Monday Night Meatloaf 101 P1

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hey guys welcome back ox tools I'm Tom so I think it's probably high time that we had another meatloaf episode no better way to connect a bunch of kind of separate items together announcements preparations new items in the shop than a meatloaf right so I got a ton of these stuff to show you guys preparations for the bash and some special guests that have shown up around the shop that you guys would probably recognize and met some some new fellow YouTube creators and done a little collaboration with them as well so let's quit yappin and let's go look at some cool stuff and talk about some of this thing some of these things as shown okay because it's some really neat stuff okay let's go okay so this next one I did a little horse trading with my friend Paul Compton who's in in the UK and he picked up a kind of an interesting lot of metrology tools and he showed a video on that and there's a little link in the description to Paul's Paul's video on his metrology haul he called it anyway he showed some of this stuff and a couple of items kind of caught my interests one of them was these Johansen gauges here and I have one of these that's actually a very very fine division now these are these are two tenths resolution here so one division is two ten thousandths of an inch so let's move this out of the way here we're going to look at this one because it's got some interesting paperwork with it so the ten is actually one thousandth there so now these is this and you guys should look this up this is kind of cool it's called an Abramson Abramson movement and it's a little twisted filament a little flexure that's twisted that the the mechanism is on it's very robust and very sensitive and then what these guys did is and I'm going to try to tip this so you can see it you know this it's hard to tell if there's any glare on it but you can break there's a needle there but what they've done is they've only colored the tip of it which is I kind of really like actually it's neat but if you catch it in a light just right you can see the actual needle which is is basically clear and I think it's made out of glass I'm not positive though so I have sort of an instruction sheet but it really doesn't talk about what this knob is for and I don't it may be just some kind of very fine zeroing knob but it doesn't seem dude it doesn't seem to do much so now these are cool they have Ruby tips on which is a you know very wear resistant material and sometimes you use them in applications where you don't want to transfer metal from one thing to another so if you have a metal tip and you drag a sample underneath it you can cross contaminate it with metal and we deal with this at work you know with high vacuum systems and things like that a very sensitive stuff you don't want to do have metal transfer going on anyway those are those are pretty cool they're both the same this one is is neat because it has the kind of the original instruction sheet with it which is really cool oh yeah actually this is great because it's got a cross section of the of the mechanism there and there you can see the the twisted little filament there that's inside it okay and you know and I looked at this before and I looked at the little knob there and I'm like okay I don't get it I don't get it what it does so it looks like it it may push on this mechanism here a little bit too but it's it's not clear or it may change it may actually just flex that arm a little bit to change this relationship here I don't know maybe somebody out there knows now this is a whole a whole stand here with the comparator on you know they're doing some maybe some measurements of gauge blocks or comparative measurements here this is a the original stand too so pretty neat I forgot what was in here this was kind of oh this was neat because it actually had the oh it's next extra tip but what was neat was it had the original little wrapping paper see it's a cej speedin and pretty neat this little this little paper is to me kind of kind of just neat that it survived this long so pretty cool alright so let's take a look at the next thing he sent me a few things and a mutual friend that lives nearby here actually slept the stuff from the UK back here to California so let's look at the next thing okay so this next one is a he sent me some books with this package too and this is a book on civil engineering by Edward Cressy now you know I don't know I'm interested in all kinds of stuff so I flipped through this and there was a few interesting things that I thought were cool and I'll show you one of them but you know when you're you know a fascinating thing is you know how giant projects like dams and bridges and things like that are kind of executed right I mean these are very complicated assemblies per se right and I just love all the pictures and stuff right so you know the organization of the resources and the the fabrication of these items and then the you know the Assembly of it it's it's pretty neat there's a lot to be learned you know from other trades now the one that I wanted to show you was it's a picture of a dam that some of you guys may may know about this is a interesting construction picture of the Grand Coulee Dam and this is up in Washington I think it's yeah Grand Coulee Dam and this is up in Washington this is a monster dam up there very large and for folks that live up there or that way or traveling through I believe they give tours of the the innards of the of the dam and they have one of the largest stand by bridge cranes in existence in there and I think it's rated at almost 400 tons on the main hook and then has auxilary hook that's that you know 250 tons or something to something like that pretty neat stuff but this is all the forms and whatnot for the concrete that they have to pour in sections kind of kind of neat stuff so so that's one book let's look at the next one and I'd say it's a welding text and this is by Caxton see if I can get to the front do you guys can see the title page there okay and I'm just gonna go to the bookmark that