Moments You Wouldn't Believe if Not Filmed | Best Of 2023 !

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hey wake up I'm about to show you the most incredible moments ever caught on camera and if you subscribe and hit the Bell fast enough you'll find yourself among the luckiest people with whom something incredible is constantly happening let's do this this guy seems to have gotten scammed by his dog breeder you've all seen tropical volcanoes on TV but how about a volcanic eruption in a Far Eastern forest with a 21 km High ashcloud someone asks you how Angry Birds is useful show them this video some bad weather suddenly became quite terrible for a flight ladies and gentlemen boarding has been delayed because I need to change my underwear her snoring husband is asleep in another room but then she hears [Music] wait a minute is that a trial version of Cerberus but that dog is downright cute compared to the sound of the most dangerous bird in the world you are now about to hear what the bear language sounds like do we have any bear translators in the audience want to know how this soccer player left an entire city without internet wait don't go I'm kidding after a rainstorm this road became the world's first water park for cars no one was hurt and everyone had a good time and this guy's going to be sent to aaban for using magic outside of [Music] Hogwarts but not I want to do that too you're about to see who the real boss in this house is apparently this cat lied on its resume this woman had both a plan and a budget for this very reason this guy's tattoo doesn't mean anything but it has a function well the mafia definitely won't be taking him in with a tattoo like that these Farmers stopped a whole flood by sacrificing their pickup trucks loaded with dirt something went wrong for these campers and they woke up surrounded by locals fortunately they made at home in one piece this guy thought little spiders were scary but then oh there he [Music] is here's more proof that dogs will miss you even if it's only been a few minutes since they last saw you hey hey by the way why didn't he just go under it I've heard some crazy fishing stories in my day but imagine telling somebody that you caught a plane I swear these anime fans can turn even a bad Mitten racket into a super weapon or she's just showing us the cheapest way to destroy a balloon this dog just said hey hold on let me get in my position now get off my property something went wrong while transporting this one 126 ton wind turbine now it looks like a water mill fortunately no one was hurt and this is what Tom and Jerry look like in real [Music] life meanwhile the shopping cart Uprising continues damn or are they just hate Camry's that moment when you fail the mission [Music] successfully it may seem like this elderly woman is afraid of a couple of snowballs but wait for it and she was like well never mind I'll go to the store in summer no better motivation to exercise than a falling bottle of your favorite [Music] wine well the boys are trying to do the water bottle challenge real men are doing this yeah that'll be another 200 bucks to remove the new tree and just like that a volleyball match becomes a game of dodgeball my luck is at about the same level as the owner of this uninsured car would you be terrified to run into a bear in the forest well I'd like to help you extend that fear to moose no need to thank me I don't know what the odds of these two meeting in a few Feld work but I do know that the driver needs a dry cleaner now this athletes career could have ended at this training session but luckily she had these guys [Music] around I give this jump a 10 10 years off my life that is cuz my heart almost stopped apparently we found someone who could survive on Miller's planet from Interstellar no one could press this button at the right time but who said you had to do it with your hand I wonder do farmers get unscheduled vacations for unexpected things like this or at least new boots even Zeus can get upset for not being invited to a yacht party to avoid annoying ads in real life without ad blocker you have to be lucky no one was hurt except for this office's advertising budget sometimes it's better to give the right of way and see a deer flying instead of your bike what is that camouflage here's the main reason why you should only ski at a Resort's territory not all heroes wear capes some wear [Music] helmets this path suddenly went from difficult to nearly impossible but this gear has unlimited [Music] luck this subway station almost became the last stop for this woman but she remembered that she forgot to buy eggs at the last second and here's a typical winter Day in Canada in the American version there's a Ford Mustang instead of a moose this was the happiest day ever for the bikers and the saddest day ever for The Hungry Tiger at the worst possible moment this plane's landing gear became damaged and the pilot had to improvise [Music] fortunately no one was hurt except the plane here is the world's first cow [Music] translator I think he took that last moood too personally it looks like this car is running away from a tsunami but that's actually fog rolling in from distant mountains okay laundry is done house is swept and dinner will be ready in 5 minutes my love this might be a normal day in GTA online but this is real life oops my bad wrong cheat code this is what a bridge demolition looks like when executed by a true professional from Spain no need to worry everything went according to plan and everyone is okay this sailor had one job do you think he lost that anchor or was that supposed to happen right in the comments this is what the devil's Woodyard mud volcano looks like and just as it sounds it spits out mud instead of magma and this is everyone's Health after they turn 30 how's your insurance by the way the residents of this