Momocon 2019 SSBU: PG | Marss (Zero Suit Samus) vs NRG | Nairo (Zero Suit Samus/Wolf/Robin/Dark Pit)

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all right everyone how are we doing so far so amazing gameplay very very good action both on the screen and the players Minds been incredible to watch so far only five players remain and of course I want to get to know a few more things so let me welcome back to the stage and RG nairo so nairo some people might not know that you are a two-time momo con champion do you think you have what it takes to get a three-peat in your title and you're going up against PG Mars and you guys been playing against one another since the brawl days way back in the same region since match for rather do you think that plays anything into your matchup in fact you guys know each other pretty well yeah we both use 0zu through all the smash 4 and we probably have like the most knowledge of zero suit so it's always hard but I mean regardless of that even though I don't really use their soul like that it's still very very difficult cuz Mars is really good but I'm pretty confident again seriously every time so we'll see what happens all right now a good look and of course joining him is his opponent PG Mars mars-like I gotta say that no matter what you always see me rocking either joggers or pajamas where does that come from it's just comfortable I feel like I played best when I'm comfortable it's a good mindset to have I just ask nairo you know given the fact you guys know each other so well in smash 4 and the fact you two were basically the two beds ears with samus's do you think that you staying with that character rather than switching is gonna give you the edge you need against your earlier protege he still knows a lot about the character he still plays are in this game so it's still just a toss-up you're gonna win honest answers Mars good luck and have fun yeah everyone give it up for your other side of losers quarters [Music] how's it going y'all we are here momoka on 2019 it's not quite top 4 yet what about to get into it but we are here the combination of the D Jen and the baby boy here you're the baby boy right yeah sure whatever you whatever you said but we are hearing for the top five this is the second part of pretty much the rest of the tournament we have some awesome players coming out here I'm so happy I'm the two best players in the world finally get to meet up again and we have to pee on the mic for it again this week versus MK leo we're gonna actually take a quick look at this bracket check it out right here again it's gonna be the thirds the third set ever in the winners finals between tweek and M kala but before that we actually had a match between voidance week which right there tweek did a really good job of three owing void was just avoid trying to go pitch her the entire time and it was really difficult on the other hand Mars vs MK Leia was a really exciting set going down to the fifth game you have Kayla sticking with a joker the entire time gripping a lot of the naysayers wrong you know people were saying yeah you know see this wait wait we got a right now wait Aniston and narrow is not playing his usual palutena he's going straight to your waist Emma's let's let's get off the bracket because that's okay we need to actually check something else ESS toodles I mean Kotaro it's not even two match yet but I'm sorry I'd say pump I'm not used to seeing them let's calm down let's calm down a little bit here take it back a notch Hey so right here guys the reason why Qatar just got a man hype is we have two zero suit samus is on the stage I actually got a chance to pull my roadside I was like you're not what's good man he'll talk about how first up between these two guys is three one right and three one and Marcie's favor and he did say that he was gonna go on Mars that doesn't look like a wolf that looks like zero suit samus so my guess is what well I'm what I'm wondering is will he actually go wolf maybe later on if the Zoot Suit sentence doesn't work out or is he trying to trick Mars with a zero a potential zoot suit Simon said oh okay and then he's gonna switch off and then go to wolf in game 1 I don't know I don't know but I just think you should play zero suit samus we all saw the 0 through Samus yesterday and was able to take out like 3-1 and there's times we struggled against light where I think the last time they played before this sword yeah he lost the light and the time before you have a switch together damn if what you try to do again and didn't work but then he went zero suit samus and wanted for clean three one even though light and Mars play all the time so what if there's a chance that night Rosie Rosie Sims could actually be better than Mara even though Mars plays him all the time and narrow you rarely see this character come out but here it is game number one CSS did oh we have nairo I believe playing as a black CSS and Mars playing as a blue now going into this match of course seeing how Mars has been rocking out with a lot more zss than nairo has of course it makes me a little scared as you so now were right there he got the new tonight but he didn't even go for the forward flip kick probably a mistake right there execution Alaric oh yeah most likely I did see Mars swabbing up a little bit while on his set against M Kao but I'm pretty sure he's gonna be able to bring it back this time around especially cuz I think he would feel really confident in the CSS ditto I dunno when he to play smash