Moist Critical | The Unexpectables II | Episode 45 | D&D 5e

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[Music] we are like six whole months past the New Year dude God six Jesus Jesus until we're like almost perfectly halfway through the year no see now that it has to be Christmas well we're past halfway through the year so well Christmas in July mark no yes ew also I'm not gonna I'm not gonna drink water I'm drinking tea Mark and there's nothing you can do to stop I will go full Adam Sandler and Waterboy on you I swear to God guys you existed this long and so I trust you I support your green tea drinking habits I do that you're aware that green tea has caffeine in it yeah it does not this one oh yeah brother how do you have non-caffeinated green tea because it's Japanese and uncaffeinated oh so that means they didn't add any caffeine but the naturally occurring caffeine that exists in green tea is still there I mean I have a supreme resistance to caffeine I I used to down two Mountain Dews before bed energy it's about the fact that caffeine dehydrates you well that's what the extra tea is for Mark you just drink more yeah you drink poor hydration no that's like saying there's a hole in our boat so in order to avoid seeds it's not mustard tea it's not pretzel [ __ ] is mustard tea spicy why am I asking well I should I shouldn't give in to these questions they're they're too silly now the Forbidden lore no but you can't unlearn bro I just wanted to play [ __ ] like vampire I didn't want to play like [ __ ] Mage leave me alone before Christ please a heads up chat uh unfortunately OBS for whatever reason decided to reset the audio settings on wall fly so I try to balance things out if if things are too loud or too quiet and I'm not I'm probably more gonna ask the mods if you hear anything that sounds off please let us know I tried my best to rebalance everything but it completely reset everything and I just just scream really loud how about so I asked someone to do before we went live just to make sure but everyone says it sounds awful there it's crazy I can't believe I'm back Doppler effect oh yeah it was real I love that picture of not yet guys with the ax sorry man I wish I could be offered drugs all right Connor yeah so weird I can barely hear myself with these new headphones Connor kiss away all right welcome to the unexpectables everybody I hope we're ready for a hot new one Fresh Out the Oven oh it's on crack noodles too you're a crack no crackling not crack crap Krakatoa I'm cracking for a crack oh I have my crack no but money it's 20 seconds after it's the grace period we're past the grace period crack is for kids but money don't you want to know why the Connors love Cinnamon Toast crack oh my God this is crack it's the taste you can see amazing I'm very dizzy and I've been dizzy for a little while but I'm questionably hydrating myself thank you Mark uh I just dropped a brand new video that is surprisingly tooing like absurd numbers at least respectively compared to what I've been doing uh I talked about all the [ __ ] that just really bothered me on that Japan trip and people just really love making strawman let me tell you it's it's uh it's like I got a wheat field in my backyard and people just afraid of them Birds uh but yeah you you'd like it I I get really personal I'm very imp well no I'm very personal in that uh it's it's just me talking for like 45 minutes with bullet points but uh I get really intense and I apparently jump scare at some point which is hilarious next video I think it's gonna be about uh tears of the Kingdom because there's way too much like culturally inspired crap in that that no one's talked about or at least I haven't paid attention to so that's gonna be a heck of a lot of fun uh I gotta figure out what I'm gonna stream we're kind of in a weird drought I can't keep playing tears and um I'm running out of backlog FPS games to play Oh I tried playing TF2 uh the other day my old stop the ground oh yeah man so man vs machine is still fun uh I hate everything else because it sucks and people are terrible and I hate them I literally I literally literally had one scout player just just table me over and over again coming to my stream and then throw slurs so you know classic classic online experience [Music] so God I love the hey day of TF2 anyone wait I'm just I'm just up to my weeb stuff I need to make new races I know oh it's okay I got it as well yeah I believe in you uh well you don't have to believe in yourself believe in the me that believes in you see that's always the setup sorry continue and Mark Allen Jr where can they find you what are you up to you can find me on Mark Allen Jr here on Twitch at aeon Pro tech gaming and you can follow the adventures of my fat sleepy cat bunny on Instagram at chunk for Life uh recently uh no streams have happened because I've been in the process of moving someone into my apartment they are here now and we are now in the process of making the apartment livable congratulations thank you thank you uh streams will still be weird I'm going to try to start a new series of streams hopefully every Friday hopefully starting this Friday although it's tentative because if we're still working on setting up house stuff I might have to postpone it um but for sure by next week I want to do timed song creation streams so I have like two to three hours I haven't decided if I want two or three hours yet probably leaning towards three hours to make a song based on a wheel I'm gonna spin the wheel for the genre and then depending on what genre I get I will spin the wheel for ideas of how to build that song and I've got three hours to do it uh the idea to inspire me to start working on music more again finally for real uh and also just something different because uh not a lot of people do that and I figured it might be nice for some people to experience that on my stream uh because a lot of y'all don't know that I make music apparently so that's a thing that I do as well also holy crap I've been teasing about it on this show for like three or four months now but I finally get to announce I had the pleasure of helping assistant direct the English dub of not one not two but three Fist of the North Star special movies that's right Legend of holy [ __ ] Legend of yuria and a fierce fight I got to help assistant direct all of those I even got to Direct One Edward Bosco which is the first time we've worked together in that capacity on an official project in either of our careers so it was super super dope uh check it out it's by uh being released by discotheque media later this year I was so stoked to work on it it's crazy to have Fist of the North Star on my freaking resume it's insane um but yes that's what I one of the things I've been teasing about for the last several months so I'm so excited I hope you guys enjoy it check it out when it releases please we put a lot of work into it dude super big omedetto thank you I was stoked yeah all right that's it for me as a huge Fist of the North Star Mark I have to say you're a huge Fist of the North Star yeah oh right I forgot your name is Mark yeah ding there it is I'm very excited either way um where can they find you what are you up to yeah I'm doing well uh I just got back from Chicago with Bosco that was fun um but uh we missed Halo uh lasso this yesterday but we'll be back on next week with more uh Halo Reach lasso I think our second session for that uh I'll be playing with Bosco level 1 Evie and artsy heartsy so we're bit back on uh Bosco's Channel around then um and then on uh Thursday I'll be back with or actually tomorrow I think uh we're gonna be doing more dungeon the Mad major on Monty's channel so that'll be fun but you can find me uh on Twitter at zany underscore Grim um also tomorrow during the day around uh noonish I'll be streaming on my own channel for once um some more dark tie with some friends uh so if you want to come check that out that's cool too that's that that's me is that game better much better uh the update they did was much much better okay sorry I didn't mean no but I just had to ask no no you're good uh there is actually an end game now okay yeah that's me excellent Zito where can they find you what are you up to follow me on Zito where I've been playing tree Pang 2 and God I did it went from fighting super soldiers to killing Mothman and then the Illuminati happened and then there was a ghost in the middle of bum [ __ ] Arkansas underground full of TVs it and then and then Gianni showed up as a bunch of cultists and I had to mow him down it was kind of a sick game and I can't wait to go back into playing it again uh so I'll be doing that uh card streams will occur probably on Friday uh beyond that uh I have good news and bad news the bad news is is uh I have to get [ __ ] four of my wisdom teeth removed because I only needed the one but everyone's telling me nah we set up for all four of them so sometime in July just before my birthday I'm gonna be a miserable like silent mute bastard uh yeah beside that the good news is is toothpicks getting a PS1 3D model so I will transform I will metamorphosis from my PNG tuber into physical meat space at some point now I just gotta get a camera and learn all the 2D rigging nonsense thank you beyond that that's me that's awesome Zito thank you for sharing Edward Bosco where can they find you and what have you been up to they could find me watching the NFL draft with the Chicago Blackhawks just pick Connor Bedard yes what Gotta Be A Nerd now good answer being a nerd you have to be hello come on uh yeah next I appreciate you Bosco I want to hear about your sports things I I I'm happy that you took a a Vancouver person from our our Province a way to go to Blackhawk town or whatever you hi everyone Chris you know Chris here are the unexpectable Sierra hi everyone let me look back and chat real quick and just see this Wade Zero's been a v tuber since last November I'm fine it takes them a while dude don't worry about it last November I'm fine okay all right um on a side note the Bulls also resigned Nicola vusevich and I thought it was a really good deal okay bye hey Shahala is the volume good that was a good test I think wait yeah don't you have something to announce you already did it no but you have to do it too otherwise it's not oh yeah hi I'm in the new Fist of the North Star because Mark made me sound good yeah dude it was really hard to sound good no it was a blast yeah it's on the first time we've ever worked together and it will be a special project in my heart for the rest of my life because of that it was a it's one of those Milestone moments yeah being able to direct your one of your best buds you come up on the grind with somebody and you're like we finally get to do it for a living like it took long enough well what is 17 years I mean anyway Connor back to you you were shock indeed uh well I suppose uh wait did we get Monty yet we did no I don't know for some reason so I was I was huh I know right Monty glue what are you up to dog uh oh my God I'm getting a new shelf which is the highlight of my life I'm very boring um but I am getting a new shelf uh but I am also streaming uh tomorrow as Zan has mentioned we have dungeons in the Mad beige uh it's it's so great I just read ahead a little bit and I'm just like nodding and closing my eyes and nodding like uh and then on Friday I actually started off a brand new stream which I hope people come and check out I I'm actually playing through Final Fantasy 14 for people who want to just experience the story and don't want to play an MMO um so yeah if you haven't seen it I've been posting Clips to my my Twitter and uh it's the first session went really really really well and I'm really excited and I hope people come and check it out because it's should be hopefully really fun and a nice way to enjoy the story please come see it I got a whole new overlay and everything and it's so cool and then on Mondays oh my God oh my God you guys hear that that was Thunder oh my yeah I didn't hear that oh my God sorry uh there's a thunderstorm outside if I disappear you should be okay yeah um sorry uh where was I oh and then on Monday Mondays are kind of here and there right now because Monday I'm getting my shelf I'm gonna try my best to get the Shelf before Mass Effect so that way we can do Mass Effect uh but if not I might do a pickup stream uh in the evening so yeah that's it for me hot dog honor you have I'm gonna give you wait wait hold on but I haven't sealed yet oh yeah yeah other people to talk about sorry go sorry I adore me you can find me on Twitter [Music] where I'm not as cool as football Connor but you can see me streaming Tuesday Friday Saturdays and Sundays no he was he's hockey Connor I thought right I wasn't Pegasus Canada uh yes playing through Yakuza like a dragon uh it is there with me as well and uh Sundays I'm usually playing uh uh Deus Ex Invisible War but it's kind of busy but uh yeah that's uh oh right I am also in the process of making another 5e Homebrew thing for the first time in a long time uh I suppose I can go ahead and tell you what it's named it's called the hydromancer spell book it is nine it is nine spells that are all water themed and I gotta tell you some of them are pretty crazy liquify is very odd is it like disintegrate only you melt um you do melt but it does not like disintegrated okay my favorites are drowned person and depth charge uh I want a submarine mage [Laughter] sub mage no I'll leave don't leave minus one okay get back here anyway uh that's pretty much it for me oh this episode was brought to you apart by Die Hard dice is your One Stop shot for dice and dice accessories and if you don't over to Die Hard it's code unexpectables to save 10 on your order I also pick up some sorry there's something in my dice tray it's me it was deals yeah actually was it was it your lies aspect dice the official collaboration between Die Hard Dyson it was it was it was also my gay dice because it's still pride month oh [ __ ] and days it is pride month apparently Bonito flakes because I I made a stir fry delicious so it was like that's why I was like why is everybody no flakes in my dice that's the meeples for the math hey happy anniversary to the uh Stonewall Uprising by the way it's the 28th so great uh where was I we're talking about dire dice uh uh right check out our store oh you can see I can see them 10 when you go to use a code unexpectfulness also check out our store we got merch and we're gonna have some new merch uh coming out here real soon I think some I think some Gateway fans are going to be very happy uh yes as well um we couldn't do this week after week without help from viewers like you with your business we have 10 minutes Connor all righty I will not be reading messages but I will be reading names oh God stream elements changed it uh doctor date means PhD 31 months old guard dude thank you for the 1000 bits uh Irwin L thank you for the 35 months blizzards of lizards thank you for the 31 months of Prime oz195 thank you 36 months Stellar coyote thank you for the 100 bits Drago soon thank you for the 100 bits Gladius moonrise thank you for the 13 months of prime extra vowel thank you for the 32 months Reigns weld thank you for the 19 months death Hawk Down thank you for these 16 months Nikon Pachi thank you for the 55 bits solar Misfit thank you for the 17 months of prime scat flips thank you for the 26 months of prime Emerald Bandit thank you for the 200 bits contrasted chaos thinking for the 10 bits killer chancy thank you for the 10 bits alleghian EP thank you for the 31 months of prime booty call and the sugar lumps thank you for the 100 best name we haven't seen in a long time damn [ __ ] are you okay dude hit me and I I like didn't I inhaled before I drank anything but there's liquid on like the rim and it yeah anyway keep going okay thanks a lot booty call in the Sugarloaf oh God Buzz there I don't know who that was lost me the robot thank you for the 35 months wedward thank you for the 32 months core and solest thank you for the uh 31 months atla gamer thank you for the 20 bits twitch guy thank you for the 45 bits more thrandor thank you for the 26 months Ox Factor thank you for the 31 months of prime uh just another clone thank you for the 36 months of prime mad Tom K thank you for the 38 months mecon punch you thank you for the additional 95 bits cos a3173 thank you please 38 months nettle Norseman thank you for the 311 surprise Brian Merrell thank you for the 69 bits hey Cheshire Joker they give you 100 bits morgue daddy Joshua thank you for the sub Alpha rabbit thank you for the 10 months Fury the Golden Dragon thank you for the 100 bits zillman thank you for the 100 bits Lord commissar manslaughter thank you for the bit uh Ottawa Bingo thank you for the 32 months zenlita thank you for the 100 bits Irish Katana thank you for getting to cheer what's up to boopy the gamer Dr caliban thank you for the 36 months sakido thank you for the 21 months protest 103 thank you for the 10 bits Zan Rising for the 29 months dracona 6996 thank you for the four months of prime and Fuego 23 thank you for the 11 months a lot of a lot of returns this time around yeah welcome back what a return customers yeah also Moon stalker thank you for the 21 bits I was gonna say I went out just quickly just you know the sinuses a little bit yeah and it's beautiful outside but it sounds like the world is that big so I'm a little scared right now it's like sunny and beautiful but speaking of sunny and beautiful is everybody ready to dive into a brand new age am I um I'd say let's dive in to this episode of the unexpectables [Music] foreign [Music] sound sounds [Music] [Music] [Music] alrighty so when last we left our heroes Milo the as America Asmar cleric e-scan the lizard folk Druid otho the shifter Rogue Kai the human wizard Gaius agne the Seder fighter and a new found friend in stragal the kenku wizard The Party met with the king and queen of herthlen and after some delegations and conversation the party was given letters a referral in regard to the Trinity treaty as well as other trade agreements and other bureaucratic Notions additionally after their relative success in heisting the home of orestes lung the head Royal wizard Master candlestaff rewarded the party with some coinage as well as access to the herfland Royal teleportation Circle for their heroic uses now with their rewards and articles in order the party has decided to seek out a potential great Mage Vault near the village of Aaron card now as the party prepares to be teleported to airing card courtesy of the royal wizard we return the unexpectables really quickly how much coinage did we get again I don't think I added it to my character sheet just put uh you know how much I got [Music] anybody remember um I wonder if I can check and sorry what was the question again how much monies did we get uh we each got uh uh 20 each because strickall didn't get any I think let me double check my gold they only gave us 100 gold no I think they gave us like somewhere in the 200 hang on I believe it was sorry I think it was 50. oh go ahead I think it was 50 each because I had I had I I saw that I added 50 to my gold so it was 50 each yeah you guys got 50 each and access to the teleportation Circle for whatever use is like not frivolous in that sense so thank you sorry I'll go away again I want to go to White Castle though it's 2 A.M let me oh you gotta wake up Harold and then we can go no just [ __ ] stay up who goes to sleep [ __ ] it's 20 20. all right way up so above board um is there anything you guys would like to do before you are teleported to Aaron Karen does everybody have their snacks I have you I have my juice boxes that I gave you well that's that's the thing eckie told me before we started to make sure that everybody eats their toast so thank you Regal has never tried the toast can you let him try the toast I I was actually gonna give up my cold dead [ __ ] body I was about to say I was gonna give one to the melee person and the other person who ends up in melee Bosco okay so give it the street all got it okay so so let's see here no real talk does everyone have rations everything I've got like six I'm not sure if that's gonna carry me uh uh I got I got 12 I'm good uh I'll I'll I have six yeah I think we got enough to spread it around if we do run low so we'll be okay I'm sitting at eight apparently I wish we had good Barry yeah goodberry is good until your Druid player