town didn't know that professional captains could make a police U-turn even on huge ships this Gibbon is a real mess to society got you here [Music] kitty wait wait Kitty let's be friends got your ear Kitty sometimes even the cliffs get tired of the Endless photo shoots and need to lie down can you guess what color this card door originally was tell us in the [Music] comments it seems that the driver of this tram decided to play Snake and almost lost and these guys decided to show us what a real love triangle looks like if there's always a way out show it to me now this rooster was like don't be suspicious don't be suspicious fun fact wild Boors don't travel in packs it's more like a train oink oink train sorry while you're sliding into her DMS he's sliding straight into her introducing the Squirrel Pizza [Music] order our special pizza and get a squirrel for free common side effects may include rabies hair your teeth and bad Pizza look I'm no biologist but this here otter seems to prefer Android are you on the Otter's team or not WR in the comments remember while you're skipping leg day girls are skipping everything but leg [Music] day remember this scene from Karate kit well this guy did it better than Jackie Chan this is going [Music] on seems like this guy lives on Mount Olympus cuz this is how his neighbor trips his trees this guy asked his friends to print out his boarding pass and now you know for sure that these are his best friends this big guy isn't driving a Miata he's wearing it this is when you're trying to be stealthy in a game but you're just not good at [Music] it this is Professor mcgonagle coming home from [Music] Hogwarts but you said magic was forbidden outside of school this is why you can't leave kittens alone even for a minute this time they were playing the floor is lava this guy was like finally I can relax alone and the bear was thinking the same thing do you think the most amazing thing that could happen right now is him winning prepare to be surprised [Music] [Music] did you think global warming was just a joke how about this rock slide at a Lake in Utah yeah looks like breta thunder was right it turns out that Naruto isn't the only one who knows the shadow cloning technique and this is what intrusive advertising looks like in Canada this professional Australian pilot can land a giant plane [Music] anywhere by the way why isn't everything upside down this is the only way to get a husky to come inside come on inside want to come [Music] in this area is so Crim ridden that this guy even has to break up cat [Music] fights I swear going to the zoo to see a chameleon is the dumbest idea ever this dude is actually [Music] invisible this is the the world's first car to run on wood and I'm not quite sure is this eco-friendly and not eco-friendly at the same time and here's a little Mr Krabs getting his first glimpse of money oh my God money this guy has a stronger Drive than even Tiger Woods I didn't say he was more accurate here's footage of my last Brain Cell on Friday night when your cat is home alone and suddenly FBI open [Music] [Music] up now try to look at a different cat each time the last thing you expect to see in the middle of the ocean is an excavator I didn't know they migrated in the [Music] spring the two main downsides of kayaking for me are cold water and shh he might hear us and this is what the demolition of a radio tower looks like when a professional takes on the job there she go there she apparently humans aren't the only ones affected by Rising prices gasoline is so expensive right now that this seagull also has to travel on foot since AI can already think now they're learning how to use a human body you know it's bad when Nature itself tells you to quit [Music] drinking hey what are we doing here to be honest I don't know and this guy is the definition of beginner's life I don't know what this guy did to the wild Boors but judging by the reaction of this large family it's a blood Feud maybe they know his wife oh look the CEO of the never let them know your next move company came to the office if you know why this happened tell us in in the comments and this cat was one step away from seeing a big [Music] world is it always orange cats and this is why your mom always told you not to play with your [Music] food I don't know what happened to the car but without it this tire looks much happier [Music] and if you think it's a Ghost Driver it's not here he is sitting on the side of the road if you watch This Woman's luckiest moment again you'll wonder where the snow that fell on her came [Music] from this guy thought Subaru was a rally champion and the car could go anywhere well it is but he bought the only car in the Subaru lineup that can't handle that these fishermen just wanted to go fishing but ended up at a shark Coachella instead just when you thought you've seen it all there's a parrot watching videos about other parents [Music] think you're safe behind a metal fence this big boy begs to differ and here's a POV for every girl who ever asked would you still love me if I was a [Music] worm if you've ever wondered what Landing at the most dangerous airport in the world looks like from inside of the plane this is it and here's the coldest Pit Stop release in F1 [Music] history as soon as this par closed the ferris wheel immediately decided to retire [Music] this is how G wagon owners bring along a spare tire meanwhile ordinary car owners transport bicycles on their rooftops but of course the Mustang had to stand out this guy may not have been able to find a dance partner but he did manage to find his true [Music] love now try to count how many barrets are in this wheel I'll check your answer in the comments these high-rise buildings were built with major flaws so some true demolition Pros took on the job and didn't make a single [Music] mistake it seems that