Molly Ivins: How we hurt ourselves when scared to death

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John Henry was one of the heroes of a bad time in this country the McCarthy era and that's when he took up freedom fightin as a serious thing not many people know this but em before he went into being a First Amendment defender Johnny Johnny was in law enforcement he in fact he was in the Texas Rangers captain he was six at the time his friend boots Cooper who was seven was the sheriff and they used to do a lot of serious law enforcement out behind a fault family place one day Johnny's mama having two such fun Golemon right there on the property said John boys I want y'all to go down the henhouse get that chicken snake out of the henhouse Johnny and boots were all excited about this big assignment they galloped down there on their brooms that tethered their brooms we're near the henhouse clean through all the nests on the bottom shelf no snake they were have an agent over sighs where to see up on the second shelf they had to stand on tiptoes to their stake there and there was now I have never myself being nose-to-nose with a chicken steak but I always took Chinese word for that it will just scare the living out of you and it scared Johnny and boots so bad they both tried to get out of hand house at the same time doing considerable damage to themselves and the in house door in the process when I came trying to back up the porch all Shan face mr. Fogg looked at him and said boys boys what is wrong with you you know perfectly with our chicken steak we're not hurt you and that's when boots Cooper said they semi immortal thing he said yes ma'am but some things will scare you so bad you'll hurt yourself don't you know that's what we do again and again in this country it's so scared so scared I'm a real menace not a chicken snake scared of communism scared of crimes get a drugs scared of illegal aliens scared of terrorists so scared that we hurt ourselves make the same mistake over and over again we think we can make ourselves safer by making ourselves less free potato when you make yourself less free all that happens afterward is that you are less free you are not safer
Channel: Lulubluebelle
Views: 26,904
Rating: 4.9302325 out of 5
Keywords: McCarthy;, John, Henry, Falk;, Molly, Ivins;, Freedom, Fighting;, Patriotism;, Terrorism;, Patriot, Act;, Democrats, commentary, analysis
Id: WXToviObdoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 33sec (153 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 22 2008
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