for Nairobi Mars almost every single time but Mars won one of the last times he did due to zero suit samus bit up but that's a smash were you yeah this is no one yeah so it might be way different right now but they're both were just swinging out attacks looking for something to connect of course knowing I wrote I mean he plays a lot of characters in his home broadcast right because of that that allows him to be able to go into this match of course comfortable with zero suit samus but you know this is a totally different environment you're not at home you don't have cases so coming through from behind you don't have gunblade absent well he actually he's still absent in any of it what you do have is all right there we go and one thing that might work well for narrow yeah he hasn't really fought a zero suit samus pretty much ever so it's gonna be hard for bars people to adapt or as figure out what to do because he hasn't even seen his there to samus in tournament that much yep so right now an IRA taking the lead yep understanding that you know out the gate when IRA did test on Zeus Sam is one of the first things that he told a lot of the fans is how up smash is such a great ko a ko tool right for Zeus suit samus and fair being able to hit so close to the ground right now really great approach tool and of course immediately a low percents you could confirm that oh wait I row ok it was almost looking like the whole game right there but right now narrow still having the lead and like you said that up smash is so good multi at two and that was almost five uppers that is five actually oh man that chuckles man is it's a crazy game that we're having here between both of these guys still the first one Mars so creative with a lot of his conversions with this character you have to be careful that was nice right there he actually did that be reversed but I push them a little too far away to get the paralyzed on the hit and charge paralyzer a little bit too right now Mehra's you have to watch out for that up you is just about to speak about that Marv is always looking to do that straight out of shield and narrow so aggressive you might see that up you come out a lot yes that's definitely a out of shield option that we've seen Mars employ ever since smash were you but remember in smash for you a lot of people mentioned that Mars was the type wait a second that was anything you can do I can do better than IRA sees through that it's able to get that combo into up B but it doesn't matter anyway cuz Mars gets back here these guys are literally even matched or indeed but to touch on what I said before the fact that you know out of shield when Mars gets nervous he actually up being sought to show quite a bit so my ropes keeping up this pressure right here it's right to see if we can get up a paper grab possibly but you saw a Mars landing with this air get the pressure off of him this is incredible because as of recent line he's been looking like a top three player in the world but seriously stands alone and narrow says I don't care that's an amazing thing about narrow doesn't matter who he's fighting MK oh okay that's cool we can okay that's cool I could be all these guys I don't care who you thinks the best cuz I'm actually the best yeah obviously a lot of people have been talking about how Mars looks like a top-five player man quite possibly the top three yes he has been looking like that really hard right now however narrow play the same character might be able to do the same thing an era has a strong lead at the moment 100% one up be out of shoot coming out from narrow should be able to end this and there it is he looked for it yep look at good evening itself open there'll be but instead we're gonna see it down smash it's a smash from Mars he's crazy but we're way off the stage to get that foot kick into a ko the timing on that and you have to give Mars the respect because he was actually playing from behind there yeah and I wrote kept taking the first stock every single time but once it was one stock up East Mars was finally able to pick up the pieces he figured it out he was able to mitigate a lot of the openings that he had every time naira was trying to set up a trap he was able to escape and he continued to rack up the damage accordingly and one thing people have to recognize is that a lot of the times when Mars knocks you down he will stand in center stage if he knocks you towards the edge with a lot with a lot of his tools that setup for hard knock bounced at higher percents and while he'll do he'll set in place charge to down smash and more often not people do roll right into and once they get caught he could go for the up beat and he can even run you towards the edge while you're stunned so that you get close to the edge and he could get that boost kick to ensure the ko yes that's fantastic by Mars I really like the how he does that and he always throws out those down smashes we see a lot of it coming out from narrow - you don't have those down smash it snowing it's really hard to get punished cuz it takes up so much space in front of you doesn't have much lag after you do it but here we are game number two let seems Smasher will help out and I really get much out of winning yet we definitely have this one and the inclusion of just one platform here which means that we won't see as many up airs when it comes to these commercials but they could still use it you know it's a it's a bit interesting seeing like the conversations people been having about Smashville we