I have here okay instead of flipping through the whole thing this one's kind of it's funny because it's it's a word that I might use bronze I'd anyway that caught my attention so it's basically a some kind of filler rod that they use on bronze to build up or well there whatnot for propellers and things like that anyway the word caught my attention because it was funny all right next one same-same this is volume 2 i think you have volume 2 let's take a look at this picture oh this is great you got two british guys here and they've thermite welded a a rail track together and then they have this kind of dual handled file and there oh boy I think that's I got some visitors yes here brusque with him from get her from Jim Trek get her out so Bruce's all the way up from Australia here to go to the bash and he wanted to come by and check out the shop and see if he thinks and if so he's here and welcome Bruce and this is pretty awesome to have you here yeah and I recognize the voice we also have another guest here come on in right we got a razor rain here so race here the shop and the you guys all know rays and heat a fixture in the community very happy to do that to you so anyway Bruce he brought some first thing is it's my logo and he sorry do a little bit of Mike Quinn Berry was trying to have to to fix up my logo and this is a result and Tom and Ray are the first ones to get these stickers and we've also made them so that they the nation they cut all the way around that I think so so that's like you I don't even want to write as well and then we'll be doing some more out of profession the other thing is the top where as as you all know Tom loves these hammers and he's got lots of hammers so I've a Bulacan a little present for Tom like they should be bought - wow that's a real special hammer Bruce did you did you that's a flea market I wouldn't spend more than $2 they ready good don't take offense to this in my ugly hammer I would expect it to be anywhere else this has the front of the ugly this is up there with the the one that Chuck Bomarito sent me a couple of years ago so it's a thank you very much let's say you're through you know just watch it doesn't come back at each age yeah I see you man you saw at the cinema the other one Thomas I've put together I'm curious about this one here yeah I'll put together this this is quite unique actually because it's it's it's free climber and it's also self destructible it's got a little here so if Tom really goes mad with this this thing is going to break off and I can go to somewhere else and the handle fits inside here you're gonna say nice right it's for hammering drinks that's for Henry that's what and especially holes it's good for home I need to think that I I got some of your precious you look oils that you use for your get her out now this is this is a basic that's very music as we out there it's very good it's it's more you naked metric and so now if the hole is too big then we've got one another one here which we can screw in so he's reaching and this one you guys say that but so you know it's got a bit more of a play there and a small hole and so forth mommy yes man we've got a cascading effect we can add another one to it as well so now we've got the long reach and more of a bit of a bad strip a hand if he needs to we've got another one we can screw in there and now we've got three we got four and we've got a fish one here and the well this is what you they can I'm sure you about the sponsor you special all right yeah so there they are guys and hey for those of you that don't know I check out Bruce's channel he does a lot of thread repairs right that's one of his specialties so he's got tons of videos on tips and tricks for getting broken and stripped screws and thread repairs and stuff like that which is important that all guys that do this kind of work so and little sort of tool biking if there's a lot of total I take it off I I shot a lot of tulle biking and just general tips for people to use and sometimes also have my my 50 that's not nearly as oh yeah check the description for a link to the horsy summer bash in Southern California if you haven't signed up go sign up for that because it's going to be a hoot it's gonna be a lot of fun and we've got special guys like these guys here coming down and bunch of YouTube creators it's gonna be pretty name yeah they're coming from down up that you know the Kangaroos down and it's all bouncy getting back together okay so this is a the last one that I have from Paul Compton excuse me and this was one of the things that I spotted in that metrology hall of his so this is an old instrument from thorn EMI which is a ex-british company I guess I guess they're still around in some form but they used to be a big defense contractor so anyway what we have here is we have this aleena inter rapid to get me it's a bore gauge and so it has different probes and stylus stylee styli for reaching into grooves and you can measure bores with it and whatnot so I've got a couple of ringg gauges here and I'll show you how it kind of works and it's great for if you have a lot of bores to check and you need to check them too pretty close limits and kind of reliable reliably so let's set that aside for a sec so turn that a little bit over here so the basic function of the thing is this has a range of about 10 millimeters to 150 millimeters or 3/8 to 6 inches roughly and you can open up the legs of it like so and then it has a retracting handle here okay so you can retract it and and put it into the bore so now setting this is a little a little tricky now I'm closer to the 1 inch let's set it to the 1 entry here so basically we're yeah I mean I got in a little closer just so you guys could see this a little bit and I'm doing a kind of a knock up job here that's going on I'm going in going the wrong way at some point the there goes there's our needles coming up okay and you kind of zero there like I said I'm not doing a primo job here so and now you fish it around in the bore and you can see I need to adjust it a little bit okay okay so like I said it's a little tricky to adjust and then