Mom always told me I was special, now i know why

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welcome to your new home i hope that you enjoy living here i just wanted to let you know how special you are mrs craig smiled at me then gave me a hug hi my name is tiffany don't forget to like subscribe and share press the notification button so that you would be the first to see when new content comes out after you have done that go and hug your family and tell them that you love them because not everyone has a loving family i had been back at mrs silver's orphanage about a year when she called me into the office and said that someone wanted to adopt me she said that they looked like a nice couple and they didn't have any children i thought that at the age of 13 nobody wanted to adopt me boy was i wrong and the thought of having my own space was surreal that night i had the most restful night i've had in a long time the next day mrs silvers took me to the doctor's office and i got some blood tests done i had never been adopted before so i thought it was standard procedure as a matter of fact i would have done anything not to be placed with a foster family again i never knew my mom and some days i wish she was around and i comforted myself by thinking she probably had a good reason for giving up doesn't every mother about two weeks after mrs silvers told me that i was getting adopted it was finally time for me to leave the orphanage hopefully this time for good when i got to the home of mr and mrs craig i was given the tour around the house this is your room tiffany mrs craig said as she opened the door but you can't redecorate it there were portraits on the wall of a girl she looked around 16 years old trophies and medals adorned the room each one holding the name zakiya craig they must have lost their daughter it made sense that mrs craig wouldn't want the room to be redecorated the next few days were simple enough i really didn't have anything to do since mr and mrs craig did all the housework and cooking mr and mrs craig even told me that i could call them mom and dad if it was something i felt comfortable doing so i did every day mom told me that i was special and it really meant a lot to me after being told that i wouldn't amount to anything and that if my mom didn't want me why would anyone else mrs craig showered me with gifts and made my favorite meals one night i was sitting in bed reading a book when i heard a soft knock on the door come in i said mom came into the room bearing gifts of a tray of chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk she placed the tray on the nightstand how are you enjoying it here mom asked that she sat next to me on the bed i'm very happy i said then she said something that sounded a bit off you know that you're now a part of the family and in families we need to look out for each other sometimes that looks like sacrificing a part of ourselves to help other members of the family before i could respond she kissed me on the forehead and exited my bedroom the next day around 4 pm mom turned to me and said tiffany honey i need you to get dressed dad and i have an outing that we would like to take you on i was excited we really had not been to anywhere besides the supermarket and i was happy to see walls other than that of the house we left the house around 5 15 pm and my excitement faded when i realized the tension that filled the space within the car i felt as though something was wrong or was about to go wrong after a very quiet two-hour drive we finally pulled into the parking lot of saint andrews private hospital i followed my parents in and they led us to a room that held one patient the person in the bed was hooked up to tubes and machines i recognized her as the girl in the photo she was zakaya mom and dad's daughter i gasped all this time i assumed she was dead why didn't they ever mention her to me a man in a long white coat walked into the room and interrupted my thoughts the doctor said this must be tiffany you are doing such a great thing a great thing what great thing am i doing i asked with a puzzled expression on my face he looked at me and said you don't think that giving one of your kidneys to zakiyah is a great thing mr and mrs craig were very lucky to find a match i placed my hand over my mouth and gasped as my eyes grew wide in disbelief when i did speak my voice shook a kidney nobody told me anything about a kidney you must be mistaken i'm tiffany mr and mrs craig's adopted daughter i'm not a kidney donor the doctor turned to mr and mrs craig as he completely ignored the words that were just spoken and said we have tiffany's room all prepared zakaya is able to do another surgery so the surgery will take place tomorrow he nodded to my parents and exited the room mom please don't let them do this to me i pleaded mrs craig was no longer the sweet loving adopted mom that i knew and grew to love and her place stood a cold and harsh woman who grabbed my shoulders roughly and snarled you have two choices tiffany you can one do the surgery or two go back to the orphanage and let them put you in another foster home and this time i'll make sure that you stay there she let go of my shoulders and smiled at me as the nurse entered the room remember we are now family and family makes sacrifices for its members as i sat in the hospital bed dressed in hospital garb tears flowed i decided to do the surgery i did not want to go back to foster care if giving a kidney meant that i would never have to go back then i guess i was left with no choice the next morning i was wheeled into the operation room around 5 am after surgery i was in and out of consciousness from the conversations i heard the surgery was successful and everyone thought i was such a brave little girl for doing what i did zakiyah had been searching for a kidney match for three years and finally it happened i also knew that i was not the only child that gave a kidney to zakaya about two weeks after surgery i was allowed to go home however i wasn't allowed to go back to the room that i previously occupied i was taken to a much smaller room that held a dresser a bed and a desk and chair and luckily a computer i was home most of the time alone since the craigs were in the hospital with zikaya one night right before going to bed i took my painkillers and settled under my blankets i swore i saw movement outside my window but i didn't think anything of it i thought it was my