Moldavite: The Crystal of Transformation, presented by Alice "Alicja" Jones

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uh today's topic is moldavite and this is a stone that I would love to hear from the people who are online how what your exposure is to that what you're not uh you know just do you have you even heard of it do you uh have you used it and uh just anything you want to share about it if you wish so maurit um how about you sharing anything that you have no about uh that you've used with multivite unmute yourself um very good um what I nothing absolutely nothing I love you dearly we've talked about um I love geology and so I'm in adventure mode oh good okay so this is going to be a a new kind of learning for you so absolutely that's wonderful all right uh Julie since you said you have worked with it what what is your experience been um so it was interesting because I'm in different groups with you know crystals and um you know one of my teachers said he like a lot of people like have to step away from it and can't use it for a while because it's even overwhelming in the room I have the opposite experience I can't get enough of it I wish I had bigger pieces and I may have to think about investing in it it when the first time I used it it sat in my hand and it was it just got very hot and very warm and I just felt like I could connect at a higher level and so I I use a couple pieces um I wish I had more but I I tend to gravitate toward a lot of the high vibrational ones so I I think it's wonderful I don't know you know too much about its um you know I think you're I don't know I have a question about whether you're supposed to wear it I know you wear it yes and somebody had told me that there was some there might be I don't know if there's any degree of you know concern with wearing it I just didn't know but I have a necklace and I was thinking about wearing it but I wasn't sure about that but I I tend to think it's really wonderful yeah I will cover wearing it so you then you can decide for yourself Carol how about your thank you Julie um I don't have any knowledge about it um I don't know if I own any or not because I have a collection of crystals that I don't even remember what they are uh you know um so I haven't my sorry about that camera um I I am I'm curious to learn more because I don't really know how to work with crystals really in in any deep way okay this one sounds super potent and potent sounds super appropriate for my life right now yeah I I would absolutely agree with that Carol so hopefully uh if you take notes or uh this of course is being recorded so you can refer to it uh also uh if if you have to to think well did I hear that correctly or or whatever so anyway uh and thank you uh and Alice Crump what is your uh experience with moldavite if any um I have a couple of small pieces and one of those I had made into a necklace with um a piece of uh Herkimer diamond oh beautiful oh it's a lovely piece and I just love wearing it we moved recently a few months ago and so all my jewelry was packed up safely you know I put it away to make it safe so the movers couldn't move it I moved it and I'm not sure exactly where it is right now oh wow uh when I saw the advertisement for this session the word moldovite it must have been four inches tall on the page because I was just drawn into it thank you wonderful well that's that's kind of how I felt when I heard about it uh you know uh and it was like I have to find out more I have to find out more so anyway let's start I'm gonna go back first with the history of moldavite because you kind of want to know where it came from so many of our stones and when I say Stones I'm basically referring to crystals uh the Stones have a lot of them are 300 million years old and because I I can't tell you how many of the ones that I have uh that are part of my collection uh when I go and research the history that's the the first thing that'll that will show up this one they've never really analyzed the age of where this came from but they said that and this is a piece of moldavite um you can you can see it's slightly translucent and this is another piece again slightly translucent and this piece is a tiny piece but amazingly enough has almost when I put the pieces in my hand it doesn't matter whether it's the smallest or the largest they almost feel like they're the same weight that is what is so amazingly incredible about moldavite the density of it does not depend on its size the density depends on the fact of where it came from so 14.8 million years ago it was a meteorite it came in through the sky and where it hit the point of impact in the on the world was the Czech Republic and so of course when I went to the Czech Republic I thought oh I'll find multiplied all over the place I did not see a single piece so I am not certain that you know where this moldavite is is is in the Czech Republic but at least my experience was through the whole downtown area as I was going from shop to shop to shop to shop saw tons of garnet saw tons of of Onyx and black obsidian saw no moldavite and um so I don't know if they're using it mainly for export as it there's there's three versions of what this is composed of there are those that say that it is totally extraterrestrial that there is nothing about moldavite that combined with anything on Earth that this is it feels just like molten glass it feels like something that you could have and and because it it has so many striations through it you can actually fence the you know the the immense speed that it went through as it was coming to the heavens so like I said that's version number one that it is strictly extraterrestrial then the second version and and and along with the Extraterrestrial it's that it came from a lunar volcano it came from somewhere in outer space but the premises that it came from a lunar volcano and it was uh brought in then um to the Earth then there's a second group of people that say that it's a fusion of the Earth with the Extraterrestrial meteorite so as it impacted the Earth it melted the surrounding rock or whatever it hit whatever it hit just went into uh you know kind of like a molten ball and therefore it and and it um became something very close to Green obsidian I mean green obsidian is is the only uh Crystal that that we have that would be as very very close to this um but this