Monday - Bethel United Church International - Holy Convocation 2019

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] siliceous she's yes - your way they'll be singing my song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody you've got the highest praise is this God worthy to be praised from the rising of the Sun until the moving during the same somebody see Jesus somebody say teenis is worthy to degree even we fed the priests team trapping us thus far we will open up tonight's service with singing number 153 from the Pentecostal glory to God [Music] we got member in the wintry of the ground ball some glory [Music] oh yes foolish [Music] it's to do that somebody said [Music] [Music] yes for the way [Music] yes we somebody sick [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we are [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh oh yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] somebody anybody thank you I see if he wanted to be brain somebody say this god this disaster is worthy glory to God glory to God glory to God no it's done hallelujah amen at this time we'll have a scripture reading and I'll be taking from the book of the first Timothy from chapter number four reading from verse 1 on to verse 12 that will ask the system of t-shirt amen to read that for us [Music] first Timothy chapter four from verses one to twelve and praise the Lord and I'll begin now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils forbidden to marry and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with Thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth for it is sanctified by the Word of God and prayer but refuse profane and old wives fables and exercise thyself rather unto godliness this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation these things command and teach first 12 we shall read together in faith praise the Lord hearing of the reading of God's holy word in Jesus there into that sheep and speed [Music] [Music] is always [Music] [Music] but speak to me - yes [Music] [Music] father we thank you for allowing us to be father we thank you for your goodness father we thank you for who you are God we thank you for what you say about us god we thank you Lord God that you are our Father today father your children gather and father Lord God you said where two or three gather you be in the midst and father Lord God is you come in the midst of us today Lord God we lift you high no God will lift you up we'll honor you and we'll put your name where it deserves to be father because you are high you are exalted you are King of Kings you are Lord of lords you are the mighty God you are the mighty God you are a mighty guard low god and you stand up over us today so far the Lord God as we continue in this service father words we lift up your name father Lord God as we talk together Lord God and we talk about you father we pray Lord God that you will do what only you can do by the Lord God I pray Lord God that you would do what only you can do no God that you will bind the brokenhearted Oh God that you're set captives free today by the Lord God as people come in your presence that there be fullness of joy father bring us together Lord God and do what only you can father we trust you today we honor you today we honor you today we honor you today and father Lord God we know who you are though God you are the only wise God you are Almighty oh god you are King of Kings Lord Jesus you are King of Kings Lord God today and father Lord God we pray Lord God that any distraction any scheme of the plans of the enemy Lord God we come against them in the name of Jesus Lord God you said it all not by any means harmless no God and you've given us all authority over every surf in every scorpion and father today we crush the enemy's head everything that was sent to distract us look I'd send it back to centre y'all got any plan that was settled God that the enemy fall in his own path and father we pray today Lord God as we lift you up that you will come in the midst but you will manifest yourself Lord God we pray for the people who will sing or God the people who will speak as Daniel stands silly for the Lord God we pray O God but you would you only know by your spirit today we all need you Lord God and we trust God and we pray O God that you will do what only you can do and you will be lifted high in the house today we pray in Jesus name I'm running from the lines I'm running for my life it's for everybody asking me what's the matter we know that you are sanctified somebody's Sam from running [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see you [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] anybody who's saved sanctified somebody was a horny ghost it so at Caesars [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody's penises somebody says you [Applause] [Music] money praise gone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in any better [Music] he's the three-nine the Jehovah Rapha Lord God Almighty amen and in this mood of worship we're gonna have Bethel national youth choir to come to us at this time [Applause] praise the Lord everyone is that anybody saved saved praise God I brought you all the mice name of Jesus we are the Bethel youth choir and I stand missionary Kendall Williams along with Minister Josh and Pradesh M as Co leaders and leaders of the Bethel youth choir praise God in discussing praise praise God and we're going to minister to you in song at this time pray for us as we sing Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay even we fact that national youth choir for Cygnet for us and put our hands together for them again we can do better than that [Music] he's a green I am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] amen he's the great at this time we're gonna have an exhortation from brother Jeremiah Amos Amen if we could greet him with a thank you Jesus [Applause] we can do better than that we can do better than that everybody on their feet man [Applause] pray them up in the name of Jesus [Applause] so I'm moving to secondary school so Big John so I'm going to compare me when Jesus died on the cross me comparing that is a sad thought because when Jesus died on the cross it was really sad but at the same time it was a good thought because I am moving on to a new chapter and a better chapter and when Jesus rose from the dead he was stronger than ever he was a better spirit I was sitting on the right hand of the Father and from the Book of Jeremiah God said that he is planning to everything be when he was in your mother's womb and he's and everything for us so there's no need whenever we move on to new chapters there's no need to be scared because God's got somebody give God praise somebody give God praise that's the future of death hell somebody give God praise it's all it's all right it's all bad [Applause] [Music] [Music] but sure it's all bad he's on [Applause] it's [Music] it's all that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my soul it's is it alright [Music] is it alright [Applause] in this atmosphere of worship we're gonna have the spoken word from the sister and nail and ale from the Mount Horeb assembly [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Lord greetings to the bishops and the pastors and all the saints of God in the Holy precious name of Jesus usually when I'm up here and I have a mic I'm usually with my twin sister and she has a mic and we're ministering in song but is it different it's a different agenda today and I'm gonna be given a spoken word just talking reflecting on the topic which is moving forward and this spoken word is called if I could speak to my past and if the musicians could help me that would be great thank you if I could speak to my past I'd say goodbye however I'm so grateful for every mistake for the times I was afraid times I misbehave changed got delayed and went astray because it taught me to be a better Rene I don't need to be sad when I look back now if that's I'm more than happy when God rolls back the curtains of memory he shows me exactly where he's brought me from and where I could have