has to take a couple weeks off to go on a trip and then the party doesn't have to marry and in the middle of the Jungle and are slowly running out of food and to the point where they beg you to hunt something and then there's just that sounds like a you problem so funny anyways specific Monty money how much are rations I can't remember uh let me grab my player's handbook and I'll double check rations are five silver five silver Eve also are my hirelings coming with us I did I did pay for them oh yeah they are they are my higherlings uh they're gonna be taken in for questioning because they're Witnesses first so makes sense yeah all right I'll meet you guys back here Pebble staff is like well I need I need answers so I'm gonna keep them until you guys come back from your little quest for now oh right I'm gonna also like drop a couple of items so I don't like if case we have to carry something I have capacity to do so you got it yeah you can keep it in stragall's room awesome um I'm gonna put down the extra great ax I took the Halbert uh uh I'm gonna change my spell as either it was it was uh five so or no it's 10 10 silver per gold right uh yes okay so let me spend three gold get six rations correct okay [Music] I can't believe I'm having to shoot myself this is [ __ ] so stupid don't you need your third ax Zito uh the axes are going the [ __ ] away I ate four I don't need four guys packs ax this is for an adventure like a person would pack underwear for a two-day trip just like it's like but what if there's an emergency stop calling me the [ __ ] out like this holy [ __ ] make sure to change out your great ax every morning listen I have the small ax I have the medium ax and I have the large ax okay that's my kid laughs all right I think that was it we got water we got everything else do we need I'm just thinking we're doing if we're doing a vault Deep dive if there's anything else we need I think we got rope and oil and light and okay all right anybody else speak now forever hold your phone oh can we bring George Lucas no what the [ __ ] oh what what sorry George all right I'm sorry I'm playing the part of gherkin this episode [Laughter] over yeah overthinkerkin are are been taken in by the guard and they're going to be heavily questions but I'm not the mercenary you're looking for the uh candle staff promises that they will be relinquished to you and given that they've been you know courgual and also like um what's the word helpful in that sense so not resisting they're they're willingly coming and they're not making things difficult they're being compliance yeah and noise you vouch for their character given that they didn't try to kill you on your way back you know it's sort of proven to their character they seem like it the more you you interact with them especially given their dude first of all they're very young like these guys are like maybe in their 20s they're older than us yeah they're they're in their 20s and are like clearly like trying to make ends meet kind of guys I'm the oldest of the group it's really funny because when you guys actually like go to get them collected they're actually like playing cards against the guards and are winning pretty well um but they are taken in for questioning just because of their involvement with the Rusty's lung and as candlestaff comes and collects you he's like all right so we're going to Aaron Khan is that right yes and struggal you will be still escorting our most illustrious of guests of course I must warn you I'm sure you've heard this warning before but uh if your intentions are to look into vaults of the great Mage War makes uh keep your wits about you they are very dangerous all right well to the teleportation Circle then come on all right here we go guys we go Shuffle on over let's ago uh as you guys Shuffle uh candles have actually walks next up walks next to you stir gallin kind of nudges you in the shoulder a little bit yes what is it master to come back uh use this and he hands you a uh teleportation uh scroll specifically one that is a conduit so more or less is just a means by which to get back from where you first teleported to more or less it's like a cheaper teleportation scroll that makes sense got it yeah great value teleportation yeah Family Dollar teleportation yeah diet teleportation RC for teleportation oh so it's called elevation Cola like that simply put it'll let you teleport back from Aaron card not from anywhere like so it's like specifically an Aaron Carr set one ah so if we get shunted to a parallel plane of existence we're screwed unless Aaron Carn comes with us oh I like the cut of your jib as you guys make your way through the castle you see again uh people kind of not mulling about that seems kind of lazy but people going about their business servants cleaning and and you know caring for the uh embellishments the large banners uh presenting these large Griffins you see soldiers kind of like doing their regular rotations uh you also notice some Nobles kind of walking through and you see like a little boy with like just like blonde hair kind of running with a sword and he kind of like runs past you struggal and kind of looks at you and smiles very mischievously and then kind of laughs and then runs off will give him a smile back but eventually you find yourself in the chamber and as candle staff takes you up top he just is for you all to stand on the teleportation Circle and goes oh good luck with your adventures I hope to hear back from you soon and I hope you don't all die that would be best candlestaff I had a question for you yes uh so since we kind of exchanged information before we left and now we're going to do this when we come back would I be able to look at some stuff in the library do you need like a clearance for anything in there hmm you are not one of my students unfortunately I'm not too keen on letting and I mean this with no offense someone who is not one of my own students to look through but if there's something in particular you are looking for I'd be willing to help yeah uh Stree Gaul is totally looking for books on um uh liches uh specifically like maybe a deconstruction of uh the necromancy spell raised dead um and anything you have on the antidonians Yes master sometimes you agree to do things without realizing that you've uh agreed to help a friend if you understand my meaning he kind of laughs and looks towards the two you uh well given the state of Easton Vale I can understand why this piques your curiosity I would look into it while you were away of course I must also look into your two new companions as well and make sure they are well behaved but I digress I will see what I can do but necromancy is not a spell or type of magic practice here very often for good reason but I might have something yes yes odds trickle thanks you I'm sure he does he looks and smiles at you candle candlestaff looks and smiles at Easter girl almost just eat a quick Cricket before kind of pinching the bridge of his beak all right how many of those do you have I I bet you do you want some I mean I heard back home that if your spoil some just right they taste good at a shark a guy of a spice knife chocolate which do you prefer oh I can't call it the chocolate not give me that and it just takes the chocolate gonna beam up with excitement because me Milo's probably the first person to ever ask for one of the chocolate covered crickets so he'll be like oh yes of course see if it takes them I think it doesn't hurt the crunch I'm so immersed oh I I I have uh I have a little vial of crickets actually that I eat every day what the [ __ ] okay now it's too immersive protein it's just protein it's just protein it's the superfood of the future mark my words with that candle staff lifts up his hey candle staff and then slams it to the ground and all at once a pillar of light erupts around all of you and you are all shunted bring the music back [Music] and your token oh we all of you suddenly appear in the middle like the the middle Courtyard of a reasonably sized Village People in the Square immediately are like kind of gasp and surprised some people dropping you know like baskets of laundry that they're washing in the giant fountain in the center of the village they all kind of look shocked as you just suddenly all appear yeah oh sorry don't worry uh we'll just be on our way the guards kind of look towards you all suspiciously but then they noticed your gall and they're like oh okay so it's a royal wizard it's like it's wizard things it's wizard things but there's like a group of like like a group of children that are playing like Marbles and they all just like look up and all like whoa like these people just suddenly appeared all right so what exactly is this place that we're headed to yes I believe it was unaware that there was a vault in the area according to my notes I think it's to the north west of here that's what I have I actually could inquire around town to see if anybody's heard of this Vault that might not be a great idea just you never know when someone thinks you might be getting too nosy about something especially if it is related to the well potential threats of the Mage War it might be more Superstition and rumor than anything else but I agree I do not believe it would be wise to advertise our comings and goings in this venture oh it's a little too late for that we're already in the middle of town uh do not worry about that uh the official uh our arcanus business don't don't worry no kind of guide the group a little further away from the center of town you got it as we're walking away guys like Wiggles his fingers like a kid is like what like turns into runs to his mom who's like doing laundry it's like oh that's scary [Music] get to Temp HP from toast oh great actually I'm gonna I'm gonna recommend above game's true goals actually you've been in melee combat more than I have lately I mean you could do whatever you want with your toes I'm just giving it to you I'm gonna I'm gonna take the toes that I'm gonna hand it to streegal and I will say uh Hey streegal considering what happened last time you might want to try this what happened last time he and guys nearly died I suffered three concussions in a row this is this is why I can't leave you all alone I do not worry struggal's gonna take out his uh casting staff and Milo will see that it's actually a halberd um with a kind of magical end instead of a spike that kind of puts it onto the ground I am not one who casts behind the group I tend to prefer to face my problems head on I've never seen that before but all right I'll trust your judgment oh by the way you kind of get me the recipe for those characters that was amazing oh of course it's like Stern demeanor trying to act up immediately dissolves twice as lucky he just like poops up a recipe for crickets these can crickets yes as you guys are kind of walking and discussing you hear a familiar voice oh huh you hear like a discussion like kind of down a road a laugh that's kind of like oh yeah yeah yeah we'll get we'll get more but uh we'll look into it for now and then you hear like oh but you're welcome anytime something about that she's familiar to you uh you guys will see iskin kind of stop moving and kind of look off in that direction with his eyes uh lingering for a little bit you kind of stop and look down the road and as you lean your head back and look you see a older man um you know well built uh who looks a little something like this oh wait hey as you see no spider currently with a just a stack of wolf heads I recognize those cheeks anyway I was I was really hoping we would have the backside picture by now but I guess they're still working on it [ __ ] off commissioned someone you know what bet it's just a citric citric I need your help guys I uh I'm pretty sure that's the outsider where huh he points in his Direction well if we're looking for a guide so we can think of worse than the outsider miles already running to him all right you notice that next to him is a new person you've never seen before and you see standing next to him this individual [Music] Premiere double art oh double heart what that's a bucket all right that is are those are those steak knives they are kitchen knives yeah oh my dream I what cheers there's more no [Laughter] wait uh as you begin to approach you notices The Outsider kind of is like counting coins in his hand and offers some to this individual and the individual kind of like leans away from it and he kind of goes oh come on you're gonna need this and they don't like they even just kind of turret away and he goes all right I'll hold on to it for you and he kind of pockets it Outsiders that you all right now that's a voice I haven't heard in some time same to you what I almost said where have you been but I know you've been everywhere I've been all around is it just Milo approaching or do the rest of you approach that rest of us come up all right yeah in the back kind of just poking at kite you with the hand on his on it like nervously on his neck you know the outsider uh yeah he yeah uh as you all approached you notice this other figure that's kind of like slightly off to the side of the outsider as you approach pull out these knives and hold them very tightly and as they do so the outside kind of reaches the hand back and goes no no put those away and you watch as they just kind of set them back slightly but do not put them away they seem very on edge mimics the [ __ ] dick sentiment with the hand ax at the great ax they seem to be staring at you specifically Gaius Oh goodie well as soon as the weapons get back uh get back guys returns to his last pose uh sorry they're a little bit uh Twitchy but they're they're a good kid um so what brings you here I thought you uh had I heard about eastendale rumor spreads quick the borders are open and there's no more Undead at least not as much it wouldn't be your doing would it because you're the only people I've talked to who had that as one of their goals crazy as it was although we did it so is it crazy oh it's impressive but uh I admire it it's very impressive gosh you all sound so much older now in a strange kind of way it's been a long time yeah even though it hasn't been well I'm glad to see you're all safe all of you and um I hear shifling bird feet I think you have another one another one another one yes sir sorry dude uh bother you Mr uh The Outsider I but Master outside that's it's a formal dearest apologies I did not mean to offend no offense taken and don't worry about it I'm easy going you have to worry but uh oh where are my manners mine uh this is empty empty this is uh some old friends of mine he watches this individual just kind of is still like holding the knives and it's completely still like it's just staring at you guys the entire time I have that question Monty yeah go for it does this person appear to be breathing uh the perception check Insight I I guess probably perception would be more accurate [Music] come on nine they seem to be [Laughter] um you don't know because they're very still right now they might even be holding their breath so empty is staring directly at me like I can absolutely see like the [ __ ] like just to get the glare is on me right yeah a hundred percent all right well [ __ ] it I ain't gonna I ain't gonna [ __ ] like bitter around this Gaia steps in front of them and holds a handout for a shake I mean watch attention they kind of bring up the knives and back away they go stay away from me demon and kind of like immediately go into like a short pose he watches the outside he goes oh no no no no no no he kind of like does like an arm like underarm grab and drags them back as they're like ready to swipe it he was like nope not demon not a demon looks like a demon not a demon come on now you watch as they kind of wrestle free of the outsider's grass and he's like you gotta give me a second okay don't stab anyone you got away with it once you're not gonna get away with it okay hold on Goliath remains in the pose he had just like uh eyebrow kind of like lurches up a tiny bit that is actually the first time I've ever heard someone call me that I don't know how to respond to that sorry sorry empty just don't put the knives away he watches this armored individual just relaxes their arm but stays kind of Behind The Outsider now so can I just do something weird sorry go ahead it's fine uh otho notices the the person's uh verbiage and and posture and in general way they present themselves and he sort of thinks for a minute wouldn't happen to be from Centralia would you what is that okay that is suppose not well I don't know if you know what a Seder is but that's what I am you're a demon that is what you are you are nothing else you can't be anything else okay but he's clearly not a demon The Outsider kind of goes ah just we'll leave it for now it's it's okay well we'll work on it don't worry guys just guys just shrugs this is water off a duck's ass for him he doesn't know how to take it this way money quick question yeah what are the state of those kitchen knives that's something that's kind of inquisitive For Milo given professions they're dented um specifically the tips are seem to be worn but not the edge which is weird so they're not used for cooking but they are kitchen knives they seem pretty well made not like the highest filigree of her mother of pearl but it's like not your commoner kitchen knife either Damascus steel kitchen knife oh man I am I like your knives um I've got something like that myself but uh not for well what you've been doing but it looks like a good make they don't say anything they just seem to be like hiding behind the outside right now keeping a dark eye on all of you [Music] oh well yeah he goes sorry they're pretty good with them for fighting I mean he kind of leans back and you see like the wolf heads and some of them have just their eyes are just jammed out quite good at using them so they're helpful in that regard just got to make sure they don't turn them on the Common Man where did you meet uh here in town actually they stabbed a a man down the road but uh they were gonna arrest him but uh I don't know I uh empty do you mind to go collecting my uh my stuff and empty kind of nods and then turns away do they appear to be uh the the wolves that are kind of known to prowl these forests oh yeah there's no other wolves this is the the Bounty wolves people you know mercenaries people who are just kind of you know fight for a living and want to make a little bit of profit like people hunt them just for profit um but as this individual kind of sculks away kind of collecting things uh The Outsider kind of approaches closer and looks kind of joins you in your group and kind of looks towards the end goes yeah they stabbed a man down the road unprovoked but I don't know I I get a maybe it's my old bones or something but I got a weird feeling that they need help I was about to say I don't know too many Waters going around with kitchen noise of all things neither do I so it's a little strange there's another thing and guys again I'm sorry I um it seems that they think that they're dead that's another interesting little piece wait they they think that they're dead they think that they're in the afterlife but I mean between you and me I'm pretty sure this isn't the afterlife unless I've died and no one told me well wait a second they wouldn't be the first person that we found that was kind of already dead but not dead he shrugs I don't know I just I think that they're confused I don't think they're I don't think they're evil person I just think they're in trouble and I'm you know again I I vouch for them I I've been trying to at least show them a means by which to put their talents to use and again we're working on the not stabbing you know your everyday person they're convinced that everyone is either a demon the devil or both so it's been a little kind of scratches the back of his head a little strange rough going but where is armor boy right now they're currently like collecting the sacks that they probably carried the wolf heads in and is kind of like folding them up and like kind of putting them into like a bag that is the outside while folks are talking to the outsider Kai's gonna start walking over there all right you walk over and they kind of just pretend not to acknowledge you but keep you can get you get a sense like they don't you can't see their face under this match it's just darkness but every time you approach like you know that they're