has a little bit more blue than green obsidian green obsidian is as more like the green apple type of thing but that okay so that's that's version number two version number three is that the meteorite vaporized and everything but its impact because its impact was the equivalent and I don't have any any way of telling you what this means but it was the equivalent of 6 trillion megatons of bombs going off and so everything that that moldavite became was strictly from the impact that it made on the Earth but when you feel it when you feel the um you know when you pick it up like Julie said and put it in your hand you will actually feel the warmth of the stone immediately and the one thing that I can assure you because again I've felt it myself I could put a sliver I could put a tiny piece of moldavite in one hand and I could put a much bigger piece one that was maybe 20 times bigger than the sliver or 30 times bigger they would feel the same and they would weigh the same so that is that amazed me you know I was also when I realized that I wanted to wear this I was doing readings at a Pathways Expo fortunately I had my whole table set up and I had an extra half hour to spare so I just started going from Crystal vendor to Crystal vendor and saw this piece of moldavite in encased in silver in sterling silver and I had seen many pieces that were just plain but this one was encased in in sterling silver and it was 59 and I thought that was an amazing price because um these little pieces without any type of silver around them I think cost me between 50 and 70 dollars so I I was just very very grateful to get a piece that I felt I could um wear wearing multivite yep the stone will tell you whether or not it's aligned with you at that moment in time because if you if your vibrations aren't don't resonate with it aren't high enough for it it can make you ill if there's something inside of you that you're holding on to that it does not the the stone itself the the Deva of the Stone does not want you to have it you might have to put it on see what it feels like and then if you decide Jesus this is not making me feel good and you can tell right away you know you can tell by the way your heart feels that whether or not this this is right for you so but that doesn't mean you have to put it away permanently you can try it I would say monthly and probably within six months if you're 100 dedicated into clearing out whatever issues you're holding on to um and and again the stone will tell you you know meditating with the stone this is why I I bought as many pieces as I did and sadly uh the like the second time I meditated with it these past couple weeks one piece disappeared um any any all of you who know me know that I blame my fairies for everything so I think that they probably took it but I haven't done a thorough investigation of of you know uh the bed clothes and and everything all I know is that I I had laid it on my third eye I had two pieces in my hand when I went to take it off my third eye it wasn't there and it wasn't anywhere around me and everything and I haven't found it to this day that was about two weeks ago but if you I I know that this piece is constantly close to my heart and when I do lay down I will put one of the two bigger pieces in my hand and I will put now the little the smaller piece on my third eye there's a certain comfort that comes from meditating with multiply first of all the warmth the heat is just there's something very reassuring about it it's almost like um a moist heat it's almost like a hot water bottle and you know a hot water bottle just you know the only time you you take it is when you need comfort so that's uh you know that that that that just makes you feel good but um anyway uh the oh getting back this this is a point that I should have covered getting back to the impact that the meteor made when it hit the Earth what happened 14.8 million years ago the polls reversed South Pole became North Pole or they shifted halfway so that the equator became the pole and the uh you know uh so that the tropics became frigid and um they were in a place where uh uh I know that scientists occasionally occasionally you will see a movie or a documentary where they say they they you know drilled down in the North Pole and scientists will have stated that they have pulled up tropical vegetation from their drillings so we know that that has happened more than once I don't know the other dates but we know that it happened um apparently during the impact of this crater now the properties associated with moldavite are really quite interesting in the legend is that the Knights of the Templar as well as King Arthur's knights went looking for the Holy Grail because the Holy Grail was the child or was considered to be the Chalice of that Christ used at the Last Supper I know that I continue to read and reread Anna grandmother of Jesus by Claire hartsong and she channeled Anna the grandmother of Jesus and Anna when she comes to the scenes of The Last Supper she says that Christ used a very simple Celtic cup if it were Celtic it probably may have had a Celtic Design on it my suspicion is that it would not have been encrusted with any kind of jewels but I haven't gotten a clear confirmation one way or another uh I just feel that Christ would not have used a jewel cup for the Last Supper um so it it's hard to say but at least we do know that the Knights of the Round Table one of their quests was to go to to search for the Holy Grail as well as the the uh the Knights of the Templar and recently it was interesting because when I had Reiki one here one of the past lives of one of the Reiki students came out to be the Knights of the Templar so that that was quite intriguing to me um let's see what else okay the first thing that you have to know about the um multivite it's a stone of transformation it's a stone that is going to bring you your lessons and when I say bring you your lessons if there is something that you really don't want to face about yourself or face about your family or face about your relationships or face about your work struggle whatever it is that you don't want to look at it's going to be in your face I know in my case within a week of me putting this on my you know wearing it around my neck an issue that I had been avoiding for 25 years was there I couldn't avoid it I had to deal with it