been because if it was not for love I'd be wrapped up in sin but I can say goodbye to my past because today I'm on the right track but for those who are quite there yet brethren I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth to the things which are before if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature to walk in the newness of life there is a procedure and let me tell you you must first be a believer the old has gone the new is here I can say goodbye past I'm glad you didn't last I can say hello new I'm so happy to see you that's the newness of life you may have messed up yesterday and all the yesterday's before that but because today is a new day you have gained a second chance the good news is my God is a God of compassion and compassion is a compass it navigates to virtue helping those who are lost and sufferers of misfortune in other words God has come to take away the pain of your past for when you become new you are free at last so don't take it for granted or else today will simply become another yesterday but wouldn't it be nice to be like Christ to be meek and mild like that of a child rather than living in the new and still doing the things of old or waking up alive while your soul dies I think what I'm trying to say is God has given you a second chance to make the right choice it's like being in an avalanche without being destroyed or like those three boys who were not consumed by fire Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they went higher they came out furnace as pure as gold it was a new day as Dan told and for us who are in Christ it's a new season the songwriter says it's a brand new day a fresh anointing is coming our way for those who are enslaved to their old ways I make this plea stop doing the things of old because you might not get a chance to be old we only ever have today and if you desire to be new from hearing the songs from hearing the word from hearing this very poem you know exactly what you must do but moving forward as an apostolic as the body of Christ as beth-el is not moving out of the old-fashioned way in fact sometimes in order to move forward we have to return all the aim of life is just getting back to God rejecting him after he made us from dust gets in back to God step by step and mile by mile nothing else is worth your while return back to God God has already promised that he will make a way in your wilderness he'll put streams in your wasteland even your raging seas will you be able to withstand and I'm telling you firsthand making the decision to return and making the decision to be new is the very best thing you could ever do so let's go fall don't go back keep on striving do not like keep on sailing do not sink this God is closer than you think I bless you that song is called just trusting a man let us put our hands together again consists of the main we then we're celebrating all the gifts and talents that they you have tonight we give got thanks at this time we have music this one is called I declare and it's a take home and it's by the project's music ministry I don't hear a lot of noise this is one of our own and they have put together a piece of music amen we ought to give God quite sure to get a copy when they're available and I'm sure this is a free copy some people shaking at this time with no further ado greet them with a hand clap the project's music ministry in Jesus name let's give God some praise we thank God for because it's been an awesome complication so far I felt like on day one I've done four days already I'm sure you feel the same bishop but we're here on Youth Day and Youth Day have wrapped it up Wow the choir was sounding amazing band the worship is intense and so we said we've bought this project as we said and it is a free coffee so the first person that comes on finds me after well okay it's God it's not a free coffee anymore it's clean okay and so the Chuck are they that we're going to do today is called release and we are asking God you know there may be some people even in this great awesome convocation that are still bound and still shut up and we're petitioning God's throne and asking for a release for him to release a blessing down upon us to release his anointing and I pray that when this song is sung today I hope that it touches your spirit and if you feel a laptop because sometimes in a shouting in the jumpy there are some people inside that are still bound but we don't want you to shout and jump and not be released so we pray that God will release a blessing and a lighting down into this place as we pray so pretty foresters who administer in Jesus name please don't spit tape what let's worship together as we've been doing if you can set your feet I would encourage you today we sing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] you're so nice [Music] me [Music] all right this is section of decide that I really would like you to get involved you have fun design that will be singing your soul and we just singing sir I will shout out into the atmosphere we just say God your soul and you put whatever you want at the end of it you can put your mighty you're my deliverer you're a healer whatever he is to do so after free will account if I could just get everybody to lift their voice I've lift up and your soul into the atmosphere can we do that can we do that well you know you ready okay let's go [Music] here we go I'm gonna count watching to you I need you give me your soul [Music] one more time everybody boys [Applause] [Music] [Music] bless Jesus man [Applause] you're so you're so offended us put our hands together for the projects again amen and put us together again we've been your so mighty awesome worthy amen at this time my time must come to an end and it gives me Lord I will I will I will follow the war masa from the mountaintop far across the sea when I hear your thoughts when I hear your voice I don't matter where I'll be in somebody sick [Music] I will [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] night [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] can we give God a magnificent friend a magnificent breath [Music] just praise the Lord you may be seated Jesus can we power hands together for our Minister Daniel Simmons he does not like you're gonna pull it aside I am NOT going to be before you long I stand here in three capacities three capacities they require three different things for me one is as leader of byc leader byc which I'll tell you more about shortly you just can't find good help these days is part of the national youth team it's okay we're gonna get there we're gonna get there the third one is as the son of my mother now hear me out hear me up the third one requires me to be quick because she gets nervous whenever I'm in the pokey she doesn't know why I'm gonna say so my first requirement first requirement is to tell you more about this beautiful thing we have called the gathering there we go we're getting there were getting there were getting there so every morning Monday Tuesday and Wednesday we are gathering see why I did that over in Gateway Christian Center and those over there this morning key make some noise praise the Lord we had 51 young people there today and we had an awesome time we had an awesome time and uh but before I go any further let me just clarify one thing the gatherin is not Ministry of Joshua Livingston let me just throw it out there the gatherin is for each and every one of you young adults from 17 right away up to 30 and I did see some 31 to 36 euros there mmm you think you're here but the gathering is for each and every one of you and it belongs to each and every one of you the gathering is whatever we need our generation requires it to be so come out make a difference make this your own that's one requirement done the second requirement is to call our minister of music praise the Lord every one hallelujah it's my privilege to come before this holy convocation on another evening and especially on youth night one awesome time we are having in the Lord haven't the better use prior done an awesome job so far now the new you there's an awesome job so far and