these Sailors have found the Kraken spawn point this is what real driving solidarity looks like no matter how much horsepower you [Music] have apparently the laws of physics apply to everyone except mountain [Music] goats here's a Gibbon's morning workout routine it keeps him in shape so he can jump at over 56 km per hour just one Right Touch is enough for a professional to perfectly demolish an entire [Music] Bridge you know you're a great cook when a bear from a nearby Forest comes to your barbecue now make a wish because this pink dolphin is one of the rarest species in the world and it's almost impossible to find [Music] one this is why you shouldn't take your phone on deployment looks like it was an airplane modat and this is what happens when you go shopping before the holidays with a list from your family [Music] always pay your electricity bills on time otherwise it'll run away from you while making angry noises thanks to Zeus's personal grudge against France and unimpressive photo becomes the most badass of all time you might see a dog chasing a cat on your street but in Alaska the situation is is completely different sometimes ice makes amazing shapes maybe these are ice noodles and this guy looks like Waluigi in Mario Kart in a bad neighborhood you're not even safe in the middle of the day this little dude is the greatest Master of Disguise ever only those with daughters will know what's going on [Music] here after a long time these guys finally showed us what we've all been waiting for [Music] some kids are probably asking what's a DVD in winter this German Shepherd makes snowballs so does he start building a BMW in the summer and this is a certified forklift [Music] moment only real Beatles fans know who this is what the when you finally find the person who's been ruining your life and these enemies turned lovers started dancing the Tango in midf fight apparently fence actually exists in real life if you have a logical explanation for this put it in the comments everything that could go wrong here did go wrong but no one was hurt what a miracle and this homeless man is a Florida star thanks to his cart [Music] train a look at that dogs in their own little carts if I saw this Pro with a hoop on the street I would give him all the money and everything I own [Music] after a bit of lying on the floor this dog dropped the hardest trick ever oh my duck what's going on here why are there so many of [Music] them hey don't worry there's another glass in there right right now that all the criminals in czechia have been caught it's time to catch the most wanted one a runaway ostrich don't worry he's fine he even got a lawyer the first people to be replaced by AI will probably be Pro Tic Tac Toe players or maybe not I'm not sure if this is how a fire hydrant is supposed to work if I have to work the night shift then this is the only way way this lady tried to hide from the cops in a car wash like in GTA but cops in real life are built different this is it we finally found it the end of the rainbow time to dig up that gold good thing this Wilderness firefighter put on his lucky hat today Tom we said that squirrels are the spawn of hell and that fireball proves it you don't know luck until you've tried running away from a 1,700 kg hippo and it [Music] worked and this seems to be the worst hate this and the best basketball player at the same time skill alone isn't enough for proper kite surfing in South Africa you still need a lot of luck look at this weird guy he thinks he's Thor excuse me Mr [Music] Thor this Utah man was being pursued by a mountain lion you I'm going away I'm not going to R you I promise I'm going away I'm going away I'm going away I'm going away lucky for him the big cat learned basic English during their conversation I'm going away do you know what the happiest day of your life looks like it's when an armored truck dumps its money all over the highway right in front of [Music] you no we going to siss that baby I wish I was as good at dodging my problems as this girl is at doding [Music] Wheels which do you think is stronger this dude's grip strength or the bar that's right his [Music] luck oh my God what just happened the passengers of this helicopter were lucky to have a pilot with such incredible skill at the controls this guy had to revert to his ancestral instincts to save [Music] himself and it worked okay so maybe this guy's swing isn't that good but this bat flip is 10 out of [Music] 10 think smart elevators know where you live nope they know how long you live according to PC Gamers this is how console players shoot with a [Music] assist sometimes there are failures in the cat distribution [Music] system holy but some tell me that this lyns will remember these people and track them down this Safari did not go exactly as planned and it's scary to imagine what a 6,000 kg elephant could do if these people weren't so [Applause] lucky this guy's reaction time is something any CSO player would be envious of [Music] and this fluffy Bandit was one step away from becoming a stray cat easiest goal just remember it's not a lack of skill it's a lack of [Music] luck and here's what a typical working day on an Antarctic expedition looks like here's how a sniper's wife goes on walks with her child can't see her me neither and here we have your average Pitbull named princess she doesn't bite though no need this guy seems to have only paid half price for this car so it's not a Ford F-150 it's an F75 [Music] now you know you're boring when even a bear has to learn how to open doors just to get away do you hear that somebody once told me the world is going to roll me one thing's for sure no Call of Duty character is as cool as this Pro medic who can get into a helicopter at a speed of 259 don't try this at home the whole neighborhood will be listening to this if the dog's owner even 1 minute