My Experience with the Gemstone Moldavite

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hey guys I wanted to share more on gemstones this week and I thought it would be fun to share an experience that I had with a very powerful stone called moldavite now we'll the bite is probably one of the most powerful stones in terms of being able to feel its energy or feel something from it if you're not that sensitive of a person and you pick up a stone and you feel like I'm I don't really feel like I'm getting anything or I don't feel like I'm feeling anything moldavite is probably one of the best stones for actually feeling something and so I thought I would share my personal experience that I felt when I first got my moldavite so as you can see this piece is really really tiny it's like about the size of the tip of my pinky these are pretty expensive this little tiny piece I think I've paid like 45 dollars for this little piece moldavite is said to have been created when a giant meteor hit earth it's said to be part extraterrestrial and part mother earth part of the earth when I first saw this it actually came as a pendant it had a veil on it I had been wanting to get a piece of moldavite for a while because I had learned so much about it and it just sounded so interesting so when I found this piece I was really drawn to buying it when I got it home I never felt ready to wear it and that's an interesting thing about gemstones a lot of times you'll find a gemstone that you cannot stop thinking about it once you've seen it and usually when that happens it means that you really need to work with that stone or it really wants to come home with you and work with you because it has some serious benefit for you and I found that so many times over and over again with different stones like I can go through the gem fair or a gem store and look at tons of different stones but there will always be one or two stones stand out to me that I just can't put down or I can't stop looking at them typically means that I need to work with it for some reason based on the benefits that that particular stone has to offer and it's something that I'm really needing in my life at that moment so brought home my moldavite pendant and I kind of just tucked it away in a drawer I knew that I wanted to have it I knew that I wanted to work with it but I wasn't ready at that point it was like it was this one that wanted to come home with me so I would say about six months after I purchased my mold to buy it I was finally ready to start working with it and I put it in my purse because I needed to find a chain for it I didn't have a chain to put it on so I had it in my purse with me I had my purse in my kind of in my lap off to the side of my lap in the car and we took off and I started to feel really sick and I was like wow man what is wrong I just not feeling good my stomach's upset I'm feeling kind of headachy I just feel like I'm detoxing and prior to this I was feeling great there was no problems no issue I'm like man I might why am I getting I felt like I was carsick am I getting carsick what's going on so we're driving around all day and I just was not feeling well and then all of a sudden I realized oh my gosh I have my moldavite pendant in there I wonder if that's affecting me because I know people can have all kinds of reactions to their moldavite when they first get them so I was like that's it so after I got my chain for it I did not put the necklace on and basically decided to just put it across the room from where I was not put it directly on my body your touch it or in my vicinity I just put it across the room because each time I would hold it in my hand or get close to it I would not feel good I would just start to feel literally like I was going through a detox about every week I would move it like a foot closer to me till the point that I could have it right under my computer and near me but still not touching me so now it was like within two feet of me or just kept moving it closer and closer and then finally I got to the point where then I could wear it for a couple of hours then I would wear the pendant for a couple of hours and I would feel fine and then I would take a break from it and put it back eventually I got to the point where I could wear all the time with no ill feelings no discomfort then once I was wearing it all the time I started experiencing really fun synchronicities and one of the really cool synchronicities was when I met my friend sherry who I call my fairy goddess mother because she is like a fairy goddess and a godmother all in one to me and I just adore her and she is all about the spiritual metaphysical and it was so fun we met at the raw living Expo when it was here in Los Angeles and that was such a cool thing and then it was so interesting too because a week later when I actually happen to have the pendant where it was showing where she could see it because before I think it was wearing a scarf and it wasn't she couldn't see it so nobody knew that I had it on and the next week I was wearing it without a scarf and she could see it she was like oh my god is that mold if I you are you wearing moldavite right now she's like this is amazing she had been hearing about moldavite same moldavite over and over all week long and then I showed up wearing it and she was just blown away she's like I'm gonna go home and dig out my mold I pendant right now and start wearing it because obviously I need to be working with this stone and it was so cool how not only did she come into my life right at that time but then the moldavite was an experience for her reminding her that she needed to work with the stone they also have moldavite incense and I have to tell you this incense is really powerful to like if you can't afford the moldavite stone just get the incense and burn the incense while you're meditating it's amazing because the room will feel so enormous and it can also allow for spirits to come in if you want to communicate with the spirit world it's just pretty amazing stuff and it smells really good I love the smell of moldavite that's my story about moldavite as a caution I want to warn everybody because a stone is really really strong and like I experienced it really made me feel uncomfortable for quite a while until my body could adjust to the energies of the stone if you're super sensitive if you're not ready to face certain aspects of your life like maybe any health issues that you have if you're not ready to to really face what where those issues are coming from or what's causing them I don't recommend working with a stone because you it's literally going to bring everything to the surface for you to just be facing your issues your stuff it's going to come up so if you're not ready for that it's so much better to wait until you actually feel called to work with the stone it's really powerful there are so many other more gentle stones that you can work with that are amazing like any of the stones that I mentioned in my previous crystal video are all great stones to work with are way more gentle I also found it really interesting that someone very close to me whenever I wear this pendant they always comment on how ugly they think it is and I won't name who this person is but she will know when she sees this video but it's interesting because in one of my books it says people who have an aversion to the green color of the pendant it says that these people may have an emotional trauma that needs to surface and heal to which other crystals are required before they'll fully appreciate this stone and I find it fascinating because this person does have emotional trauma that really needs to heal but we always laugh about how she thinks that the stone is so unattractive I also find it really interesting that this stone made me feel kind of sick to my stomach and nauseous I'm kind of headachy and really that's where I was at before coming to the raw food diet with digestive problems ever since I was really really young and so I think it was really interesting that that was the effect that this stone had on me when I held it some people will just hold it and they'll feel just like this huge rush of energy they'll feel heat they'll feel warmth they'll feel a buzzing sensation throughout their body or even some people will find that it makes them just incredibly relaxed so everybody is so different but I find that so interesting that it makes you face your dis ease or discomfort or illness whatever that is and for me it showed up in that way when I would hold it but now I can hold it all day long have no problems and when I hold it now I just feel because it does kind of aligned your chakras it makes you a little more balanced once you've gotten used to it it will help you to balance and align chakras and I just kind of feel like this pulsing of energy kind of pulsing through my body so it's just really interesting so if you liked this video and you want to see more gemstone videos give this video a thumbs up I'm really excited that so many of you wanted to hear more about gemstones and how to work with them because that's really fun for me and I'm excited to share more with you but don't worry for those of you who are not into gemstones I'm still gonna do my raw food videos I'll still share recipes still be doing all the same things that I have always done if you have any questions about working with gemstones or specific stones that you want to learn more about any questions at all just put them in the comment section down below and I will try to answer them in a future video thanks so much for watching and I hope you guys have a fantastic day
Channel: rawsynergytv
Views: 104,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raw food, low fat raw vegan, fruitarian, fully raw, all raw, what vegans eat, plant based diet, vegan food share, high carb raw vegan, healthy living, raw food inspiration, 80/10/10, 811, crystals, gemstones, moldavite, moldavite experience, wearing moldavite, incorporating moldavite, working with moldavite
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 10 2016
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