because it was right there right in front of me so just know and that this will bring you your lessons it's another property of the stone is that it's a stone of Harmony because I mean if you stop to think Harmony and peace and balance is what we are after on this planet because we are so out of balance we are so dish harmonious and so moldavite is going to do that and in at least in the Czech Republic the newlyweds will give each other a gift of moldavite in the hopes that the marriage will be harmonious which I thought was an absolutely lovely lovely uh kind of gesture and and symbol for each other it's a stone that accelerates your well it revitalizes and accelerates your personal evolution so many of us that show up week after week time after time to and we know that our journey is to help others it's going to help with that it's going to help you remove the fears associated with stepping forward on your path I know that there are some that have they know they they hear it clearly they have a sense of they kind of feel the prompting from their guides they know what to do but taking that step taking all the steps to to to become the bit another version of themselves seems daunting seems just too difficult and especially if there are health challenges along the way the health challenges sometimes I when I ask why did that happen why did the and I'm reminded every single time that nothing just happens nothing just appears in a person's life at some point on some level in in the growth of your soul and this could obviously be when you were in spirit you had to agree to that happening you had to agree to that and so now it's up to you to continue to ask your guides why am I experiencing this why is this following me through life why and sometimes uh I know in the past when I've counseled people uh that seem I'm just overwhelmed with grief and I ask the answer I get is or what I'm being what I'm shown sometimes is that in a pro in a previous lifetime they may have either been totally callous to grief totally indifferent to it like the warrior that went through a village and just indiscriminately killed everybody in his path or her path well most of the time the warriors were him uh not her but and sometimes so sometimes it's that that they were callous and indifferent to grief so now it's an emotion they have to process but sometimes it's that they grieved excessively someone they loved died prematurely in their estimation and so they grieved excessively kind of like Queen Victoria she stayed in Black for what 60 years of her life um so they she had uh and in or however many years maybe somebody will need to Google that and and let me know what the exact number is but uh she really never got over the death of Prince Albert and so that that would be a kind of a vivid example of excessive grief so anyway um another characteristic another property of moldavite is the opening of the heart chakra plus if you and I think um it was Alice uh Crum that said she had her piece uh done in conjunction with Herkimer I know that if you combine a Herkimer diamond is one of the clearest quartz crystals on the planet there they come from Herkimer Herkimer New York and the uh I know the day that we went there we went there one time to dig in the Herkimer diamond mines which you can for free there's no charge uh if you don't bring your own digging equipment they they rent it to you for ten dollars uh if you feel inclined to do this I strongly recommend it um because whatever you find in the soil you get to keep even though they didn't charge you for uh that their gift shop is wonderful in the gift shop the thing that I will never forget for as long as I live is that they showed me [Music] um uh cross of Herkimer diamond it's because they're they're mainly about the size of a nickel to maybe the size of a quarter but you know somewhere in there and a lot of them are very small like the size of a pea the cross was found the day that 9 11 took place so it and it had something like 280 pieces of herkimers stuck together perfect cross and it was it was amazing to to see that and to know that that was found the day that that the you know World Trade Center went both the the towers went down so um anyway uh but moldavite has a wonderful like property that adheres to the property of the Herkimer diamond and it has a it has a uh it's also seraphinite it loves the property of seraphinite which is a green stone and which is very much aligned with the seraphin archangels um I know that Donna just sent me a text in the chat Donna if you just tell me the number of years because I I didn't see the chat it went through too fast uh the text went through too fast Queen Victoria wore black every day for 40 years until her death and then um Julie is asking where the mine is located Herkimer New York so just log in Herkimer because that the diamonds are named after the tone and uh and I'm gonna say somewhere kind of in the center of New York State I know we went there from Virginia it didn't take us that long to get there maybe four hours or so so we definitely it's it's not something that you can go up and and come back to but uh maybe five hours uh and everything but Herkimer and it's h-e-r-k-i-m-e-r Herkimer [Music] and uh it's it's it's a wonderful wonderful uh road trip to to take especially with like-minded people um oh Alice yeah I interject something if it's okay because I was gonna go I was gonna go there and they just you know during the pandemic just for an update they revamped it and now it has like a fancy uh restaurant they have cabins uh mountains it's become a quite I don't know if they charge you a nominal fee like ten dollars to get into the mines but it's become quite a big and beautiful like hot spot you know like where you can lodging and find dining and so because a couple years ago I checked it out I think per your your um recommendation and then since then I was going to go up again but they changed it all and it's over the winter they're closed so just so you know okay well that makes sense you know because nobody's gonna come dig in a mine over the winter when I say dig into mine you will see the excavation in front of you but you are allowed to you know there there's a roped off spot it's safe and you just kneel down and you start digging and uh the the irony is I went up with five other women so there was six of us total well