moistcr1tikal Twitch Stream Nov 22nd, 2019 [Shenmue 3]

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[Music] from a distant land in the East from across the sea those spoilers everyone oh no what you don't like the game day [Music] and my days when I write men [Music] hey meta no I didn't mean to start the game okay that's fine oh right I still have my controller plugged in which is probably better for this game anyway so that's a happy little accident yeah the moist meter for frozen tea will be up tomorrow play tf2 i'ma pass on that this game couldn't have been on humblebundle last month it just came out it's been like 20 years since the last Shenmue game I usually delete the just chatting streams just to be safe I haven't in a while but last night's I felt a little ear not Irie a little afraid that perhaps that one may be trouble due to some ass just a little bit of ass so I didn't want to take the chance thanks of the resub Jordan this game is amazingly bad Oh baby that's exciting news why flying it I give every new game a chance for the most part and I also really like bad games in general so that's even better thanks of the resub March March and moose March in Moses in the resub smegma sir Elias Darksiders Genesis is a mobile game isn't it I'm definitely not playing on nightmare mode I'll tell you that right now I didn't know is on PC than yeah I'll probably play it [Music] thanks for the reset gamer braxton I'm doing recommended mode I don't care about a challenge mode I don't care about a nightmare mode I just want to get the full Shenmue experience that let's hit it 20 years in the making let's see what they've been able to cook out here dear Shinhwa my work is done the Phoenix entrusted to our people is now complete the time of just I'll be the first to say I don't know exactly what happened in Shenmue 2 so go with the one who holds the Phoenix genoise and find the proof yield yourself to the light and go together I shall give you the family treasure the sword of seven stars Oh think of the sword is a part of me and keep it with you I shall always watch over you this is really cheesy already I love it this looks like a Sega Dreamcast game it's amazing how they kept the exact same graphical style [Music] we are right place is reserved John [Music] I don't like hot pockets but I do like pizza rolls girl me she wasn't interested in me anymore today now I'm just drinking the scheme's de- the streamers I'm sorry did you hear that just night you'll find someone better [Music] actually the three dips out day were safer in appreciated after Ragan and Athena these look like the talismans from Jackie Chan adventures wins uncle gonna come in on a rope so this is what he was working on thanks is the resep dopey from the east from across the sea he shall appear he does not know of the strength hidden within the strengths that would destroy him this drink how did they get voice-acting this bad in this day and age said they like de educate a voice actress to deliver this performance to make it match 20 years ago this is [ __ ] awesome I shall we this encounter has been my destiny since ancient times a dragon shall emerge from the earth and thanks to the gift set [Music] [Music] thanks Paul that was sweet man well thank you every hope things going well for you thanks to the gifts about gear did you see the game Awards nominees if so what do you think about them have a great night enjoyed the game have not seen the nominees but I'm certain Duff stranding is one of them then I'm ok with that that's bailu village if you don't love Shenmue on until you probably won't finish this spite so maybe you will yeah we'll see we'll see sure [Music] am I gonna buy the new Tesla truck I would love to have the Tesla truck it's probably the expensive as [ __ ] let's go do you have any idea where your father might have gone no I don't has this ever happened before with my father yeah has he ever disappeared without telling you no 40k I see it's pretty [ __ ] expensive cheaper than I thought it would be the head letter from the cave was it's his handwriting without a doubt okay are you sure it didn't contain any clues xinhua I don't know honestly I don't care about the letter I just want to find my father I understand how very caring thank you real [Music] we're in it now baby [Music] I remember back what was it three years ago three years ago now when they were announcing Shenmue 3 on Kickstarter people lost their [ __ ] and now the game came out and like five people know about it thanks Leary sup Dylan [Music] [Music] hello Leo Xinhua who's this this is Leo he saved me from drowning in the river pretty good resume pretty good resume but how far can you throw a football did something happen a group of thugs tore through here two days ago oh no really yeah the kind we don't normally see around here let's keep moving where the [ __ ] is Johnny Yong Bosch see the voice actor does the village usually have gatekeepers no there's no need for them but I Lou is a very peaceful place not anymore did you worry about that no okay because they said some thugs came by to tear one brain smuggler still that's worrying even for you yeah I admit myself the village feels different somehow I can imagine let's ask around for some clues let's go sounds like a plan baby that was a pretty old bridge oh we're not done that's the bridge that's what it's called lazy the reset Brian yes it's been in Bilu for a while cater is that the village up ahead yes everyone lives up ahead we can ask around someone's bound to know something let's not waste another second Gator now I'll start training on these cows like I'm back at lumbridge [Music] am I gonna moist meter this depends on if I finish it or not I'm not gonna force myself to finish this like I did death stranding that was [ __ ] miserable when are you going to upload your police training keep slapping you five foot six moist man tomorrow [Music] [Music] this is the resub is he and cya tuck [Music] he's the pride massive sack it doesn't exactly look like the kind of man that would practice martial arts unless he consider eating 50 dumplings in six hamburgers in one sitting martial arts the art of gluttony I'm sure we'll find out more about your father thanks you investigate here we are I'll try another settlement this voice acting is extremely grating yes I love it the talent on display here is immaculate I love this kind of voice acting I really do I want to meet this guy what's going on Josh GAD famous actor behind there aha come to apprentice under me have you ideally nothing Oh fear not for I am the great soothes us young I can forge a formidable master out of the most hopeless of pupils you stand before a high chair Master those sweet thanks for the bit smuggler I'm good preciate the generosity man have you seen mr. urine do I look like I'd know anything about that right come by anytime if you've got any burning questions about the great chun-tae trip will do let me see you looked it right back into a deep squat let me see what Kate is chewing on I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] now you could seen mr. Wong I need your help with something have you seen mr. Yuen mune I'm not supposed to be talking right now when master says I have to practice more I'm looking for him go ask one of the other kids running around okay thank you I will do that young one have you seen mr. Ewing I need help with something have you seen mr. um I see thank you for the help excuse me ma'am by the well contemplating suicide have you seen mr. Yuen excuse me have you seen mr. Yin he occasionally came to visit Jo next door but Jo is likely working right now maybe Jo's daughter's name there's the resub bagel shadow dragon in the prime Jake I see oh hey so much for your training right now Oh training must have just ended excuse me have you seen mr. Ewan I need help with something what do you want I'm looking for someone named un no I have it not since I saw him go to that house over there but that was a while ago okay thanks thank you [Music] thanks to the researching excuse me house have you seen mr. Yuen hello looks like no one's home thanks the resub proxy Liam do you have a moment what is it why is she so panicked excuse me what do you want don't get all cozy with me what no ma'am do you I'm not trying to [ __ ] I'm looking for someone have you seen mr. Yuen dammit there's something I want to ask what do you want don't get all cozy with me uh okay well that's not going anywhere [Music] is anyone there thanks to the resub rubber ducky I guess nobody's home I'm sorry Cal though I didn't see it thanks for the reset then I'm sorry it's not on my feed I should talk to more people around here you're a gorgeous man not gonna lie what's very sweet thanks titanium fetus [Music] hello hot dogs mr. yuan loves hot dogs and who might you be you're not a face I recognize I've got a question have you seen mr. Yuen I'm sorry dear but could you save that for later this is no place for idle chitchat I wish you had at least turned to face me hello mr. Ewan have you seen mr. Ewan there's something I want to ask nicely the resub dank have you seen mr. Yin where did you come from young