How To Make A BungeeCord Server Network (Detailed Minecraft Tutorial)

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hi there my name is casasur and today I'm going to show you how to set up a bunge core server AKA a Minecraft server Network now I can already tell you it's going to be quite a long video as I'm going to try and explain everything to you in as much detail as I can so that at the end of this video you will actually understand what it takes to set up a bu cord Network all the steps from start to finish how to get it running how to secure it how to link your network to a database all of that stuff I will cover in this video when you're setting up a Minecraft Network for the very first time it can be quite tricky especially if you don't know what to do so if you're completely new to this I would highly recommend watching the fil video I know it's a lot but at the end you will know exactly what to do now for the ones who are a little bit more experienced the video is completely time stamped so you can jump to the parts that are relevant for you anyway before we start it would really me a on if you could leave a like on this video also check if you're already subscribe to the channel as most people people who are watching my videos are actually not subscribed even though it just takes a single click and with that single click you would help me out for a lifetime you actually would and then with any further Ado let's Dive Right into [Music] this so before we start doing the setup some basic information with things that are good to know so a Minecraft server Network consists of multiple servers one of those servers will be a proxy the rest of the servers we will refer to as backend servers now the job of the proxy server is linking all your backend servers together so after we're done you will join the proxy server the proxy server will send you to the lobby server and from the lobby server you will be able to go to any server you want now there are many different variants of proxy servers out there the most well-known one is of course bungi cord and while we still call it a bungei cord network not many people are actually still using bngi cord as it's just kind of outdated so most people right now are using waterfall which is a fork of bord and improved in pretty much every single way now besides waterfall there's also another type of proxy which is called velocity now velocity has its own pros and cons it works very differently from bingi cord and waterfall you will also not be able to use normal bingi cord and waterfall plugins on a velocity server so some people really like it others don't for this video I will be setting up a waterfall proxy as is for sure still used the most now the backend servers are basically regular Minecraft servers where players can play on either are the servers that your proxy will link together now they should be plug-in based servers so either spigot or paper and which one you need to choose all depends on what type of proxy you're going to have so if for some reason you're going to run a benore proxy then you want to choose spigot if you're following along with my tutorial and you're going for a waterfall proxy then you want to choose for paper as the waterfall proxy and paper servers are from the same developers and then last but not least if you're going to use velocity you also want to use paper as once again veloc vity is by the same creators as paper now what we're going to set up in this video is a Minecraft proxy which is running waterfall and three backend servers where one of them will be a Lobby and the other two will be something else anyway with that all out of the way let's go and set up a bungi Gort Network so here we are inside of my beautiful browser and it's time to set up a bungei Gord Network now the first step will of course be looking a place where you want to set up your network in the first place now you could run it from home I would absolutely not recommend that you could also run it on your own dedicated server that would of course always be the best option but it's also quite expensive in most cases you want to look for a Minecraft server hosting company that can host your network so the first thing we're going to do is set up our proxy so I'm going to go to my proxy server here after that I'm going to click on files as you can see that there is nothing so first we're going to download waterfall the fabit host also has options to install servers for you so when you purchase one of their plans and you choose for waterfall it will just install waterfall for you automatically but for this video I want to show you everything the manual way so we're actually going to download it from all of the websites all the links will of course be in the description of this video so that you exactly know where to get the servers and how to set it up all the way from start to finish so click on the link in the description of this video that will take you to the paper MC website then you want to click on downloads in the top right corner and after that you will have three different tabs we got paper velocity and waterfall like like I said we're going to use waterfall so just go to waterfall and download the newest version by pressing on this button just click and there we go then we're going back to our server we're going to click on upload simply select the file we just downloaded and click on open then we wait for a little bit and after that it will be uploaded now in febit host you want to go to settings real quick and check what it says here under server jar file at the bottom so right now it says server.jar that's good to know now let's go back to files and then we're actually going to rename this this file to server.jar so this way the server will actually recognize this file as the file it will need to run when starting the server now we're going back to console click on start and let it do its thing we're just going to wait for a little bit and that's it our waterfall server is running so the waterfall server is as good as done let's go back to dashboard then tutorial server to there will also be nothing in files so let's go back to the paper MC website then we're going to click here on paper and then we're just going to download the newest version