no maybe five of us total one of the women was complaining that she didn't find anything so another man who had been there who lives in the area who comes repeatedly to Herkimer took out one of his Herkimer Diamonds that was about this big and gave it to her and we're all sitting there looking gee why didn't I complain anyway it was so you know it was just so neat and the uh but that she got that as a gift and then she ended up buying a necklace for herself that cost eight hundred dollars of maybe um all crystals that were pretty evenly matched to uh to that because the way it grows the the crystals grow and they try to you know that all the sizes show up and so that it's just like pearls they just try to match uh pearls to the to the same size anyway but thank you for that information uh Julie okay so what else it's it opens the heart chakra but it also is good for activating all the chakras so again it's like one size fits all so uh you really don't have to sit there and buy uh or put a colored Stone of the chakra color you can just use the moldavite in the place that you want that particular attention it will also give you as you meditate with it and obviously laying down with it is is a very good idea it'll give you a sense of levitation it'll give you a sense that you're being lifted out of your body I can't say that I've ever felt that but what I have felt is almost an incredible sense of peace it's like the blood even stopped flowing in my body and that I was just one with all there was no no difference between me or anything else I couldn't feel the bed under you know underneath me um couldn't feel my uh hands as being you know like appendages like when you move your hands you can sense that everything just felt floaty yeah so it's quite quite a a beautiful experience um it will oh this is important it will focus on blockages or wounds that you have every single one of us might have wounds from when we were raised wounds from people that we worked with wounds from our family members that we felt mistreated us but it will do it will leave that and give you a sense of it's almost like giving you a feeling of the lack of importance of those issues that you're holding on to and showing you or giving you the equivalent of showing you how aligned those wounds are to Ego issues and so the next time it happens you can say to yourself oh that's your Eagle Flair flaring up or that's his ego and you can walk away so it it in that sense it gives you a a better way to live it increases the synchronicities and the amazing thing is especially now especially those of you who can't like I said continue to show up uh for the Rays of healing for the Reiki share for every single thing that's available to you um you know YouTube videos what whatever your your pursuing start noticing how fast something happens when you think about it versus when you experience it and I'm talking about good or bad and and even though I tend to be very hesitant about using qualifiers like that and saying um you know uh because I I my guides keep telling me don't use good or bad use high vibration low vibration because that just kind of gives you a difference sense of the fact that there's no victim play in this it's just an a range of vibration just like notes on a piano there's very low notes there's very high notes and each one of them brings a different sensation to your body so just notice the synchronicities if you start feeling insecure about something notice how fast that insecurity gets magnified if you start feeling secure about something notice how fast that security gets no uh magnified so really absolutely become aware and if you think things like one of my clients once asked me what is a synchronicity and I said well a simple thing to call it it's a coincidence and he still kind of looked really puzzled so I said all right well let me give you an example um let's say you love the color red and it's winter time and you decide geez you know I don't own a red sweater um I think I'm gonna go and buy one for myself but before you go out and buy one somebody gives you a red sweater as a present so it's that type of thing or I know in my case there are times where I just don't give myself enough time to get someplace and I then have to rely on my angels to make sure all the lights are green and I will do that I will ask for that and I thank them every time I go through another light and it's green and it's green it's green and uh or when I pull in to a you know wherever I am and it's raining and I want you typically I like to park far away so I have a longer walk if I'm if I'm going somewhere but when it's raining I would prefer to be closer so I ask for a parking space that's closer I also do one more thing with the undings with the Elementals of water I will tell them it could be raining ferociously while I'm in the car but I'll give them a five minute warning and I'll say okay in five minutes I'm going to be getting out of the car and I would very much appreciate if you would stop raining and it does and then I go do my whatever it is that I'm doing and then just be and it could rain again like crazy and then when I come back out I tell them again within five minutes I'm going to be going back to my car and I'd appreciate it if you would stop raining coming down and it does I mean just try it try to notice everyday habits of yours uh and that you can uh increase synchronicities um and I would maybe at the end of this we can we can do some sharing of things that may have that you may have experienced uh the other thing is more vivid dreams you get you can have dreams with really intense colors and uh or intense action or scenes or whatever but very vivid dreams multivite also helps connect you to your Spirit guides and this is where seraphinite uh and Herkimer are are also excellent with that Seraph and I especially if you're interested in the seraphim and and the archangels they uh but let us as I've mentioned before you don't have to own everything you want to own you can call in the energy of it so uh this will you know like I said the you know just having the intent to have the the energy of that stone is enough so connecting with your Spirit guides um it can deepen your meditation so many people are going into a meditative state that gives them the ability to re-center to realign to rebalance to re-harmonize because too much