man what there's always the receptor Oney Jim what's going to show up next okay thank you the old village blacksmith [Music] perhaps not she's just hitting a bench with a turkey leg the resubmits fan [Music] thanks the resale boat aku that my days been all right Jay [Music] okay Xinhua I don't think mr. yuan is here it's not an older game but it's supposed to be an older game sometimes you have to ask these dumbasses twice before they spill the beans on what you need to know that's fine I'm in no rush maybe I'll talk to a few folks around here I'm totally fine spending the rest of the game here trap - looking for this mr. yuan this is the resep Barnicle enzyme uh hello paedophile porn man have you seen mr. Yu yes come on come on try it not right now okay oh so you don't like lucky hit [Music] lucky hit oh there we go Oh will you try lucky hit yes goddamn it keep doing that now then pick a platform I'll take Guan Yu I know exactly this is actually Guan Yu I'm pretty sure him big money oh come on baby yes for mr. Ewan come on oh right in his mouth oh [ __ ] it happens yes now then pick a platform I'll take Kuan Yew I'll just drop it straight down well that's not looking good Thanks the prime shadow killer our shadow kills damn it this is where the game gets interesting care to try again well if you say so yes now then pick a platform I'll make my money back [Music] right down the middle lol close da yes [ __ ] yeah that's huge changed you'll keep going won't you yes now then pick a platform I love pachinko this is what Kojima got fired for Konami so they can make more of these oh I found the sweet spot now baby that's sweet with your winnings are you you'll keep going won't you no I'm good now maybe some other time hope to see you again soon mr. Ewan did you see that hello small woman I could use your help with something do you know mr. UN I don't know anything okay thanks okay [Music] excuse me hey there lad how about a game yes do you have a moment it costs 10 you're on to play makes the prime otaku your wallet right shut mine now well let's play Hale toss what a try pal toss yes thanks aim carefully how do I play this one well it seems easy I guess I'll take a hand grenade what looks like the Holy Hand Grenade but I'll go for it the yellow one how do I yeah [Music] yes makes the tier 1 green files [Music] I'm lights out that was all right wanna go again nope maybe some other time let's see around noon well I won a lot of mini games let's try and find mr. Yu and now I think this has gone on long enough or she looks like she knows something I didn't know you wouldn't Shenmue as the pale toss operator long I wish I was in this game hey there that looks great you know [ __ ] one I [ __ ] her yeah she is say do you know mr. Yun shinhwa's not a kid he's a stonemason should' was at least 20 years old your dad is a stonemason as well can I talk to him he does would he mind if I waited in his house [Music] [Music] Kaida [Music] hello mr. Yuen I've been looking all over for you [Music] pardon me who's there may I talk to you for a moment you know this man dawna well get to it I haven't seen you in some time you've gotta check out caffeine man's video song anything think it's something you'd like pretty sure a famous content for a long time what happened I'm pretty sure I've seen them but thank you quit some thugs I'd never seen before showed up and wrecked my place mm-hmm thugs huh why would they do this it's me they asked if I was a stonemason so I said yes and they just went crazy we hate stones [ __ ] stone they were definitely looking for something what stone racists oh they weren't from around here that's for sure there were two of them went had a shaved head with a tattoo on it huh don't tell me they went to UN's place too maybe don't know you're in was in the quarry when he disappeared they're kidding those thugs might have something to do with that too [Music] maybe I'll be sure to tell Xinhua [Music] placing the tier 1 Jake in a cosmos it's gotten so dark maybe I should head back to shinhwa's house mmm maybe we should I'm coming jinhua time I like magnetized to the ground ah my favorite food just eating garlic hole yum yum yum yes makes the reset logical matrix in the resub - Tim I run around like I'm magnetized to this I think I think she lives this way right [ __ ] I have to go all the way around because I can't get over a fence I don't think I can at least oh I can just jump there [Music] ah have you learned anything new do no but I won quite a few games of pachinko now I see it seems that the thugs invaded mr. Jose home though Joe you mean Ling's house they must have my father then we shouldn't jump to conclusions tomorrow hater hater 1 what are you doing I can't stop thinking about these thugs I want to know more all right then we'll go together good [Music] oh it uh just a little cutscene for taking off my shoes I see Xinhua would you like any of this hot [Music] Oh oh yeah do we need the cutscene each time can it just be implied coming in in your 6 o'clock it's me yeah I've been thinking about the thugs that went to Ling's house yeah what about and I don't think it was a coincidence I'm with you they must have had a reason yeah I imagine there's probably a reason for it okay where we previously working under the assumption that these rabid thugs came out of nowhere and just tore up a place by accident up my nipples with sandpaper and beat my eyeliner with nitroglycerin somehow I've been watching your content for nine years oh thanks a long time I watching sloths really appreciate him in [ __ ] this is Shinhwa sir oh oh let's go sniff some panties that's what mr. Yuen would want was this game promised not to launch on epic because yeah it's definitely on epic [Music] kata-kata [Music] good girl [Music] you ready to put ass on the ass let's go find some answers good morning Leon good morning did you get enough rest yeah well let's go what is it be on it's time to make our way to the village okay let's get moving yeah follow me well alright let's get moving she goes right back to making soup I'll meet you out there I guess thanks to the prime master grammar let's go yeah that's what I was doing hey Justin [ __ ] wheels honor like a jet but your house it's pretty far from the village passion want some Thomas is there a reason for that the quarry could be one sorry I have heard hey there big boy have you found us ma'am watson newest banger no not November yeah it's a really good time so your house is there to protect it yes I believe so father didn't tell me anything about it though I see do you know what the Dragon and Phoenix and the poori were for no I don't good and your father carved them right yes he must have he wasn't alone though what do you mean by that cater generations to complete so you think your grandfather worked on them too yes possibly even further back than that have you heard them not a single one my father always said he'd tell me when I got older then how do you know it has so much history look he goes everyone in the village has history hmm the villagers yes generations of stonemasons hunters and farmers have all lived here the same day burglars they've been here for ages oh yeah that's just how things work here all right the journey continues I can't wait for the next cutscene in five steps [Music] hello villagers hello cows have you seen in wha I have to go with simple are you in [Music] there eventually is combat at some point is this a dojo that's right this is Marshall home it's been here for ages Marshall long ago many great martial artists traveled here from all over the world did it man train here no one comes here nowadays is that so do you you should have come here to practice when you have time I have no idea micro that okay of course our doors are open to everyone that comes here looking to master the martial arts are you a new trainee yeah sorry hmm you're Japanese I am the people of bailu village have trained here for centuries it has history did you say centuries you would do well to train here if you have lost sight of the path you can polish your cakes so you let me train here so how many centuries I'll let you prove yourself by fighting the monks here you're on a fight very well your first opponent shall be red tiger no he is our least skilled MA but do not underestimate him talking [ __ ] about him right behind his back okay all right I'm ready trained for this take this red tiger yeah some of that what about some of this I use this when I was looking for mr. Ewing I haven't found him yet I'll beat the information honest I never lose a fight it's never happened thanks to the five give subs cage what say you will do you join us yes yes absolutely very well what is your name real your house okey I shall have a nametag prepared for you you will start from the lowest rank do I need a nametag yes you must fight and defeat someone above your rank in order to move up you must train day in and day out to improve your kung-fu what's the point of the name time okay just tell the other ten disciples there my name I don't really need like a hello my name is Rio like I'm visiting a college [Music] who shop is that over the bridge oh it