of paper by clicking this button here there we go then back to the Minecraft server we're going to click on upload upload the file we just downloaded so what we want to do then is go back to settings and over here you can see the server jar file which once again just called server.jar so in a second we're going to change the name but also something you want to do is change the Minecraft version So currently it is on latest now we've just downloaded a 1.9.3 server which is currently at the time of recording this video the newest Minecraft version but let's say in a month 1.19 .4 will release and at the time you're already running your server you absolutely don't want it to automatically update as either waterfall or one of the plugins you're using on your server might not be compatible with that new Minecraft version so I would always highly recommend just putting 1.9.3 here in your server versions so that way it will always stick to 1.9.3 until you actually update your server highly recommended so now we want to go back to files and over here we want to rename this file to server . jar rename there we go now go back to the console and run the server then you want to accept the Ula so I accept just click it and after that it will do the rest of your setup and there we go server marked as running so now you just want to stop the server again and let's go to the config so what we want to do now is we basically want to turn this normal paper server into a backend server that players can't join directly but can only join through a Minecraft proxy so so the way you want to do that is first go to server. properties and in the server. properties file you want to look for online mode this you want to change to false then save your file and exit out then you want to go to bucket. yml and theide of here you want to go to line 7 and change the connection throttle so except for 4,000 you want to set it to minus one just like that save content and exit out then you want to go to spigot. yml and in here you want to go to line 21 which says bungee cord and the set of fals we're going to put it to true just like that then save your file again and now we're done we've turned This Server into a backend server so right now we won't be able to directly join it only through a Minecraft proxy so this what I just did for Server 2 you want to do that for all of your backend servers so that's exactly what I'm going to do right [Music] now okay perfect I've configured all of my three backend servers in just the way I showed you a minute ago so what you want to do then is go back to your waterfall server after that go to files and then look for config.yml now to make it easier for you to understand we got our waterfall config file here on the left and we got our dashboard here on the right so what you want to do then is first of all go over all of these settings now I'm going to be honest most of them you don't need to change so the player limit for example I'm going to put it to let's do 50 then the forge support is also an important one I'm going to leave it on true you can put it to false if you want to now a very important one is to keep online mode on true here if you don't want players who own an illegal version of Minecraft to be able to join your server so we did actually put online mode on false on all of our backend servers so that would in theory allow illegal or cracked Minecraft clients to join no because all of our players are going to join through our proxy as our proxy still has online mode on through they still need a legit version of mine to be able to join your server so if you would want to make this a cracked Network you will have to put this to false though I would absolutely not recommend that in any way as crack servers are extremely easy to hack now here you can also change the motd I'm just going to leave a default for now it really doesn't matter now before we're going to add servers over here you want to go and look for there it is line 43 IP forward by default it is on false you want to put it to True otherwise nothing will work and here we got max players once again because we already had the player limit here well this up here is the actual player limit this down here is just for Aesthetics I just want them to be the same so I'm going to put this to 50 as well now what you also want to do is change this port here to the port of your actual server so when here on the right we open our waterfall server you can see that the IP is 6519 94122 and then Colin 25 5569 nice that is your Port you want that port to correspond with the port here inside of the config so 25569 25569 you also want to put that over here so 25569 after that's done we're going to add our backend servers so go back to dashboard and let's open tutorial server # 2 I've just decided that this is going to be my Lobby server so what you want to do is copy the IP address of This Server so just click and copy and then in the waterfall config under servers you will see a preset which says Lobby here's the motd the address and restricted now what we're going to do is just paste the address we just copied after address over here so that will be our lobby server now I'm just going to copy this whole part so just copy then press enter and paste it again you want this name to align with the name up there so just like that and then we want to replace the name lobby with for example Sky Block now we're going to dashboard again we're going to tutorial server number three which I've just decided is going to be our Sky Block server we're going to copy the address and then paste that in here just like that then you want to copy this area again press enter paste it align it just right and then instead of Sky Block it's going to be mini gamess once again go to dashboard after that tutorial server 4 This Server is now going to be a mini game server so I'm going to copy the IP and paste it in there beautiful so we've added our three servers to the waterfall proxy now just click on Save after that go to console and start your server after that open Minecraft click on ADD server and paste the IP address of your proxy in here click on done double click wait for a bit and here we are we've joined our brand new Minecraft server Network oh no the skeleton oh no why is