actually heard some people wanted to see the moving platform come back oh yes yeah but I feel like it's still fine this way this platform is pretty chill you don't right in the center not going off to the side helping assist people for really early Kos so I'm pretty cool with it but we have right now a lot of miss grabs coming out from Mars but let's see if you could do the foot kick right back again they're pretty much doing a lot of the same techniques out for one person this is the other person gets except for that situation for they both miss those grants that was so smart to buy Mars under steady that never wanted to get out of that corner so you said that quick up smash but yeah right now it just it just feels like the familiarity that Mars has you know being so warmed up Glenda's character is basically ever since the game came out yeah believing this character's character was looking a little questionable in beginning because it didn't have a lot of the tools that he used to have and made a really good but in the end it just ends up still being at least minimum high tier character if not a little bit better okay the paralyzers trying to charge a little bit but Mars going for these grabs so much it's really tricky with a character like this lizard samus it's hard to get the grabs because the Telegraph isn't really that good but it doesn't matter Mars just keeps going for it knowing that it looks like he's not gonna go for it but he just goes for it anyway he gets it yep and he also does a good job of just trying to catch people people from a distance on a whip right he'll keep it that's how he got the paper grabs but right here we have a way bigger deficit for nairo Mars not losing any socks so far and I wrote right now with control of seven states Mars he's like dude I already see what you're trying to do crawling under the paralyzer even before an arrow started charging a paralyze that is like five Mars looking really good at the moment but might even possibly as a three stock but it will be hard to do especially that helped beat that we can see come out from narrow however Mars keep spacing bright outside of the position of hitting his shields he be able to get hit by that beat and that's why we see Mars naira whipping it so much okay all right right there you see that reversal beat manage it to get on stage if I was a little bit too close that would've been bad Tyrell with a win and that's gonna count a lot Qatar oh yeah that's too much right there this is a good chance for Mars actually be able to get to get tha streetz lock all these up airs bad position for sirs who samus to be above another zero service and that's gonna get that ko that up smash is actually crazy like you said yeah man like it literally pulls you in from far away that's pretty deep decent horizontal range as you can see there but I wrote 79% his final stop we've seen time and time again and we you him being able to bring back crazy come back to zero suit samus yeah that's one thing I respect about him a lot he'll never give up he'll literally three stalks down and say you're still not win this game but it doesn't matter that up he almost getting the Kalon narrow and there is no raise pretty much coming out from Mars either so he's been able to do something like that again no problem and actually get the kale to mention is how things are definitely more different now going into this game right as you can see the combos aren't the same anymore oh yeah not at all very different and Mars playing okay now is actually bring it back if he get that early back here now I always playing characters that get really early tails however again it's nice to look out for that update from Mars no scary situation to Mars is not falling prey to the paralyzer up here okay oh the perfect percentage of them awareness from Mars right there to get that in and immediately dispatch and I will set atop of the skies here it is right now Mars where's it yeah dude he did it so quickly - it's just got like three pummels in to make sure get the right amount of percentage and just send him on his way but yeah dude right now I remember again let's let's reflect on what I mentioned NAIRU did tell me are whoo why would he tell me I will unless he was lying to me maybe like seriously Santa says how does Jenna get in a video game on off look look Qatar oh look at the screen okay you might have been right I told you the wolf is coming out I actually rarely ever seen arrow play wolf and I don't I've never seen her asleep yeah I'll play wolf in tournaments I want to see how this works out sorry for spoiling it for you guys kappa Smalley you got your get this ready we didn't know but that was a nice for us of you to toss however if this wolf didn't land that then we could get this game started for an IROC you know wolf definitely could still consider one of the top five characters in this game gets a lot of amazing combo tools one of the things about wolf 2 is is air drift right a really good zoning tool to with that with that blaster and you know when you look at a lot of the other spaces he he actually has a more reliable okay Oh throw yes that is true that back throw really good but again the down smash is the thing that really helps them not and it was like nerds probably three percent seem the matter doesn't matter did any recover remember Mars is so good at stopping people from recovering very good edge Carter he's bullying the golf the stage I'm pretty much any percent try to get that KO but hundred and three