belongs to uncle tell uncle towel huh yes people can get anything they need from his shop I see you in the prime King James did you pack anything to eat why do you ask well you can't run on an empty stomach that's very good point be sure to keep a little something on him in case you get hungry later a lot of places in the village sell food - thanks I'll keep that in mind please the resub Yoshi master hello boys would you like to fight [Music] [Music] speedrun strats [Music] thanks to the research Sigma cor this is it's licorice data you can make Chinese medicine with it so you can turn this into medicine huh not just this there are lots of herbs growing in by Lu where do they grow they're all over the place but you have to really look for them hmm the prime chummed or there should be special maps at uncle Tao shop someone actually made Maps yes if you find enough to make some medicine uncle Tao will buy them from you okay I'll have to keep that in mind jackpot into the resub spilled oats uncle towel you won't believe the weed that I just picked my god I would like to know what's the toll tower just past the village square uh yes that's the bell tower what is it for we rang the bell if there's a fire in the mountains or if something dangerous is encroaching on the village is that why it's so tall precisely it's also a useful landmark because you can see it from anywhere in the village why is that helpful so you can find your way back to the square if you head for the bell tower that's right I'll have to keep that in mind mmm I see she made it sound like you can only see the bell while in the village I forgot what are we doing here [Music] oh yeah I'm looking for uncle Tao [Music] I should talk to more people around okay I guess he's not that way hello Xinhua [Music] having a real hard time navigating these small chairs hello hotdog lady hey young man I can't help but notice you've been wandering around here lately I talked to you once my name is Ryo Hazuki ah so you're Japanese sorry dear I'm going to head home please leave I'm not too partial to strangers wait mrs. Jeong Oh Xinhua I didn't know you were here this is Leo he's my friend hater oh well why didn't you say so now hey did I do for you I've got a question have you seen the thugs that came to the village recently oh yes those hooligans came here too and what did they want they seem to be looking for something they were turning the house inside out in a mountain village like this the only thing that has any value are the stones that UN cars cut the thugs have taken my father that's not the only possibility oh god what else do they take oh really do you know where they went after that there's the reception oh yeah your guess is as good as mine they vanished without a trace I see Thank You hotdog lady you may continue your hot dogs there you go fantastic technique the feast will be delicious the [ __ ] is going on with the kid thank you the gifts one and only Cuba's [Music] where is that lady that was hitting a bench I want to talk to her what do you know hey I have nothing to say to a stranger okay thank you for your time [Music] excuse me thanks to resub nitro this is a friend of mine is that right have you seen the bugs that came to the village recently word has it they showed up at the Wong household but winds lips are sealed why maybe she'd open up to you it's worth a shot getting attacked by the thugs or something should certainly talk about just be careful okay she'd be heartbroken if anything were to happen to you huh who would be heartbroken Shan ha that's who plays the prime SVG actually I oh dear there I go running my mouth again oh ok then thank you for your time ma'am excuse me Xinhua Thank You Xinhua [Music] hello I guess nobody's home damn it where the [ __ ] is that lady from earlier than lofty slip locks I don't know man again I don't remember Shenmue 2 very well hello children I need your help with something can we ask you something huh who's that guy Xinhua this is the oh he's a friend of mine I need your help with something I'm looking for Wang Lin we want to talk to mailings mother hmm she was just talking to my mom they said they were going shopping okay then oh thanks a lot all right I need to go to the shopping district which I think was this way you check the other panda market I should talk to more people around okay I think I know where she is though all right [Music] game does not look like it came out in 2019 I thought the whole point was the graphics is anyone there time mechanics are still here loll it seems nobody started hard to know for sure can I jump I cannot jump which means I haven't unlocked the proper path yet damn it [Music] hello it seems nobody's home I don't understand they said wongwan was at the market because they were going grocery shopping and the market is this way but I can't go that way because it tells me to talk to more people I can't go that way because it tells me to talk to more people but I've talked to everyone including the racist boomer and this guy who doesn't even know his own name [ __ ] in his diaper [ __ ] old ass Jimmy Neutron over here I've already vetted him for information something interesting coming in from the leaves young river it's code hey mr. Jung there's something we'd like to ask you have you seen long when who's that now you know mrs. Wong Wong when oh just a while ago if you want to speak with her go see her thank you thank you mr. Jung very helpful mr. Jung I should have thought about myself [Music] so I've now talked to everyone tap that guy and I guess I haven't talked to the fat man excuse me oh hey kid what do you want have you come to apprentice under me yes nothing okay you're a beginner right you have a name your house it's game [ __ ] sucks area more boy it's up there I can forge a formidable master out of the most hopeless of pupils you stand before a chun-tae cheer master yeah I'm good thanks what you don't think I've got what it takes hmm that's not what I then let me show you what I've got oh yes yes please man look I'm not opposed but it's too late now it was real right [ __ ] yeah I'll beat his ass right in front of all of his students yeah [Music] what do you get it about [ __ ] I don't know what the [ __ ] that was [ __ ] big one his defense is impenetrable yeah I'm sorry to see the charm I don't know what that is I haven't gone through his defense once am i winning yet [Music] well I'm leveling up a lot I guess I've been hitting a BB this whole time you're sparkling right now training your skills and skill when the other person has a health meter - yeah in the last fight he had a health meter I assumed this was a real fight not sparring but if that makes sense thanks for the pride Barack Obama Wow how's it feel pretty nice to train with a master like me isn't it hmm sure come by anytime and always we've tactical text message [Music] I just got a text from my mother she said have you seen beyond you in excuse me I don't know why I keep getting his name run [Music] thanks to resub cause so I'm pretty sure I'm just supposed to wait there's no one I haven't talked to they're kind of shitty drawing you're doing now can't even talk to her she's got a restraining order he refuses to talk to me yeah my room's real bright I just changed the lightbulbs I need help with something huh Oh - wha were you a good girl today of course who's he Shinhwa this is Leo he's a friend of mine I need help with something yeah I'm looking for one win I'm looking for wrong when we want to talk to your mother she was talking to you a phone oh I see she's been kidnapped good night see but I knew this three other people told me the same thing but I can't find where hung because I know she's this way but I can't go this way be worth anything if I don't I should talk to more people around here now I have to [ __ ] eat something kaida around so much you're gonna hurt yourself I forgot how to eat yum-yum-yum garlic going crazy thanks the resub just enough rising nobody minds the ring what about this produce [Music] [Music] no I'm fine with the squeaking from the toy and everything but her leg is still not fully healed and I don't want her using it too much [Music] thanks to the receptor warrior excuse me have you seen Wong win Wong win I can't seem to find her I've talked to everyone in this [ __ ] town I still can't find her either his long win around there's something I'd like to ask Ron when she's not around I was just talking to her I see yep I do that got it Thanks can I finally go to the area where Wang Lin is or do I have to just keep getting told where she is [Music] and with me should wha I should talk okay around here let's try this way I should talk I had any things on here [Music] has anyone seen Wong wind or rather can someone remove the force field blocked me from the market where Wong win is Oh what the [ __ ] oh hey bud bud over here you can't play unless you buy some tokens okay buy some tokens if you want to play I'll pass for now I've already done a lot of minigames excuse me so how many markets are there welcome for some lucky hit this is circle one no thanks places here one Mesa one is so much fun not right now you're not going to