looking at you because you get this weird feeling that you're being watched as they look at you uh are they just picking up these different sacks yep uh Kai's gonna go reach to help them pick up a sack do they react to that at all no okay Kai's gonna grab a couple of the sacks to try to start helping them get moved uh so it seems like we got off on the wrong foot I just wanted to come over and introduce myself my name is Kai uh I don't think I caught your name in all the commotion unless you didn't give it I am is there something you're oh uh well nice to meet you empty um uh so our friend says that you think that you might be in the the afterlife I am dead all right like did you did you fall in battle or I the watches they kind of stop lifting up the bag I died and that's that how it happened does not matter I am dead so do you feel like you shouldn't be here right now I will not answer your questions demon uh I just all Universal then I just I have a friend that is kind of in a similar situation to you and I've been trying to help them and I I was just hoping to like hear your story so that I could maybe figure out what's going on I don't think you're the only person that's going through this if that makes any sense they stand up and then kind of walk past you brushing your shoulder and bringing the sacks to The Outsider ah they don't seem very talkative they seem very to their chest gonna still pick up the bags that he was collecting and he's gonna start dragging them over although much slower and looking like he has to use some effort empty kind of hands some of the sex to the outside the answer takes and kind of folds them up and puts them into one of his pouches he goes all right um anyway uh enough about us uh what about you what are you all uh doing here Adventure yes we're looking for something oh looking for something something like Beast or something like person item or like Place slash object uh do you know any do you know of any rumors of a vault being in the area uh wizard Vault you mean correct no I mean do you know where it might be just proximity because we've been around Aaron Carr and you know hunting and doing odd jobs here and there we've heard that it's similar to the north east was it East wow Northwest uh Northwest of here hmm he's gonna think for a bit I did find something weird in the woods the new friend oh no I found them in town um I found like uh it was a I thought it was like a tree for a bit like a young tree that had fell but it was a long metal pipe I think it was to the uh Northwest of here interesting I don't know if that has anything to do with what you're looking for but it definitely seemed out of place that seems like the best clue we have so far I agree I'm looking into I don't want to impose but um I don't know if you'd want two more you know an old man and uh I don't know kind of looks towards empty shrugs you know to help a little bit if there's money to me made from it guys first up we'll go ahead go ahead go ahead this is uh outing that is purported to be dangerous so the more the merrier in my opinion as long as your friend doesn't think it's a bad idea I don't see why we can't I say that staring [ __ ] direct daggers at him The Outsider kind of turrets and places a hand on the top of the head and kind of shakes them a little bit and they seem to tolerate it like a cat tolerates being pet if they don't want to be pet and then from inside of the Mask as the arms are cross you here you go and I will follow You Hear The Outsider say that makes two then oh excellent should we leave right now I have a good quick way to get where that was I don't necessarily think we have anything we need to do in town although I would be remiss if we didn't at least get our lay of the land I certainly uh that reminds me um e-scan was it uh yeah how's your map going oh uh pretty quickly actually we've met a lot of new people who've been really helpful uh he like realizes he was about to ask you if you want to see it I was waiting I'm just like guys looks at him just like with the biggest [ __ ] eating grid waiting for him to say the words say the line Bart it's uh it's it's going good that's good to hear I was curious about that last time we met seemed like you were very eager for it and it made me think you know how different we see the world in a way like you know I just thought it was kind of neat I'm glad you think so not a lot of people I've met along the way seem to think that so nah hey I'm just not with it the importance of travel is a good map whether it's in your mind or if it's on paper both are just as valid all right you guys have anything you want to pick up from town are we good to head out uh above game I got a potion does everyone have one I have one potion I have the ability to heal do you have I have the ability to heal and too oops oh I'm sorry I have four oh well [ __ ] Lottie oh look at you oh all right why do you get to have four potions at home I have candlestaff's potion of healing yes all right sick all right yeah then I I don't think of it I don't I can't think of anything else we could possibly need so I'm good we we resupplied in the last town that we were in so uh do we have rope this is important I do yes okay yes I have 50 feet actually I have a I still have the grappling hook and a handful of sawdust pocket dams pocket dust all righty The Outsider kind of pulls out and he says I have a potion myself with plenty of rations um I think and uh yeah we should be good to go well no time like the present alrighty you mind if I lead the way more than fine all right empty take up the rear you watch as they kind of stop for a moment and they kind of you get the sense it's like goodbye child no longer can you be by my side now you have an entire group of people between you you can see immediately the nervousness enter into this person as they kind of look towards all of you and look back towards the outsider and The Outsider kind of raises his brows and empty just kind of turns and goes to the ends I would like to volunteer to be directly in front of empty in the pecking order just so I can keep a very watchful eye on them you got it I'd like to be right next to him I'm sure me being the furthest away from them is the best course of action for the entire rest of the game I guess I'll be in dead center then okay I mean you guys can spread out it's all you're on a path like you were off-roading immediately with the outsider okay yeah sure girl's gonna walk up to Milo and kind of tasting this bread this is fantastic I've never had anything quite like it what did you learn that are you formally trained oh you could say that it was a bit of a divine inspiration oh oh that's good oh I did not I was not aware that you were um so boisterous than life I man it's a pleasure to see that despite uh from everything I have heard in Easton Vale then still Sparks of joy and Hope there's a lot more than you might think evidently that's um I do not believe we've been formally able to be introduced to one another and obviously you know my name is struggal but if you have any questions about uh Heartland or heart hold I would be more than happy to answer them if I can I'll appreciate that if if there is anything I can help you with um any cooking advice um I I learned a lot about how to you know take care of wounds and everything um it's kind of what's not the ground everything else is this kind of um and you see him kind of remiss a little bit and he kind of frowns for a moment uh it's it's nothing uh yeah I I could teach you how to how to cook that I mean granted like you can't imbue it with the same kind of divine powder that I've been able to but you know uh Turtle kind of looked towards Milo for a moment does it seem like it's pain that kind of caused him to stop or just to stop you are free to inside him if you wanted to oh yeah just for a little narrative yeah yeah one second you just look up at the sun he doesn't have an air fryer yeah so so 12 and a 10. I'm just I'll say this whenever he started because it was kind of obvious when he started listing off the things that he's done on this adventure he kind of stopped for a minute and then felt bad about something I see uh struggal will kind of take a breath and kind of uh well I don't mean to pry of course but I do you seem very amicable and I am fascinated to hear everything that's happened with the niece unveil but that everyone from that I've met down there thus far a part of your group seems to have very different uh perceptions on how things have gone and how things are going and I would love to hear your side of things I'd be happy to if whenever there's the time we don't have to worry about anything but fair enough I just they keep getting for the toast that's it very quickly Munch the rest and uh Milo will notice that struggal is a is a bit pudgy um he seems to eat all quite a bit I think you and I are going to get along just fine I think so cool because you just to finish it putting crickets in between both of them do Cricket sandwich I mean he's got chocolate a chaser for a sandwich just put dressing on it sorry you know and I was thinking struggle um it might be kind of vegetative if we made a cake you know you took a cake and and then used use those uh the the chocolate crickets and Grasshoppers and things like that you might even be able to make a little piece of food art with it even oh I don't think I've ever made a cake before but that sounds interesting fun even if we ever get the time we'll do that then I would be honored oh we got a cake date let's go yes [ __ ] yeah all right once again probably with The Outsiders super easy as he knows all these like sort of paths and trails kind of just inherently cough cough Ranger cough cough um he's a Roger he's a ranger yeah um and as he kind of takes you through um iscan you you were in front of uh empty and uh Kai you're next to them uh empty is very Vigilant you get that sense like their head is on a constant swivel they sometimes just walk backwards for a little bit and like they even just kind of like sometimes just kind of move side to side just checking areas very cautiously uh but always catching back up with the group whenever they do so can we hear them breathing now that we're up close and walking and moving exerting effort perception check I'm done cool I'm gonna do that too okay please great 25. double one that's an 11. Under The Helmet it's just uh e-skin hear a hint of hint hint of breath whatever is under there does breathe okay with the dash of spite just a dash uh above game just for context Lynn breathing not breathing uh weirdly enough not breathing okay good just for because I'm curious she also is like yeah right but that it I was more looking for clarification as to whether or not parallel or not so good might breathe for fun you're not sure but you don't really use a treat she Cycles oxygen for the lulls she looks from left to light when she's completely alone [Laughter] all right as You Follow The Outsider again very Breakneck Pace you know places to jump over small creeks and things like that and as you make your way forwards you see the outside I go I think it was somewhere around here you see them kind of like you know touching the side of the ground and kind of moving around um and he kind of walks forward and then like pushes aside some foliage and he goes yeah here it is and he just kind of smacks which is like you hear a metal noise and sure enough it's this sort of um long very rusted moss covered metal tube just stuck in the ground uh horizontally because it look uh familiar and make to the uh to the piping we saw in the uh in the vault behind the waterfall uh yes but much more aged definitely taken by the elements yeah oh well this looks familiar it does doesn't it uh I'm gonna appear is it like broken that I could peer inside of it yeah the end is open so you appear inside of it and you just see the tube goes down for a really long way and it's just darkness I'm gonna toss a rock down it right you grab a rock again it's horizontal so you Chuck a rock down there and it skids across the bottom but eventually stops because gravity wait cool question how how big is the opening uh very small like probably about where's I have a measuring tape hell yeah probably like say like probably 10 inches around off the ground I'm gonna kill you Zan Thank you Lisa got an idea do you still have that just stop that thing that you hold and You Get shrunk Oh you mean I mean the moment you do that empty immediately she could pulse out both knives and just immediately it's like don't cut it out it's not worth it they seem very confused The Outsider goes why is your voice so high pitched because I'm down here oh yeah if I may just maybe I could get a better look or so excuse me I had a little frog in my throat I'm gonna before we do that though uh so I'm gonna give you the key and then I'm gonna drape uh my what's it called can actually my grappling hook fit through the hole uh yeah the head of it can but you can't really throw it in oh no I don't want to throw it in I want that to be a support So mini Milo has something to grab onto and I can pull them back out oh like I I'm gonna clarify it because I think you might be a little confused so I'm going to draw this diagram really fast charge jar please this is the grounds and this is you guys yeah whoa I'm so slender nice pose the pipe is coming out of the earth like this yeah yeah yes that's fine because if he holds on to the grappling hook while he's going through the pipe and if he pulls I can pull him out good point all right plus I can I I assume that I can platform off his fingers into the pipe Swan Dive also also it makes sense for you to do it because you are basically the essence of [ __ ] light there you go [Music] he glows in the dark uh-huh all right Milo you go tiny mode I go tiny mode all right as you go tiny mode you are the perfect size for this pipe let's go this pipe was made for you no no hear it okay guys um just if you feel three tugs that means it's me and pull it out okay I had you I hand you the head of the grappling hook and Away you go son uh is there a way that I can tie it around myself or is that too big you probably better to take off the grappling okay fair enough that works yeah I'll just do that then um hang on a minute I gotta check the light spell radius um 40. okay yeah because I think my dark vision's only 30 anyway nope 60 never mind I'll uh I will go actually in Sans light uh just a thumbs up with just to clarify dark vision dark vision does not give you details it only gives you silhouettes of things right right so basically I I've the idea Monty is that I'm holding on to Casting light because I want to be able to see something coming uh before I start investigating details I don't want to Spook anything that might attack you got it all right so you're gonna go stealth I mean as stealthy is my micro legs can go for it uh TN pipe feels endless oh it actually goes in and like guys you're holding onto the Rope right of course as you're holding on to the Rope like it's it's deep and you actually get to the end of the Rope oh uh I I hold on to the Rope so if Milo so Milo feels that like that's the end of it so it's like there's no there's no going forward yeah Milo as you walk you to the Gila hook at your Center and you get the sense that you've walked quite a ways and it's just unending just just further further further keeps going yeah wow I'll make my way back and convey that info as I as I press yep you might need more rope if only we had more rope uh how much rope do we all have because I got 50. I also have to as well so we have 150. strika also has 50. we have I should I should have 50. no now you have 25. well I can always I can always take a super mushroom and get my regular rope back and then pass it back all right foreign [Music] extra end just to see a Milo you head back into the pipe yeah and it's about 70 feet before you begin to see that the pipe actually has an end to it wow this map is all ready to go what do your tiny eyes see I'm crushing your head oh God I'm getting Harvey Birdman flashbacks that's a weird thing to remember good old reducto all right I'll take this bottom left corner by the way for people who are looking at the map oh yeah oh if you're not looking at the map why not do I barely fit into this Bonnie uh you're like walking like your head if you like if you were any like Gaius if God even if Gaia is a small guys is probably gonna have to crawl on his hands and knees to get through this but you were just barely brushing your head on the top of this but could everyone fit theoretically what do you mean okay so above game idea guys if I tie the key off do three pulls on the Rope you take the key back someone else can come down here and we could just one person at a time our way through theoretically I mean yeah if we can all fit if we can fit in this space then sure I don't see why not that sounds like a good idea yeah that's definitely possible okay so let's just do it I was about to say for brevity's sake I would go back tell everyone the idea and then I assume we would execute it yep execute idea 66. you're gonna have to move your butt over here though so you're not in the pipe when you become large or else you're gonna have a bad time thank you Connor oh God Where'd I go we will always be friends alrighty as you guys progress who would like to go next are you just relying on Dark Vision uh I'll go ahead and I'll I'll just chill out here and throw light as far down as I can as you ignite the area uh first of all you see a bunch of like boss just kind of growing on the ground here an apple puddles crud right there is a door behind you mm-hmm that has that similar sand like Square the middle part of it however it's like lower on the ground so it's like positioned lower huh okay and it has carvings into it but you're not worrying about that right now you want no I want to make sure everyone gets in all right who would like to go next As You Pull the Rope back guy as he watches the key lands on the ground at your feet I'll do it okay put me in coach all right you have to like Metal Gear Solid like crawl for this and it's very very claustrophobic but eventually after a short amount of time I'm assuming you have rope on you as well everyone's tying rope to everybody yeah I feel like we're just doing the process over and over again right well someone someone's got to hold the Rope so we can pass the key through the tunnel again we'll let empty do it yeah that's trustworthy yeah Colonel I see a light at the end of the tunnel oh wait that's just Milo don't worry about it go towards the Milo he's there to help you I've got cake snake commencing operation cake eater would like to go [Music] oh we're going off the rail Mr Gall it is like a guinea pig in a tunnel like you were just all your fluff is occupying the entirety of the circumference of the pipe it's turning the ball rolling he comes out of the pipe like Hootie from Owl House yeah exactly if someone blows on the other end of the tube doesn't make it go faster [Laughter] shotgun sealed by a door probably not I'm not a fan I'm not a physicist or whatever the [ __ ] it is I wouldn't know who would like to go next I'll do it all right oh so I'm very sorry your clothing gets a little dinged up as this is a very moist pipe oh no how will I ever recover how will you ever okay that was dumb I'm sorry all right who would like to go next uh looking at Kai and kind of looking towards the pipe and then looking back at Kai is Kai looking at empty sure is okay yeah he's gonna go next all right we should okay so we told the outsider our plan right right he's figured it out yeah okay okay I was just like wait a minute we're putting the NPCs up in the like end tail end like I feel like it's a recipe for disaster you just leave us there there's still a PC there it's Adele Uh Kai is you're kind of standing back you see that yeah you said The Outsiders engage in conversation with empty and empty it's just like you would have me go into a dark place with demons of dark magic and outside's like that builds character come on he kind of pushes the notorious literal half Celestial I am offended only half offended right yeah is empty going next you watch as they kind of hesitate and the answer goes I mean you can stay out here with all the other demons if you want they sigh and then you watch as they grab the thing if you shrink down play Kate to their Insanity that's a good [ __ ] option yeah before empty gets here what do we say we all put on demon costumes I was gonna have guys this guy say like demon noises and then all the knives come out yeah what sounds you sound you hear what sounds like an aluminum can scraping up against like a skate park ah nature is healing instantly topples topples forward onto their to their throws the key away like it's disease and then kind of just like moves to the corner kind of using that thanks they kind of shudder at the the sensation cool next let's get the outsider in here uh Kai is you in the outsider stand out uh The Outsider kind of goes again like I said if anything happens I take full responsibility as comforting as that is hopefully nothing happens because while you might take responsibility for him chopping one of us in half I'd rather not go down that road same thing here oh he kind of begins to pull and then the key lands on the ground you want to go first you want me to go you should probably go take care of your boy they are boy and you watch as he takes the key and then it was a all right and then you once again hear the sound of like old man grunting like a dad who's working on the plumbing just like and then yeah but but it's tiny though so yeah and then as you pull the last rope Kai you find yourself with the key time to go hold the Rope cracks dude well if you tie the rope to yourself it'll turn small so unfortunately you don't have anybody to tie a rope to you after you turn small that's fine pull your tiny room hold on what if when the last guy cause we instead of pulling no that won't work the key still has to go back never mind that means you're gonna have to go without a rope essentially sounds good to me let's do it run brother follow the sound of my voice [Music] [Laughter] I believe you oh guys I don't know if you sell or not but there's a similar sand pattern it's it's a bit lower but it's it's like that other Vault what do you eat exactly you carve that the answer to the riddle or something like that and maybe a little boy does that mean we're gonna have to worry about another one of those alarm rooms again well Monty did pay two dollars for it so two dollars please it way more than that it was like 250 easily chances are we're going to have to listen to it again the whole thing what is everybody's languages oh [ __ ] a abyssal Celestial common and halfling uh common uh common Elven Giant and dwarf okay common draconic druidic and dwarvish is that everybody nope no one else speaks languages there we go yeah out Outsider has you know you don't know what he speaks but he speaks about [ __ ] uh and empty he's not engaging at all empty is very much the humdrum V is on the other side of the pipe I speak common dwarvish Elvish giant Goblin primordial thieves Canton under common Jesus none of you none of you recognize this language oh come on great yeah okay here's a question though based on languages we do know can we decipher in origin like for example yes if it was if it was Sylvan could we determine it was Elven that kind of a thing anyone who speaks dwarvish it's it's a derivative of the dwarvish dialect let's go um I would say who knows dwarves here you scan Gaius and anyone else know dwarvin muted no you're good you're fine and Gaius role history checks for me so DC on this is very low 11 13. you wanna guide sure he's the only one who hasn't rolled yet well uh you have guidance you roll D4 oh yeah yeah the spin uh that's a 14. okay all of you succeed this is no Mish son of a [ __ ] wait a minute that's is that gnomish I believe it is why wait okay okay hold on [Laughter] I don't know I was gonna ask you can't just ask why they're gnome I'm sorry okay body real really quick above I'm not sure if this is better or not but above game in uh in this universe Are gnomes considered Faye folk or are they just considered humanoid they're humanoids yeah okay okay okay okay okay all right well now that now that we know it's gnomish is there a way we can cross-reference and try to figure this out I would say between the three of you I'm going to say a group intelligence check to try and decipher this oh may I guidance please this is going to be over time it's going to be very long it's a big brainer yeah okay so intelligence yep uh hey that's an 18. yeah dude yeah yeah is this a saver base sorry this is base this is base okay low DC because it's just a simple song [ __ ] thank you all right easy enough uh Gaius you have the paper in some of the runes uh oath though you have experience being trapped in linguistic school and e-scan you have met many a traveler you were all perfectly able to describe this uh because I was gonna keep out words meaning you'd have to try and fill in the blanks but after about probably 20 minutes um this room gets a little stuffy but you eventually are able to translate with the gnomish message says and it says what is a black pudding's favorite meal a black pudding do we any of us know what that is like the food Bonnie do we have permission to use above game intelligence yes okay okay sick what is it black pudding's favorite food uh can I can I flavor that guy just knows what that is because of the [ __ ] books he's read oh yeah I mean black pudding is animal blood oh God sorry yeah black black putty wait they don't mean the food they mean the monster what are they like uh well I'm trying to think if it's anything like another ooze it's it's has a it partakes something in particular but for the life of me I don't remember I mean if it's a pudding it's probably gonna want the taste of some kind of meat or something flood related I wish I could help I genuinely have no idea I I know what the a I know what the answer is but it wouldn't make no sense for him to know a black pudding those are those creatures that uh dissolve things correct then would it not be a sort of metal or mid something of the sort possibly is there something that they can do that they react to positively metal I'm going to attempt that or I guess everyone would want to stay stand back in case the door explodes or something that's a little tight in here but I yeah sergol is going to cast a Mage Armor just in case did he see it load you watch it I'll be fine all right don't forget to write it in nomish runes so you're able to figure that out okay excellent so I I will write metal in runes okay the door opens well done well all right good work guys we should we should hurry on these reset quickly you see a familiar sight oh no oh [ __ ] the love of all the decontamination chamber I'm gonna pull out some little like pieces of fluff from my pockets first of all my ear holes first of all the moment the door opens something else happens toppled bones of three dead gnomes fall to the ground in front of your feet Gaius huh oh God and in the decontamination chamber the button glows with an ominous red color oh time out time out can I medicine check those bodies uh sure um this is a this is a moral question like when does a medicine check turn into an archeology check well I mean I'm looking I'm looking for right about now actually I was about to say that why don't you let me do investigation while he does medicine [Music] first of all these bones are so old when they hit the floor most of them just just shatter like just turn to dust um whatever you cannot the medicine check tells you it is impossible to figure out how these gnomes died because their bones are just so [ __ ] decomposed at this point on them notably on them like if they were wearing clothes it's also completely gone like you see like the smallest threads of like what was probably one's cloth that's just gone to age uh however you do see glimmering in the pile of bones a small earring all right uh let's lift that up and let's take a look I'm not a treasure let's go home uh let me find it here sorry let's lift it up it is completely Untouched by time and age and it's a glimmering sort of like teardrop shaped blue uh blue earring with silver kind of inlay on it uh blue gemstone you said yeah yes all right um if if y'all don't mind um I could ask for help I'll sell pulls out the the lion knuckle dice can you can you give can you give me 10 minutes though it takes a minute well 10 minutes but you get what I'm saying do you need any assistance in preparing for the ritual no I just need a sticker instancer too which I got and I just I just gotta literally roll them bones um do we want to walk into the contamination room without touching things to give you guys an idea of what it looks like here's a picture for you sorry I don't have it in roll 20 but there you go oh the item I thought you meant the broom oh no no no the item oh Neato that's really cool I just remember what last time when we went into the door slam shut it did when you press the button it slams press the button yeah so just don't touch the button walk in but don't touch anything all right you know what you know what nope screw it I've got a better idea I'll burn a spell slap but it's fine I'm gonna just try and shuffle my way through uh I'm going I'm going to uh pray out uh I didn't show the path to us and then I'm going to cast find traps okay oh that do make sense hmm uh all right can you click that spell for me I did do I need to do it again okay I see it oh [ __ ] it's yeah it's a long quite quite the range on that 120 feet okay uh does this go through I believe it's I believe it's line of sight it's line of sight you check no traps okay um I'm not sensing any danger that bomb's looking ominous but I'm not sensing any traps does anyone remember what color the other button was and I'm willing to venture forth forward unless guys you wish to go before me I'm gonna do it I'll be I'll be a stupid idiot well the point the point of these Chambers was decontamination correct I shouldn't they shouldn't harm us well the last one didn't but I just don't like that glow and the three bodies that you know fell out of the door and unfortunately with no way of figuring out what killed them we have no idea if it was this room or not East gun's gonna step in and kind of using his foot brush like the remainder of the bones and dust and stuff outside of the door so it doesn't close in with us you got it oh they may have been contaminated and had to die I see um all right sorry oh my God me choking on my tea earlier curse you person with silly name sorry all in the sugar lumps alrighty you're amazing just the way you are beautiful because Bruno Mars us all right that's uh does the door say anything like are there any runes on this door no it is completely blank okay well we have no unless there's anything else anyone wants to do we have nothing else to go on so before we hit this device and activate it you should all know the three of you who have not done this before at least ah this is going to be uh quite the cacophony that uh half and press this button I assure you it's going to sound scary but just wait it out and everything will be all right good to know the outsider says some kind of nods eskins again shoving fuzz into his ear holes uh struggal will prestigitate some light earmuffs how how [ __ ] stupid would it be if I activated the sending Stone and had reboot Island Cyrus [Music] we'll check this out all right you press the button yeah all right yeah the door closes behind you and you all brace yourself for the countdown but instead what comes out of this panel is a pathetic whale like a broken elevator shine oh my God it comes into a variety of flavors the light turns off Milo do you have your lights still on uh if I if it wasn't all or if it was if it wasn't on it before it is now all right you turn on the light and as you turn on the light as the light initially disappears you notice in the holes in the wall that you remember hit you with a decontamination spray instead now oozing out is this gray icker that now spills Down the Walls to the point where empty like backs up terrified and you begin to watch as it just begins to spill out and then as it hits the ground congeals and as oozes take form inside of the decontamination chamber that is where we are going to take our break oh boy good this is all lovely it wasn't a trap it was just a trap right it was an ambush it was It was a trap not made by its original crater no oh I monkey spot that really hard unfortunately yes I'm very sorry but this is where we're gonna take our break oh I'll stretch my water I gotta use somebody so badly drink my legs you should get some water I'm stretching my tea Mark well you can stretch your tea but get some water you know what time it is oh no oh no our guys shut up shut up I was being so genuine in that moment and I said it I was like that sounds exactly I hope no one caught that I'm so upset that is the most genuine oh no that has ever escaped my mouth and I'm never gonna be able to convince anyone it was hanging out Zen just sent me something I need to show you all post haste well while they do that it's time for the Bosco halftime show what up y'all [Music] oh my God what oh my god wow I just picture The Call of Duty grenade launcher sound foreign ER thank you for the 100 bits Monty special never fails for all Kaiser thank you for the hundred bits Bosco how was the Chicago Rome hope you had a good time there actually yeah Zan and I had a great time we went with our buddy Jeremy shout out to to you if you're listening but yeah it was a blast we had a lot of pizza almost every day it was very good Zan can vouch for it they got Chicago Dogs we went to Harry Caray's Restaurant which was also really good it was a lot of fun I took them around the city as best as I could and hopefully they want to come back because I love showing people around my city yeah it was a good time but would you want to go back that was absolutely yeah yeah yeah I miss it already man dude anyway before I get emotional mecon Pochi thank you for the 95 bits Bosco I hang on why is this being weird there we go uh Bosco I share with you a d d life hack do you like the original DuckTales cartoons do you hate traps I have something fun for you ball bearings one gold piece for a thousand of them I do like DuckTales oh don't worry do you see what you know about the ball bearings I do pick up what you're putting down and I salute you [Music] Chicago Bean wait we did not get to go to the bean because it was raining for two of the days that we were there so we had to check out some other stuff but we did find a really cool game shop that Monty was very jealous of when she made fun of me for being banished I want to be famous we spent we spent like three hours just playing a single game in the back it was great yeah Monty you did we didn't even take pictures of the second floor oh my God there's a whole underground floor of just whatever yeah it's so good I'm gonna I'm gonna chips so I'm here just you know yeah I'm in a sandwich so I'm also gonna mute so uh gaijin's gonna become Eric Estrada and what I don't I don't know of any show called sandwich so I got nothing for Monty go ahead Pasco no I was gonna say uh GTG maximum thank you for the five tier one subs and twitch guy thinking for the hundred bits everyone oh at least it's something different black pudding arrive oh no this is much worse it is indeed much worse well at least it can't get worse than this though right totally not what do you me shut up maybe they're here to negotiate maybe maybe they just want to talk maybe there's someone who has come to free us oh snap [Music] I worked in Mad Mage right I mean actually I mean yeah but nobody's pregnant this time we you don't know you know what Fair Point no one's asked East gun if he's pregnant which one he's gone are you pregante I'm pregnant no he's cranking him oh got you sandwich thank you for the tier one sub and Calum draws thank you for the five bits time for some black pudding slime ASMR absolutely not Constable mutton thank you for the 10 bits empty is gonna end up trying to stab guys if he goes giant isn't he and he's probably gonna break out one of his knives on guys's Rock isn't he I don't know if guys has enough room to grow right now he could kill us all I actually I have one space to do it where I'm standing right now uh Shin thank you for the hundred bits I could always get it could always get worse it could be deadly gas it's true I should tell my black pudding YouTuber friend he'd get started on the unexpectables tonight sure or or people that he knows did I don't know killer chance to think about the 10 bits episode title Snack Pack that's pretty good yeah snack pack is great or even the snack that smiles back fish [Laughter] yeah you have to say it like they did you have to say goldfish goldfish yeah like a wanna like a wannabe goofy I will not be your snacking shill presented by Verizon Wireless if you need to ponder your orbs no better than drinking a nice Hefty bottle of ball soda along with your pondering or uh purchases hi I'm Kai and I approve this message you say that Zito but that would actually get me if there was like hey we have a special promotional magical orb to drink out of them yeah yeah hi everyone Hi everyone yeah from the front Chris here from the unexpectables here I actually like ball soda ball soda if you want to sponsor us hit me the [ __ ] up I actually like really liable shell the [ __ ] out of your product so goddamn hard you have no idea caffeinated soda you need to wake the [ __ ] up I want a great taste to go along with it Ponder your orbs by drinking your balls yeah pay me if you don't if those in chat don't know what ball soda is don't worry we put balls in our mouth for you okay here I go nice well that's the crisp Taste of balls right there my guy I'm just really jealous because I don't have any balls if only we had a sponsor with ball soda you could get some balls too that would be great uh then with a hundred bits I'm Kai and this is my favorite store in Alton you did it what a great impression too really well done Zen you know you're already Shilling them for free why do they need to pay you I'll do it [ __ ] harder chill too chill harder listen that was a taste that was a taste of the balls in your mouth if you want if you want the supreme ultimate Taste of balls in your mouth then you hit me up on an email when did you become Mr Bucket before the balls yeah you didn't miss me and he's still here yeah Mr kill a chance you think lives in you no because someone's built off of it episode title Snack Pack to reality oh there goes gravity really good reality oh that's so good the rabbit's not here no no one else reads the rest of the song okay no I remember the rest of the song I'm just disappointed I was trying to mentally hug you mark thing it didn't work I didn't feel it but I appreciate it don't approve don't approve of that why not because if I had made that joke he would have told me to get out no I wouldn't I would have applauded you no you no I mean Zan would have said that he wouldn't have yeah because you suck someone in chat saying like oh it's all right I can't find the soda don't you worry apparently someone [ __ ] purchased a variety pack for me on Throne so I'll be talking about it but don't worry don't worry hang on I'll I'll find it for you I just need to Google balls real quick what the [ __ ] I I saw the page of my notes that just says Milo on it this is the whole place Milo knows what this is where's my phone what did you do I just I don't know it's just like there's stuff like this all the time in my notes it's just like a phrase or just something but like same I get that uh the session before last I'll on my mad Mage notes I just wrote pregnant and I was like what oh right we're dealing with that yeah Zan you used to be so good shut up Bosco I do have one I do have one note from a while back that says uh King found us work took off and that's all it says Bonnie nice wait there's like what I don't know that's beautiful it's not even like at the top of the side this is like floating in the middle this is like somehow this is some House of leaves [ __ ] I wasn't just gonna say that invisible ink bro is that a Death Note would I die and I'm like 30 billion years old and someone goes through my nose to be like this woman was insane are these names just cats what the [ __ ] I I Googled balls oh God and I was I got I got jump scared and reminded that truck nuts exist yeah they do oh happy Pride everybody you just not no LS all right are you guys ready to get back into it I don't know are we yep here we go all right I would like everybody to roll Initiative for me please [Music] can I get Obama gentlemen you know what above average I'll take it the streak is alive I'm on vacation what do you want I'm so sorry I got you what I read your spell I was like oh that sucks it's not intended oh my my [ __ ] dice lights up red you've been betrayed by real dice no it's it's fun though because it lights red it doesn't hurt as much does it yeah it's a fun one let's see [ __ ] why are we all single digits I can't wait for the Uber it's only because he got an Obama kill us all in one round should ask for help it's okay myself I'll high five myself for that joke that makes sense I got you Zito all right well empty first um [Laughter] Gaijin oh yeah sorry initiative oh God uh yeah it works you gave me an Obama I gave you an Obama it works in the streets that's very true yeah can't deny pick Milo explode thanks Obama The Outsider and then the outside really bad unfortunately that's all right he's he's a tank he'll take he was The Outsider but he's about to become The Insider uh alrighty given the outsider's edge that hyper vigilance paying off empty immediately Springs out their knives and immediately goes in for a cut assuming that the light is up right Milo yeah you did you turn it on yeah all right uh so empty is going to take a strike against this ooze creature will he find out it's secret and that will hits and they will do they excuse me I'm ready now that's my secret moment I'm always ready and then sneak attack because the outsiders oh [ __ ] we've got a rope it's a rug Rogue oh my God we got double rods and double whiz make way for the Rouge and then what does it mean the bat all right for a brain you watch as empty goes in and guys you even see this as if he goes and it strikes at this thing you watch as they lift up their knife and you notice that their knife is now pocking and melting and they're like what kind of looking at it in confusion that ends empties turn Milo it is now your turn Okay so Logistics question so do any of these oozes have complete cover uh I would say from your position uh this one is being covered by The Outsider curses um Yeah It's Tricky I mean you can't live through allies don't forget that right I'm just trying to figure out positioning probably the best spot for you would be right here because then you would hit this one this one that one that one and then especially strickall yes all right Monty I love I love that you know exactly what I'm going to do anytime I just want to say anytime someone's like money's against the party I do [ __ ] like this all the time no no no no I know what you want to do you money you let us know their names and we'll go bully them yeah there and scream out audience lights with us and uh I hate to be that guy unless these things can't react would that not provoke when he moved you will get a attack of opportunity on you or you though okay without oh [ __ ] we forgot to turn in the homework so I don't know it's fine uh it's just one yeah the only one you're not gonna hear this is worth it unfortunately that's fine that's fine it's his worth all right Hit Me With Your Best Shot I was gonna say uh they rolled really well 17 to hit that just hits oh I'm so sorry uh you take out my ankle uh six points of bludgeoning damage owie oh Plus Four Points of acid damage they're oozes Chief and you're you're wearing metal armor aren't you mm-hmm you begin to hear a hissing and pocking noise as your armor now has a negative one penalty to it oh all right but you do go supernova go ahead and roll your damage I'd throw a bunch of dexterity saving throws there's a con it is Con okay you get to see what we were talking about yeah yeah they take half on the success right yes there we go oh my god oh that's good damage that is 15. 15. what's the DC of this sorry oh good question uh it is dc15 dc15 okay they are pretty chunky unfortunately well yeah they're oozes it's the one thing they're good at failure this ooze is a failure that is a failure sound like Winston all right the good news is the one that was in front of empty just explodes and drips into nothing okay uh so it's 19.5 degrees I want to know my death my my death my life kill ratio words gamer okay [Laughter] my kdr excuse me unfortunately as the blast radiates out a lot of them are sprayed against the wall but then reform the only one that does not reform is the one that empty it already stabbed which then lies unmoving and it just kind of turns and looks at you sort of like their gaze is different this time oh well Auntie [ __ ] dog again half Celestial this [ __ ] happened with me um magic powers empty um what's wrong with you shut up I'm actually not gonna do anything for bonus action because this is literally room one I don't want to start blowing slots this early so I'm good all right that ends Milo's turns to golet it's now your turn oh I didn't roll for the enemies hold on no that's good to go this is this this is going great I love this encounter uh I don't think you need to change anything oh wait hold on two they're actually gonna go after Milo so that's kind of perfect for who Monty uh just for the lineup I literally rolled and look she's looking at the singular word on the page [Laughter] first attack is gonna be from the Ooze to the far far north where you are struggal it's gonna swing towards you the Far East that's pretty bad that's hard that's a 12 to hit that will miss as it kind of sweeps it like they kind of form these long almost like flail-like appendages and like kind of Swing them at you with this acrid acid but you managed kind of like combat roll out of the way the other ones to the north that guy as you are currently uh next to is going to swing at you all righty uh even worse a six you managed to kind of one jump out of the way and land on the ground uh this one next to you Milo as well flashbang flashbang disadvantage you got it what's your reaction solar flare uh that is going to be a 11 to hit which misses hooray um no uh God they're rolling like I mean they're uses they're not great S7 you did half my health I don't want to hear complaints okay sorry in one attack on the land wait what the one to the north uh the south of you otho is gonna sweep at you that is going to be an 18 to hit that does hit all right you take sweat the leg uh two points of bludgeoning damage Plus uh six points of acid damage oh are you wearing metal armor I am wearing leather armor you are fine all right uh and then this ooze is gonna go for empty full of metal this and then the one to the South is gonna go for the outsider uh that just misses all right that ends the uses turn that brings us now to struggal all right strickall as a bonus action is going to cast a magic weapon okay on his halberd kind of manifesting its Spirits you'll hear a hoot kind of under his breath as Arcane sizzles will form around the halberd and he's going to swing at the one that uh attacked him you got it so is it the plus one oh night I forgot to ask robot it's my bad you forgot you know what no I'm sorry right now I also want to point out these are slimes yeah defensive I could spoil it for you but you do hit okay fair enough so yeah they have no armor and they're big they are easy to hit yeah notoriously so uh but yeah even the eight would hit uh for four damage uh five damage because of the magic all right five damage and your weapon is protected as you slash into this thing the magic kind of shields the corrosive acid from burning your Halbert to bits as you swing up this thing is still standing however uh that's true alrighty that brings us to Kaya it's now your turn uh all right Monty I'd like to use work for this combat if that's cool sure I don't have that do I oh no do I have a um bring it over from the map it should be the same kind of thing right I don't have a token for him really fast maybe two seconds you're good so uh what I will do for the remainder of my turn is I'm gonna move one two three over here and I will use uh the help action on shree Gaul to give him advantage on this thing mode yeah and as he runs over he's going to take work off of his shoulder and kind of Point him over towards Gaius hey work go fly by that thing and distract it for Gaius and he's going to kind of toss him in the air to let him take flight no here he is I got a token forever let's go all right where is he going uh he's going to he's gonna uh fly by the Ooze to give advantage to guys because he can use the help action you got it I really like that yeah work uh so I basically imagine him going swooping past this thing and then coming back to Kai because he should have about 30 feet I assume if it's using the stat block that I got yeah fly speed He's a fly yeah so yeah he'll play he'll essentially Kai will throw him up he'll fly over this thing try to distract it and then come back to Kai all right you got it yep alrighty is that it your turn Kai that ends my turn double Health action you got it yep it runs in the family mistake of in the future if you're gonna use your familiar they do need to roll initiative so I'll let it oh let him go after your turn but if you are intending to use your familiar in combat you have to roll Initiative for them will do all right so Mark will do that on his turn I'm just gonna play some after you but in the future we'll do that uh Escape it's now your turn okay I am going to do a thing no one not Greek out uh as eskan uh pulls out Mira's staff uh he's gonna kind of wave it in a circle above his head uh and little uh sprinkling uh green dust is gonna sprinkle over him as I cast bark skin on myself okay uh my AC is now 16. so now uh and for my business action shortly after his now bark covered skin resembling uh certain uh curse that we noticed a town called Acorn a long time ago um almost instantly uh however uh his eyes and uh stars on his uh what's it called Ridge uh start to Glow as I'm gonna activate my story form you got it uh Archer and I will aim towards uh it's a ranged spell attack shot on this one here do I yeah Sweet let's do it this isn't dice knife however a natural 20. so I guess I'll roll 2d8 plus four yep amazing 10 radiant damage to and radiant damage fellow that fellow uh is barely hanging on he is just a little puddle he's still alive but he's looking very rough great that will be my turn all right guys it is now your turn all right so question do I have 10 feet of wiggle room above me uh you do yes then I can proc giant Smite with no problem make me huge you will fit but you are gracing the ceiling like your head that is completely fine you know what the best part is I ain't using weapons I know what the [ __ ] these things are well guys answered a [ __ ] riddle to do that so I am just only gonna keep my shield out and I cast fist you got it do it with Advantage because work helped you yeah either manage since it is freehand Yahoo that's one let's go home MVP work let's go 10 bludgeoning but I'm not done yet oh wait there's more giant Smite five let's go 15 points of damage as I [ __ ] I do I do the [ __ ] most illegal thing in MMA possible I knee and take my elbow down and wedge it in between both of the [ __ ] limbs it's like flubber's getting like bullied in the corner as you are just like punching into this thing it is like trying to reform but having a really difficult time it's starting to look rough and then you take its lunch money you know [ __ ] what it's it's not going to probably work but if I kill this thing on a strangle I've been a bonus action grapple this thing okay competing Athletics choke it out I mean if I actually roll a four and kill this thing on the start of its turn that'll be hysterical uh Athletics here I go yeah 11 unfortunately these are the 13. as you do grab it but it unfortunately kind of wriggles through your grip unfortunately I'm very sorry so I I saw I saw empty try to use knives right okay I I turn around and look at empty it's like I said at the door don't use what don't use metal what are you a Seder he big [Laughter] as I've like as I've like bullying this thing into the quarter just like putting my foot I buy hoofs down on top of it like try to squish it into the corner I'm a Seder that's turned all right I just know The Outsiders turned he grabs his two short swords and it's gonna go for a strike on the one here cool I just said that out loud he has nothing else he's got a bow and arrow and I mean I guess he could technically fire his bow and arrow that would be he could just bear hug him oh wait yeah oh my god he has swords all he has is swords under wave with his ass cheeks does thunder damage to the slimes clap is the clap of his ass cheeks oh my God Zan I love you oh no he just missed his [ __ ] it's seven okay this is the first swing second swing to crit though that's pretty good in the bed there's a lot of crits today yeah yeah I think guys I think I have an idea for a a [ __ ] title for this episode yeah moist critical no yes yes I hate how good that is I love it really really good you have to spell it with a k uh that ends the outsider's turn unfortunately one of his short swords takes some negative damage negative damage so it heals uh no it takes a it takes a little bit of penalty uh however the outside has nothing else that he can use so that brings us otho it is now your turn well I sure do one of us has The Mending Bell uh well seeing is how everybody's everybody's burning up their weapons oh those are actually going to pull out two daggers and uh I'll also burn off by weapons I'll I'll burn weapons so I don't exactly care about and I have multiple up I'm gonna go ahead and shank the the Slime that is right next to you you scan oh thanks with your digger yeah that is correct here I go oh there's a 13 hit 13 hits all right I'll just roll these kids like this New York's hottest club I love this music by Laurie and it's so good yeah it's really good oh did that not go through I'm not saying anything oh I don't see anything oh this is a retro moment certified I [ __ ] up moments oh hang on uh I think I know why that did not go through give me a moment I can I can tell you the damage as well okay yeah just so we don't have to wait yes uh the damage was 13. 13. this thing is barely hanging on by a threat oh God come on um and then I will bonus action through my dagger over to the one near The Outsider you got it you Here I Go Again it's an 11. that hits again oozes big meaty targets no armor that is no sneak attack though because you already got it for the turn right and I don't get my bonus for my dexterity so that is just going to be a three three that is enough to kill it it had two days I was just saying it's ready to like wrap around the outside you just fling a dagger hitting it right in its Center and it splatters into goo on the floor all right that's that's my turn top of the turn order it is now empty's turn uh empty is going to attack the one that's actually Outsider attack guys that hits it's gonna be a bigger uh oh okay Max damage on the dagger however it does take another penalty oh and then it's dead empty kills it let's go this Victory is empty swings around towards uh the rest of the enemies and that ends empty's turn Milo it is now your turn Milo calls out horse and fire and uh Vernon hands it we're gonna go in this conal direction okay so just to get together yeah just to nail those two all right and this is actually going to be a deck save dc15 and I'll be a huge spoiler but they don't seem like they're good at jumping that's fine I rolled like garbage uh one closest you got a 13. that's a failure the one to the south of that one got a 13 as well which is a failure for five damage five hole fire damage uh first of all as the fire comes out they seem to not be as fully affected to uh by it as you thought oh so this one takes uh okay however the one next to e-scan was barely alive to begin with but it is cotton flame and like is burnt down to a crisp would you say it is smote uh it's a horrible smell when they're on fire I will say that much it's like a candle that's made out of human ear wax or something uh that was your choice you shreked us it's gross oh God I forgot all right uh yeah I know I know I got nothing for bonus time I'm not pulling out the frying pan until we have a bigger fight so I'm good all right that brings us to the enemy's turn I'm gonna hide all the dead ones just to make more space here all right anyways all right sorry from north to south uh this one is going to attack yukai what yeah you snubbed my toast I didn't swing at it I'm innocent seven armed ow yeah that hits but no cause Shield get out of here Shield you got it the acid beats up the magic but it manages to protect you uh Street goal you will watch for the first time whereas Kai has normally been using Scrolls to cast Shield almost reflexively to protect work he kind of throws up his hand and finally blocks it without one nice alrighty this one is gonna go for the big meaty Target which is you guys buy one if one if oh sorry you take five points of bludgeoning damage Plus Four Points of acid damage uh and your armor takes a negative one penalty belt if you're wearing metal armor which by technicality you are this one here is gonna go for you again Milo watch bang solar flares Spanish good thing you did that because that one for being a [ __ ] to instead being 15 to it that is now just my armor class get a shield I have one use it I did you take two points of budgeting damage Plus oh no uh six points of acid damage and your armor loses another negative one oh I might die kids do not uh terrible five misses that ends the enemy's turn that brings us to stragall strickall is going to take a step into here okay and he's going to swing at the northernmost one with Advantage because of the help the health action yep uh uh absolutely hits you Thrust out the halberd into the center of this creature and you hit it in the center and like for a moment there's a stance and then it just pop charge and is dead all right uh that is struggle sir all right that brings us to Kaya it is now your turn uh Kai will five foot step uh as War kind of returns to his hand and then goes around his shoulder to the other hand he's gonna almost hold it out and point towards us though go help my brother and he he will then while holding up the shield drop it and narratively punch this goo and watch it not do anything and give the help action to East gun uh eastcon little help all right help action works here and our work is gonna use this full movement what to fly there and back he should make it because yeah they hop on like he scan's head and otho's head and land all right it's now your turn oh sorry sorry Bosco oh I was gonna say so they have 60 feet of flying speed would they be able to get back to me yeah and just like fly fly over okay cool it's the fly Life practical Health action yep delivered [Laughter] uh as Milo begins to kind of huff and puff Under The Strain uh he'll feel the soft gentle hand on his shoulder as I cast your womb enjoy your 10 HP battles oh nicely done and with his spare hand and bonus action iscan will level an arm at this here goo with the help action uh discarding the uh the disadvantage of the melee yeah I got you East guy let's go and that's going to be a yes not that you needed it but yes and here is your d8 damage plus four foreign [Applause] have you ever seen a shotgun uh just like shot into a pudding no no imagine that that is exactly what happens to this I I have seen exactly what you're talking about but it's on the [ __ ] shooting range like human skeletons that are made of gelatinous cube yeah that's actually pretty apt yep that's a [ __ ] jelly Cube dummies this thing is gallagherred into Pace [ __ ] yeah all right with one hand he heals with the other he destroys he is he scan that'll be turned all right 450. all right here I go 12. 