there's so much out there that can rattle us I mean pick up a newspaper any newspaper and you will you know it's it's mostly bad news turn on the news sometimes it's the same theme over and over and over and over the latest and greatest atrocity and so it just is um amazing uh yesterday we watched two documentaries and uh one I was on elephants in India and how very small groups of people you know I've got small families are taking care of orphaned elephants and another one was on the coral reefs and as of 2016 two young men took it upon themselves to hit eight major choral destinations uh like the Great Barrier Reef was one of them Hawaii was one of them Bahamas was one of them um Mexico was one of them 2016. they said 50 of the world's Coral was dying so I don't know what the statistic is now but that is incredible and you know that the life force begins in the ocean so our you know and you kill the oceans you basically killed the planet um and we are 70 water so um that's that's also you know very threatening to us okay connecting with our Spirit guides I think I've already said that uh deepening meditations brings Cosmic consciousness in other words there may be things that you need to connect with that are extraterrestrial and it could be that you yourself have had experiences with extraterrestrials or beings in spirit that you feel don't look like they come from planet Earth I think one of the things that I have heard is that uh the that was the whole reason for Star Trek to come on board as a TV station is to get Humanity connected to and to accept other you know alien beings and so far they obviously the governments of the world don't don't show any effort in in wanting to take that any further but uh uh anyway that's the cosmic Consciousness is an important part of Maldives properties Awakening the intelligence of the heart and all these things and of course everything I think that was one of the reasons that I wanted to do present multivite in February is because this is the month of Love month of Valentine's Day and but we're just love start it starts within it starts with you you cannot give what you do not have you cannot give love to others if you do not if you're holding anything against yourself so effectively just know that you are doing and working to the best of your ability you're doing the best you can and the you know if there is a tape running inside your head that belittles you or tells you that oh you're not as good as you think you are who do you think you are or whatever it is that you might be experiencing Let It Go Let it go Let it go Let it go it doesn't serve you to keep yourself little small insignificant and it doesn't serve Humanity know the difference between heart-centered and ego-centered heart mind and ego mind uh because I one of the things that I stress in of Course in Miracles that that I uh con you know am a facilitator of once a month with uh at Sacred Circle is that there are two minds inside of you one is an ego mind one is a spirit mind they both talk simultaneously one is a very Spirit mind's a very quiet voice ego mind is a very loud Brash voice and um anyway but that is uh you know so those are two minds but then there are other people that have said yes but every cell in your body also has a mind interesting premise and certainly heart-centered intelligence totally makes sense because this is where right above the heart is where the eighth chakra is it's called the high heart it's in the area of the thymus and that is where the seed of compassion is so it's at the like I said right above the I don't I don't know if you can see that right above the heart and it's connected to the eighth chakra right above your head so that's opening up in a very big way all right um let's see what else it can help clear blockages any blockages that you have and it can help open your meridians we are those of us who can see um you know like medical intuitives can probably see meridians better than anybody else but my understanding is we are nothing but a grid work of layers upon layers upon layers upon layers of communication and everywhere where that grid crosses that little intersection point is a point of communication and those points light up or they dim and so the points absolutely get you uh open that where you when you open you open to clearer and better understanding um let's see uh these are important disconnects you I don't want to go past one because I do want to have um time for uh sharing just connects to you from unhealthy attachments and not only will it disconnect and that's part of you know us not wanting to see um or to face issues but if there is an unhealthy attachment especially if you have somebody in your life that you just can't let go of romantically and you know the person isn't good for you you know that that they might effectively take you down vibrationally because every interaction with them is painful but yet you feel I don't sense of guilt sense of obligation whatever it is that that you feel you stick with them and sometimes there is no choice you're you've made the your mind up that you're going to stick with them the rest of your life but you can detach from them emotionally you can detach from them on a um I don't know what what that is uh what was that let's see how it is should it should that band should leave in just a minute uh it says verifying Microsoft Outlook I don't know why um and I don't know if you can all see it because it's it's Justified we don't see it we don't take it okay it was great it's it's strange but you they're unhealthy attachments just do nothing but wear us down there's a wonderful book that came out I think in the 70s maybe in the 80s but I think in the 70s early 70s by Melanie Beatty called codependency no more and I know when I first was it when it was first suggested to me in fact it had to be early 70s when it was first suggested to me first of all I had never heard the word codependency and secondly uh the the person who recommended that I read it um had noticed that when my first husband called I became a different person my words were very measured were very stilted were very uh you know it's like a tensed my body just tensed and it was like I didn't become quote unquote me the person she knew until I finished the conversation with him and I again the word narcissists had I had no idea what that meant I