Mom in Carmel NY fights back against teaching critical race theory as board tries to tone police her

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Fuck yeah!

could be more focused, but oh yeah!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/discourse_friendly 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow, I don't really agree with all of the religion stuff that she mentioned, but I admire her gumption.

The board member who said "this is not a peaceful conversation" is mistaking hostility for violence. Why is it that burning a courthouse to the ground is "peaceful", but a pointed discussion is not?

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Vinifera7 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Bravo!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bookcollector87 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

An epic Karen, there are those that fight for the lightside of the Force lol

Seriously she's not wrong though, there is a HUGE problem with politics being forced into schools and other institutions. Where it should never exist in the first place.

For Example: In the UK our Royal family has to be publicly politically Neutral in ALL things, because the Political Party elected to run the country "in the Sovereign's name" will change. A member of the Royal family can't have anything to do with politics, with some acceptations to certain charities. This is why Meghan Markle and Prince Harry had problems, it wasn't a racism issue, but Meghan wanted to use her Royal position for political activism, which is against the rules. So she kept getting into arguments with the other members of the Royal family about her actions and political statements. They left being "A main Royal", but continue to butt heads with going against Royal Doctrine.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Bedlamcitylimit 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

This lady, like many of the people talking about critical race theory, was mad at the board of education before CRT was pulled into the culture war, and she will be mad at and about the board of education long after CRT is no longer part of the culture war.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Gatordave05 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
good evening my name is tatiana ibrahim and i'm here for the first time i'm here tonight not only as a community member but as a parent in this district recently you sent out a survey wanting to know why parents were not voting yes for this budget so my my situation my vote for no is a little different i think the board of education and those sitting on the panels are thieves i think they're liars and have committed treason against our children my message to this district and the members of the board of ed stop indoctrinating our children stop teaching our children to hate the police stop teaching our children that if they don't agree with the lgbt community that they're homophobic you have no idea each child's life you don't know what their family lifestyle consists of you don't know the makeup of their of their life you have children like mine who is muslim and i'm christian and everyone would think they would never believe that of her right because the way she looks or according to miss cyrus she's too pasty white ma'am ma'am excuse me i'm up here we're not allowed to use names if you have something you'd like to discuss about a specific person you can call the superintendent or leave your info for her to call you tomorrow why are we not allowed to discuss names why am i not allowed when they purposely themselves expose themselves on social media talking about calling for the death of a former president or saying that any child that doesn't believe in black lives matter should be canceled out is this what my tax dollars is paying for your teaching my children and other children that if they believe in god almighty they're part of a cult these educators put their own names out there we have mr berry who took it upon himself with ms cyrus to create a curriculum that should be it do you want the proof i have the proof you created a curriculum of black panther indoctrination ma'am you use taxpayers dollars one more time i i have no issue hearing what you have to say but why why can we not let the public speak why can't we let the public know that you're teaching our children to go out and murder our police officers do you want the proof i have the proof is that what scares you the proof that a parent actually standing up against all of you is that what scares you to call out the names of these people you work for me i don't work for you you have a duty we are entrusting our children to you we teach our children morals values when they grow up to commit crimes and end up in prison and kill a police officer it's our fault no it's your fault you're emotionally abusing our children and mentally abusing them you're demoralizing them by teaching them communist values this is still america ma'am and as long as i'm standing here on this good ground earth of god i will fight and i'm not this is not the last of me you will see i'm retired i have nothing else better to do we can do it peacefully or we can take it to the highest court because you know and i know i'm not the only parent fighting is all across america right now schools are trying to poison our children's minds teaching them about things that have no right to be taught in school so so normally i'm just gonna if you don't mind i'm gonna just give you a just a feedback for a moment i have no problem having a peaceful discussion this is not a peaceful discussion no that's your opinion see here we go again this is peaceful to me this is peaceful well i'm not burning looting and murdering this is peaceful i did not accuse you of that but i would don't have a problem having a conversation with you a peaceful conversation which is this is not 6.95 per child in the middle school to buy a curriculum from read