percent yep I went I wonder how I was gonna try to set up this ko right here oh okay forward boy pretty up though right here waiting for a double jump from Mars and he has the flip kick to okay oh let's get sat down smash very close to time yet I don't like let's look for that one opening Mars those throw out a lot of attacks where you can get a chance to just swing something out and there it is right there yeah that's exactly what I was going to mention kids are the back air right it catches a lot of people sometimes when you're not going on stage not real missing is that confirmed so it catches a lot of people when you knock them off stage and they double jump early back on oh my gosh I'm not too sure if narrow tried to hold down laughing so they go past the ledge or if Mars simply to my Mets oh well beautiful by Mars that's why he keeps going for that down at the legislature get something like that to happen clutch oh my goodness every time you seen I will try to take to the skies you see Mars so quick with those forward airs cutting off narrows momentum and we have wolf hopping around right now looking for something but that - what - back here I did not know that what percent was that even is that even true I think like I don't think it is if he does that again I would expect Marcille flip kick out if it's not true but I definitely need a stats check on that one I'm very sure it wasn't true yeah I'm just shocked at how early that KO I mean it is wolf yeah that was a nice mix up right there by 91 yeah but the new chiller comes out rather quick stays up for bid and coupled with that air trip that makes war very scary to deal with oh and he gets a side beef a very very fantastic GI coming out from narrow and almost in sent down smashing time yeah that was so smart him going for that - you notice thing that Mars was charging the doubts mice were right there Mars again he's so quick with it man every time I read gets a KO he tries to immediately tack on the damage itself gosh you see all that pressure on that shield right there smashes y'all you always goes for gonna keep looking for that cuz of I just shoot Pope and put opponent in a bad position Oh offstage Wow really he actually got him offstage right there look at rate all right now one down smash might be able to do this even from the center if you have not the best e I are not expecting it but a simple backer also we might see Mero looking for that right about here and upper is actually a good ko option too if you can catch the opponent on the double jump when you're not coming to the skies and I will know and we do have them here is who Sam is way past the percent needed for wolf to get the KO and that was risky just running up doing that up smash but didn't get the hardest punish on him as you saw Mars was only able to get that epitome and remember guys if Mara loses this game oh no that is not good coming out for Mars do an out be out of shield that wouldn't even Kayla but he went for it anyway as a strong punish yep surprise later they want to go for an episode missile back throw there is not the KO this is unfortunate for an arrow to possible chance to get the kale did not work on I really like to get the kill their damn till did it work here yeah that's what might be able to work this time around a backyard back here oh my gosh and I thought that was a nitro suit yes and very close right now an arrow just needs one simple hit one up to one there it is that was so smart as you notice Mars went to the skies with us there and I wrote immediately dashing underneath with the dash attack and got that ko really good zone break as you can see there wow what a tense moment and I have to tell aquitar like I said ah who was a good choice I did say uh-oh I just was expecting that I would be our ruler a little bit earlier it's all good my friend you best be out right now I got you so good it's all good but all I'm saying is right now narrow keeping things interesting not only for us here but you guys are home to one against Mars Mars of course you know no I don't think he's a stranger to ever sing wolves in a bracket right like this is a character that a lot of people have decided to try out ever since Zachary came to the States man and showing us how good this character is remember when FK leo used to dabble in the character yeah thanks change so now we see a lot more Joker from them who knows maybe you might bring out the wolf that's the thing about MK lair right now it seems to be playing quite a number of characters I know a lot of people are saying he's focusing on Joker yup with like a pocket Lucena but he still has it's like he saw the wolf and saws a couple other characters that you might bring out I'm I'm interested see what he's gonna try again sweet cause last time they played it was six two into favor with tweek winning six games in a row so but he did not have Joker back then he did not have the DLC his Joker cloud as Joker pale hope there is Joker as he has RC no none of the characters had that be the mostest think - that is like limit cloud right yeah i love it yeah but yeah that's the thing about Joker he's not even like looking to be top five right now he looks really good like top 10 potentially what what are you doing my friend wolf was actually not bad alright this is a character that is debatable a lot of people have been debating if this character is actually really low you know when it comes to the tailless maybe it's representation I know as far as the changes 43.0 have been