had never heard it at that point or if I had it just didn't make any impact on me but now the word narcissist is very common in our uh vocabulary and it's also very very prevalent in the type of behavior that so many people follow and it's not limited exclusively to men I've I've seen enough examples of women who have acted as a like narcissist so anyway that's that's what moldavite can do detach you from these the uh last one I wanted to cover was spiritual protection these are negative entities or entities that have an energy completely independent of you and this is not just spirits that have come into the house and and or have been in the house and inadvertently you didn't know uh that when you either rented the place or or bought the place but this can be entities that attach from other people you will have that protection that multivite just allows doesn't allow the penetration of their energy through your energy field so for these are probably the most important reasons that I've been able to select from this book um that I recommend that you buy it's called book of stones I know it's backwards the book of Stones by Robert Simmons and Naisha n-a-i-s-h-a asean which is Neisha backwards and uh the reason that I like that book the best is because they have besides the technical information that they you know uh and the scientific information that they uh gleaned when they wrote the book they also took a um every single Stone and in the book and they spoke to the Deva of the Stone and they started uh Robert Simmons says in his introduction he started with moldavite so that was and he said that absolutely changed his life and I have one more personal story I can remember the gal who I've done Pathways Expo and I had already purchased a piece of moldavite I was already wearing it and one of the gals that came through as uh you know who had signed up for my reading had a piece that was at least maybe three and a half inches long and maybe an inch wide it was a beautiful piece of moldavite and then she had wrapped it with a silver and a very uh beautiful kind of deluxe type of wrapping and as soon as she you know I I said oh my God that's that's an Exquisite piece of multivite as soon as I said that to her she just broke out into the most you know beatific smile and uh from she has been a very important person in my life she's my webmaster so I just you know I always credit the I'll never forget that first meeting with her and everything so anyway uh I do want to leave some time to give you an opportunity to share uh anything that you had with synchronicities or dreams so whether it has anything to do with multivite or not uh if you'd like to uh share that I I would appreciate that before we before we close so let's start well let's just start at the bottom shall we go with um marit let's let's start with you oh unmute yourself I got it um and your haircut looks great oh love it um yeah I guess um mine is probably A Course in Miracles and the synchronicities there and um finding the study group having the person that I did Ayahuasca with in in April and Costa Rica call me out of the blue four months later and say all of a sudden it's like what are you doing we've talked about it uh and now we visit regularly with it and um I just feel so um it Just A Course in Miracles and that path and that light um it just keeps shining in different ways and you know I listen to the your description of the moldavite and I'm laughing going well that's what I'm trying to accomplish with you know that's that's what I I want and I do have that book because I bought it before I went on my travels it's been packed up for a year but it's in my and and I guess my question would be also just understanding how to um know whether it's it's authentic but also um finding the um how to engage the um the vibration of that without having the stone oh when you call in the energy of it that's all you have to do like for example right now I I just asked for moldavite to appear in my hands I can feel the heat and I can feel the heaviness of the Stone so it's trusting that you're gonna get what you asked for and that you know with A Course in Miracles that you only get what you ask for so effectively but trusting it and understanding that yes you will receive it it's it's not complicated it's been super simple ask and you shall receive yeah okay it really is but thank you for that okay thank you Carol how about you I guess I have to get clarity on the question because I don't I haven't I don't own multiplayer so you're just asking about General synchronicities experience right or rivet dreams just anything like that yeah golly I I have a lot of vivid dreams which I'm not fond of having because they're usually more traumatic they're not like oh what a great dream they're like oh man that's scary ah so um yeah are you getting are you asking for clarification as to what does that mean um not so much because usually I'm exhausted by them like I'll just feel sort of traumatized by them sure then uh because effectively what I recognized is when I had uh dreams that seemed awful to me I would write them down and and and break them apart and into scenes and then I would put the question mark which my question mark always meant what does that mean and then I would listen scene by scene to what my guides how my guides interpreted the dream and I would write that down and their interpretation was not anywhere near as scary as my feeling so so Carol you might be surprised if you're willing to do that to take the time to do that that you uh you know it's it's gonna be it's it's the answers or the interpretation of that dream isn't going to be nearly as traumatic as what you think it is does that make sense to you I don't I'm I have trouble finding the energy for it because it's so when I've written down my dreams just writing them down right now get away I wrote you down now go away it just um sorry I turned up the camera because of them sure but um I hear you I just I feel like I'm working on so many things in my life trying to un Undo It attachments and heal this or that or or face emotions um I'm pretty overwhelmed yeah yeah well say the least and I know the dreams keep happening but oh crap like sometimes I want just I just would like nice dreams tonight give me a break please just give me a break um well do it once just do it once sit down and one