mind playing tricks on me i closed my eyes and drifted off into a dreamless sleep being home after the surgery exposed that the craigs already got what they wanted from me the love and affection that i once got was no longer there once that kaya was in the clear my new family completely forgot about me it also meant that privileges such as watching tv with the family and even going out to dinner with the family was no more i now became the outcast this meant i spent most of my time in my room surfing the web and watching movies i only left my room when it was necessary it somehow became my solitude once when the craigs went to dinner i was in my room when i heard a tap tap tap coming from the window behind my drawn curtains at first i thought it was a figment of my imagination but the tapping got louder and faster my eyes grew wide and i felt as though i was going in slow motion as i moved ahead to the curtain to see what was behind it my hands grabbed the curtain and quickly pulled it to the side to see what was making the noise mr craig's voice behind me startled me tiffany why are you still up you should be in bed i jumped at fright and a short scream escaped my lips i placed my hand on my chest to steady my racing heart i thought i heard something coming from outside it's probably the wind shaking the window panes mr quink smiled at me he handed me a disposable food container and then winked at me before leaving the room if it wasn't for the small humane gestures of mr craig from time to time living with the craigs would have been unbearable especially since zakiyah inherited her mother's charming demeanor over the next few months i felt as though someone was constantly looking over my shoulder but every time i turned around nobody was there so walking to and from school was quite nerve-wracking once while heading home from school i guess i zoned out because one minute i was crossing the road and next i was being tackled to the ground before a car zoom passed before i could regain my senses and thank the person who saved my life they just disappeared one evening while watering the plants i heard a noise from behind the tree now if you are thinking that i went to check out what that noise was i didn't i dropped the watering can and ran inside the house the craigs were out for the evening so i ran through the house frantically making sure all the windows and doors were locked next i ran into my room locked the door and hid into the closet but after about 10 minutes i heard the same tapping noise on the window behind the curtain tap tap tap tap i felt as though with every second that passed it grew louder and louder until it was the only thing that i heard i came to the conclusion that this was how i was going to die i gingerly opened the closet door and walked slowly towards the curtain i expected or rather hoped mr craig would walk in like last time but that didn't happen i peeked behind the curtain and i was astonished to see what was outside my window making the tapping sound it was a woman my jaw trapped it was a woman who looked just like me but of course older she wore a black coat with a hoodie mustering all my courage i moved the curtain to one side and looked at the reflection of myself outside the window the woman smiled and i noticed tears swell in her eyes hi tiffany she said i'm your mother she said she got pregnant when she was 16. on the day that her baby was born her mother placed the baby up for adoption she said that she had been looking for me for years but every time she found me i had already left the foster care i was in it was a lot to take in after our nightly cap by my bedroom window she said goodbye and that she would see me soon over the next few weeks my mother and i got acquainted we knew that they would never award her full custody of me since she did not make enough money after three years of being mistreated i ran away from the craigs and went to live with my mother that night while slipping out of my bedroom window mr craig entered my room i was frozen with fear thinking he would raise an alarm he smiled at me and nodded and i smiled back and i slipped out the window to go meet my mother nobody came after me or came looking for me no alerts were put out it seemed as though i became a ghost i had been living with my mother about seven years when we were heading out of town along the way we saw a crowd along the road and we found out that there was an accident my mom and i stepped out of the car because the road was blocked so we couldn't pass anyway as they were placing people on the stretchers i recognized that it was the craigs i really had mixed feelings about this on one hand i wanted to be empathetic but on the other hand i was like karma was serving her dish today then my thoughts ran on about mr craig and how he made my stay a little better while i lived with him i asked a paramedic which hospital they were being taken to once i got my answer i asked my mom if we go to the hospital and she said no problem when we got to the hospital we entered and spoke with the receptionist my mother told her that we were family with the craigs and that we would like to be updated on their status as soon as possible the receptionist nodded and asked us to wait in the waiting area after about three hours the doctor came out family members of the craig family he said my mom and i stood up and answered yes i'm sorry to say that we lost nakaya and juliet in surgery he said how was mr craig i blurted out he'll be fine rihanna put pins in his legs he has two broken ribs and a mild concussion but he will be okay you can come back tomorrow when he's allowed visitors the doctor said my mother and i thanked him and exited the hospital the next day we visited the hospital and i walked in with flowers for mr craig he apologized for what his wife did to me all those years ago and he thanked us for coming by to visit him that one visit turned out to be many visits my mom and i helped mr craig any way we could including helping him to and from therapy once he got out of the hospital he and my mom got close and five years later they are about to get married my life may not have started off the best but it's not where you start it's where you allow yourself to end up
Channel: Story Time Animated
Views: 675,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D_WWgUbsetI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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