play holy Lord you've been struck by lightning haven't you sir I'm sorry to see though pardon me is this just all minigames this is like the Hard Rock Casino I thought long win would be here but I guess not this looks cool boy turtle races huh hey here to play I recommend by Lu villages own turtle racing yep huh you don't have enough money what who are you calling poor turtle races huh hey here to play I recommend by Lu villages own turtle racing where's the price usually it shows me the price huh oh here it is 1500 that's outrageous oh I can't afford any of these all right I'll play yours hi there buy some tokens if you want to play oh I thought this was a mini game it's ten you're on for 100 tokens how many do you want that's good thank you you that's all of my money Hogan's for prizes so be sure to head to the prize exchange after you can then take your prizes to the pawn shop and sell them alright tokens means more money good luck out there I'm betting it all on turtle number three you called me poor a second ago and now I've wasted all of my money for those turtle races huh Hey here to play yeah yeah yeah turtle racing let's do it how much will you put down well all I have is 1,500 so I want it all on turtle number three let's [ __ ] do it baby which turtle will it be this is the only way to get rich quick in by luge all right I'm going uh well go three from the top so it'll be yeah I like that it has a tunnel it has a very aesthetically pleasing course to run let's get it punch it baby whoa the adrenaline is pumping now let's go yo oh Jesus I'm controlling him yeah you and me buddy [ __ ] me come on we're really punching the fat miles per hour now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I'm setting a new land speed record out here whoa fire in the Nos where's my afterburners chris is that a turtle or a bully oh [Music] it's easy this is in the bag unless one of them gets picked up and tossed over the line [Music] we're so close come on what are you doing I just making it interesting I see easy bro go again ah that's too easy I'd say I'm done hem done about them how much will you put down thanks to the resub lemon all of it oh that's the max bet come on man it's not worth my time then I'll come back [ __ ] that low stakes [ __ ] excuse me have you guys seen one win excuse me what is it oh it's her again try talking to pale top sky again pretty sure you fight him and he tells you what do you need to know anything regarding red Ridge for some thugs have you seen any one did the thugs show up here that they did but my husband drove them off he's really good to have around in times like these don't they want that's what I'd like to know they kept hollering something about wanting to meet the stonemason I was inside and didn't see anything my husband told me about it after it was over I see let's talk to Shiren ones husband Doolin thanks again thanks one you were a great win thank you so much you [ __ ] xinhua did you see me during the turtle races this was dumb he's obviously not gonna be here is anyone there it seems nobody's home [Music] [Music] I will talk to the pail toss guy maybe he knows excuse me dad how about a game do you have a moment it costs 10 you're on to play the open your wallet I shut my mouth I've played your game already though I won the black vase thing bottle [Music] hi there I'm looking for Wang Shirin isn't he on guard duty I see ah thank you I'm coming Wang Xuan [Music] this is quite a ways away [Music] hello on wait this isn't him hello Leo what happened to his friend dad Tong what's with the two of you is longshore an around I'd like to talk to Sheeran he left to patrol on wish on it's up ahead you'll see signs for it I see okay and I forgot to exchange my token for again that's fine frozen twos okay it's a cash grab though the story's lame there's literally not a villain there's no conflict really nothing that's ever hindering them on their journey that being said it's not like a bad movie it's just soulless I see him hello Sharon excuse me what do you want what are you two doing here there's something I want to ask I'm looking for some thugs have you seen any did you see two of them the other night yeah a big man with long hair and a man with a shaved head in a spider tattoo as a guard why didn't you stop them and ask them questions tell me more stonemason I told them they had the wrong house and drove them off I went right back to bed is there a hero do you know where they went after that bad I don't know but I do know that there was just saw you latest video on YouTube and I can tell those cars just some escaped aliens those scars transformed into car that's my favorite part about the car it's kind of scar a big one appreciate it even job we should talk to Emil yes let's go find him all right I immediately forgot who we were looking for to be honest is it you one I could practice my one-inch punch oh it's Bruce Lee sure I'll give it a shot one-inch punch maybe I'll give it a shot yes please I want to see that [ __ ] bust in half perfect perfect I [ __ ] mastered it Bruce was having a wet dream in his grave Steve boy he's a hot dog is that all debate still going on [ __ ] I wasn't paying attention I went off instinct I always thought no place threw yourself all [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] maybe I'll practice some more nope [ __ ] no maybe later looks like I can practice horse stance here what yeah I'll give it a shot no no thank you no choice horse dance huh maybe I'll give it a shot let's do it baby make sure the resub creation oh good deep stance oh I say [Music] oh yeah oh that's nice textbook horse stance those know what the Wii Fit trainer taught us [Music] we've got this real do I have to get level 4 before it ends there's a time thing I wonder [Music] yeah I answered it stone Gator I said no it's not [Music] Oh top writing cucumber I didn't see it I'll save it for later [Music] [Music] who was I looking for again does anyone remember love especially Oh Oh No did you find Shirin yeah yes boy do I wish those thugs would show up I'd love to make them suffer with my own two hands I see okay thank you babe [Music] I'll be honest this is even more boring than I would expect not gonna lie I think we should split up and look for the book below Charlie it's me Wang when I'm waiting for you to talk to me also the background music sounds like almost your imagination Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory yeah thanks Soulcalibur I'll see you later yeah I'll check this way Xinhua maybe there's a mechanic to practice my drowning in the river [Music] I better eat something before I fall over I'll go for an anorexic playthrough hi there buy some tokens if you want to play I'm trying to exchange tokens I'm all set you don't need any hey excuse me yo need some tokens actually I need help with something do you know a bookie with a scar on his face ain't nobody like that around here man I would like to exchange my talkies need good looks to helps close the deals and the ladies will just run if you look too scary okay then [Music] I won't be worth anything if I don't eat it oh god fine I'll leave [ __ ] more garlic [Music] what's up Peter [Music] I found Tao I don't even see him here last time hi there I've heard about you your [ __ ] was friend aren't you the name's Hazuki oh you look strong and a young man like you needs a snake power it's a bottle of snake power why this if this game Samba tremendous 40 years ago and tricky just medicines it'll help you win without respect good yeah I see I think I always sell it here at my shop in case you forget Thank You uncle Tao [Music] Oh baby man that guy's I'm those [ __ ] logs morning and night I respect that grind that being said I wonder if he's seen you one [Music] ah it's the old woman beating the bench [Music] I'll rule her out is valuable I should talk to more people around here [Music] thank you the gifts of God to look at this amen he's not gonna know anything he's not gonna know anything [Music] where the [ __ ] is the guy with the scar I'm pretty sure I've talked to the guy with the scar but the game is just all blending together in my head right now I don't remember who I've talked to who who is [Music] [Music] was it any of you [ __ ] no come on means it's got to be someone in the original village thanks to the resub flag it was the bucket toss guy he didn't have a [ __ ] scar maybe he knows who it is excuse me hey there lad how about a game ah there it is this must be the guy on his other cheek huh say something there's something I want to ask so what you're not here to play I'm looking for someone who's seen those thugs oh yeah that guy heard you played Shenmue one a year ago okay on stream as good as that used to be why don't we let our throws do the talking our challenge huh yeah beat me and I'll tell how bad deal let's do this [Music] good well no [ __ ] I was looking at my house yeah kung Fu's a little God trained at Marshall Hall and we'll start over sounds like a deal right Marshall Hall hey alright I finished my training let's do this again but let me actually heal up this time I don't know why Rio is perpetually so [ __ ] hungry