concerned our concern um the projectile game is totally different but nairo going back to his 3ds roots busting out the white booze I'm blown away yes this is like smash 3ds back when he's the main Robin in like 2004 2004 the whole game not even the Wii U of the 3d a 3d yes KO and still like it might have trouble recovering with oh he's definitely woo or maybe you'll have trouble recovering versus her okay stop I'll American man up beat it cancel now wait again Oh what is happening is going on ladies the channel I thought it was just again and that you could pull out of nowhere but like you know what just click random let him click random on the character selection screen hi Rose playing his foot he's on stream right now dude welcome to the narrow street MoMA con edition today for glory Tuesdays are papi his special guest this Mars that he has ending Mars career yeah oh yeah picking so taking so little but let's see bars doing that food cake very fantastic keep in mind Mars really good at these always percents and three taunts coming out in the world yeah I mean sometimes you got a psych yourself up man but yeah nairo gonna have to watch out work for those art parts at the edge as he you can see Mars could just quit kick over yeah it's not looking that good for the way the sled is it actually makes it so it stops the art fire from hitting alleged well if act as he wants and I will pick the stage that's this boat will not shoot okay looking for something to land it's interesting to see whatever he doesn't have the big sword eleventh floor he's just sitting there just swinging around a niche Allah are you gonna work and be able to cover I don't like to okay he didn't make it back but now he's currently losing in percentage Oh a beacon Mike day but snow has the flip take oh my god of course he plays seriously service yeah he knows about Messinger he knows about that flip kick fans has to catch him now but can you recover again he's making a recovery this oh my god he's actually making it happen okay I thought we're about to see him nosferatu upon landing oh it's alright trying to get safe quarter to let onstage book is gone at the moment can't use the magical spells but those have to live in sort at the moment but it's not gonna matter we live it I don't know how he's recovering every single time vs. Mars and that this is gonna be a strong punished to the third this character hurts so much guitar oh yes it does and how is she living what is the weight weight this character's double shot oh my god that's perfect okay you're about to get cancelled should be able to end it from Mars 58 percent though he could still be able to bring this back pretty well oh yeah big-time opening right there I was just getting to - check out something you gotta watch out for that pig man barely charged right but it does a decent amount but not affect gotta be careful being on uh near the ledge against character like nursery samus could get a flip kick ko even at this percent to be able to end it at forty something that could have been it right there i real hats to swing there yeah i don't know if he's gonna go for an arc fire but how is a decent amount of charge right here as the sword is gonna drop it wait a second he's waiting to drop it there it is into him - and now he's charging again hard fire look I may have made okay he wanted it but he saw it oh it sounds very good by Mars staining actually on the ledge so long but falling up here we'll be able to possibly end it you know that fade back on the fair was so smart man I are waiting for the flip kick we don't see any okay but it does not kill you I can't believe it and the left side to the right side so we're gonna have to see him swing with the forward air back here and up air to be able to try to send this out but Mars not gonna hat is he gonna go oh my god what a devil what a gamble nairo we are going to Vegas after this tournament we are so going everything on black everything on black oh my god oh my god where does Ramat come from dude to his house like 20 times I've never seen this Robin Hood I have a sickness Robin it's such a long time can I cut the characters in the game yo check I need some narrow white boots I can't even see the chat but we need them do we need them do you know how you can add that valid thing where you try to vote for what character you want next and smash ultimate yes she chose Robin once and I'll say wait hold on isn't this character already in the game that's how that's how long it's been I totally forgot this guy that's what happened I'm about to snow happy with dark pit he's we're playing the 3ds version of smash bros for wii u right now he is rotating he's rotating on Mars what is this I don't know there's no way this can actually work there's literally no way to stick this to the work it's a kid icarus batman let it rock there's no way alright let's let's just see it lets see it alright let's let's have to leave I mean to be honest if you look at dark pit yes pretty darn good Ariel's honestly man he may not be one of the best characters but he's decent enough yeah pretty good Ariel's a really good grab I know the grab isn't as good as an old game however it doesn't work out really well because you can comp off the grab especially at the lower percentage yeah just like the old game you still could do it's down throw up smash okay and that for throw too high the percentages go and can be really scape for Mars alright he keeps looking fat I grabbed over and over again that neutral air to a good