it night don't do that don't kill me oh this is going to end bad I'm going to flee I'm going to survive this okay so next we're going to check if we can actually go to one of our other servers because currently we're inside of the lobby server now when we do slash server you can see all the other servers that are connected to this network so we got mini games we got lobby with one player which is me and then we have the sky block server so I can simply click on mini game here and there we go we're now on the mini game server and now if I type slash server it can also just type it here so let's do slash server Sky Block press enter and now we will go to our Sky Block server that's how easy it can be now a setting I completely forgot to cover is force default server inside of the waterfall config file so when this is to false players will join the server there were last in after leaving your network when you put this to true players will always be sent to the lobby as soon as they join your network all right congratulations you've set up a bunge cord server at least this is the first step now the next step will be securing our Network as by default a bingi cours or waterfall proxy is pretty insecure so when configuring the backend servers we made it so that the servers can only be joined through a proxy server now the problem is that our backend servers can now be joined through any proxy server not just ours so if somebody would know the IP address of one of your backend servers they would actually be able to join it through their own proxy which of course is a huge problem because if anyone is able to join your backend servers through their own proxy they could just make a proxy put online mode on false and join your server with correct Minecraft in other words your server would be extremely easy to hack the only thing they would need to know is the IP address of one of your backend servers and that's enough and that's why we need to secure our Network we need to make it so that our backend servers are linked to our proxy so the tocan servers are only reachable through our own proxy and there is a very cool plugin that's called bungee card that lets you do exactly that now velocity actually has this feature built in so if you're building your network using velocity you don't have to install an external plugin it will actually be built in but as we're using water file for this video we will need to install a simple plugin called bungard so here we are on the spmc page from buig guard of course link will be in the description of this video Simply make sure to click on download there we go you will need to put it inside the plugin folder in all of our servers so on all of your paper servers but also your proxy after you've done this on all of your servers go back to your waterfall server then go to your files again plins and now you will see a bngi guard folder open the folder and in here there will be a file called token. yml open the file and in here you will see a token so it's just a big riddle of text what you want to do is copy this code then go to your first backend server so let's click on there then let's go to files let's go to plugins let's choose the bunge card folder here as well and then in here you will see config.yml open it and then on line four you can see allowed Tokens The Token generated by the proxy goes here so you just want to replace this text with the token we've just copied like that then you can remove all the lines beneath so just remove them there we go we don't need them just like that then save your file and once again restart your server make sure to do this for all of your servers this way all of your servers will be linked to your own proxy so if you're wondering what would happen if we grab the IP from for example our lobby server let's just copy it then go inside of Minecraft at server there we go this is it I'm going to double click and you will see this en able to authenticate no data was forwarded by the proxy so we willon be able to join the only way we will be able to join this Lobby server is through our proxy look at that here we are again so that is how to secure your bunge cord Network now of course if you're doing this on a dedicated machine I would highly recommend using firewall though I'm sure that 99% of you who are going to build a bingi cord network will be doing it on a public Host this is probably the way you want to use now in theory your server is complete if you just want three completely separate servers that have nothing to do with each other then you could already set it up so you could install your preferred Sky Block plugin you could install your preferred mini game plugin and you can start actually setting up your server now I've made many tutorials here on the channel on how to set up a big variety of plugins that playlist will be linked in the top right corner of the screen right now so do for sure check it out if you're interested but the last thing I want to show you is how to set up a my SQL database install look burms on all of your servers and then link look burms to the database so that look brms will be synced between all of your servers okay so first of all if you have no clue what look PRS is at all I would would highly recommend watching my look burms tutorial a link will be in the top right corner of screen right now do for sure check it out after you know what look burms is how it works and what the basic idea of the plugin is come back to this video and we can continue on so of course we want our Network to feel like a seamless experience so when I purchase a VIP rank then I want to be inside of the VIP rank inside of the lobby but I also want to be VIP inside of Sky Block and I also want to be VIP inside the miname server now if we would just install look confirms on all three servers separate and not link them in any way then as soon as a player purchases VIP or becomes a staff member you will have to change their role in every single server separate which is just a giant hustle also it is really great to just have one central place to change all the permissions of your whole network and that's what I'm going to show you okay so let's start by installing some plugins on our backend servers you want to install these on all of your