like my hunger health drains immediately I'm looking for someone who's seen those thugs meet me and you're on [Music] oh I was really charging anyone up oh I got him now [ __ ] my help get out Oh goddamnit Oh too bad kiddo know your kung Fu's not good enough go train at Marshall Hall and we'll start over I'm ready pardon me hey there I'm looking for someone who's seen those thugs meet me and I'll tell you I'm fine I just can't get hit [Music] okay too bad kid oh no I'm out of [ __ ] food and I don't have any money Marshall my gambling has left me with nothing but tokens that I can't trade any hey this is the best it gets out out do all the guys with bad I'm ready pardon me hey I'm looking for someone who's seen those thugs meet you're on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] what he's hittin through my block what's the [ __ ] is a point of blocking if he hits through nine out of ten times I'm not giving up pardon me hey I'm looking for someone beat no is that what that meter is down at the bottom then I thought that was general stamina [Music] Jesus Jesus Christ this maniac on one try if I can't get it here it's just not gonna happen there's not a whole lot of finesse to the combat here [Music] [Music] [ __ ] no what the [ __ ] get out real [ __ ] you touch it no this isn't working I dunno damage mark maybe one more try one more try I haven't been using the horse stance efficiently meet me [Music] okay that's a little too much of a commitment yeah I can't do that without getting hit [Applause] no matter how much I can I can flawless this even though I don't think it's even possible in the game pardon me just due to how the [ __ ] combat works for someone who's seen those thugs beat Iran is their ring outs in this I don't believe them baby of a yoke of baby yoga oh you are the David you're the baby you I love you I love the yoga baby that's classic baby Yoda squeezy Thank You men what the book why my receptor Brennan I don't know why he sidesteps when I'm not even trying to do that pardon me hey there I'm looking for someone meet me and I'll Dark Souls eat your heart out also you can beat him without training is just remarkably hard as [ __ ] bring him out bring him out Oh [Music] my guy's gonna [ __ ] die of hunger on the way there look at that and get my energy back [Music] if you sprint even a [ __ ] step or two you run out of hunger immediately look at this [ __ ] and I'm hungry I can't afford food I have $0 I spent it all on turtle races and for some reason this [ __ ] crook has refused to give me my tokens into um pardon me yo need some tokens I need to exchange my tokens not right now listen you can't beat me sorry what my exchange rate ain't budging go ahead and buy your tokens okay oh my god exchange these that there's no one here that can do this for me per the training at Marshall Hall isn't requiring you to do horse stance and one punch you spar and fight other people talk to do it Marshall I've already done it it's equally as boring I just want to progress the story it's the only thing I care about the gameplay is not going to entice anyone you like especially me ice [ __ ] bad roll a bigger number than me and you win it's in the Panda market so I can't even exchange it and you double up wager it all and win big okay I'll pass what do you enjoy dice thanks to the fat steer to Heiser appreciate a minute should head back to shinhwa's house that sounds great then I can sleep rest up get my energy back and then go beat some ass without going to the martial training Society [Music] jeonhwa what is it beyond sure n mentioned a bookie yes with asked Aramis in fact he's beating my ass over ten times well he saw that guy in the village square he did and then what happened I didn't get that far oh I see he mentioned that he saw the guy okay but he couldn't tell me much more well that's our only lead so far you're right I'll have to get more out of sure end somehow don't do anything reckless okay like want to get my ass beat ten times in a row there are some bad people among the bookies you should keep your distance I'll be fine don't worry I'll find out what the story is trust me okay [Music] well night Shinhwa I need to recoup my chin so that we can take more punishment tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] all right well you've come at a great one Heiser because this is some cutthroat breakneck action oh I can't sprint what was I thinking he's gonna get hungry beyond hmm see you later yeah see you soon let's do kungfu yeah [Music] you know I actually like to should move along when we played it last year students here this is much worse Shirin chanson what's a bookies name doing on one of these cards trenchant soon Jennsen was another who travelled a great distance to train here the bookie who runs the pail toss game indeed he even earned the ring of second wand at Marshall Hall explains why he's beating my house he went wrong but he's been reduced to a lowly ruined bookie now I had no idea sadly his passion then drive left him yeah but he found the pail toss game which is so much cooler let's trade excuse me hmm here to Train yep have you come to spar or fight one of the monks which will it be I'll fight a monk a fight very well at your level red tiger should be a good match thanks to the from Ezekiel Ezekiel how the [ __ ] am I already missing a bubble is this man just a hungriest man on the planet why is like everything I do Green Engels super draining there we go yes well done that's enough to raise your rank thank you do not get complacent you must aim ever higher will you recharge my health for free oh [ __ ] miss quick young Hazuki have you come to train actually I just have a question a martial artist has no need for small talk only for training right do you understand yes even gyms require polish keep training I understand [Music] let's try this again excuse me hmm here to Train have you come to spar or fight one of the monks which would it be I have the perfect sparring partner for you this is red tie yes I've met red tiger twice when I knocked this [ __ ] teeth out two times in a row yes I'm familiar with seven I need no introduction [Music] [Music] [Music] well I don't know maybe the counter will be better they don't kick a selfie [Music] oh yes there is we've done it thanks to the recent Lord of terror you wish to keep going I'm sure you do I'd love nothing more I'm dying of starvation already and we just started the [ __ ] day I love it what is going on am i doing it too fast he's going on when I do it fast it just in damn you red tiger [Music] [Music] well I don't know what the [ __ ] that was about but it wouldn't let me do it do you wish to keep going I'm sure you do now I'm done come back any time extremely hungry apparently so I'm gonna go take care of that I did not hit a three times it's a ax ax which I did the entire time when I switched from double-a to AXI stop unless I did it slow thanks to the tier 1 mega moist the QTE [ __ ] never works that's kind of the impression I'm getting well I'm already dying of starvation might as well run now I want a piece of [ __ ] what an absolute piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] I can excuse everything else but this dying of starvation for Louie look just literally leaving the house is nuts talk me it's probably better in like the mid game when your endurance is up but holy [ __ ] I have zero money to buy garlic all I have is these tokens that I can't exchange because I have to do with the Panda market which I can't go to because I have to beat someone's ass first whoo I can't beat because I'm constantly hungry just from the walk over to him I'm stuck in this unbeatable loop of misery go do a job for cash I don't even think I've unlocked that ability I've talked to everyone in town and no one's offered me a job [Music] cheat engine to remove the hungry bar that's a really good idea I might actually just cheat engine [Music] now that my attack is leveled up let's see if I can beat him with no health meet neurons [Music] oh wow hit him again health recharging we're in good shape to easy seeing hi not to chop wood so where can I find someone who saw the thugs oh right witnesses then I heard they gave the bookie running the flower bird wind and Moon games some trouble where can I find this person I've only CD without drinking no idea oh really all of that for that information thanks man [Music] he was one of these guys back here right [Music] pretty sure is one of these guys I'm not chopping any [ __ ] wood [Music] which one of you [ __ ] knows about witnesses I forgot Who am I looking for keep kicking butt any idea when the next just chatting will be I don't usually plan them out but I imagine like a couple days I'll probably do another one I forgot who I'm looking for [ __ ] the guy who runs the Sun wind and Moon game makes the prime legacy those of this is it you excuse me no thanks I'd like to talk about the father wind and Moon Book II come back at seven um step right up and show the world that one shot is all you need I'll come back all right man this guy is really on the grind just waiting here all [ __ ] day with no customers this is such a small