to me dot org that wasn't even approved by the by the board of ed the administrators took it upon themselves to buy these books with taxpayer dollars while covet is going on how many families are struggling to pay their mortgages listen by all means you want to teach kids these things fine don't do it on my dollar don't infringe on my religious beliefs don't infringe do you know who makes up the majority of this district children from police officers families blues back the blue children do you know what these children feel like when they come home have you spoken to them no you're silencing them this whole canceled culture you're silencing the children where are their rights they have no rights because if they don't believe in the indoctrination the demonic twisted sneaky vile acts and and and education if you call it that that you're teaching our children they don't agree with that they're either homophobic they're part of a cult they they they're racist what what's what's racist who defines racist why because i'm do you know what race i am do you you don't you don't even have an idea i could be black i could be white i could be asian you don't know who are you to determine that who is anyone to determine that you know what children in the school system children like other children they don't look at color black and chil black and white children hispanic children you know why they get along because they don't look at each other's collar so you're the racist not them not us you're judging and dividing you're causing segregation everything that we fought for everything that i fought for for years so you have the right to stand here and tell me i'm not allowed to mention a name when the person the mr barrio miss cyrus themselves you have ela teachers giving out uh assignments on police murder to police or bad you want the proof okay because we have it so what policy do you have that teachers are not allowed to go on social media and indoctrinate they took an oath a responsibility they're they're going against everything that they stand for and well and i understand end it i end it i have to end it so why why you're on my dollar why well actually i i work for nothing doing this oh you work for nothing oh i do this is a volunteer position number one i'm still my taxes paying for everything this podium is every taxpayer's dollar here we have rights we have rights and you're making general assumptions no i'm not making assumptions i'm not i know what i'm speaking about i don't agree with you so it's an assumption well i'm not going to engage in a back and forth with you about this so if you would like to make an appointment i would be happy to sit with the superintendent i don't i don't want to the superintendent the assistant superintendent already sent an email and stated that they had no idea that these books were being put on in in the students hands the superintendent already stated that they had no idea that the funds of taxpayers were supporting this black panthers do you know black panthers is a domestic terrorist group do you know that it was it was it was condemned as a as a terrorist group do you know they kill cops i have a problem when you're trying to kill a police officer i have a big problem with that i have a problem when teachers are passing out flyers recruiting children to go to to the courthouse to protest black lives matters when you have people sitting with with signs that says all cops are bastards really all cops are bastards no i think you people are because the way you're acting and the way you're training our children and our police officers and making them believe that it's okay to abuse them i'll be damned if i'm going to sit here and let you do that you you no i'm i will become your worst nightmare because i'm going to stand here and keep fighting and fighting and fighting and fighting and if not um i can actually go out get signatures what happens if we stop paying school taxes you're gonna arrest all the community the majority of the community no i don't think so this won't be the last of me i want everyone to know what's going on because you're hiding it you're hiding it you know who does that communists do that that's what you're doing recruiting children children you're recruiting children to hate our police officers how dare you you have a librarian in the high school passing out black lives matter pins when a student asks for a blue live why would i have that why would she have that what did you do for police police week why don't you tell me sir what is it you want to tell me you've had your two minutes i don't need two minutes i can i can go as long as i like no that's not the point no oh who where is it say that i can't is there a law against that we do have a policy a board policy who makes these board policies the board the board and who pays the board nobody the chair you're sitting on we pay for it the lights that are on we pay for we pay for everything you want to silence me because i spoke the truth i spoke the truth everyone out there heard me whether they agree or they don't they're going to start looking into it and now you're go now you're exposed that's all it's going to end this indoctrination and hatred towards our police officers the systematic racism and canceled culture is going to end you came to the wrong school district to do this okay you need to respect every child so therefore no politics should be discussed in school rather whether it be conservatism democratic liberalism you gave a a a survey after the elections why why did you ask students who they voted for what did it matter no answer huh you have no answers for me i didn't expect an answer that's okay though we'll get them some way or another same way you can't show us where all our money goes right yeah that's what i thought thank you
Channel: Actively Unwoke
Views: 972,921
Rating: 4.9300919 out of 5
Id: zxu3wdiXRF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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