backend servers not on your proxy so first of all of course look birm we're going to click on download and then over here we're going to choose for bucket the top one now some of you might be really confused you might be like but kasur there is a bungi cord version here don't you just want to install the bungei cord version on your proxy and then manage all your permissions through there the answer is simple the answer is no when installing look perms for bingi cords you will only be able to edit permissions that have to do with bunge Gord not for your individual backend servers so let's click on buckets and there we go we also want to get Essentials X as first of all I think it is a really essential plugin that adds lots of cool commands to your Minecraft server but part of Essentials X is also Essentials X chat and that plugin allows you to do chat formatting and why do you need that well if you want your look perm ranks to show up in chats you will need Essentials X or another chat formatting plugin so for this video I will be using Essentials X chat and then last but not least of course the Vault API just drag it into your folder after that you don't have to look at anything anymore just make sure it's in there it's an API without default API lots of stuff won't work so just click on download and there we go now back on the dashboard we're going to tutorial server 2 which is our lobby server and in here I'm going to files after that plugins upload and I'm going to upload all the plugins to this folder there we go so Essentials X Essentials chat look burms and Vault should all be in there then reboot your server and make sure to do this for all of your backend servers all right perfect now what we want to do is make a database AKA a MySQL server and then link look burms to that MySQL server so the way you will need to create a database all depends on the way you chose to make your Minecraft server now I don't actually know if it is possible to create a mySQL database on windows so if you're running it locally for some reason then I don't know if that's an option for you but most plans at hosting companies come with my SQL databases so in my case I'm just going to tutorial server which is of course my proxy then I'm going to the tab databases and over here I'm just going to click on new database then I'm going to give it a name which will be look perms just like that and there we go our database is successfully created now we don't have to enter the database in any way well that is possible it's not necessary for look burms at all so what we're going to do now is add our database credentials to our look PRS config file on all of our backend servers so what you want to do first let's go to the lobby server after that you want to go to files then plugins then you want to choose for lorms and here you want to open config.yml then here inside of the config first of all you want to give this server a name this is actually really important especially when connecting multiple servers to one my SQL database this is essential so give it a name in my case this is my Lobby server I'm going to call it Lobby just like that then we're going to scroll down all the way to here line 86 here it says storage method currently it is on H2 which stands for local storage what you want to do is remove this and replace it with my SQL just like that after that you want to scroll down here and here you want to fill in your credentials so what you see here on the left that is the database so we're going to click on it to copy it and after that here at database we're just going to paste it in there so except for Minecraft this will be our database then this will be the address so just click on it and then here on the right after address you want to paste it in there then this will be the username so just click on there after that here on the right after username you want to paste your username in there and then you want to click on this I icon and here it will say password just click on there to copy it and then here after password you want to paste it in there that's that's it now after restarting your server look burms will connect to this mySQL database so now inside of Minecraft we're going to join our proxy now make sure you're an operator on the server otherwise this will not work but what we can now do is just type SL LP editor you will need to wait for a bit and after that we will get a link just open it yes and this will bring us to the look perms editor so this is where we can add groups for example now I won't be fully going into this whole look burms as I've made a whole video on it here on the channel so what I'm going to do is I'm just simply going to make a new group I'm going to call it VIP the weight is going to be a little bit higher then I'm going to of course give it a prefix so a gold one VIP there we go then it's going to parent the default group click on add beautiful now because luk burms is now synced between all of your servers as soon as we add a permission you might want to specify what server the permission is for so for example example I'm going to add essentials. fly which allows you to fly now it would be really nice if players will be able to fly inside of our lobby but we of course don't want them to fly inside of our miname server or inside of Sky Block so what you want to do is first of all add to permission after that here on the right go to context click on plus and here at Key you want to add server like that and then at Value you want to add your server name now the name will be the name name that you've added inside of the look burms config file so in my case I want players to be able to use slly inside of the lobby but not in any other server so I'm going to add server Lobby here add context there we go then after we click on ADD we've added this permission now for only the lobby server so VIP players will be able to fly inside of the lobby in other servers they won't be able to use it now we could also for example do essentials. heal which allows you to use the/ heal command and then except for for Lobby we're going to go for Sky Block there we go click on ADD so now VIP players will be able to use the/ he command inside of Sky Block now you can of course add more servers here so let's say you