village and yet most of it consists of gambling with nobody at the gambling stations excuse me one shot here no thanks I'd like to talk about the flower of bird wind and moon boogie over there Thanks why did I have to wait till 7:00 for you to show me that what all right he couldn't have pointed at her during the day excuse me hey there flower bird wind and Moon care to try it handsome just have a question oh why so serious buddy I hear those thugs caused some trouble you're telling me it was awful what happened I'll tell you all about it if you play around you got a win naturally okay I'll have to collect your bed in advance that's fine take it all right which do you bet on flower bird winter move my daddy always said always bet on flower this one so I just do this till I win and then he'll tell me what I need to know I can't wait to do this 50 more times until I win too bad that one goes to me yes I don't have a choice is the only way to progress all right this is the one I feel it oh I'm getting the tingles I'm I see it coming yeah yeah thanks for the prime hogs to me I'll be here all night baby let's [ __ ] get it let's do moon again which do you bet on flower bird winter moon this is the one this is the big one here it comes yeah baby first try to things are just heating up what happened with the thugs they came in here busted everything up and stole my money I've lost a fortune I'll make this right I promise tell me more all right as well two of them came here that night one was a big long-haired guy the other had his head shaved showing off his spider tattoo a big long-haired guy and a bald man with a spider tattoo on his head got it they kept threatening me asking where the stonemason lives I told them to have a look around the village square so they'd buzz off so that's how they found Joe and Wong's houses then they came back to yell at me because they didn't find who they wanted I handed over some money and they let me go saying something about the sunflower Grove got it Thanks that's a huge help it's gotten so dark maybe I should head back to shinhwa's house yes I'm very hungry [Music] xinhua big Pappy's home patient wha what is this is not my first shin I'm heading for the sunshine Rover I already forgot the name of the game with a thumbs why should move are you serious this is making me so funny tired then you should be able to find out where my father is I played the first one the plan don't worry I'll find them thank you so much what's the sunflower Grove like it's jam-packed with sunflowers for starters Thank You Xinhua it's quiet out there just flowers and some old ladies raising cuddle that sounds nice kids like to play around there though so it can get a bit loud I hope they don't get mixed up with those thugs me too I really hope I find those thugs tomorrow me too you too before they bother any of the kids mm-hmm agreed please be careful okay okay I bet the second I leave the house tomorrow we lose an entire bulb of health he's just gonna immediately be hungry after breakfast it'll be like [ __ ] Lord of the Rings or Hobbit he needs a second breakfast before he can start his day yeah Jackson said I should try so tor I might know Star Wars Knights coat or not SWTOR I knew something sounded wrong [Music] this is simpler [Music] let's see how long it takes just walking at a normal speed to lose one won't even get to know Leon thank you the resep number see you later I agree Jackson maybe tomorrow see you soon I'm not doing any jobs I'm not chopping wood [ __ ] chopping wood I'm here for the fun gameplay like there goes an entire bar of Health I literally got hungry during a fast travel [Applause] [Music] look we're about to lose a second one it's coming my sunflower drove this way [Music] children don't play too fast you'll get very hungry and like me no no I can't I have a condition sorry if I move my body too much I go into intense starvation mode there's someone else I have to find right now [Music] can you tell me have you seen any thugs around here what do you mean have you seen anyone you don't know [Music] really I'll tell you more if you play with us deal [Music] yeah always Naruto walking what a shitty hiding spot I know you're in here [Music] gotcha no not quite how do I pick this up again [Music] there we go [Music] oh Jesus Christ who you are [Music] put a gun to her head tell me what you know where are the others fair enough sorry [Music] it's about to be we're getting very hungry again [Music] there you are you found me where are the others nice try I'll have to find them yourself oh right sorry [Music] close are you hiding by this ladder or is there more than one ladder in this town [Music] can you change the difficulty to slower yeah is it going a little too fast for me I can't keep up oh there she is [Music] what in tarnation there you are darn you found me only one left what I thought I thought there was only three who was the last one [Music] the fat boy I don't remember where did he hide thanks to the resub saintly [Music] actually fry madam [Music] excuse me chun-li have you seen a fat kid running around here I need help with something are you speaking to me yes what do you need nothing did you see a kid dressed in blue oh he just ran by okay thanks thank you for helping me cheat [Music] thanks for the gifts of abysmal [Music] I will find you chubby man you can't hide from me your simulator is absolutely [ __ ] riveting yeah this is this is the second strand type game [Music] thanks to the resub gorilla did I find you did you get assassinated what happened [Music] [Music] Wow I've got you found you oh man you throw me now tell me about the thugs like you promised I saw two strangers they both went into this house what'd they look like legs the tier 1 sable the resell floral with a spider drawn on it must be the same ones that had Joe and Wong's houses obviously there's real obviously we're hunting those same thoughts why the [ __ ] what the hell were they doing I might be able to find out more about the thugs here the only information we are getting is that one is bald with a spider tattoo and the other has long hair 15 people have told us that and that's all we're getting whoa what a [ __ ] this is the worst [ __ ] investigation of all time holy [ __ ] I think there's more than meets the eye it's hard to say more guilt what am I looking for a clue this is where I shine what's this I have no idea that's why I'm over here looking at it stone what's this bricks case closed we're not gonna ask what this is we just know what this like expensive [ __ ] is all right the one thing that I'd actually like to know what it is looks good oh it's way all they looking that guilt supposed to be Oh we're on to something it's a photo this dude sucks this might be a clue I think there's more than meets the eye oh look around a bit more just let me leave I want to get back to the exciting adventure of playing pachinko or asking where you want is I wonder if there are any clues here well that's what we're looking for I guess to answer that question I wonder if there are any clues here I wonder if there are any good Lloyd but talisman must be for protecting something yeah it didn't really work did it thanks to the Rhys a Bluth more I have to move them one at a time god damn it I wonder if there's any clues here I should look somewhere else I wonder if there oh my god there's so many cabinets to open so many cupboards I should [ __ ] oh god oh oh no gamer wants to see that went to Walmart today and saw a lady wearing a shirt that said twinkle twinkle little snitch mind your business nosy [ __ ] the best part was the best shirt I had the wrong year well that sounds about right thanks for the resub guilt or the extending of the sub guilty I wonder if there are any clues here I don't know maybe open it up and they might have like a note from the thugs thank you the resep stales you know what to be fair though this is exactly how read dead 2 red dead Susan's gonna just perusing satanic was a mom is your favorite game Pokemon it's up there is it I bet it is smile it's definitely up there dear and everyone sucked the [ __ ] out of the dick of read bed 2 and this is not too dissimilar I should look somewhere else I should look somewhere all that for nothing good what's this maybe that kid from before dropped it what the [ __ ] would a kid be doing with a forklift toy doesn't hold on to it for now is that what I stayed around for to find a toy forklift that was a thing preventing me from leaving this [ __ ] hellhole oh here we go what could this be a magazine I've got no use for of course what why would we it's John with ink but what is it a drawing off looks like a bird maybe a crow it's a sharp eye Richard : traced down made out in the eighth grade for a solid two minutes I don't know what that means but alright please tell me that's all and I'm done I think there's no oh oh look around a bit more look what is left I've opened every area last thing it's gotta be this is clearly important [Music] oh thank god what's this some sort of name list one of the thugs must have dropped it this could be a clue you don't say I should show the villagers what I found they