12 that hits okay seven bludgeoning Plus I hate I [ __ ] you not that is exactly a tell I [ __ ] yeah I just step on this [ __ ] thing like a piece of gum it's like watch it's like watching someone in [ __ ] wrestling like just kick a dude while he's down in the corner stop stop he's already dead oh my God the Unicorn Stomps one ooze remains is that in your turn Gaius uh I can't unless I can push my allies to get the [ __ ] out of the way that's it for me unfortunately not that would require a shove action just yeah so yeah oh yeah I'm gonna use a shove action on empty that'll be a [ __ ] great idea yeah do it role play yeah he had it coming all righty that brings us to The Outsider uh The Outsider is gonna run over here are you guys okay if outstar takes advantage of the help action and swings at this thing no no I mean is that is that doable can you just transfer it what one tells the truth one tells lies Jesus Christ before it's like this NPC could potentially Kill The Last Enemy are you guys oh no go ahead all right if he dies he dies if he doesn't kill it though we'll all be pissed it's true he's gotta hit it first took my advantage this is on YouTube don't [ __ ] it up oh wait hold on holy crap oh my God work is the MVP let's go it doesn't even matter but that's still pretty great uh that's going to be Advantage as The Outsider swings next to you uh otho and swipes down this thing in half with this story The Outsider comes in I will not be content who cares if politics aren't accurate and with that the chamber is somewhat quiet there is a sort of worrying noise the light is completely broken in the center but as all of you kind of puff and catch your breath both the doors open are you okay oh that was a bit of a close one is anyone else hurt s mine I will also be fine a little bit of a scrape there Mani I'm going to attempt to cast mending on my armor okay it takes a minute uh yeah sure enough you managed to patch over you lose one of the negative ones oh am I able to also yes I gain the benefits of this please yes I will I will go over here perhaps you should Shuffle into another room so we're not the doors don't close on us and then get everybody's equipment Old Well Done Master Kai though when casting The Shield spell You may wish to roll the r at the very end to make sure that it it vitalizes getting through that's good to know thank you yeah you're gonna have to shrink because your goal is you hit how tall are you straight all six foot one uh yeah you're hunching over to enter this hallway it's it's literally like slightly under six feet tall all right follow up and he's gonna start this transform and roll out transform get into this tiny pipe the pipe the pipe I will I will attempt to patch up gaius's armor yes takes about a minute I'm also assisting with mending okay who are you mending are you mending um so you could mend Milo uh I could do that but I'm gonna go up to [Music] um empty and see if they need assistance yeah they're currently looking at their knife which is just like half there now uh esken will walk up do you mind if I have a look they kind of look up at you and they go what do you mean I might be able to help with those there's like a moment of pause you can see them looking towards the rest of you and they just like really hesitantly just quickly place it in your hand and then like bring their hand back I will uh mend these here diggers you can cast Magic uh yeah they take the knife back if you fix it and they look at it is this demon Magic no apparently it's uh druidic as I shrink down right next to them mine's uh mine's Giant what's a druidic honestly I don't actually know yet I'm still trying to figure all that out but their head turns to you immediately uh guys and go what is a giant oh well it's a person who's really really really big and they live for eons from what uh knowledge I've learned like a demon for [ __ ] sake it's not a demon he actually says that like he like his smile breaks he just goes like Flatline like his mouth like stops curling into a smile and then flat lines for [ __ ] sake it's not that you use magic why are you here people who use Magic they don't die I'm not supposed to oh yeah did I look at that guys look stupid he's scared like doing that Simpsons yeah East gun's kind of like avoiding eye contact UM this makes no sense this place isn't for you they kind of like put the knives away and they go over next to the outside or kind of Huff all right never mind if uh I don't mind I could borrow a valentinius or perhaps a master bright beam to assist me in venturing forward all right okay what do you have on like what are you wearing uh just wearing wizard robes basically um I just you see a magical Shield kind of around him or a magical armor I want to Boop the snoot to make it cast light but I know that would blind you so I'll just it does help struggal's eyes do seem to naturally adjust to the dark it's fine I'll just act as the light Beacon it is my it is my thing so 45 40 feet of light is is what I'm able to produce but I know all of us have different amounts of dark vision cough cough guys cough cough I mean put me in the back oh I guess put me in the front then because I could actually see further down than I could shed light but still yeah I think I struggle also has dark vision 60 feet work work goes into your jacket uh Kai this guy's gonna lift up his robes he'd be like you did great work why this also seems to be gnome country so I probably should go up ahead you that do make sense this is comfortable for you Milo yeah that checks out we can't stop here there's some gnome country all right let's get it going kids God I had to no one got that joke never mind I'm laughing Milo I'm gonna describe these this fall by the way the darkness and the Shadows that your light creates this is the definition of a murder hallway like this looks like a Serial Killer's basement oh we've been to one of those oh good yeah we've been to those actually first time no oh guys something occurred to me the way to get in here was a small pipe off the ground right and we just got done fighting oozes right that's probably not the last ooze we're gonna see I'm getting the feeling that this if this turns out to be another one of them lobs uh and it might be considering the riddle at the front door we're gonna have to be dealing with a lot more oozes and possibly ooze people and ooze Mages and oh cool should we be avoiding combat then to prolong the lifespan of our weapons and the armor I do not believe that will be an option if we venture forward point I'm getting at is if you see any moisture just let the rest of everyone else know could eat my head what what nothing they keep walking and just like I said it's like don't listen to me I'm moving on the helmet blushes I think in line kids guys recess guys just Overjoyed by this where it was just like we can't use weapons guys it's like oh sick the outside posterior is clogging sorry [Laughter] I didn't realize it was a full moon tonight I'm gonna I'm gonna Peak the corner hey although at least you have cover behind uh it's true I'm gonna go behind empty but as empty walks through Kai's gonna try to get his attention as he's walking through what do you want uh you said that Mages aren't supposed to be here do you mean they're not supposed to die no they're not supposed to be here not in this afterlife all right where are you from I will not tell you that are you from triscaldin stop asking me that question that sounds like a yes I will not answer it there is no answer for you I know someone from there I look over at Kai and I put my hand on his shoulder welcome to the demon Club no there's something weird going on here and I'm gonna figure out what it is uh we'll figure it out sooner rather than later follow behind as you guys get outside he puts a hand behind you and kind of places on your chest and goes do you guys smell that voltage smell everyone perception checks oh god oh good a smell section [Applause] 17 19. nice 20. soft two whiz boys honestly Eastgate you didn't need to check because your passive perception's so good and at that point you'd probably recognize this nice all of you sniff the air it smells like a chemical plant is the best way to describe it there's this accurate smell in the air and it's very nauseating almost like a perf almost like a perfume section of a department store but if it hated you and you wanted to make you smell as bad as possible I was just gonna say so normal oh [ __ ] chemical plant I was about to say Connor look there's a small blue before it rodent oh it's fast for the record in case anyone is looking I am maintaining bark skin so you got it I wish I had bark skin looks not as wrong they're gonna maintain anyway I'm I'm peeking the corner Monty because I am probably the only one who could all right you have light up right yes okay how far does it go 40 feet 40 feet my dark vision goes 60. you got it this gun and Kai are so cramped in here I will give you this yeah nobody fart Ed so hard not to make that joke when the outsider was like do you guys smell that yeah yeah guys we're coming up to an opening just be careful all right okay God I am having a I'm having a horrible time with my accent tonight God you guys turn back into the flow but you're good so you said that like this this hallway is only six feet high so that means that Gaius is fine but his horns are scraping across oh yeah if you're six feet or higher you are leading down because there's no other way to exist yes Kai and East gun are like hunched over because you're the same lizard mode and to your absolute horror this larger chamber has the same height ceiling it doesn't oh come on if it's gonna be short couldn't they just be taller a little bit taller I'll just say that this is great it's a little bit taller point I don't know okay short okay well they look friendly no they don't I got little smiley face you have lights still right yeah uh circle is dark vision so please dark vision get the room I also have a hundred yeah you see liquid on the ground hello are there sconce uh sconces or anything that will be lit all right just double checking Darkness you probably shouldn't lightning fires in here you do recognize that there you know those Crystal inlays on the ceiling those exist but they're just not working gotcha it may not be lit Milo but it is pretty dank nice all right well let's not go that way yet there's a lot of doors we could check I would agree uh Hey Monty I do have 120. you do yeah you have you have the big boy dark vision yeah Advanced dark vision nice dark vision see uh with the light at least gives it away a like like almost like huge like parking lot puddle of green slime that kind of kisses and talks in places also it's worth noting stragall as you're walking forward this chamber is filled with broken glass like something large broke and has just like over the course of time just been shattered over and over and over again money I'm getting vault-tec vibes from every single one of these we go into uh-huh just want to point that out I'm not saying anything because I can feel Conor's Gaze on me Prowler theme all right let's take a funny door all right all the doors have the same sand Motif but again it's low on the ground probably a perfect gnome height but you'll have to kind of cross yeah are they the same are they the same uh etching are they asking for the same etching uh that was the way it was last time so you don't see anything else on these doors so so for everyone I guess guys will like quickly just refresh everyone that it was the rune for metal that to get them in yay okay all right the last Vault wasn't like this God cough I will say this as you guys look this fault is in much worse condition than the twin head Vault yeah well it sure seems that way are we able to tell like maybe with a investigation or survival like how long it's been in this state I mean it's it's I mean we don't have carbon dating in this universe so really not I mean like in terms of like how much dust is there or how much mold has built up I will say it's incredibly hard to tell okay um unfortunately I also that is something you will have to find a way to conclude yourself I will say that it's kind of part of the mystery I'd like to just quickly like put out there because I feel like that may have been misconstrued that last [ __ ] off I just gave you wasn't a Yukon or a moth just dive bomb me in the forehead well take this [ __ ] exactly while fly's cousin is an ass Walmart yeah Walmart am I am I to assume that the rooms on the wall are different runes what no we're we're writing the same room to get into those doors yeah all the doors have like that oh they take the same room to get in got it okay uh I will open my door all right you type in metal uh with your finger into the kinetic sand and the door slides open revealing a very adorable tiny bedroom oh that is very adorable I thought it was gonna be a toilet again I would have [ __ ] room is bare uh however it has a very quaint desk and bed in it I would like to search the room under the bed any shelves and Etc uh there is a desk but even just so much is touching the paper it just falls apart into dust nothing under the bed under the bed you find a very stale pair of gnome-sized bunny slippers nice just just for fun can I cast mending on them they don't need to be mended they are just old as hell okay cool Sorry Milo's gonna pop out hey guys look what I found it just holds up the bunny slippers taxidermied rabbits not that oh I don't know [Laughter] that was so sad oh my god oh but there's nothing else in the room correct no not that you can find who putting metal in mine all right watch I find the toilet paper's money slippers [Laughter] the toilet's good you should not a toilet but a very very empty kitchen [ __ ] up all right let's uh let's have a get let's have a gander of in here uh the small quaint kitchen contains empty shelves and wooden bowls a very rusted cauldron rests atop a single burner oven hmm uh is there anything in The Cauldron as you look inside it is bare and empty interestingly enough there's a lot of scrape marks at the bottom I have a [ __ ] weird stupid idea uh okay just just to quickly say above game Milo do you does does Milo still have the create water spell yeah why because we're taking this cauldron and I think we might have a funny way to get ourselves across all right let's let's check the rest of the rooms though yeah for sure I'm taking the cauldron with me I'm taking this one to the South okay you are split up a little bit is okay if we do e-scan's room and then your room Milo oh yeah yeah I'll just peruse down here easy enough e-scan you right in metal and immediately are met with what appears to be some sort of utility closet oh and then immediately coming to life is a broom that begins to sweep towards you not again oh my God we got a replacement oh he's gonna be really unhappy when he sees the state of this place are we [ __ ] just gonna collect all of the is this like a fetch Quest is this like the nurn root Quest where we have to find all of them uh do you stop it as it tries to make its way out absolutely not all right it begins to sweep in this direction oh oh the Slime you watches it like almost emotes like shock and then it just angrily goes back in the closet and the door slams shut I paid enough of this well that was unexpected God damn it hey that's the name of the show I hate you so much I just I want you to leave and come back when you thought about what you did well that just happened that's like the third time I've done that Mark I appreciate you thank you no glad somebody does no all right door number three all right Milo you carve into it yep you hear a scraping noise as your door opens and all of a sudden you watch as bits of leaves and stone topple to your feet and immediately hear the angry hissing of a badger that has made its nest inside of it it kind of hisses at you and then begins to scramble up through a crack in the ceiling and disappears all right that was unexpected yeah I think we made that joke I'm gonna flip a table roll a perception check for me okay no not performance oh okay 21. you see it or in the sort of makeshift Nest as you you notice the shape of it this is probably where the toilet was um in the bowl there's a nest and as you kind of peer in you see four tiny baby badgers like their eyes Flame [ __ ] you oh Fireball can I get close enough to see if there are any items in this area uh with that perception check you don't see any other items it looks like this there's a hole in the roof which is about the same enough for a small creature to get through like a tiny creature um and it looks like the stone is collapsed inwards from the top um you see sticks you see some rocks and uh the bones of probably some eat and prey but beyond that you don't see anything else but some some baby badgers I cast fire Rune if if nothing else there's a family of badgers in there so it can't be all bad in here that's another way out if we need it potentially what is in here it smells terrible yeah uh we should there's slime all over the floor I I think you should probably like follow us instead like okay green and it melted the bristles right off of that animated Brew so let's check the last door and then I have an idea to possibly help us get across as I slap The Cauldron oh The Cauldron says oh no no no no no no just slap just like slap The Cauldron oh yeah we do have one more one more door yep that's what I mean uh you want me to take it uh I mean I'm here it's fine if you wanna settle up to me I feel like Milo's the only one who can move comfortably through yeah I I don't actually do just don't touch the goo don't touch the goo seven head look I don't know if the goose gonna come to life you know only if you say please you see another delightfully adorable no Mish bedroom oh I ran second immediately well interestingly that there is a similar desk in bed um however on the wall is a macrame owl bear and a macrame Dragon wow someone was talented hey dragon and Albury said yeah an Albert macrame Albert all right I'm an idiot what is what is a macrame object uh it's like a woven object I'll grab you a picture okay think like amigurumi but oh okay slightly different here like uh copy image let me see if that works chat Google it I'm not going to share this on stream Google back Ruby it's the circle with this oh that's cute yeah it's like a it's like a wall ornament for the sake of brevity I was gonna say my my idea was fill The Cauldron with water boil the water that it gets hot and then see what happens when we spill it on a pathway into the Slime try to clean it away try to Mario Sunshine this nonsense what if we mix acids and bases we don't know what those are bring me a packet of Skrillex what if we get some bleach you know what make mustard gas money I'm gonna I'm gonna grab something that's solid but relatively insignificant from this room if there is anything I mean there's a there's a stool I'm gonna grab that stool I'm gonna go over here and I'm gonna Chuck the stool in the Slime to see what happens all right you Chuck the Slime you Chuck it into the Slime and it hits the ground it actually bounces a little bit because it seems to be a very thin layer of slime however it begins to just slowly sink and you hear a hissing and a burning and there's like this really bad smell that emits as it is just slowly devoured by the slime oh well we know what it's doing okay unless someone stops him Milo has another idea I gave my idea you all poo pooed it so no no no no no no it's just I don't wanna I don't want to burn the spell slot if I don't have to but I'd like to I'd like to figure out what this thing like what this stuff is so I'm just gonna say I'm just gonna sacred flame a uh a uh five foot square of it okay just directly in front okay you and second it comes to life I knew it it burns away oh do you master bright beam do you believe it was the radiant or fire ah there's no fire in in that specifically um I'm gonna just keep foosh and radiant damage down a path you got it and then I'm gonna wait for a minute to see if it re-congeals you ate for probably about five minutes and slowly the slime on either side began to fill in the space so if we go fast I think we could cross it go fast find discovery all right do we want to do that then do you still want to take the cauldron because I'm all about that bucket two all right sure dude bucket and culture we have a family all right so it is heavy by the way that cauldron's very heavy how heavy is heavy it's like probably about 50 pounds it's like a cast iron man yeah no no no no no no no doing that Chief no thanks all right well I'm going to cut a pathway and get across you got it it's very much like one step at a time kind of like being all very close together while doing this as Milo each step you take hey money yeah you can jump that yeah no you can't because the roof is the roof you can't physically jump you can't physically jump up unfortunately damn gnomes sorry but I suppose the train will follow me let's go in the Milo bus is coming and everybody's humming you watch everybody's coming and he actually takes the outside oh kind of backwards they knock into you