there is more to come and I just stand here in the capacity of the minister of music just to celebrate and give God thanks for one of the forerunners of this choir so I'm going to ask I hope they are here evangelists Ann Marie grant to come up here at this time sister Annie are you here [Applause] come on sister Annie come on celebrate their worship homes hallelujah so it's my privilege to be able to give God thanks for sister Annie sister Annie all the great work that you've witnessed the choir do this evening sister Annie paved the way for that to happen in time so so you've served the choir since 2009 2009 as the choir leader and she's been supported by different people but throughout the ten years or so that Annie has been in this position she has stayed she has labored and whilst sister Annie made them they've made the decision that she wanted to to go on sir passages knew we shed a tear and we we talked about that but we just wanted to we can't let this moment pass without giving God thank you so can we give sister Annie around the floor because we know that leadership and leadership in the national music ministry can be challenging but we just want to say thank you and on behalf of the Bethel national music ministry leadership team I just wanted to say thank you very much and as a token of our appreciation just to say thank you for your service is the MDM to give you something to remember us by as well [Applause] [Applause] - bearing gifts first and foremost I'm quiet can we give a round of applause first before I go any further as Minister Sam said everything that you had tonight was because of the foundation that this woman laid down and to put it in perspective she was leading the choir back when I was short around this high with a bald head wearing suits that were too big for me that's how long she's been laboring in this ministry and evangelist Annie we love you we appreciate you and we thank you for this may God continue to bless you we also want to present me with this brand new sparkly t-shirt pnc youth pie leader are you for ever being one of our youth parties as we love you and you're just a final thing to add about sister Anna sister Annie it was sister Ana's vision to ensure that the choir had a uniform a t-shirt there was some kind of identity and so you know tonight we're only to be able to to wear something that came out of her vision so just to say thank you very much for your labor for your service and we pray God's blessing over your life and all your ministry as you continue in the name of Jesus hallelujah and don'tdon't the quite a lot wonderful in their t-shirts and I give God thanks for them for presenting me with one too but not to be undone there's also we've also got a gift for our Bishop at this time Bishop we know you love a t-shirt so we've got a t-shirt a youth choir t-shirt for you as well so so if you could come so you are a part of us you are a part of us that we love you be blessed in Jesus name don't play with that group please the Lord at this time my duty here is done so I'm gonna get out of the way we want to hear the word right so at this time I'm gonna welcome to this podium please rise to your feet and receive our Bishop Dexter Edmund in Jesus name praise the Lord everyone stand up you've got 27 seconds to get to as many people as you can and wrap your arms around them and tell them I love you so much we've got about 10 more seconds to get to as many people as you can thank the Lord each and every one of you tonight what a blessing [Music] such a great jewelry to give you got a couple of things that we're gonna do because we're gonna put the preacher just I like you have sat tonight any witness this great ministry presentation by our youth and young adults and haven't they been a blessing to us tonight remember [Applause] Bishop Martin Howard Simmons does not only live on in oversea and Nathan but this young man tonight brother Daniel Simmons [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and this is not a prophecy I'm just hearing all of us that are bishops and overseers tonight that's the first thing that we used to do lead worship on youth now I [Applause] just for us to stand and pray for them tonight we have seen generations and generations of young people come through our church but I feel net for us to just breathe it through and as I was sitting there I want us to speak and pray prophetically and I want us to secure them in the name of Jesus I want us to declare to the enemy that they they belong to the Lord and that we are going to intercede for them we're not just going to stand by but we're gonna get in the gap the person next to you doesn't mind can you hold their hand and together let's sing [Music] SiC it for yourself yeah [Music] for me [Music] didn't sing it again sing it now No squeeze that hand to do [Music] we are protected under the canopy of God's grace say [Music] what he said he will snap he will [Music] SiC it and prophesy over these young people to tell them no for [Music] sigit prophetic pathetic [Music] say it won't work now look at the person next to you it said No [Music] prophesize speak to them encourage them say [Music] and said Oh visit Mars singing loud [Music] [Music] father in the name of Jesus Christ thought we put our children before you tonight we put our young people before you God God only asked you to cover that in the name of Jesus we ask you God to send your angels to watch over the more time that I pray specifically against knife crime in the name of Jesus helo Shuttle Salama a rough Court or Sunday love a Sunday God in the name of Jesus search God everyone Lord Jesus God who may belong to a gang dad who may belong to evil company God and draw them out of it Lord God even tonight in the name of Jesus somebody gotta beat somebody with pound somebody with Porter a young boy God or a young girl God draw them out tonight in the name of Jesus save them tonight in the name of Jesus change their life in the name of Jesus turn them around Lord God in the name of Jesus we speak over their lives right now we speak Lord God to that good we speak to their future Lord Jesus they will excel God they will do exploits God they will score the grades God they will get chop-chop they will raise families God they will work for you god no accident no harm no danger no evil shall befall them in the name of Jesus God I pray that they would hide themself God under the shadow of your wings cover that we pray and for a promised God that you said in Psalm 91 we declare it for them right now God that Psalm 91 Lord Jesus would be their golden text I thank you lord I thank you for the word that's going to come through tonight Lord I pray you do something marvelous and miraculous in Jesus name No [Music] [Applause] [Music] no weapons [Music] [Music] god bless you tonight will make me seated in the presence of the Lord we thank God for each and every one of you and we appreciate the blessings of the Lord today has been another wonderful day how many people were in the empowerment sessions this morning this morning this morning they were excellent we've heard good reports and sometime this morning powerful wonderful time today we appreciate those central is leading tomorrow central is leading tomorrow central is never busy central in Newton that's right central Luton tomorrow so starting at sit now just because central lutely leading does that mean the rest that we had a great turnout this morning a wonderful turnout this morning and we ask that you come tomorrow morning at 7:00 we spend about an hour 45 minutes to an hour on the altar amen and then we just kind of segue [Applause] to have any special time to receive the holy ghost you can you can receive him right now Bible said in Cornelius house while Peter was yet speaking the holy ghost famine they began to speak in tongues we bless the Lord for each and every one of you tonight we're going to prepare to receive an offering and I thank God for you look at the person next to say I thank God for you it's out of my thank God for you last night we asked you to be a tremendous blessing to this holy convocation and I want to