might be able to tell me more okay this is quite possibly the dumbest [ __ ] game I've ever played uh I played Shenmue one recently and it was not this stupid it's like Rio's been lobotomized between two and three here he has no [ __ ] clue what anything is that he looks at oh what's this oh you could perhaps afoot going this shoe might be a clue I wonder if there are any clues nearby thanks for the tier 1 Sawyer and yeah I imagine we'll be seeing that line a lot thanks to the resub map ma'am look at this note I found excuse me yeah you've got time on your hands don't you what no I don't okay you'd be a godsend if you babysat my kid no I'm afraid I can't help you right now you [ __ ] oh great timing I wanted to talk to you you don't even know me sorry I'm a little busy right now what maybe later all right [Music] Oh who wants to see this note you wouldn't believe what I found let's give it to the village elder the wise one as he's referred to excuse me I just have a question [ __ ] poppin and lock-in while he's sitting down thing about this let's see now seems to be a list of the village oh I forgot about the forklift I see would you mind adding our names to it I'm John me and my wife is young here right Oh thought of it [ __ ] this I'm gonna start sprinting again I don't care if it immediately tanks my hunger Kid come get your [ __ ] forklift I need help with something is that an actual strategy jelly here I don't know if I care about the game enough to do that man why do you have that why do you have that what kind of kid [ __ ] likes forklifts I found it at mr. Schurz house you can have it back thanks mister don't lose it again thanks for the reset Chloe um since you found like forklift you could have this full-sized forklift are you sure of course okay Oh kind of pillar fungus I've been waiting for one of those thanks sport hey will you talk to me now do you still hate me things are probably crazy something what do you want here look at this that's a picture of your own and she why the hell do you have it it's complicated what's that so they're next on the list how do you even know chinoise dad nevermind sorry to bother you I'll ask someone else not so fast buddy you think you can get away [Music] I guess you didn't stop me I yeah I mean I guess I think I can excuse me I just have a question we have to show him the picture do you know anything about this let's see now if it isn't you're sure I see this bit a better picture if I had been in it right anyway thanks for your help oh it was no trouble [Music] hey hot dog lady yeah she's not gonna have anything for me [Music] yeah somehow this game is even more bafflingly boring than death stranding [Music] if that's strandings getting nominated for game of the year this needs to be up there too are you going to watch any shows tonight or just play this game yeah just play this game for tonight I did just chatting last night though we watched a lot of different [ __ ] I'll probably do that again next couple days we've met you haven't we there should excuse me we've met him right no I don't [ __ ] remember which ones [ __ ] [Music] fati is not shook he's sick we're looking for a ship [Music] I don't remember these characters [Music] I'll ask her she seems to know stuff do you have a moment yeah I need your help with something will you hurry I'm a busy woman you know [Music] do you know anything about this I know both their faces they're still Mason oh oh that's right he's the guy in the I know where he is I see okay I know where he is [Music] thanks Ben beanie maybe I'm not quite sure how to say the name but the voice acting is bad on purpose I'm sure he's the guy that lives in this house guarantee he's not home hello I guess nobody's home but is this guy [Music] [Music] excuse me fat Master sensei can you take a listen miss Zhang what is it real do you know anything about this this that note from the tavern I don't know is it I'm not really sure baby maybe not okay I see where was the tavern again [Music] it's the resub christian on twitch laughs we've been hey uncle Tao mr. Tao what is it thanks for the resub stench hey do you know anything about this I see your ends name here ya Yin Xin is probably as apprentice I see your ends asked me to fix his apprentices tools before I'm pretty sure his name was ya Yin Xin got it thanks a lot okay she'd not yet that's gonna be a new character [Music] so it tells me he's probably on this side of the village oh he looks wise excuse me see I need your help with something do you know anything about this now I can't see very well sorry to bother you oh don't worry about it that being said I'm gonna show you a picture he's me I need your help with something do you know anything about this now I can't see very well yeah sorry to bother you I thought maybe a picture would help don't worry about it this guy looks important [Music] hi there now it looks like you lose your brother from Hunter hunters yes Japan may be a small island country but I've heard that it has steep mountains with great streams yeah you're not wrong huh you don't fish them I don't have time to waste with someone who doesn't even know what what what don't I know I was profound that was [ __ ] deep oh damn that'll get you thinking real quick let's have a look around here first I need help with something are you speaking to me Oh what do you need are you a martial artist by any chance I am do I need to be dressed you know I also practice so I just had a feeling Bilu is widely known for its martial arts so fighters from all over come to visit from time to time I see are you from Japan yeah would you mind showing me some of your moves you can't handle my moves like you spar with you please you're gonna regret that sure it's ought to be good practice I call this one the domestic abuse there we go now it's working what the [ __ ] this is a good sparring session lady I feel like we're making tremendous progress your form is improving oh come on that was lightning fast thanks to the reset only sweatpants kind of want to just go back and beat that guy's ass again start to finish Oh level-3 kungfu christ almighty thank you so much actually from one kinder come back if you feel like sparring again sure thank you so much now all things being equal have you seen - I can't seem to find him I better eat something before I fall over nope weren't there kids here now all that remains of the baskets which means they fell into the river I guess they're skinny-dipping in the river is the story at least good no it's [ __ ] terrible is the we've been playing for two and a half hours there's been two plot points one plot point really the two thugs came into town looking for stonemasons and for the last two and a half hours we've been getting the same info back and forth 100 spider one had long hair that's huge thank you I'm gonna go find the next person spider long hair my god ground breaking it seems like the thugs came into this village it's horrible it's [ __ ] horrible thanks to the prime Tina and Chris [Music] [Music] have I asked her about the picture he's me Oh what is it there's something I want to ask do you know anything about this oh it's yummy Shen was father mr. urine huh we knew that three people have told us that about the other man itsu his name escapes me I can tell you at UIC I know it I just wish you would tell me where the [ __ ] he is in fact I know where he is I just wish you let me jump to the time when he'll be home after work cuz he's in that [ __ ] house right there I remember him from earlier excuse me how can I help you ill you can speed up time do you know anything about this oh if it isn't you're in as for the other one no good I've met him before he's with your end so maybe he's another stonemason I see does nobody remember the guy that lives right there christ almighty what a [ __ ] village they can't even keep track of five people oh wait I forgot to show them the name list excuse me Oh what is it there's something I want to ask I keep doing that in an effort to skip dialogue do you know anything about this Joe's name is on here he's the stonemason oh wait over there never mind that Joe [ __ ] I was wrong never mind [Music] Joe lives there I don't know who was she to his excuse me how can I help you real do you know anything about this your ends and Joe's names are on here I don't know the other names I see I would certainly love to talk to Joe right now but he doesn't come home from work for another three hours so it's all about killing time until then that's super sweet yeah we post two bonuses a month as for the days there's no set days I need hell but there's always two a month what is it mister here look at this what is that you don't know she can't read yo she can't read [Music] [Music] I've got to eat something no we [ __ ] don't we can go an hour without gorging [Music] I'm done chopping [ __ ] wood [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] I won't be worth anything if I don't need [Music] it's gotta be someone over here there's nobody left and Joe doesn't come home for two and a half more hours just show me where you are shoo hello it seems nobody's home I wish there wasn't a cutscene