time write write them out and then ask individually scene by scene put that question mark there which means what does that mean and ask them to give you an interpretation yeah and you'll see if it helps alleviate some of that Terror and Trauma um yeah yeah um I mean I have known synchronicity in my life certainly you know beautiful beautiful synchronicities and Graces um I think the last number of years I've been just this life has just been so hard and so many fronts yeah even when I think about the moldavite and my own high or low vibrations well and by Nature a high vibration person but I'm I'm experiencing a a lower vibration experience a lot of hard stuff that that I'm not being able to say high high vibing on I'm just like oh please you know yeah so I'm not sure I'm really interested in the moldovite but I have to admit that I I can't I'm not holding myself in consistently High vibrations I'm just I'm coping sometimes I am but sometimes I'm just coping yeah and and then that's the time you just call in the energy you know like I said you don't have to physically own this you call in the energy of it because now you you kind of I I really I've given you 15 characteristics uh there's quite a few reasons why this is this is such an important Stone did you one of the last points you made was that energy protection or energy of clearing what was the last you said something about protection protection just protection right right and I do recommend if it says they come in itty bitty pieces is it worth trying to purchase one a small piece somewhere totally you know it's because the and the best place to do it is Pathways Expo because there's so many of the crystal vendors there and you can just walk around there there's I don't know like 150 170 different vendors and so at least 10 of them have to be sent you know selling crystal and you can just walk through and and just see what what appeals to you but in the meantime you work with the energy of it you know there's that Crystal shop in Vienna what about that place expensive expensive yeah there's a one in locally the least expensive is the one in Front Royal which is very close uh to I know where Ma Marie lives uh because uh Front Royal it's called Mountain Mystic and and he has the best prices and that's about an hour 15 minutes away I'm in Fairfax Station so it might be a fun drive yeah yeah it's it's it's even in winter it's it's not that bad you know provided there's no snow on the ground you know so because Pathways is only twice a year right I don't know when the next one is four times a year now oh yeah the next one is coming April 2nd at the I think uh something in Tyson's Corner I think the McLean Hilton I'm not sure I know I'm going to be there um but I and I think I'm pretty sure it's April 2nd so four times a year okay thank you thank you all right yeah Alice just real quick is that Pathways of light you know it's Pathways Expo Expo that's that's it for you know it brings in it's Pathways magazine which has all the advertisement of you know the the different healing people okay you know and everything and uh that they're they're doing now for Expos a year they used to do just two yeah so anyway okay and uh well we have jewelry I did put the information for Pathways the next Pathways in the chat oh good wonderful and Julie would uh do you have anything you'd like to share okay sorry I had to unmute sorry um I do get synchronicities fair amount I mean the most recent one was waiting six weeks for my surgery we don't really know why but when it came it happened immediately like within a few days it was just it was just enough time for me to see my mother prior you know took a lot of effort to get up there because it was a high degree of risk but yeah and I went through the surgery and that's the whole story but I was just in time to help my daughter who gave birth five days later and then right after that I just had just enough energy to get back up to see my mom and speak to her before she passed so it was I mean technically none of that thank you my blessing God and angels but none of that probably was expected that I could do that and you know that just felt like energetic supporting yeah lovely well thank you I had a question you said it was Mountain Mystic for crystals yes and I I just had a question in general you know there's a lot of high vibrational crystals I know we're not talking about that but do you have any theories uh or feelings about Crystal chaos and I don't know if that's something that resonates with you I've heard different things like you're only supposed to use so many at a time and all this do you have any thoughts on that or do you think that's just personal okay I I never heard the term and uh in other words it's like where people overload themselves yeah I have a hard time with because I've become Crystal that's where where I've gone to so I'm I'm quite you know I've studied quite a bit so I wanted your thoughts I I do know and this is what's what's being told to me right now to share is that if if you are just brand new if you're a novice and you're only going to buy one Crystal you buy amethyst if you're gonna buy two crystals you buy rose quartz so amethyst rose quartz and then the third would be clear quartz so after that it's strictly a choice I know I have gotten more because of the fact that it it um I teach about crystals and and everything but you don't need to and I know it's 1 15. I try to honor everybody's time uh let's let's see uh Alice if you had any additional uh information but anyway as everyone has been talking I've been thinking about what synchronous what has synchronized in my life and and I I don't have anything that jumps out at me but as I said we moved recently and um we had to change our medical providers and insurance and that was an absolute nightmare but now that things have calmed down and we've actually been able to get a primary care physician and some of the um Specialists that my husband needs these people have been outstanding the way they have treated us and him and the you know the first meetings and uh requesting uh tests and explaining things to us it's been it's been different it was hard to get to this point but maybe that's the synchronicity that that I'm searching for it was miserable and now we are So Satisfied with what we have excellent and may I ask where you moved from and