thank you Bethel because you came through last night in a big and beautiful way somebody say Amen I thank you and and let me just share this I'm yet to thank I know who the person is but someone was so blessed so I'm gonna say cuz it may inspire someone else someone was so blessed yesterday that they sewed a 2,000 pound seed into the church I think you oughta make a little louder [Applause] and maybe tonight someone else I think it's in this section right here I don't know I just feel it but we ask that you can get it in fact give everybody five or ten of these give everybody five or ten of these and and you can take as many as you want and you can complete them in advance take them home with you I'm gonna ask everyone again to join me and given a 20-pound seed offering in this tonight we'd be blessed by the ministry of our youth that we're sowing into their lives sowing into their future sowing in to this ministry as many that can as many that can many of you yesterday last night did it and we thank you for it and so there were some tonight who we're not able to do it last night that you're able to do it tonight and we're gonna ask you to do that and to join us leaders pastors amen overseers bishops we want to lead in this we want the lead of this so I'm asking all around officers all of the leaders of the church you know ministry of preaching and teaching but we lead in our giving tonight and then when you come you're gonna have the envelope in one hand and then tonight you're going to bring a very special level friend I'm excited tonight that Bishop Windsor rolls for it is we're going to be a tremendous listening to him tonight so when you come come with a love offering for a bishop they meant as we bless the Lord for him and they've been since the shout is here and I've seen some of our brothers and sisters from Zion are here for you tonight any more anyone else need an envelope anyone else just raise your hand amen of the ushers we'll get them to you thank God for you each and every one each of everyone we have great works great empowerment sessions today amen tomorrow they will continue at 10 a.m. from 10 to 11:30 tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock I believe let me make sure that I'm giving you the right information tomorrow in here family the family matters the family matters this is a continuation of last year this was a well-received empowerment session and we are doing it again because it was so many people said that they wanted to hear so we'll be back tomorrow pastor you the neighbors will be here in the in the main auditorium with the with the family matters at 10 o'clock I will be in the Alexander suite leading a session called the power and purpose of preaching and then in the cafeteria overseer Lance dinner will be leading a session on health and safety integers now let me just say this especially light of our of our practice run on Sunday the Lord just gave us a practice run we need every church to make sure you have a representative at that session tomorrow every church pastors please make sure overseas please make sure that we have a representative from every Church at the health and safety of the church tomorrow with overseas dental amen and we bless that will be in the cafeteria upstairs overseer David Miller was our new day teacher today tremendous blessing tomorrow at 12 Pastor Joe Henry is going to be our teacher faith is a possessor of God's promises and we're looking forward ready to give and you know that the Lord loveth a cheerful Giver say Amen and if you know that the Lord loves a cheerful Giver say Amen god bless you let's stand with the envelopes in our hands tonight Amen as we prepare to give our giving as a part of our worship we worship in song we worship in the word we worship and dance multiplicity of ways that we worship but we also worship in our giving in our giving every giving we give it's not just money it's a seed that we sowed it's a seed that we sow and the Lord has promised us in his word that if we give it shall be given back to us good measure pressed down shaken together and running over let's pray father in the name of Jesus we thank you for what you have already done and we receive this offering and grateful thanks to you for the doors are the windows that you have and will continue to open for us we claim these in Jesus name let every heart say Amen when you follow the directions of the ushers who are coming now to serve you and be blessed Amen it will help Saints even if you those of you that are not giving necessarily or you may have already give - in - just help with the flow if you will also just March around so that will help have things moving swiftly the Lord bless you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] yes you are yes you are [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the sacrifice of Russia your faithfulness in giving tonight we are blessed by one of the pioneers of our church [Applause] invitation it was a pleasant phone call to make National Youth president young man that has grown up in the church he loves the Lord he's currently a pastor and recently a consecrated bishop in the Lord's Church it is my pleasure tonight after the Bethel youth choir has sung to present to this international holy convocation our brother son of the church Bishop Windsor [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] my be glorified be glorified [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] see you get the glow [Music] so you get the ball see you get the glory and you can you [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] above everything fathers we desire that you'd be glorified above every single ambition above every desire above every longing Lord God we long for you to be glorified hallelujah there is none like you in all of the earth father as we come at this Junction we pray God that your presence would break through to somebody's heart into somebody's life speak to us tonight God we need a word from you bless our hearts transform us that we might be different leaving than enter Frankie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] somebody blessed the name of the Lord hallelujah give God the highest praise give god an exalted praise give god a worthy praise glory be to God while you're standing can we just turn our Bibles to Deuteronomy chapter 2 our key lesson the same three verses that we used last night and I'm sure you're gonna hear tonight what you've already heard bless the name of Jesus but didn't the Lord say out of the mouth of two or three witnesses let every word be established deuteronomy 2 verses 1 to 3 reads like this then we turned and took our journey into the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea as the Lord spake unto me we come past Mount Seir many days the Lord spake unto me saying ye have come past this mountain long enough turn you northward that the people of God say Amen god bless you may be seated in the house of the Lord don't have the words tonight to express how humbled I am and honored and privileged to stand in this capacity in the holy convocation 2019 for Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ apostolic in the UK wonderful privilege wasn't a call I was expected but can I tell you the truth some people you get that kind of call you you know say okay I told my brother if you think I'm on spiritual that's your business but I told my brother no prayer needed truly honored greetings to this holy convocation Bishop Dexter Edmonds Bishop Peter Edmonds Bishop Devon Brown the National ecclesiastical council all the elders pastors ministers Saints visitors it's great to be here tonight hallelujah glory to God and it's also great to be here [Applause] because my trouble what gets me into trouble is I refuse to grow up you have no idea how much trouble it gets me into my wife complain sister Sharon you're here my wife complains we have three children but she's raising four boys never now again she has a go at me but if the boys are there we like it like this bless the name of Jesus a wonderful the theme is set before us the first time I heard this