late this is the most aggressive hail I've ever [Music] seen this guy thought that parallel parking is when the car is parallel to the road with one little nuance [Music] this guy hates flying but not for the reason you might think he's extremely ticklish plot twist he forgot his Landing ticket at [Music] home apparently Tommy versetti forgot his tank after playing with cheat codes on let me know if you did the same in GTA of course got CG has gotten so much better that the new Avatar movie has swimming scenes that look more realistic than real life after you've done some cleaning all you're likely to find in your vacuum cleaner is some dust but not in Australia no one was hurt but I would never sleep again after that all right look I ain't no engineer or nothing but that is not how a windmill is supposed to work W I don't know what that accent was but don't worry no it was her you thought Tesla had big windshields oh please you haven't seen an old opal yet when your best friend asks he to just take a [Music] bite these two drivers decided to copy a scene from Furious 7 but both got their turn signals mixed up maybe they ched each other the way this guy finally found out where cockroaches come from new phobia no need to thank me rule number one if you see a lion drive by rule number two if a lion sees you step on the gas and never come back don't be like this guy guess which one of these cars just came out of the car [Music] wash you realize that you didn't need those five shots when you see an elephant seal in the middle of the street she thought a dirty stove was the worst thing in this kitchen until jeez what a screamer oh look the new houses have ceilings with animal decorations no wait a minute when real professionals get down to business everything falls like dominoes this guy thought he was the strongest in the gym but he didn't know that Wonder Woman was training next to him [Music] if you love something let it go if it comes back to you it's yours forever said the driver of this truck about his wheel it looks like this guy won't be having an omelet with [Music] breakfast if this mouse were take an IQ test it would definitely [Music] win the same can't be said for the cat this is the only toilet you won't stay in for too long somebody once told me the world is going to roll me this guy didn't win at darts on his first throw so he threw the second one and ended the game for everyone [Music] here's me headed towards a brighter [Music] future this little spy was caught stealing ammo if you know why he needs it tell us in the comments she was doing pull-ups in the middle of the street at night now that children is How I Met Your Mother some fishermen were hoping this was a bunch of fish floating but it was just the wind ruining their plans or was it just Wong my apologies Miss W swim these guys seem totally confused about who's playing for which team or this bird is the big boss on this lawn this guy's mom bought these jeans and was like he'll grow into them my psychologist says no one's watching me but what about this mouse that dialed my apartment number and called me just how who needs a snowplow when your Audi Quattro can do the same thing with style [Music] they say that dogs look similar to their owners no they're identical who else thinks cats are stupid well keep thinking that and your cat will never let you leave the [Music] balcony this guy gets a 100% discount off all products but only when his friend is [Music] around this little guy is better at heists than your team in GTA Online why hello how you doing how can I help can't handle the heat my friend okay this kayaker accidentally captured footage of cthulu if I were this man I wouldn't be worried about bears I'd worry about what they're running from leave a comment if this clip broke your brain [Music] too think you're having a bad day at work tell that to this woman while this guy is making a video about the oil he found in the desert he's already made the for list apparently even Bears have gotten sick of the meanwhile in Russia jokes so they moov to [Music] California did you know that professional helicopter Pilots clear the wires of snow in their spare [Music] time and if you thought you were useless just look at this sand cleaner this is what happens in Italy when you break spaghetti in half injury these Builders were LIF in a spare window but now it looks like it's just a window our table it's broken what kind of horsepower do you think this car has that's right one [Music] yes I've heard that there's always a bigger fish but no one told me it would have such a huge mouth I don't mean to be rude but I think this biker confused the store for the drive-thru oh one cheeseburger please you should always sort your garbage even cats know that [Music] this onean was like I woke up in a new Bugatti tell me it's time to run without telling me it's time to run okay Elon Musk book me a ticket to Mars and that's all for today what is the most incredible moment you've had this year be sure to share in the comments don't forget to like And subscribe to the channel if you enjoyed the video see you later [Music]
Channel: MAD LAB
Views: 1,096,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Incredible Moments Caught on Camera, mind blowing, caught on camera, moments caught on camera, incredible moments, like a boss, luckiest people caught on camera, luckiest people, try not to laugh, mad lab, unbelievable moments caught on camera, perfect timing, funniest moments, animal moments, road moments, lucky moments, like a boss compilation, Best Of The Year, amazing people, 1 in a million moments, tiktok compilation, 1 in a billion moments, top 100, best moments
Id: _bzj0b-b2Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 14sec (2654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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