Milos are walking backwards and they kind of go apologies almost fine absolutely a kite don't get too close yeah that's technically an occupied spot there Kai you might not want to stand there so quick question can I do a quick insight to see if he's got a different demeanor or is he still like withdrawn uh sure just real quick I am trained in it so 26. they seem to be more frightened of this place than of you right now ah okay good to know good to know excellent hey money yeah big long murder hallway with a door at the end you smell something very strange coming out of this room am I able to identify it uh it's like a worse like alchemical smell whatever's on the other side of this door it smells really bad worse than what we've already smelled significantly I see the the door so Monique real quick the door that's in this the doors that are in the Slime is the Slime like entering into it or does it look like the slime's coming out of them uh it looks like the Slime and based off of all the glass I would say all of you guys are intelligents know that there's probably containers in this area that however you have no idea probably broke and all of this came out of it and it's just kind of existed here okay all right so which door do we do we want to check the [ __ ] up smelling door or the door where Milo is first let's do the meter because I don't smell unless money do I smell something weird uh you only smell the Slime that's to the left of you cool then yeah I'll go ahead and well let's no you smell gak it's it's it seems to be the the least deadly over here so uh yeah let's just crack that sucker you see inside what appears to be a makeshift give me a second here I'm revealing a makeshift railgun aimed directly at your face you see prism uh you see prison bars oh oh is there anything in fear well the moment you take a step inside your light spell disappears oh I tried again it doesn't work oh what is my dark vision see or is this Advanced Darkness uh there's not Advanced Darkness uh you see a little bit more into here from your position hey guys something where it's happening mayhaps an anti-magic field of some sort oh that makes sense um oh that's a good idea um I'm going to uh I'm going to try and sacred flame here doesn't work that seems like it no magic here boys they're clean and empty on the left and right mayhap we should remember this place the next time we find Worm tongue uh how about up here empty completely there's also a panel to the north with four buttons on it are they labeled at all no it's in a while to me let's not mess with that then right press That's all four of them press the button put the candle back all right are you gonna pop open that door you can I mean if everybody's ready for it the poop slime what if it's the Great Mighty Poo bro did it just like [ __ ] malfunction Like a Star Trek door it did yeah it's Half-Life one seconds oh this one this one okay uh this room is packed head to tail with glass and wood containers of alchemical containers uh many of these containers remain uh cracked and spilled on the floor however the shelves are filled with bits and bobbles and all manners of organized chaos so to be transparent the air in here feels bad you get the sense of you stay in here too long you probably will have something bad happen to you however if you take time to investigate you might find something interesting um Monty I can hold my breath for up to 15 minutes oh it's not just breathing okay this is like mustard gas kind of stuff like chemicals at all yeah it doesn't feel potent enough to like melt your face off but it does feel like it could become irritating and possibly cause negative effects I'm gonna slow turn towards empty by any chance is the majority of your skin covered by your armor I am my armor don't follow what do you want well I think the air in here is probably caustic and you seem the best dressed for not having to deal with that for too long so if you wouldn't mind could you maybe take a look inside see if there's anything of note is this a demon trick I promise you number one I'm not a demon and number two I'm not trying to trick you The Outsider kind of looks them in shrugs and empty kind of thinks about it for a second and then slowly walks forward and they walk in we're sending Fox to the room guys they are going to do an investigation check but they need to make a concert Demon Door can I give them can I give them can I give them uh the the the guidance nope because this is over a course of time if this requires a con save I'd like to take us I'd like to take a stab at it okay go ahead and move your character inside and then roll an investigation check and then a con save for me please sure brother couldn't you send walk in there to go explore 16. followed by a 23 am dude [Music] all right you feel like your nose begin to burn and like the inside of your ear begin to burn you kind of just stomach it and just start looking through things uh go ahead for me enroll me a d10 you got it here I go seven seven okay you find a small lock box oh God another one empty uh failed their con save so they take acid damage oh no it's not a lot but they take one point of acid damage it's kind of hoping I wouldn't take any guys you hear them kind of I I kind of like if this is haggering you get outside I'm looking don't look too long I'm gonna try one more time as well I'll take the lock box though you have to roll the other con save if you're doing another investigation yes I want to try at least one more uh another just another concept give me one second because NTS to roll for the item that they found real fast oh sure sure sure sorry oh interesting I found a gun he watches you watch those empty kind of dig through and pulls out a large almost poster-sized roll of paper oh and they all pocket that and they immediately kind of coughing You're Gonna Leave they shove it into your chest e-scan and kind of push you out of the way is like kind of go over and kind of lean themselves up against the wall and shake their head um not good money I would like to cast detect magic upon myself okay and I'm going to peek into the room specifically looking for any magical residue and it's going to cover the entire room okay you get a roll with Advantage because again some of these some of these bottles are just magical alchemical things like it's this this is like a hoarders nightmare um Gaius I would like you to roll me a another Constitution saving throw please here I go team that is a failure you take two acid damage and because you're this is your second check in this room uh you are now uh unable to speak oh all right uh let me do my con yep nope Wow money if you want me to shut the [ __ ] up you could have just I'm very sorry all right 13 is a failure on your first check Buy Low you take two acid damage uh Gaius roll for me uh did you roll your investigation for the second check no I did not all right let's do Gaius first and then we'll move to Milo 17. 17. go ahead and roll me a d10 again another seven uh reroll please one one you find a bag of what looks to be seeds of some kind okay with that I'm getting the [ __ ] out of Dodge they're labeled smashed potato seeds whatever that is [ __ ] dang all right uh yes I get out I'm gonna ruin Mr Beast mark my words here I go oh my God uh 17. uh unfortunately Milo as you kind of I'll see what the with the um detect magic Advantage um you kind of dig through and you find one thing that is magical which appears to be a dagger all right oh I will grab that and I will leave are we taking shifts should we cycle in and out guys tries to say something it's just liming it feels like strep throat like really bad strep throat I believe that Master Otto was the right of it we might want to send working they were likely unaffected uh uh okay you cool with that buddy work more kind of hides in your shoulder is immune to acid damage unfortunately no it's fine he doesn't have to go in he's gonna like hold out his arm and tell work to get on iskcon's shoulder he kind of flops over and lands on your shoulder he scan if you guys really want this stuff so bad I'll do it maybe we didn't okay and Kai's gonna go in all right I need you to roll a concept for me please it's kind of why we're here guys yeah like 13. 13 that is a failure oh cool and do I investigate now roll investigation check yep investor I'm a 13. consistency uh unfortunately a 13 is not enough you dig through and you don't find anything of Interest oh uh Kai will continue to look around and this time put something over his mouth here we go 12. too much [ __ ] it's all unorganized the labels are all faded it's impossible to tell [ __ ] sake he's gonna [ __ ] come out I suppose I'll have a go all right also go ahead and roll a con save for me okay they do have a plus modifier on this yeah any day now uh seven Teigen 17 on the saving throw that is a success I'm so proud of you Connor yeah it's like that cat coughing or that picture of that cat's eyes were like bulging on it's coughing yeah all right go and roll your investigation check investigation there's gonna be an investigation oh oh you might have to roll on the roll 20 I'm very sorry not charging up brother all right here I go uh let me just click back in here nope that's [ __ ] what uh what oh yeah [ __ ] well too much [ __ ] you and it's also really hard to focus too much poopy do you continue searching or do you call it there uh uh you know I passed my first one I'll continue searching okay con save that's gonna be a failure that's a three oh no you take three points of damage you are unable to speak okay I'll I'll do one more investigation though yep yep here I go come on anticipation it builds I think it doesn't like rolling twice in a row no oh my Lord no you kind of heave and struggle yourself out of there unfortunately John's gonna just kind of sigh and hand work back over to Kai get it the outsider says no it might not be a good idea for you to go around touching things in there what come on come on I don't I don't know if it'll help at all but I'm gonna hold my breath as I step in yeah all right go and roll me a con save Ah that's a five you take one point of acid damage a little investigation check 17. not a success go and roll for me at D6 . you find a pouch containing four glimmering Jelly Bean candies [Music] Bean boozles I I lost my voice to Bean boozles and the the rolled up piece of paper that I got from uh empty what was that again maybe look at that once you get out of the yeah yeah it's pretty big it's pretty sizable okay uh I will keep looking wait another con save please I really don't think magic casters they're vocal uh 18. never mind never mind I'll shut the [ __ ] up we're on another uh investigation check who can't speak anyway Roll Another D6 please six what uh as you kind of look through you find like a tiny little like wedding ring size box and inside is a singular very nice looking Pearl referral money valuable I think a day we've got to have on that last investigation was there much left to look through oh it's yeah it's it's like I mean obviously the the ceilings are short but like this is like a how long is this Paul like I mean 45 feet of shelf that's filled to the brim with just random [ __ ] I mean half of it is just alchemical supplies and like skeletons and like weird like paper that was just faded over time like it's just like it is like I spy like hard mode like even magical sense doesn't help here because like some of the chemicals are magical in nature right so it's kind of just like a huge like mess to go through also eskan I'd say role of knowledge nature check real fast interesting okay if no one was in here how did these things shatter and then you think about her like oh maybe there was an earthquake and that's why there's a bunch of broken stuff on the ground um since I've got to take magic up can I determine the school of magic rating from the Stagger uh weirdly enough uh the dagger has a unique Magic to it also you should click on well play oh wait um it doesn't seem to have a school of magic attached to it but it is definitely magical in nature The Outsider actually kind of comes over next to you Milo and goes he's gonna go through people he doesn't want to step in the coop he kind of looks down he goes hey Milo huh I know that oatho uses a dagger I can tell by the way he swings around wildly um I don't know if he would he would use it I know he uses like a saber most the time um but he kind of looks up towards like kind of jets's head in the direction where empty is currently like like cacking I don't think the kitchen knives are going to last very long especially not this great Fair um we don't know what the properties are but um we might need it back I'm willing to pay for it if you want I have money let me just get empty equipped and we'll talk about later okay I'm kind of nuts oh empty a lot um here this might be more helpful for you uh this dagger I'm gonna describe it the way it looks it looks as if a baby has been stabbed several times how best described as demonic um interestingly enough the blade it does look kind of evil but not like super evil it's it has like a black kit with leather and the blade itself almost looks like hot metal but it's not it's just colored that way almost like a natural or orange gradient to the tip oh [ __ ] it's a ball knife but it's like it's a proper dagger it's all might be it might be better than those kitchen those you're using you're giving this to me at least for now until we can figure out exactly what they do but um gonna be more helpful is this for exchange of my soul she just he just he he does the he does the half eyes closed like really and he's actually going to say a prayer over the blade not to do anything to it but to just be the holy man you got it role of persuasion check can't believe Milo just banana cat 14. they look down at you and they go I will take it but if it curses me I will hunt you down I I hold up my holy symbol I'm not a demon none of us are demons what is your necklace what is that I don't understand it's a holy symbol of Aaron god of the sun who's Oren the god of the sun hello is this thing on please tell me you notice what's a god a God is an entity that represents one aspect of reality whether it be the Sun the moon the stars the elements life death uh vegetation uh thanks back to his catalog of Gods I would say so then I know God's then they leaned down and they take the dagger into their hand what does that mean dude everyone in the [ __ ] party is doing the Clone High hands right now no I'm I'm currently trying not to singe off my flesh yeah uh iscan uh-huh are you wanting to stay a third time yeah how Brave the element right I need Constitution saving throw with disadvantage this time but I passed the last one it doesn't matter it's about how how long you're in there for because like each investigation is 10 minutes [Applause] yeah eight eight you take two points of acid damage and you are now blinded you cannot see oh as your eyes are filled with tears and you cannot see through them I guess that means I can't make my investigation check that unfortunately not I mean you could disadvantage if you want if you want to try for it you mean you made that you made the concept you might as well [Applause] no no guys get out great he's gonna come stumbling out and like bumps into stragall and like steps to the side he's like like clawing off his goggles and just starts rubbing his eyes really hard you notice too struggal is he's saying come stumbling out you know some hives kind of around certain parts of the scales where you can see light skin up it doesn't matter it's it's a it's a fact it's it affects the surface of your skin this one so unfortunately it's it's and everyone hope Master is gone what happened why'd you stand there so long I found a lot but now I can't see anything about you I thought you couldn't talk no he could talk oh okay he also had the Sprouts he would have been infected by that but it does affect the outside too oh boy casters to go in I am literally going to pull you out you are the one who said this is what we came here for yeah fine let's go it's the first one you take two points of acid damage my bread health [Laughter] meanwhile I'm still sitting in half okay but circle is good investigation at least 18. yay a second number roll me a D4 you find a glittering what can only be described as a bath bomb but something about it to you screams Magic [Laughter] great it's like in a very nice bag with like a gold ribbon on the outside just something about it calls to you it'll grab it he's not gonna take his chances and he's gonna walk back out you got it anybody else want to go and take a peek that I mean the outsider wants to try he's like he feels like go ahead [ __ ] it you can't get blinded at least hold hold your breath hold your breath you can't hold this breath for 10 minutes as he goes in oh my God Master Kai do you believe oh my God all right now block the path keep him in there [ __ ] eyes one in 20 actually oh my God he just hit the DC literally matched it uh that's gonna be a D4 actually someone someone roll a D4 for the outsider I'll let you roll it I'll do it no anyone but Mark three three it's to find an item you [ __ ] he comes out and he's holding a really large ridiculously in gemmed Scabbard whoa whoa it feels fancy how about uh here Milo trade for the dagger he handles it to you all right that's fine is it magical uh no it doesn't appear to be but it has like it has mother of pearl it has like really nice inlay and silver embellishments it's very fancy looking you get the sizes probably would sell for a bit all right so that's a good trade then so quickly let's just go around the horn and see what items we have all right well I have a rolled up large poster and or piece of paper I have uh do you want to open that I can't see oh that's right uh I have a pouch with four glimmering jelly beans uh and a box with a large Pearl and I had a lock box and a what was the second item uh a bag of seeds potatoes potatoes mashed potatoes potatoes uh struggal got a magical bath bomb uh I originally got a magical dagger that we don't know what it does Mr Gall I am so sorry it's actually not a bath bomb it's a potion that looks like soap oh that's a little different yeah sorry I apologize my description was wrong it is a bath it is like a bath bomb potion like liquid bath sorry potion of bubble bath got it potion of bubble bath um uh magic dagger don't know what it does uh traded it for the gym encrusted Scabbard and uh I didn't find [ __ ] yeah so we have one two three four five six seven eight we have one two three four five six yeah we have eight items we got out of that that's a lot of items uh Master Kai do you believe Masterwork would be able to uh I don't know somehow write the Rune on one of these walls that we cannot access kind of pointing towards this wall I mean work what do you think you think you can draw on the work like sticks up his little tail and it Wiggles and if you want to give it a shot uh can you copy the room that was on the other door he's a [ __ ] BFA in illustrator Kai's gonna hold out his hand like a a falconer and just see if he takes off towards the door and I'll point it towards this one all right ah work are you stick to the wall and then like almost like an like uh like a like a computer stylus or computer um Clicker rights in the Rune and the door with him on it slides open and he's like flips off and then like lands on your head because he got scared by the door moving suddenly good job work okay well I'm just torching it uh it appears to be another bedroom based off of the desk well if I can safely make it there by torching the slime um I would like to invest in the gate you got it does it do you need a roll uh no if you have the Spells and means to do so I mean this is green slime you can destroy it by using you can see we'll get it out by now I'm talking about the room oh the room give me a second I'm looking at here uh this room interestingly enough is covered with crumbling ancient chunks of soap the desk is messy and has a small Alchemist kit on it additionally there is a massive bag of what appears to be salt in the corner anything magical because that's still going nope how what is the is the chemistry set like built in like it's not transportable correct no you can grab it you can grab the Alchemist kit I'll grab that and the salt okay uh the salt is in like a giant sack it's like in a giant potato sack ah