where you moved to lived in Arlington South Arlington at Crystal City yeah near Crystal City and we've moved to Zion Crossroads it's uh just outside of Charlottesville okay so still in Virginia but still more rural Yes Virginia okay well that's um that's a fantastic that's that's great to know you know that's absolutely fantastic news and uh everything but uh I just okay I I really am pleased and yeah I would I would call that uh synchronicity you know I would absolutely put that in that bucket you know in that category so anyway all right uh we're gonna just close with our prayer very gently close your eyes take a deep breath in exhale Dear Mother Father God Divine infinite Spirit source of all that is ask to be connected to you to my higher self and to the higher self of all here present and we ask for special healing for everybody who has shown up who has the intention of working on themselves or on people that they love we ask for the assistance of the uh most especially Master Jesus that's true Buddha Master katumi Saint Francis Saint Germain Saint Gabriel Saint Raphael St Michael the Blessed Mother the divine feminine Mary Magdalene Moses Metatron Melchizedek Muhammad and Kuan yen I ask that we be cleared centered aligned balanced and grounded and that whatever come in for each of us come in for our highest good also as to be a Clear Channel of light for Metatron and his healing Angels so that we each receive the highest vibrations of light possible also as for the assistance of the great race the Lords and masters of the race and the archangels of the Rays ask all of this in the name of Jesus the Christ and in the name of I am amen and bless you for being here for showing up um I filled in nobody signed up for February 4th uh so I I filled the time slot this wasn't my regular scheduled slot but this is a subject that I absolutely love and uh I'm hoping to ask a question two little questions before we stop sure um and hey I'm grateful that always grateful to be able to have a chance to be with you and listen to your whatever you're going on talking sharing thank you my my your vibration's wonderful I'll just like hang out it's so nice thank you so my two questions are one is very basic like how to care for Crystal how to care for it and my other one is less basic but how does one you've brought up narcissism and I'm pretty sure I've found myself in with in that predicament with important people in my life um but at times I wonder how do we know it's like wait am I the narcissist or are they the narcissist and I'm pretty sure it's not me but it's scary to think what if it is me so those are my two questions oh you're so sweet okay now those are those will take a long time but a lot of care for crystals I basically less my crystals and I say thank you to them I don't really do anything else in terms of putting them in sand putting them in sunlight putting them in Moonlight putting them in in dirt you know water anything like that before I bring one home I because I'm a teacher I will tell them my intent to to buy you is to have you as one of my teaching crystals are you okay with that uh and so they you know they they just give me a yes or a no I've never had one turn me down and said no I'm not um like I said uh I I will share this with you some of them have left I got some back and I will share that next time but narcissism that Alice is a huge huge issue and that is something I'm gonna cover probably in my next talk in April so that that is one thing the one you will want to absolutely be part of and you in the meantime might want to Google and I believe I have the name correct Sam I know his first name is Sam it's either VOD Nick or vodkian or some variation of that vo and that DN with a K on the end so um if if you dial if you just put a narcissist Sam with a v o chances are you'll get him he probably has the best information on narcissism I'll do it okay the best so because narcissism is something that I've had exp personal experience with and I I feel very qualified to talk about that so that like I said that'll be a topic in April do you think you can help me rule myself out of the category oh I don't think you're a narcissist I don't think you have to worry about that that was it was it has been if you're like well maybe it's me no no I don't think I don't think so okay I looked up it's Sam vacman v-a-k-n-i-n okay say that again v-a-k-n-i-n The Narcissist Sam back men and v-a-k-n-i-m thank you that's fantastic I because I he was a narcissist and he lost everything he valued in his life and and then he took it upon himself to help others because of the fact that he thought well maybe I can get some good out of this you know and I have to give him a lot of credit thank you thank you all right guys we will see you um I guess the next one is uh Wanda she always does continuing ed and she always does some type of healing so I I'm very grateful for those of you who have shown up and certainly grateful for Donna and for because she you know it's thanks to her that we have been bullproof we have not had any um uh any hacking since she's taken over as producer and also we're very grateful for any donations that you give us because uh it does take a certain you know somewhere in the neighborhood of 350 to 400 a month to uh to keep this going you know even though none of the speakers get paid except the paid speakers which are only four times a year how do we do that Alice I was trying can we venmo what how do we get it to you uh you can go to I think it's on rays of healing the church every time that I just go to the site just to go to the site the donation sites are right there right it is in the chat box Marie if you if you just scroll up but yes rays of healing Church dot org got it all right so there's a yellow donate button but if you just scroll up to the top it it does have the the link there perfect thank you very much thank you thank you appreciate it everybody have a great day two great week great month great help
Channel: Alice Jones
Views: 5,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rays of Healing Church, ROHC, Rays of Healing, ROH, Alice “Alicja” Jones, moldavite, crystal healing, transformation
Id: bfKFhNzW53U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 26sec (4646 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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