umm smash Reed will be able to end it and that's why he's looking for already however again this is a character it doesn't have the best recovery it's really slow so when he's off stage I wonder what Mars is gonna do to stop around oh and I'm waiting for that electro soccer yeah but who's gonna go there I might just do it for recovery not the best CI right there and he actually is able to recover Mars break in the back though alright almost got the back up but maybe the slant messing them up by Mars and that's gonna be a KO come another an I row there's up B's you can just keep throwing about absolutely no way ladies and gentlemen I know we're in a way this guy's only playing his third dairy because I don't even know if that's a word this this is a dream sequence this is what we're experiencing now here at bubble con 2019 night dig deep into his bag of tricks oh that's gonna be able to do what yeah Mars motorized fantastic against his sidepiece right now he shows that he does still play there's the same Club that's definitely gonna kill haha right there Montanaro kind of pressing it trying to press out of disadvantage too much I wanted normal get up and again Mars throwing out a lot of attacks on shield and if he just blocks it he's able to get that simple punished so narrow having that lead but runs away too far to get punished when I grab the fact I he didn't press it that was good you know just so he was like my best punish I'm awake yep oh that's an opening maybe oh yeah flip kick you always have to remember she has that ace up her sleeve alright and this is very tricky for Mars at the same time because Mars like probably never has fought this character in this morning so yeah it's like what do I even do I parted in the on the last game but this game is so much different I'm gonna tell you right now one thing that I noticed about an iris playstyle the dash attack having such good range he's waiting for Mars so the width is super early so that he could get those dash attacks put marcenia and capitalize on his landing right now looking for that forward or punish up be the foot kick that is old-school Mars right there getting that foot kick as a punish instead of just go for an immediate upbeat yeah never has to get his feet on the ground yeah he's looking really hard to get on the ground and finally gets there but knocked off stage again the end up not the best recovery but that up be early but there's an upbeat coming out of Mars himself and no matter how good your di is at that percent you're done my rule right now getting a little too down smash happy I'll throw ya not gonna get a KO but I think he just wanted to force the juggle situation I have to see Nara fish burger killed that kale just a little bit you know to the fact that he needs to bring this back hard and so we're gonna see a couple of smashes maybe some em smashes another out smashes catches that flip kick it is Bostock each game 5 situation but there's something I notice about Mars you notice that pit in or dark hidden air isn't that great so just get him off the ground it'll be ok oh I wrote something really early he could tell he's getting a bit nervous yeah he's doing a lot of spot dodges oh my gosh a lot of spots eyes a lot of rolls and a lot of attempts at smash attacks there's there's a desk fact put Mars on a platform - that was easy for an air conversion that's air hits solo it makes the heart burn harder to get those that's oh my gosh and I was actually at Keio percent try to do the safe recovery maybe Mars arena so I mean actually pretty much happy right here watch out for that I'll be out of shield Mars is gonna look for it has to be very safe those new choices actually speaks way and that's gonna be able to out of shield into chaos nairo is still alive but he try to go that's good good catch and that's actually gonna be the came from Mars Mars takes it three to pan the global fantastic choice of picking his player yes amazing job right there as you notice nairo honestly in that game was going for a lot of normal get ups those normal get ups were getting him hurt time and time again he didn't mix it up probably didn't want to deal with having to land on top of Mars so Mars just was able to sit comfortably and go constantly for those side Peas on meros normal get ups we've seen die row even sometimes as he going went for normal get up he would try to dash in cuz he really really was desperate to get the damage on Mars on Mars good job on him being able to consistently punish those normal get ups catching narrow basically choosing the same option in a rock-paper-scissors scenario that was that was crazy I'm just still shocked that narrow is able to play was it dark pit yeah um zero samus Robin Robin and wolf and Wolf I don't know what that was that was still a hype set yet I was very high probably one of those type sets next uh waiting cities I think like leo versus Mars earlier oh yeah I agree I agree with that so hopefully we'll be able to see you know Mars do some hype stuff again I know he sucks him so in the tournament yes I've tweaked in a tournament we have MK leo and so I think we might be going to winners finals yes we will be and we already have it TSM to me coming to the stage it's
Channel: Smash Studios
Views: 213,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, marss, ssbu, nairo, nintendo, Zss, robin, dark pit, smashbros, smashstudios
Id: 6H0Dwfiixqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2019
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