okay um but is it a smashed potato sack the mysteries of the Universe um if you guys want to keep checking out the room so I can I can blow a pathway I don't I don't want to be the only one doing this I mean it's probably better if you are I don't want work to get spooked again all right I'll move to assist Master hi as you look at work work is staring at empty and empty staring back at work and there seems to be something going on there you wouldn't even you have to tell me legally uh we're gonna turn around and I'm gonna stare at both of them and just see if something happens Boss music gently begins to Crescendo let's go hey shotgun surprise room it's a bedroom it's another bedroom [Music] oh it's heavy that is like a like a 40 bag pound of salt like bag of salt well you know police girl's not carrying anything so you should be able to handle it he's good because you never know uh all right um this room is same as the other ones however this one contains a small chest is it magical uh it doesn't appear to be magical now is it locked uh it is not locked it does not have a lock on it I shall open it [ __ ] [ __ ] all right okay open it up uh inside you see a small wood chest Set uh there's a small pouch containing 15 gold however the gold is unrecognizable Relic cold it's like Relic gold yeah uh there is an empty tin with tiny wrappers inside probably candy yo yo yeah what up how's it going and an empty wine bottle cool uh last door oh wait no we checked this one right here right yeah yeah okay well we'll get out of our way back um the first item uh salt there's a 40 pound bag you said yeah 40 pound bag of salt that's a lot of salt can we sprinkle some of that salt because I'm curious what that might do the Slime hmm that's a good idea it is like it's been sitting there for so long it's kind of like you know what like any sort of like powder or whatever like kind of clumps it's very clumped yeah that means it should work even better like rocks yeah that's about to say I'll throw a a brick of it then like as far as I can turn it down uh it hits the Slime and it doesn't dissolve should we spread out the salt thin so we have a safe way then maybe which is a good idea uh Circle we'll use the sort of like points across the Slime as if as if like drawing like a straight line across the shortest path and he goes all right yes I believe I understand what you're saying um heal but all we'll use hand to just slowly put the salt onto the goop I would say if you use the entire bag you could make a very thin but passable stretch across the thinnest part are we opposed to that no I mean what the [ __ ] else are we going to use it's salt bro I've got plenty of salt in my bag Milo because of your your Chef see uh is not cooking salt whatever the salt oh okay it has as you kind of take chunks out of it it has a somewhat floral scent to it eventually uh it's to clear the roads got it absolutely insult absolutely worthless throw it on the Slime very well I can't cook with this it's useless otho raises his fingers as she's about to chime in and he goes someone hand me a pouch of water please hand you his water skin and I'm gonna start trying to wash my eyes out whether that does anything or not Kai as the steering contest continues there's a break in the Boss music and you just hear it roll a perception check for me actually but perception [Music] oh wow you hear empty bubble something and then like move past you cool can uh stroke all use a press Association to clean one cubic foot off of the eyes and skin of uh iskcon uh just remove my eyes don't remove his eyes uh unfortunately press the digitation probably wouldn't help here okay this is kind of a unique situation in a sense like basically you just you stood in a room that's been sitting in Caustic goop for a very long time and it just like if you ever touch I'm not gonna lie to you I got inspiration for this by talking like hearing a chemist talk about when some of the chemicals leaked in their room and what happened and I was like wow that's terrifying awesome and use that for d d so unfortunately it's a bit of a unique experience wait Monty can I hear through work if he heard it wouldn't I hear it oh yeah you would go to rule perception through work [Applause] through work you hear oh my you're kind of cute and it just kind of walks away Kai's gonna get the biggest [ __ ] eating grin on his face oh my God all right Milo you stare down another death hallway save the one guys I will I will make my way oh the points if you do not mind holding onto my hand I will guide you thanks horrible I'll lead is gone down the hallway by the hand I guess you're both holding my hand as you move the outsider is like no it's not that bad come on blind leading the blind this is literally my entire life gone in the moment so yeah it's kind of bad I don't know listen I've only got look I have two spell Slots of this of this level left and I'm not blowing it on on three lesser Restorations well prepare to hear me cough for the rest of the session would lesser restoration resolve these issues um what conditions is lesser restoration remove there you go uh yes it would affect the blinded condition oh okay I can't help those guys but I guess I'll cast lesser restoration on myself yeah you blink a couple times you're able to see again luckily it's okay I have no idea what you said but hopefully it wears off soon I'ma open the door because this is getting weird as you open the door you hear a horrible grinding noise as the door goes into the wall and then retracts out and then retracts in you hear like a terrible whirring sound and the sound of something metal breaking oh what do my small eyes see you see death a wonderful room of death probably hilarious see a large room I'm gonna peek the corners you see Milo as you peek around the corner floating in the air like no man out of noose a skeletal body of a gnome that's floating in the air oh well if this is in a boss room I don't know what it is foreign there's a a skeletal known body hung by a noose that's not not there money yeah they're just like floating in the air just like they're they're just they're just they're just kind of floating there um when you look back into the room it has moved slightly closer oh God [Music] for the SCP I am literally going to look it's it's a person similar to me I'm a little scared I'm gonna be running between legs that's fair good luck guys I'm running like Clay's I I don't think we should deal with it in there I think we need to get out of here wait when have you been wanting to run from a fight it doesn't feel right and I don't want to be in a claustrophobic area let's go it's it's it's chasing I don't wanna it's such a small the logic is it's such a small area to fight you guys are already struggling to move I don't want to fight it on its own terms I want to get back here they can't talk but they can move yeah we can all move yeah yeah everybody can move fine right but you said maybe deny possible layer actions yes yeah if we're if we're moving away from it is it still following us you peek around the corner I I mean I everyone's not moving so I don't have a [ __ ] choice in the matter right now all right go ahead and move your one self one tile forward well I I just want I wanted us to move forward yeah it is moving closer can you guys go move well I can't I would like everybody to roll Initiative for me please you are being chased by a gnome skeleton that is where we're gonna end the session good guys that's [ __ ] green at 20s today what the hell oh 14. we're calling this episode Voice critical uh hey uh Mark can I get an Obama uh hold on okay I'll take it I'll take initiatives are rolled and with the foreign [Music] [Laughter] wait was that Timmy or the mop again I need to know everyone okay I moved you have space for for me oh man this dungeon was fun to design by the way I want to tell you guys about oh one of The Inspirations I got to this this vault no it was a I'll tell you about it afterwards I want to pull back I just got another amazing image from this in leader real quick oh gosh [Laughter] en excellent God the memes are gonna be fire tonight oh boy well before we get to some memes uh we should probably go ahead and do our outroductions uh yes I need to use the bathroom super badly again are you okay later I will be fast I'm very sorry I'll be right back in two seconds Gadget Goomba we're gonna find you what are you up to uh running from the obvious boss uh streaming every Tuesday Saturday Sunday 7 female Central um just finished up a little bit my backlog I still need to finish up tears of the Kingdom the next cultural analysis video will actually be on tears the kingdom because there's way too much to talk about but there will be massive spoilers so beat the game kids um on that I just dropped a brand new video that's apparently doing numbers that I did not expect uh talking about all the really bad [ __ ] that uh either I went through or just kind of saw while I was on that trip to Japan um watch out there's more strawman in in in the comments than a uh cornfield big like kansas-sized cornfield oh that's a pork chop yeah I know [Music] okay sweet right on we got Mark Allen Jr we're going to find you and what are you up to you can find me on at Mark Allen Jr here on Twitch and pro tech gaming and you can follow the adventures of my fat sleepy cat bunny on Instagram at chonk for Life pretty soon they're going to be not one not two but three English dubs of Fist of the North Star Movies that's the legend of Yuri a legend of Toki and fierce fight please check them out I had the pleasure of assistant directing uh with this dub production uh for all three of those films uh we had a blast there's a lot of incredibly talented people who worked on this so please uh check it out when it comes out uh being released by discotheque media uh check them out on Twitter and or their website for more information uh other than that possible stream on Friday maybe not I just had somebody move into my house which is wild and crazy and like stuff is being moved around so that we can I don't know cohabitate or something it's weird but um uh if I can get it together Friday I will be doing uh the first of hopefully many weekly uh music production streams where I will set a time limit spin a wheel to figure out what genre I'll be working in and I have to make a song in that time limit uh so hopefully that will be starting this Friday and for those of you who didn't know I make music that's how you'll know now I guess nice that's it for me right on sounds like a film full of a bunch of tough boys tough boys tough boys tough boys oh there's so many tough boys and one really tough dog [Music] what there is there's a dog named Toby [Music] he's yuria's dog don't worry about it watch lately miss all righty I will I probably will because I love fist of North Star uh Zan we're gonna find you what are you up to uh you can find me on Twitter at zany underscore Grim you can also find me on Twitch at Santos Grimm uh tomorrow I will be streaming some games with some friends uh around noonish PST and then in the evening I will be on Dutch to the Mad Mage uh on Monty's Channel and then on Tuesday I will be on uh boss Edward Bosco's channel to play some more uh Halo Reach ODST no that's not it Halo Reach lasso that's the one um we're going on our second uh I guess session of that so we're pretty early in the game but uh don't worry we'll be screaming at Bosco pretty much the whole time uh all the way through it but that's it for me right on we've got Zito we're gonna find you and what are you up to hey did you know I stream at slash Zito hey did you know that I have a PNG tube there hey did you know that that's been going on well past the November the PNG tuber thing that was last November but the stream thing I've been doing that for oh I don't know seven [ __ ] years sorry I'm a little jaded about that uh you can find me a slash Zito where I'm playing indie games I'm drawing uh I'm getting ready for the inevitable entire week of absolute agony when I get my wisdom teeth removed uh during that time frame I will be putting a little bit more emphasis on silent art streams uh and writing on the patreon and working on the comic which I also have uh beyond that uh and also getting my [ __ ] together for uh maybe I won't be able to get my birthday uh up and going because that'll be the week after I get my [ __ ] wisdom teeth removed uh before I get my wizard super move but I will be uh I I will be getting myself set up for the fact that I'm getting a uh 3D uh a low poly 3D model of Toothpick ready for streaming so that's gonna be homework for me to learn how to get that [ __ ] to get going and I can you know [ __ ] around in VR a little bit more openly for streaming and for just doing whatever heck yeah I I have to figure out how to like I don't think my uh my artist knows that toothpick is like maybe up to the size of like a person's kneecap so I'm gonna have to figure that out on my own when I get him into VR chat that's me right on we've got Edward basket we're gonna find you what are you up to you can find me on right here on Twitch with the unexpectables every Wednesday Thursday is Throwback Thursdays where you can find me playing all kinds of classic video games with my buddy Bill although tomorrow I'll be riding solo Friday is m w Friday night flashbang it's my wrestling show come check it out our sister shows on Saturday and on Saturday I play Yakuza with this dork Connor we're gonna be doing some like a dragon and I'm gonna be there I swear and then Monday we've got more Mass Effect hopefully Monty myself our call come check that out it's a lot of fun and then Tuesday I gotta I got a shelf I might have to get a shelf on Monday we'll see what happens we're gonna hopefully do both and then on Tuesday it's Halo night with zan with level 1 EV with RC hard C we're doing a lasso run of Halo Reach they're gonna scream at me a lot because that's just how it goes it doesn't matter what I do it's time to get yelled at come watch it you'll like it shut the [ __ ] up again wow [Music] well hey Monty where can they find you and what are you up yes find me uh Emma at multi glue on Twitter Zen was dead was it correct tomorrow shipping more dungeon of the Mad Mage um I'm really excited to get back to that uh on top of that uh on Friday I have a new stream where I'm I'm playing through Final Fantasy 14 Around Reborn so if you're interested in checking out that game uh definitely come to that stream I've uploaded the parts to YouTube as well uh and then Monday if the Shelf doesn't become an issue hopefully we'll get back to Mass Effect we're really close to finishing Mass Effect one so fingers crossed that we can get back to it but I really need that shelf though you opened that shelf though that shelf though yeah what that shelf do it's me yo I'm so excited monsters get a shelf again it's eight feet tall it's huge what metal yeah it's a it's a big Shelf you have eight foot ceiling yeah I measured it okay good yep [Music] right on and Connor where can they find you and what are you up to oh well they can find me on Twitter twitch and Distortion Double R Street Tuesdays Friday Saturdays and Sundays uh yeah as we said earlier playing some Yakuza like a dragon on Saturday with Edward basket uh yes um we'll probably be doing a bit more uh pickup streams on Thursdays I might be wrapping up uh Walking Dead Saints and Sinners really good and fun VR game right there really tense as well um yes uh that's happening on my channel uh this episode was brought to you in part by Die Hard ice [Applause] Die Hard dice is your One-Stop shop for Dyson dice accessories and if you head on over to die you can use the code unexpectables to save 10 of your purchase I'm not gonna lie I was running really hot on the rainbow dice today we were all rolling really hot today yeah so it was in the air I said acid oh that's what it was [Music] um yes uh also check out our store we've got merch we've got some new merch coming out soon here we'll look out for that huh no hot dog indeed uh also as a reminder be sure to tune in uh on Friday for the end of the month art stream oh yeah dang it's the end of the month already yeah that's insane uh but yes I hope you all stopping by and watch me and maybe a few other people go through all the fantastic fan art we've received over the over the month of June uh yes other than that it's time to read off of business uh we left off with killer chancy I believe killer Chansey for the 10 bits yes all right uh killer chancy thing with 10 bits uh because someone built it off episode title Snack Pack to reality oh there goes gravity yep that was the last one uh Henry skeleman thank you for these 16 months or 16 bits rather I don't know why but I love it when Conor randomly brings out his Mr Sausage impression we all do it it acid acid uh one out of five yeah I always like a sausage that makes your eyes water I'm gonna have to give that combat for Mark ruffalos uh corn soulless thank you for the 400 bits got done with a court case today that's been two years in the making and it was finally able to tell my ex-employer where they can shove it two years of stress have evaporated good job oh yeah congratulations nice yeah [ __ ] your employer uh maybe don't GTG Maximo thank you for the 100 bits I got it Mark don't worry okay I won't and thank you for the additional 100 bits uh this page intentionally left Milo wait what sorry I was spaced that's really good wait what was that I was facing it was this page intentionally left Milo oh God oh my God uh killer chancy thinking for the 10 bits no Zito don't drink the Grimace Shake unless you want to be the next body discovered in a dung and wrong again bro isn't it funny how Gaius got like four pieces of Grimace art the week prior to all this month oh my God predictive freedom and that he kills people I oh man wake up I can't believe it the clues are all there gaia's birthday shake nothing could kill the grimace I'm like that grimace [Music] mad scientist IRL thank you for the 35 months these vaults are really cool idea I can't wait to see more of them yeah yeah I'm sure we'll find him anymore yeah uh killer chances you think would be 10 bits let's make mustard gas uh Geneva Convention more like Geneva's suggestion got him laws are more like guidelines really uh game master and think for the 38 months slime huh I'm guessing it's not the cute blue kind with a smiley face unless you draw it uh King night house no these these three months those slimes were like slime asterisks uh murderous intent [Music] Calum draws thank you for the five bits uh caves scary stuff my favorite combination but seriously exciting episode happy that the outsider is back and finally we've got protoss 103 with 10 bits can't wait to see the Gateway merge finally something good to buy for the best thing wow 103 said it not me no that's but that's not fair because there's no Prince division stuff so calm down I still think we need to put rims on there I yeah but you have to say how many inches and then on the back it says off the ground exactly anyway that's it well I want to point out no I want to point out something because I was working on this dungeon right I'm bringing all my stuff out and I'm like and it was like 6 a.m and I'm like I could cut a corner here but if I leave another you know it's in here type of message yeah I mean you already won't my name is just on a single piece of paper yeah Milo just got Milo not even a question it's just the name so that's why this dungeon is short Milo what all right I want to go to bed kids alrighty who do we want to raid I have the biased choice I was gonna say let's rate the buyer's Choice let's read the boy we read our calls we haven't yeah let's do it in a while because I know that he's on pharaohs on yeah let's read our call come on let's go [Music] yeah uh raid message is gonna be Monty loves you yep that's the right message oh man that's right money if you get to if you get if you get to have a biased choice and we get to [Music] I hate people who are saying love you know what love is acceptable
Channel: The Unexpectables
Views: 50,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D&D, Dungeons & Dragons, D&D Campaign, Roleplay, TTRPG, D&D 5e, Comedy, Actual Play
Id: 9q5fYCvcotg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 22sec (13762 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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