for that just a simple looks empty would suffice hello Zulu's by the sunflower grow beans them on the right place thanks to the prime I do eat ass is anyone there looks like no one's home I don't think he's in here but I'll check anyway hello I guess nobody's home I better eat something before I fall over no I'll be fine oh thank God I can go this way he's gotta be up here this has to be where he lives oh yeah patreon is not the bus but it's the only platform that does what it does works for the podcast oh this is big loot huge secret did you come out you old bastard [Music] [Music] he's not up here I've got to eat something is there anything good about this game the voice-acting the lovable goofiness of it is charming if it wasn't so [ __ ] frustrating with this goddamn immediate hunger for moving faster than a very slow walk excuse me and who are you do you have a moment well I guess I don't have a choice the look on your face says you won't accept no for an answer I get told no all the time in this game well you know something you're pretty handsome I have a good feeling about you does that mean you'll answer my question excuse me what is it handsome I just have a question [Music] do you know anything about this your insurer yenching Joe cook what is this a list of stonemasons stonemasons got it thanks a lot you know since I just scratched your back how about you scratch mine and join me for tea [ __ ] yeah sorry I'm a little busy right now maybe later oh all right you know it's rude to turn down a lady but you're good-looking so I'll let you off the hook today hi what this is a registry of stonemasons this guy's a bigger and selvan [ __ ] read it excuse me what is it handsome who wrote this goddamn yeah you don't have a question do you know anything about this that would have to be urine and sure sure I thought it was shoe oh I see thank you you know since I just scratched your back we're not busy anymore is mine and join me for tea sorry I'm a little busy right now maybe later oh all right you know it's rude to turn down a lady thanks all right maybe Joe so and then something before I fall over [Music] please tell me Joe's home oh thank god we are Oh Xinhua Tommy was always a better drag mr. Schurz house sure the stonemason yeah he works with my father I have only ever heard good things about him is that so so what happened is he okay oh my gosh they took him too but I found this I also learned that there was two thugs that came into the village sure and this as well father's name and sure thank you Joe everyone on here is a stonemason interesting we knew that those thugs must have been behind the attack oh my god really some kids in the village saw the thugs enter shoes house belong to the thugs they must have just when I thought it was the aliens that did it some of the names yeah the thugs must be crossing off the names of the stories they've attacked that makes no sense you stupid [ __ ] what what are you dumb let me it can't be right he could be in hiding we're not even sure if it's the hugs I'll go and talk to the other stonemasons okay what are they after anyway far be it for me to venture a guess but I think they're after the stonemasons I'm going to go home someone has to tend to the animals got it leave the rest of me thanks yeah leave the rest of me the guy that has [ __ ] the inability to comprehend more than 5 seconds worth of information at any given time 3 hours worth of looking for thugs and he still can't wrap his head around the idea that there was thugs here he still questions that fact it's gotten so dark maybe I should head back to shinhwa's house thanks to resub extra seed list no we need to talk to Joe first I know your old asses in here Joe mr. Joe hmm I need your help with something do you know what this is not really all these people are stonemasons I found it at mr. Schurz house and why do you have it mr. Schurz house was ransacked seriously and what if sure I didn't see him anywhere first you read now sir mm you're next hmm yes there's a red line over you ran in shirts names Lavery so how good and the names that aren't on the line stonemasons that haven't been attacked coz names next he's in danger do you know where mr. cut lives the Panda market I'll go check it out this is amazing this is absolutely amazing I can't believe a game like this can even exist with writing on this level this is nuts I'm coming to the Panda market I've got to eat something III I can't put the [ __ ] game down to be honest I just want to keep playing man I [ __ ] hate it I have like a hate boner for it right now it's I just I can't even imagine what they're gonna do next like they're surprising me at every turn maybe I'll talk to a few folks around here what this this can't be the panda market link to the reseller Brown the prime Daniel where the [ __ ] is the Panda market if it's not that way I better eat something before I fall over maybe up here them makes those pumpkin patch oh here we go thank you the resub cept hello I'm looking for stonemasons or thugs I think ah so it's you yes sorry you're the Japanese boy everyone in the village is talking about right yeah would you like to have a look at my shop yeah sure as you can see I operate a pawn shop I do sales and exchanges exchanges indeed gather a set of items together i don't like gatorade i don't have a single flavor that alone for a skill book is that so she has you look rather tough may I presume you are interested in skill books nope you could say that yeah then by all means trade with me it will be far cheaper than buying elsewhere that's good to know come see me whenever you get a set together okay I will now that that's settled [Music] excuse me I'm looking for stonemasons maybe even thugs but definitely not both at the same time [Music] where is mr. Kish it's definitely this guy no wait now these are the guards prize X Oh finally I can exchange my [ __ ] tokens welcome here for prizes prizes yep don't you have any tokens yes oh my lucky hit or something and get some right tokens you can trade them in I do like chocolate fabulous prizes how about I just trade it in for money I don't really care about buying a mask [Music] so I'm guessing I need to ask about mr. cuff instead of finding him myself oh you buy [ __ ] in there and pawn it off and I don't care it's not that big of a deal you have a moment sure thing she looks evil do you know where mr. Koz houses you don't have far to go thank you the reset part it's on the other side of the private exchange over there thank you thanks a lot for your help why I have a curfew it forces me home oh come on Jesus this man can't walk five steps without crumbling and [ __ ] starvation mode and I can't stay out past 9:00 p.m. what is this [ __ ] thing [Music] jin-hwan home not because I want to be though man would you guys consider this a triple a game release I want to see where we draw the line I'm not I'm not talking about in terms of quality I'm talking about in terms of like actual release because I'm pretty sure this has a physical copy like in game stop and [ __ ] and it's a medium budget game it got like 10 million in funding it seems like most people say now beyond hmm see you later bhaijan whoa yeah see you soon [Music] excuse me I'm very hungry coming through [Music] [Music] hello mr. ku you better not be here only at night is anyone there oh god oh god I guess nobody's home no I'll try again later holy [ __ ] [Music] I might just [ __ ] take a nap I'll set my alarm for like two hours from now in real world time and come back and open the door for mr. Kaif [Music] rule [Music] sleep well lit like candle TV [Music] should have ate something bro I have zero dollars I can't fly someone to spit in my mouth for hydration and I'm not pawning anything and I'm not chopping wood [Music] what's more boring this or death stranding it's [ __ ] tough to be honest I think this game is objectively far far far worse but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't thoroughly entertained with the writing [Music] all right it's 1:30 anyway I'm calling it a night this game is this is a very special type of strand game thanks everyone for tuning in [Music] that's a good point yeah the old Ghostbusters uniform never - donated big thank you appreciate it new subs welcome aboard sub means a lot to me I hope you enjoy the emotes and I hope you all sleep well thanks for tuning in everyone - yep
Channel: Cr1TiKaL Full Streams - Random Videos
Views: 10,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cr1TiKaL, penguinz0, youtube gaming, livestream, live stream, charlie, theofficialpodcast, kaya orsan, moist meter, huggbees, zealotonpc, critikal, cr1tikal, critical, cr1tikal livestream, Tiana, game, video game, stream, critikal livestream, critical livestream, streaming, Speedrun, critikal live stream, full stream, Full Streams, twitch, twitch stream, moistcr1tikal, cr1tical, the official podcast, big moist, VOD, stream archive, cr1tikal stream, twitch archive, bigmoistcr1tikal
Id: xNUAnl6Rvqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 15sec (10335 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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