Mohist Server Tutorial // Full Tutorial W/ Plugins & Mods

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hello everybody my name is cybex and today i want to teach you guys how to create a mohist 1.16.5 modded minecraft server that also allows for spigot bucket plugins so the first thing you want to do is create your server folder in my case it's going to be called test mc and then you're just going to go to google chrome type in mohist 1.16.5 click on the go to download and 1.16.5 and you'll just download this latest success build which is 852 in my case and then once you have it downloaded which i have it downloaded here my downloads here i'm just going to drag and drop it's actually on my desktop i want to drag and drop it into test mc and i'm just going to rename the file to mohist to keep it simple then i'm going to take this start back command i'm just going to go ahead and copy paste this and of course i always put this in description so you can just copy it from there and edit it and i'm just going to change this to mohis.jar just like that and then i'm going to go ahead and save it now all you have to do is run the start bat file and then it's going to ask you if you want to download java 11. you just want to type in yes and it's going to download the recent java version and you can see it downloads custom java right there so that way it can run on the background this might take just a second depending on how fast your internet is because it is ripping it from the internet and then once this is downloaded it's going to go through the process of starting the server and it's also going to ask you one more question about the eula but thankfully for this one all you have to do is type true inside of the command line and you don't actually have to exit out restart and do all the extra things so anyway we'll just wait for this to ask and prompt us so right now it's creating the ford server jar this should be the forge 1.16.5 and you might see it inside of here so it's inside of the logs here and then it's going to ask you if you need to accept eula just go ahead and type in true and that's the last thing you're going to have to do before it fully loads up the server and then i'll be back when the server fully loads up once your server fully loads you'll just go and type stop inside of your console and it'll close out just like mine did next you're going to want to download some mods so you can just go to forge mods 1.16.5 and double click on the curseforge website and then you're going to search for minecraft 1.16.5 so you know that all the mods are compatible with 1.16.5 and in my case i really want we'll do iron chest so we go to files and make sure that 1.16.5 is able to be downloaded so now we're going to download the file and i'm just going to instantly download the file you're supposed to wait but i typically don't and if it asks you just go ahead and keep the file it's not a big deal and we're going to want to do is just drag and drop this into your plugins or drag and drop this into your mods like so make sure that it's in there and then for plugins i really want the essentials plugin so i'm going to type in essentials 1.16.5 and go to the spigotmc site and just download now from external site and then you'll just download the required essentials x core and you can also download the add-ons if you feel like it you might get into those later you might not but for now just download essentials x and i already have this downloaded so i'm not going to download it again so i'm just going to go to my downloads and take essentials x go into my test server folder and where it says plugins drag and drop it in there and now when i start my server you'll have to wait through the process again but you will notice that it initiates both the iron chest plug-in and also it initiates essentials while while this is going on we're going to create a actual mod pack that has iron chest inside of it so we can actually test to see if this works so what you're going to do is go to curseforge create custom profile profile name we'll just call it testmc or whatever you want to name it and for minecraft version choose 1.16.5 and make sure it's selected to forge and forge 36.2.0 and hit create it's going to load some files and then you'll just click in it hit these three dots open folder and where it says mods all you're going to want to do is take that same iron chest mod and drag it drop it right in and i'm also going to drag in just enough items so i can ensure that it works what i'm going to do for safety even though i believe this is a client-side mod is i'm just going to copy this and i'm going to paste it into the server as well inside of the mods folder and now i can check to make sure this is up as you can see it says done 9 seconds and you're going to get this error message that says that essentials doesn't work that's not a proper error message essentials does work with mohist it used to not work when it was spongeforge and they recommend a nucleus but for mohes to mohis it does work so you can ignore this message but you'll see that essentials does work as you can see it enables the essentials there's no errors or anything and then when we actually go into curves forge and start this test mc as you can see install mods 2 iron chests and just enough items we'll play it and then we'll just hit play as you would for anything and you can go ahead and understand the risk you don't need to care about that it's just a warning and then i'll prepare finalize load and when it loads you'll see that i have four mods loaded so you can see it initializes it right here as well and then you'll go to multiplayer do not show again and type in localhost and hit done let me turn off that and then you'll go ahead and log in and you'll see that you're successfully in the game and you have just enough items and also if i opt myself like so and go game mode one you can see that the iron chess mod was installed and if you do the help command you can see that essentials is installed as well anyway that's about it for this tutorial if you do enjoy these types of videos please like subscribe um i will have this server file as well with the mods installed and the plugins installed inside of my patreon so if you pay five dollars for that per month or you just pay it once just get the access to the server file you want that's perfectly fine but anyway thank you guys so much and like subscribe and i'll see you later
Channel: Psyvex
Views: 35,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Tutorial, Gameplay
Id: fKhcdz9sTTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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