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my name's mr. Sens I'm from London and I've been doing graffiti since 1988 first and foremost my love is still for lettering so that's very important part of my history so I always like to be Styles you know it really depends who I'm painting with where I'm painting as to whether I do traditional piece or something more registrate it may be about five years ago I was just doing kind of wild spell pieces classic graffiti and then I kind of naturally began began experimenting with different views in different styles different painting techniques different styles of graffiti like realism and lettering so I putting them all together and also focusing on portraits which is something I've always loved but I've never really given a good shot so I started linking them all together and doing portraits and then my style just emerged [Music] so for the molotov strain basically I wanted to combine my kind of futuristic portraits which I'm known for at the moment and some classic kind of train styles you know so I wanted to fuse all of my experiences and and where my influences together one big whole cast [Music] so with my portraits the first inspiration is a decent photograph so I normally work from kind of fashion photographs and I look for really interesting lighting and interesting kind of poses so that's always the first inspiration then when I go to the wall everything else is freestyle so it's it's all yeah based on you know the kind of size of the wall what happens you know you know way back in the beginning there was obviously just the car brands you know there was never any professional spray paint so obviously motels was the first you know so we've always used it you know so again it's just become monitors as part of my history as a writer and a graffiti I so so it was sick you know I've always wanted to you know work with militaria and eventually it's happened so great I like to think I'm just doing kind of futuristic graph really you know I just I really focus my work is focused on the techniques and all the different things I picked up over the years so I'm really interested in the technical side you know so and about pushing the feet forward doing something different I think it's very important in today's sea [Applause] you
Channel: MOLOTOW
Views: 65,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: molotowtrain, molotow, molotowpaint, mrcenz, graffiti, graffititrain, train, wholecar, molotowpremium
Id: OoqlucY6k-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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