I can retract these and pull it out it also has a I'm not going to fuss with it on camera too much okay and I think this thing needs a little bit of help I'm going to send it to my my friend Mark at Mr tool repair and have him kind of go through it if it feels like these bushing the leg bushings are a little bit wonky and I don't think it should move sideways like that the way it does but I'll have him take a look at it anyway and then it has a kind of a stabilizer piece here that has a couple of contact points which is kind of neat and get it in here without bows on it here oops so it's supposed to air it goes like that clicks in like so and then this helps stabilize it in the bore so you kind of have three point three point contact although that's the measuring point right there and then there's two of these arms one for the smaller range and one for the larger range right and that just kind of gives you this three point three point contact guys pull it out of there okay kind of wagging around there a little bit okay so it's kind of neat it has some little extra goodies in there and then this is a little a little wrench that it's kind of neat you can you stuff it on here like so and then you can you can unscrew the come on unscrew well theoretically you can unscrew the maybe I tighten those up a bit yeah I was trying to figure out how to get him out of here right but what you actually do is they're threaded in there and you can you can take them out and I don't want to take one up because I'll have to put it back in huh I wonder if the temperature changes because I didn't put them in very hard and very hard anyway and then it's got a screwdriver bid here because they have a little slot on them that you can snug them up with all right so anyway that was one of the things I was that I was keen on in this in this lot that he had and so anyway we did a little horse trade and I sent him some stuff that he couldn't get in the UK very easily and he sent me this which I which I was kind of interested in and we had a nice straight so Paul thank you very much and and we'll play around with it a little bit all right this next one here is a is an antique store find I was up in Petaluma recently and we stopped by our kind of favorite antique store and this was in one of the cases anyway I bought this for $14 and it's a starett one inch travel that's a look it's a little sticky it's a little dirty and see if I can and here it is this bezel is is damaged here slightly but I have a guy that I work with Mr tool repair mark and he does a great job on fixing these indicators up and so $14 plus whatever mark wants to to kind of spruce it up is a pretty good buy on this I think all the bits are here it's not missing any of the knurled knobs or you know any of the little caps and stuff like that so there's kind of a before picture you guys can get a get a sense of before and then when it comes back I'll show show after and there's a link in the description to get ahold of mark so you can you can get indicators fix yourself because they're worth fixing they're fine instruments and a lot of times they're just kind of dusty and gummy and they misbehave so anyway let's we'll check it out when it comes back okay let's take a look at these these are some very precision setup blocks and these come from a friend of mine Alex Kern of current tool he's a tool maker back in Pennsylvania I've known Alex for oh I don't know a year and a half or something now and he and I talked back and forth on Instagram a fair amount well alex is a is a tool maker and and quite the the grinder hand he's he's a pretty good grinder so these are Alex's version of the kind of more tools setup blocks okay and you can see they're slightly different and you know some of you guys may be familiar with the the more special tool company as actually you know one of the premier tool makers in the world anyway these came with jig bores or jig bore tooling sets and they're you know meant to be combined together to make stack up blocks and packing blocks and things like that with in conjunction with one two three blocks now what's funny is they're kind of an oddball size and everybody's always kind of noticed that there's seven ace by inch and a quarter by one and a half okay and the seven ace is kind of weird and the other thing that's odd is the the whole centers kind of don't combine in a way that's that's useful it you end up having steps or weird edges when you combine them with one to three blocks so anyway alex has kind of fixed all that and made his own his are three quarter okay by one and a quarter by one and a half okay so you know it's 20 millimetres by thirty millimeters roughly by 38 millimeters okay so and alex is he's a really good grinder hand okay so he's done a very very nice job making these now he's selling these so you know and you know if you want a pair you can talk to Alex and get in touch with him and you know work out the details I don't know if he's set pricing yet he made this set for me this is kind of a a special set with 1032 holes I think his normal ones are like these they're quarter 20s okay now what's really neat and I don't think we'll have time for it on this video but maybe he's gonna send me another pair of these at some point and we'll do some on camera inspection but he sent me some to evaluate them okay and let's let's take a look let's let the camera exposure kind of kind of even out there so I did some inspecting on on these particular blocks here actually let's put them in the picture so you guys can remember what they look like okay and I did some inspection on them and they're excellent okay and there oh they're slightly over the nominal size with this which is just what you want for wear and you know just in case and if you want to lap them a little bit or whatever you know take him under sighs ok and he's kind of self prescribed set a tolerance of of 1/10 dimensionally now if you look at some of these numbers here we're not going to go through all of those those are micro inches okay so some of these he's hid parallelism within ten millionths of an inch okay and so it's