's the only trauma that's happening here buts not the Khurana virus is just my mountain driveway is so bad it's not good so wait hey it worked it perfect and it didn't greg stuff it what had happened down there and i would've drove up and not realize there was a hole in it i would have like ran my engine obviously with no oil and that would be very bad so like it was literally right here and that it like finish pumping out the rest and like thank you Jesus so I mean it woulda been great if he would have protected it from the hole but you know that's okay I'll take what I can get so what we're gonna do now is I'm gonna go in I'm gonna do that and letting the spaghetti squash sit for a minute I'm gonna shred that and then we're gonna get dinner because everybody is starving and it's good so yeah so chrono virus I don't know it's just one of those things that fear and worry can just take for people and they just worry so much over I know I've seen I haven't open up my Bible in Psalm 91 is it great when I show it this morning go read that go read that that's all it's a great psalm it's a great song and when you're reading it insert your name into it and when it talks about like what he'll do for you insert your name into that part and just read that and declare that over your life because we're not to worry and it's it's a good passage and I'll probably I don't know I might read it this week with fundly Bluffs but maybe I'll pull it in one of these days part of this video and I'll see Psalm 91 it's a good it's a good good chapter in the Bible to read Psalm 91 good one go read it that's when I read this morning I read it Sunday I make it again this morning I'm like this is a good one so I feel like I need to talk about that but not right now cuz I'm still run it I'm still running but that's update for our family for coronavirus nothing really happened in here so not affected except my oil pan has a hole in it so it's not good so I'm gonna go in and get the spaghetti squash ready to get kids food because they're hungry we got a surprise tonight I'm so excited it's not rainy so we're gonna do something fun outside so thank you see it over here don't you touch it it's right they're under the tarp Oh kids are so excited it's gonna be a fun time so alright let me go in and get Jenna [Music] [Music] all right here's dinner noodles you get some sauce some chicken here's your roasted veggies and this I cooked a little bit longer so a little bit smarter loan there's afraid of sauce those are Jaden's hands right there Alfredo set so this is a little bit I should've did it's less so they're a little smushed EEP and they're still okay they're just a little smushy or so I will eat it so okay so we're gonna get dinner see the kids I couldn't look in this video cuz it's pretty long so we're gonna sit down and eat some dinner real quick and then work on cleanup and then a surprise tonight what am I saying hi Jayden this night there's a weird new surprise James and I head up the surprise today alright so I'm excited okay sure so we're gonna do it so we're gonna get dinner for everybody I watch anybody get food cuz I don't know if that's exciting or not maybe it is but I don't think for my kids to watch themself getting through there like mom is so bear is same so alright we're gonna get some dinner they call everybody up I don't wanna be without you this is something that I know for sure it's just something about you I just want more tell me what you wanna do right now tell me what you wanna do tonight I really don't get it as long as I'm with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you're recording right here see me greatly Stephen came I know he's gonna get it yes now don't catch them fire like let it go up liquor I get to do I've never seen a meteor we get to do Burt much for life we have a humongous fire pit like humongous it's like a bonfire it's way down low so this is gonna put it on the bottom gently your this kook ruining so huge if you click them warmer without burning up inside them not all of them no I didn't put up a goat drop it again what were you doing at the middle of my my stick burn delicious it's so good Brooklyn's dropped two marshmallows on the brown first is burnt week we had no sticks I was gonna get literally chopsticks but this works delicious right there goes perfect good job girls don't anybody you cannot go inside into our room right now the dresses are totally okay I'm gonna be sure we're just having one that's one thing at you hot chocolate fight uphill you get no hot chocolate moving on to now I meant just do this thing tomorrow your hot chocolate don't fling that stuff Jensen all right kids what do you say thumbs up everybody happy with s'mores yeah it's fabulous fabulous they love do love the fire up the deck yeah come on Nikki new that makes he's just like begging for it so neat oh I'll grab the choco choco choco JJ JJ alright so fire pit is awesome so this is [Music] our that is an insight you got to kind of keep it over the heat good throws at the fireplace woody mine and all you may stop throwing stuff in the fire stay you okay your face is red rubber on that set the fires coming this way you feel good touch it with your hands we need to build that firm or the squishy yeah there's not I mean hard see that's into a couplet he should report all that have this order but they'll keep it going it's so delicious this is a smoke side I think would have told me there's that huh let's go let's be the smoke it's much better kids have fun the kiss I'm like laughing cuz everybody's like literally taking the marshmallow and it's on fire and it's like dropping all over the deck even called Jayden a center marshmallow Center because she would because she wouldn't give him the chocolate but he's had plenty of chocolate so yeah they kept marshmallows are the worst to do over the fire cuz they don't like the answer right yep you you tried I got them on sale at a discount store so I make rice krispies all right delicious what I can taste and this is great you know why you can do this you can actually pick this up at just move it don't because it's so like don't gain so you can totally lift this up don't like this yeah so this is an awesome little little fire pit you just move wherever where to put it right here I don't know if it'll stay here I feel like all the smoke is just gonna go into my house and the worst thing is smell is six-year-olds come not to let them you guys six year olds don't whatever having forest is burning or if you have a Brooklyn - Brooklyn spurn three marshmallows alright this is gonna be great for sitting around outside if you want to be smell like a smokin fire right without smelling smoke fire fires usually do a huge bonfire okay alright so the boys are gonna run around in the house a few times look at this this is grease down my driveway - hurry up grease oil oh my goodness so crazy alright so I'm gonna close this video because we're done we're done for the evening we're gonna call it a night I'm not gonna call it a night after work in this video so there's a lot of footage from today so it's a good day so I'm gonna close without if you guys want to get one dose fireplace is king so memory king so they were so awesome - let me try out their products they're uh they're gonna offer my subscribers 15% off if you guys want to get one those are pretty cool they're not bad at all for the price I'm like that's a good thing to buy so I'll link the one below that we got and then they said they would give to cheaper sent off to my viewers so that's pretty cool so thank you King song for doing that awesome all right I'm gonna close this video go in remember we're not going to worry we're not gonna fear there's gonna be a lot of uncertainty I know this video will post after probably everything starts get crazy but we're not gonna be moved by fear our way we're not too worried and we're not gonna deal with the unknown right we just know that God has us he's gonna take care of us and we're to be good yes we are so I'm gonna go in right now clean up this marshmallow chocolate sticky mess oh yeah detox from the fire pits Meyer I don't really like the small fire I grew up with a wood burner in my house and I smell like bacon every single day I don't like that smell I don't mind it's just don't like it in my house it's how go be able to move that fire pit somewhere sup those gents I'm making the rounds are on the house so alright so you guys enjoy the rest of your Monday I'll keep doing videos here and sharing what's the things that we do for during the week so have some time for everybody right watching videos at least that's a good thing so alright you guys have a fantastic rest of your day and we'll see you guys again tomorrow alright bye
Channel: amy maryon
Views: 71,415
Rating: 4.9026546 out of 5
Keywords: amy maryon, large family
Id: T2996dHL7e8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 20sec (3620 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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