passage preached was under the ministry of dr. Colleen McCauley many many years ago and it's never left me so and here we are tonight to be the theme go forward it was amazing when I heard what the theme was because we had already decided in our church to use that same passage for the men's ministry meeting so much so that I jumped on the fallen and and I said will you get this room but it must have been the hand of the Lord tithe is well-spent and don't want to keep anybody longer than is necessary so our convocation theme is go forward from the text that was written but for tonight I want to use this title stop this ride I want to get off stop this ride I want to get off young people tonight I'm going to talk to you and talk to everybody I'm gonna it's just laid on my heart to speak to certain individual situations that people may be going through and then by permission of the Holy Spirit speak to Bethel about what it means to go forward young people if I ask you about a holiday destination you would say things like I don't know Spain Cyprus Jamaica st. Lucia Dominican Republic Disneyland Turkey Greece Lanzarote to all these far-off places when we were growing up [Applause] holiday did not involve a plane ride our holiday destination was Blackpool Margate Southport welcome and it was a one-day trip Samia struggle to do two hours we did five days and it was kind of interesting when you go back to school in September and one of your first essays is what did you do Oh bless the Lord one of the great attractions of those places we used to go and by the way it was never a bank holiday because bank holiday is fasting and prayer [Music] [Applause] one of the great attractions of those venues when we were young we wanted to get to the fairground and and the Cana the day trip was assessed for how good the fairground was cause we were young and we wanted to get on the rides anybody remember right when you were young up and down round and around and you better remember things like the Big Dipper glory to God and then the UFC was Blackpool that got passion called the big one or the Pepsi run glory to God and in Blackpool it was the Grand National as well and then the other thing apart from the roller coaster was the water you haven't lived unless you've been on the water the water year you're in a kind of bucket seat three of you and the barrier comes down and it goes round and then even while it's going round the individual thing is spinning round and round and round and you're going round and round and you come off there sometimes stumbling but this is what was a good time I wish somebody would talk the truth I say Amen when we were young waltzes and Fairgrounds was great fun now that we mature just makes us sick I do farce some years ago took my two older boys to woold Walsall Arboretum and there was this rollercoaster type ride I said come on boys come boys come on boys and they jumped on me and with me when I came off I wasn't around I couldn't be nothing else for the rest of the evening didn't realize that even though this don't wanna grow with all the fun and joke aside I feel it necessary to speak to somebody today I don't know who about the need to break destructive life cycles there are some cycles in people's lives that need to be broken before we end in destruction now some of these cycles seem simple enough one cycle that many people in here are dealing with right now is weight loss you know episode 1 Thing event-driven weight-loss I'm losing weight cuz I want to go on a holiday or I want to get into this dress for this occasion so I'm losing weight and it's a cycle between feast and famine it's a cycle me too between what I call binge and cringe you have a time where you binge but when you get on the scales you cringe can I talk about some other destructive cycles the cycle of debt unmanageable debt will just go round and round can't make ends meet then what we do we try things like transferring the balance on your credit card from one to another trying to get a better interest rate trying to have a period where there's no interest or and all these kind of things that are attractive to us and it's funny how it's like right now the internet can smell your debt you almost have to just think about something and then on your Facebook Timeline adverts for the very thing a popping up talk to me so very so me try transfer our balance from one to another not realizing that the I dear once you transfer from number one to number two stop use number one but we don't and our debt never gets managed until we go for the next level which is debt consolidation anybody ever heard the term debt consolidation where a company will come up and say we will consolidate your debts into one easy payment sounds good and at the time of your struggling sounds like just what you needed what it's a trap can't talk about the relationship cycle where you and her is just friends just friends you have all intention to be honorable we're just friends now go over to her house I have Bible study with just friends they'll drop her home after service and hope it's just her I'm talking eating truth and yes and I said we had honorable intentions but we did not count on the pull of the flesh we did not count on the power of sexual attraction and as a result we became more than friends then we came to church like a guilty you stick get off in church and you quake it feels like every Sunday you escape this you promise yourself I'm not going back there not gonna let this happen to me that the guilt is unbearable for a time it's okay till you get sucked in again with just friends it's a cycle that goes on and on one cycle life cycle that's been resting on my heart for some years is the cycle of domestic violence [Applause] let me just announce that the church has changed whether you like it or not there are more and more people switched on say talking about it and saying no this is not so we cream chat we kinda hide and no one talk about it you better talk about it you better talk about the fact that in this very room right now we may have no clue on who once church to last all night and these training going home right here in this church right here with your product and your red dress and your big smile the abusive she's out black eye those ropes then the perpetrator has a moment of guilt tries to appease the situation by bringing goofus the victim is grateful that the violence has stopped the truth is it hasn't stopped its post the gifts come and there's some attempt at reconciliation any live good for a period until the tension rises again when the tension finally breaks it's another punch it's another snap and the cycle keeps going on Oh help me Jesus the thing is this whatever cycle you are trapped in you may think your life is going round in circles from good to bad to Oakland back to good then ugly you think your life is going around in a circle that's because we're looking at it two dimensionally if you would look at it as three dimensionally it's not a circle it's a downward spiral it's not just repeated it will get worse until with your weight loss you hate serious illness until with your debt you hit bankruptcy until with the relationships you leave Church until with the cycle of abuse you die I need to tell somebody in this church tonight you don't need new circumstances you need a new mindset dieting doesn't work I thank God that I'm in the process of losing weight not by diet by changing my life coz unless you change your life your diet will always fail you'll go from one side to another until you sit down and confront your spending habits another credit card is not gonna make it better it's gonna make it worse come on somebody and we better talk about these practical things because there are many people who can't praise God as they ought to not because they're not filled with the Holy Ghost not because of this and not because of just everyday issues that are drowning people every day and as well as teaching us about Genesis to Revelation as well as about the divisions of the 66 books we also need to be the was but now we've come to maturity need to break loose Oh