gonna be actually interesting will the next set that comes in will go through the inspection of a pair of these blocks and and how you do that and and those kinds of things but anyway this is Alex Kern chief bub I'll put a little link on the screen he's on Instagram I don't think he has a website yet so Alex get cracking and make a website so folks can get ahold of you if you want to sell stuff like that okay and anyway we'll be talking more about Alex and one of these days I'm gonna get out to Pennsylvania and visit him and a few other folks out that way so Alex cool nice job and thank you very much for the for the beautiful blocks good job okay so this this next story it's and it is a story is just a really great example of the power of the Internet and the power of the of the YouTube you know kind of metalworking community right some of the things that are possible so you know you look at this and you go out it's a crummy crummy old wood box right and yeah that's pretty let's call it you know Chowdhury looking box there right now and I'm not sure if you can read this on the on the label here and I bought this off eBay okay and what it is is it's a Pratt and Whitney precision level box okay so this is a box and it's empty okay for a pratt & whitney level now some of you guys may remember that I have a Pratt & Whitney level okay and in in the video scrape fest we did some guys came over and we did some scraping and and one of the project that I worked on was my Pratt & Whitney level okay so kind of out of the blue I get an email from a guy okay and his name is Robin Rosetti and he's in what is that Leo Leo 'la Pennsylvania okay and he kind of put himself out there and offered to do a collaboration together and and one of Robins specialties is scraping okay and so you know we kind of came to Ana came to an agreement and we decided to do a collaboration of which this box is kind of part of that okay so what I'd like to show you now is some of Robins fantastic scraping work okay and Robin he's a real smart guy okay super whiz at electronics and stuff like that here's a little link to his channel please go check it out bombard him with subscriptions and comments please because he's a guy worth knowing alright he's turned me on to these electronic amplifiers engage heads for doing a metrology and kind of guided me through the ins and outs of some of the some of the features on some of those so good guy to know anyway he's got a video on on this on scraping and many other things so let's so here's here's my Pratt & Whitney level and you can see that it looks a hell of a lot better than it then it used to and you know it fits in the fits in the crummy looking box okay anyway Robin said hey listen I do scraping you know and not just any kind of scraping he does scraping in the tradition of the more special Tool Company okay which is a very particular kind of high-end scraping you know 80 points per edge kind of kind of scraping and it has a very distinctive look to it okay which you'll see in just a minute and I got some pictures of that I'm gonna include with this too so you can kind of see a way Robin offered to recondition my level which he did and he did the sides and everything well what he also did was he did the bottom okay let's take a look at that and hopefully you can kind of see that alright and spec a weasels not on there anyway look at that it's it's absolutely gorgeous so he perceive surface ground this okay first this they get down through the rust and and all that and then it was very very flat at that point so what he did was he just went over it and kind of scraped it in flake well it's not really flaking its frosting and in kind of the more tradition okay so hopefully you can kind of kind of catch that now there's something going on here and I'll explain that and you can actually see it in Robins video if you go look at it so after he was when he was surface grinding he he exposed a little little porosity pit in the actual cast iron so not much you can do about it then you know mow this all the way down to dig it out so what he did was he filled it with some some state bright solder or solder you know if you're from the pedantic countries of pronunciation anyway he filled it with with solder and then and then just went ahead and scraped over and it's it's fine it just sticks out just a little bit but it's it doesn't affect the the usage of this so anyway Robin did that work for me and it's spectacular I'm just like ecstatic as they're the results so this will be coming up pretty soon we got to make some thermal Isolators and then put the vial back in and and then calibrate the whole thing so and then this level is is back from the dead literally right and I and on top of that I have a lovely box that well I'm a lovely might be stretching it a little bit okay you know that it goes into okay check this out look at this it's got even got a little it's got a little ball detent and a little Lachi Lachi chingus in here too so when you when you slide this in it click it clicks in pretty cool huh anyway Robin thank you very much and we'll be showing more of your more of your scraping work here when I when I work on the thermal Isolators on this on the level and and please guys go check out Robins channel he's a guy worth knowing and he does some really interesting stuff on that and throw them some feedback if you would please on on these kinds of things okay you
Channel: oxtoolco
Views: 21,903
Rating: 4.9535961 out of 5
Keywords: Machinist, Adam Booth, Keith Fenner, Turnwright Machine works, Abom79, Diresta, Make, Welding Tips and tricks, Bridgeport milling machine, Lathe, Autodesk, Solidworks, Keith Rucker, Lathe threading, CNC, Five Axis, Steady Rest, Broken Tap Removal, Albrecht, Jacobs, Cincinnati, Kearney Trecker, Hardinge, Monarch 10EE, Starrett, Morse Taper, McMaster Carr, Mori Seiki, Tormach, Wilton, Interapid, Bore gage, Ring gage, Toolmaking, Scraping, Moore Tool
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 11sec (1991 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 20 2016
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