also want players to be able to use SL H inside of your miname server then you can just click on here type server after that mini games click on ADD and there we go for now I'm just going to click on Save copy this command then go back to Minecraft paste the command in here beautiful now the very last thing I want to show you is how to install look perms for bunge cord and manage your bungee cord permissions so go back to the link in the description that will take you to the look burms website then go to bungi cord and make sure to download it after that go to your waterfall server then click on FS plugins uploads and then upload L perms bungee cord after that you want to restart your server just wait for it to boot up again now there's no need to connect look brms bungee cords to a MySQL server as everyone will join join through your proxy anyway what we do want to do though is give ourselves all the permissions through the console first otherwise we will not be able to go to the editor so what you want to do is type SL LPB which stands for look perms bord then space user space Kasai s then we're going to do permission set look perms do star space true that's the command you want to fill in my bad make sure you're inside of the server before executing the command so I just joined let's do it again there we go otherwise you can see it will not work now in game we can simply type / LPB editor just like that press enter wait a bit click on the link and here we are inside the L firms bords editor you can see bungi cords. commands. alert bungi cords. commands. I bus. command. server all of that stuff now like I showed by default players have to command bungi Cor do command. server if you don't want your default players to have that command then you can simply disable it by clicking it changing the value to false and then adding it now we could make a new group for example admin the weight will be one a prefix doesn't matter because you won't see the prefix anywhere just click on ADD group and then in the admin group we're going to do bort. command. server again but this time the value should be true add it there we go so now players will by default not have access to the SL server command but if we now put players inside the admin group they will have access to the sler for command copy this command go to Minecraft again paste it in there and there we go now we can simply type SL LPB user casasur parent set and then I'm going to send myself to admin so now we will be able to use the SL server command and of course all moderators and helpers and whatever they should also be in the admin group if you want them to be able to switch servers with just a single command now now that we have no longer access to the SL server commands we want our players to switch servers in another way this can be for example through a portal or through an MPC that's all fully up to you now to end off this video as it's becoming really long let me quickly show you how to do it with an NPC so one of the links in the description of this video will take you to the spmc page from citizens here just want to click on download now wait for a bit and there we go then we're going to add it to our lobby server so go to the lobby server files plugins upload choose for Citizens wait for a bit there we go then we're going to restart and then here inside the server we're going to type slpl to see if the plug-in is successfully installed looks like it is then we're going to type slash MPC create then I'm going to give it a name for example Sparks there we go and then we can simply add a command to this NPC so slash MPC select it's already selected now what you want to type is SL MPC command then add after that minus P which will execute the command on a player that's clicking on this NPC in this case that will be me so minus p and then server Sky Block just like that press enter and there we go now you might be like casasur this will not work because you've just removed the access to use the SL server command and that's true if we would type SL server Sky Block we won't have access to travel to Sky Block but that's the nice thing about citizens it actually bypasses that permission so if we now right click you can see that we will just be sent to Sky Block I know it doesn't look like a sky block server but we're actually inside of Sky Block this is great and then guys that's going to be it that's everything I wanted to show you inside of this video guys this was a long video my throat literally hurts I've recorded this all in one go I've been recording for multiple hours now hopefully I explained everything clearly hopefully you understand how it all works I really really do if you've watched this full video thank you so extremely much that's absolutely epic if you do have any more questions make sure to leave a comment under this video or if you're really stuck with something make sure to join my Discord server in there we will have the community support Channel and in the channel we the community will help each other out fixing problems with plugins fixing problems with server setups whatever it can all be discussed in there so join my Discord server link will of course also be in the description of this video and then guys that's going to be it I really hope you enjoyed don't forget to smash that subscribe button and click on the notification Bell it would really really mean a lot if you did it actually would anyways thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day and then I will see you in the next one [Music] bye-bye n
Channel: KasaiSora
Views: 36,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft tutorial, minecraft plugin, minecraft plugins, best minecraft plugins, top minecraft plugins, minecraft plugin tutorial, minecraft tutorials, minecraft bungeecord, bungeecord, minecraft bungeecord setup, minecraft setup bungeecord, setup bungeecord, how to setup bungeecord, setup bungeecord server, make bungeecord server, how to make a bungeecord network, minecraft server, minecraft bungeecord network, minecraft waterfall, minecraft waterfall tutorial, proxy
Id: zbhZUhdLs44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 2sec (1802 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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