glory be to God glory be to God hallelujah and we've come to a place in our church where we realize now in terms of domestic violence that there is a difference between marital counseling and getting somebody out some things cannot be counseled we met well bishop we prayed for them they sat before us we shut this up before us we prayed and counseled and then we send them back home - the same thing because the perpetrator hadn't changed there's got to be a better way somebody say man I need to get off this ride that's coming round and round give it to you if you want to know how to handle a merry-go-round or a carousel you want to be able to sit on it and just go round and round and round and not feel sick close your eyes if you sit on the ride going round and round close your eyes you can manage it but anytime your eyes open [Applause] anytime you begin to see that's when the sickness closed that's when you decide I was alright while I was ignorant I was alright while I shut my eyes to it and didn't look at the situation I just closed my eyes and went round and round but the minute God opened my eyes basil sick of the cycle sick of just going around God says you've been around your life your walk with God your church has been going round in circles long enough it's time to break loose it's time to change direction it's time to go forward when we come to the Bible text church God says you've been around this little bit of Investigation and you realize that the mountain is Mount Seir not Horeb Marzia which is in the era of the he says you've been around this mountain when this rail should have gone forward they left from one mountain mount horeb where the very presence of God came down they live from this place of glory and now end up swapping one mountain for another trying to repeat the previous experience but it's just another mountain of glory to God there are some things that need to be broken there are some ties that need to be cut some things that need to be severed young people can I advise you what you need and it's not just another altar call and it's not just more oil poured on your head you need to get your phone go to your contacts and block no matter how much oil is poured Oh loneliness your phone has too many contacts blocking deleted whatever you got to do a simple action like that is gonna help save your spiritual life our church Zion city travel this year had a fir theme being better from the person in general being better my challenge the pastor is to make the term being better an action plan not a slogan because it's easy to turn these nice words into nothing more than a slogan brethren going forward can either be an action plan or a slogan glory to God can I a spell Oh invest invest in people invest in process Bethel let us I'm going to use the global us let us invest in people let us invest in process you cannot have people in position and then tie their hand you cannot have people in position and then hold back your trust it's bound to fail Oh glory be to God Church invest in people give them the go-ahead they can't work effectively if they're always happy to look over their shoulder and wait for everybody invest in people seeing that somebody's being invested in you brother somebody's been investing in you the potential is awesome now while you're investing in people invest in process because process will help steer there's a tradition that says the high priest when he went into the holiest of Holies went in with a high now careful you will not find this in the Bible you will find it in most rabbinical writings but it is a tradition that has the idea behind it was this the high priest carried in many ways the hopes of the nation the high priest on the Day of Atonement had to go before God first for himself and then once he assaulted himself but the sins of the people before the altar and go into the presence of God now if that person had dealt with himself there was a danger that he would be killed by the very presence of God and he would have to be removed from the Holy of Holies but there's a problem only he was allowed to go into the holiest of Holies so if he's been in there oh you're going get your notes so the idea according to tradition is that he goes in with a rope tied around him and [Music] we don't miss this moment don't miss this moment I want you to know that Deuteronomy chapter 2 should never have been written outside of the knowledge of God this should not have been edgy tirana me we're only reading Deuteronomy to this week because of what happened in numbers 13 in number 13 the children of Israel came to a place called Kadesh Barnea they were on the verge of stepping into the promise it was right there before them so close the Mickelson spies to the camp and bring back the fruits it was all set up for victory Oh somebody praise God but because of unbelief because of rebellion Israel missed their moment and it resulted in 40 years of wandering they could not afford to miss another moment Oh brethren Oh brethren all right this is where I get cheeky 11 years ago 2008 we had a moment we had a moment when we began to believe who were seeing signs for the future people left the convocation in 2008 infused and Confused infused by what might happen what was on the verge of happening and confused by a flood you had to be here [Music] but circumstances developed Bethel we missed a moment and we hurt pain grief sorrow regret as if what might have been snatched away brethren and occurring to you that we are now don't miss it don't miss this vault it's too crucial with missed one don't miss this moment a few meal a few you might want to say man my last thing yes we missed that moment but I am below you don't get stuck trying to recreate that moment don't think that in order to go forward you must recreate that because that was for them and this is now when you study the word you will find that Deuteronomy does not begin canis Barney that moment was good God did not meet them in circles back to where they came from that's the problem with fairground it's fun while you're on it going round and round but invariably you get off the fairground the same place that you got on and you had all this activity and no progress God did not lead them back to Camus Barnea but he led them around so they instead of going their way that we're gonna come at it from the plains of Moab I wonder if you get at me this moment is another moment but it's not that moment the landscape has changed our approach must change don't go back and repeat the past take this new opportunity and one of the things we're gonna have to deal with his deal with the past how do I deal with the past Oh kissed her mother-in-law went back to her post when Elijah called Elijah one of the first things he did was went back and kissed his parents that signifies that he honored them for what they had done in his life he did not disrespect them he did not treat them as disposable he honored them he saluted them he kissed them but he might have kissed them but he didn't stay with them because was calling him to a new future yes Beth oh we must honor our past yes Beth oh we must treasure where we come from we must celebrate our history we must celebrate the things that have happened to us we must celebrate Holi Road we must celebrate Gibson Road we must celebrate rotary Road we must celebrate Highgate we must celebrate the mama dolly Center and all of these stations in a poss celebrate them but now we will never forget we will never forget but now touch somebody tell them now so much so that at the beginning of the book of the Joshua here God made an announcement Moses my servant is [Applause] [Music] Hertz but it's a fact that we have the face where we are now it's gonna call for something different not forget where I come from not forgetting what God has promised new through the people that he appointed through the immigrant generation through the wind restoration that came here and battled the odds and fought against oppression and fought against racism and fought against all manner of things if it wasn't for them we could not be here we celebrate them we kiss them but I can't take the ride anymore now I've got to get up because God is pulling me in a new direction and I'm not abandoning the Apostolic doctrine I'm not abandoning foundational truths but some of the things that was necessary then [Applause] [Music] I'm getting ready to transition from migrant to occupant [Music] I can't be an argument with a migrant mentality something has got to change whether it's scary question is frightening not pretend I can stand up here and talk big but it's frightening my heart is not to say well mom that's how it is if you don't like it tough my heart mom you should take your Hannah I know it's scary I know it's different I know it's difficult let's go let's go can we bring somebody with me Bishop bring somebody with you bring somebody with you council bring somebody with you this is not more time for more confrontation it starts as a come come come you know what things never work also good first time but Cho [Applause] it'd never work only wanted but yes still my brother I still love you I'm doing about certain listen somebody over there is gonna say but what about what happened Joe to get in those things which are behind and reaching the lost in return come let's press let's press press let's press somebody bless the Lord somebody praise him hallelujah I believe it call me naive call me simple but I believe the best days of Bethel United Church of Jesus Christ apostolic are still to come I believe it I'll go to bed believe in it I'll wake up believe in I don't care what me here [Music] [Applause] Sandin Animal Center I believe it are the brain I'm praying I'm praying because when you prosper I prosper o [Music] church help me praise God to understand your feet unless God dura stand to your feet and worship God to understand your feet and exalt him [Applause] [Applause] [Music] some of us are weeping I get it I'm not gonna be dismissive of your pain I get it I get it I get it you saying this don't look like this does not resemble former glory it's true it looks nothing like it but work those spirits of jealousy keep them bound because greater is yet to come somebody who believes it somebody who's ready to go forward let me you praise the Lord [Music] [Music] [Applause] give me probably somebody is sick and tired go round in circles sick and tired of repeating the same experiences second time you know something in your life needs to break you know something in your life needs to change carry prayer Kristin I can we called you that God has seen god bless you become somebody else snoodles God has seen God says topless uses enough is enough [Music] tired of using makeup to cover my bruises whether that's physically or spiritually tired there's a voice reminding me and it won't let me go he gives me tormenting won't let me rest it's telling me you'll never make it you will never change it you were born for this the family you came from this is it the devil is a liar you've been around long enough now it's time everyone who comes forward today needs to feel it around the knees to feel a hand on their shoulder let them know that God has not forgotten you God has not forsaken you he is sending help now and you were here this week for this message to hear that you have permission to go forward some people ready to go long time but they're just waiting for permission Daniel then you have the back packed already but all they wanted was permission tonight the words go forward means you have permission to break with the past to break the yolks to destroy those things that are staring your feet to come out of bondage to come out of goodness to come out of repression to come out of depression in the name of Jesus you have permission to get on with your walk with God go forward [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] somebody lift your hand the worship whatever it is baby before you make another move I want you to worship God or receive the word of the Lord for yourself every hand should be raised come on open your mouth the worshippers receive healing that's already in the room receive it that's already in the room come on open your spirit for 30 seconds take in the word of the Lord taking the power of God taking the message of God take it in come on breathe in the presence of the Lord breathe it in breathe it in breathe that is there's a gathering at the altar you can still come tonight if you're broken you can still come tonight if you wounded you can still come tonight if you're stressed you can still come tonight if you're depressed you can still come tonight come on somebody can still walk tonight every young person should be walking everybody that's been held and bound should be walking you can still you can still walk tonight you can still believe that God is that God is that God is we did about seven worshipers come on I need atmosphere of worship miracles happen in an atmosphere of worship deliverance happens in an atmosphere of worship Raimondi by ash I became I need somebody filled with the Holy Ghost to fill this room with the movement of but oh a da da da da Mosta come on they're still coming somebody clap your hands they're still coming every young person should be coming if you've been under any impression you want to walk down this aisle this is not an altar this is a gathering tonight there's a gathering in this old - tonight God's gonna make it happen God's gonna break this there's still coming oh I can't hear your worship they're still coming your sons are coming your daughters are coming the devil's been broken tonight they're coming they're coming they're coming because freedom of AI a come on there's freedom in this house and we bind in the name of Jesus hallelujah hallelujah come lift in your hands come on you can still come young man you can still come young woman they're coming to be delivered they're coming to be set free we're not broken we're gonna break a recycle - man we're gonna break every cycle tonight will you testify to your neighbor for a second antenna break a recycle tonight hallelujah [Music] The Gathering is still here no every worship open your mouth and sing tonight somebody prophesied in son sing it everywhere you make Oh [Music] [Music] if you're in this all - you wanna lift your hands we feel the move of the Lord in this play music [Music] cycles have been broken tonight cycles of the other okay [Music] [Music] there's an atmosphere of miracles happening tonight [Music] - you [Music] everybody open your mouth and sing the worship tonight as convivial Utila ask him to heal you Jenna ask him to heal you tonight [Music] they're still coming they're still coming they're still coming yes they're coming [Music] what'll also move along tonight [Music] somebody ought to be renewing before the presence of the Lord tonight [Music] somebody's will be sorry tonight [Music] see [Music] das gonna deliver you tonight I wish we had more I wish we had more all of our as you [Music] you've so much [Music] I between the pain I decrypted here [Music] [Music] that's [Music] Leslie [Music] gonna be the same [Music] [Music] somebody's almost now this is your moment life changing [Music] [Music] Simeon ooh [Music] let's increase the environment [Music] place tonight this place [Music] sing it to you fish and your spirit tonight say it [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] generational stop tonight [Music] change tonight I've been shopping here [Music] you [Music] [Music] if you're at this alt I want you to raise your hands if you're at this altar father I stretch my hands to you if you're at this altar this is a sign to heaven that you're ready for the cycle to be broken in fact if you're in this room everybody lift your hands to the Lord you don't have to be at the front God says I'll visit you're right where you are God said before I do anything for you I need to hear worship come out of your mouth I need you I need to hear you crying to me I wish we weren't so stiff I wish we'd open our mouth and begin to cry into the Lord if you need God to move in your home move in your life move in your circumstance I need you know your mouth begin to cry unto the Lord for the Lord to do what he needs to do for you crying to the Lord crying to the Lord lift your hands father the Lord is doing the work tonight the Lord is doing the work tonight somebody see the Lord is doing the work tonight the Lord is doing come on let me heaven hear you say Lord do the work tonight do the work we're going to pray one more time [Music] but tonight God said this is personal this is personal for a second this is the personal lift your hands this is personal I don't want you to miss what the bishop was spoken into this place tonight nobody knows your cycles but you nobody knows your brokenness but you nobody knows how many nights you have to cry but you nobody knows your fear level but you your depression level but you but the Lord one shouldn't know that you're at this altar not because you're broken but because the line of Judah is getting ready to break some chains tonight every worshipper open your mouth and say I am not broken but the Lion of Judah oh I don't hear no Holy Ghost people yet the line of Judah is getting ready to break every chain give us the victory again and again lift your hands father I pray right now that every secret every private moment every area of my life that I'm not willing to confess Lord I'm sorry for everything that I've ever done this displeased you but tonight you're lifting the guilt out of my life yes somebody just felt it right there Lord thank you for thank you for moving the transgression from my life thank you for lifting the guilt and thank you for presenting me now even if my situation does not change lord I pray tonight change me change me right now Lord start a revival start the work in me feel me right now Lauren for those of us that not feel with the Holy Ghost Phyllis right now Oh God Phyllis - we want no more I accept my new place at you I accept that I'm gonna get off of this ride tonight is the last time that I'm gonna go on this ride you're going to deliver me tonight you're gonna deliver me from every oppression you're gonna liver me from anxiety you're gonna deliver me from paranoia you're gonna oh you're going to deliver me from every psychotic illness you're going to deliver me from every mental situation you're going to deliver me tonight I confess it devil take your hands off my life because I am delivered and I pray that you do it for me tonight every young person that is also lord I thank you for the transformation that's sweeping through this room right here and I praise you for what you're getting ready to do have your way in me Lord help us to understand your move and your voice we thank you for this great word of impartation tonight and we thank you for the healing of God and reclaim it tonight in Jesus name with those same raised hands you put those hands together let the devil know that you're delivered tonight let the devil know the trick deliberate tonight oh I can't hear you leather let your trials no that should deliver tonight let your abuser know that you're deliver tonight the answer disease know that you're delivered tonight let your phobia know that you deliver tonight you delivered I'm delivery watch this your first sign of deliverance is when you have strength enough to pray for somebody else I want em all over this building I want you to throw your arms around someone just begin to strengthen your brother right now begin to strengthen your sister right now pray for somebody all over this room everybody touch somebody pray for somebody speak life into someone strengthen your brothers transfer strengthen strap strap mouth shut strengthen strengthen right here I need everybody praying I need everybody give me glory you're free now you're free you can bless somebody else you're free now you can't deliver somebody else you're free come on lift up pray pray pray today's broken don't let your brother dog don't let your sister go the sin is coming off of their lives the shame is coming up in their lives the transgression is coming up for their eyes I hear a car I feel freedom in the room I feel a revival coming the wind is blowing help is on the way deliverance is coming I feel the strength of God I feel the power of God the cycle is broken the cycle is broken I know people are crying to the Lord I wish I can hear a crime tonight Oh God Oh God I know we gotta move but old car Oh if you cleanse me the night God if you deliver me tonight God if you just pull me out of this place this darkness that I've made for myself Lord if you open the door and let me free tonight Oh from the prison don't let me out of this place I'll never get on this ride again I'll never get on this ride again hallelujah worship Him worship Him worship it worse the ride is coming to an end worshiping worshiping the ride is coming to again hallelujah we get rid of me lift your hands hi [Music] this is what you sit with you're coming in this is what you see when you're coming up sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody's here this is a song of deliverance now [Music] I don't [Music] lift your hands one more time and sickness to the Lord tonight [Music] to the presence of you you say [Music] Jesus shoes use the Lord my storage is empty [Music] one more time [Music] but joy in your spirit and sing it now this is your tongue [Music] the shows [Music] come on let's go worshipers [Music] you said master Sigma symmetry [Music] [Applause] never here [Music] you said this is my not yet [Music] if you put if you feel the presence of the Lord clap your hands all over the building and thank God that we're getting off the ride we're getting off the ride if you're getting off the cycle is broken I want you to hug about three people and tell them the cycle is broken the cycle is broken come on reach around you find two or three people and tell them the cycle is broken tell them the cycle is broken find as many people as you can and tell them a cycle the cycle is broken the line of Judah the cycle is broken the cycle is broken [Music] the cycle is broken come on somebody else and terrible cycle is broken the cycle to ride tonight [Music] [Music] somebody believes it tonight somebody's still danijon tonight Roman Inuyasha brahmanda biasa somebody still village tonight [Music] I feel the chains breaking I feel the change back [Music] what a word from the Lord will you clap your hands a thick vote for the ministry Bishop Windsor Queensboro cut your fat down for the servant of the Lord tonight oh come on show me a love better than that show me a love better than that the cycle is broken now prophesied you're one of the person tell them the cycle is broken the cycle is broken take somebody's hand we're going to pray we're gonna convene again tomorrow morning at 7 a.m. for prayer from seven to seven fifteen eight o'clock we're gonna be praying then from eight to nine we're going to wait on those seeking the gift of the Holy Ghost there are some seeking the Holy Ghost right now I don't hear any praises of the house there are those seeking the Holy Ghost right now believing God for the miracle tick somebody's hand father we bless you for what we've heard tonight we thank you for the move of the Lord for the Spirit of God thank you that every place that I'm hurting you're healing that ever air of my life you're bringing into subjection to the power of God for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds father I thank you for what I received tonight somebody say that father I thank you for what I've received I'll hold on to this word a break of a demon in my life or a demon in my family I don't care if it was in your father on your mother it stops in my generation cycle is broken and I believe God so father we thank you for another night of the feast and we believe you that you're gonna make it happen and we believe you're gonna make happen tonight these things we pray in Jesus name now everybody
Channel: Eagle VisionTV
Views: 14,524
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Bethel United Church
Id: xJXYuBsyGMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 0sec (12420 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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