Modular Control Rig in Unreal Engine 5.4 !

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hello everyone and welcome for this new tutorial first of all I wanted to thank you all for the 1,000 subscribers it's very cool thank you for the support today we will see the newest feature of unre engine Andre engine just released the 5.4 preview that we can all use and there is a lot of nice new feature that we can use and today we will see one of them which is the modular control rig that's a tool that we can use it will help us create a control rig very easily for any character so we'll jump in the and we will go see how to use it okay so here we are inre I am simply on the 5.4 if you want to download it I will show you to download it if you go into epic game into the library in here there is the unineed version and you can click on the plus and you can choose on the first one there will be the 5.4 preview and you can download it and use it I'm on the first person template on the 5.4 and we can go and we can find our manin we have our manin with all of its previous rig we are going to go into the meses and in here we can right click and go into animation and into control rig we have the control rig that we use normally we'll click on this and there will be a new box and it will ask do we want a control rig the normal control rig or do we want the modular rig first we will choose the modular rig which is the new one we click on create we'll call this M for modular and C A for control rig uh this player and if I go inside we can see that when I get into the control rig there is nothing first we will go into the preview scene and into the preview mesh we will choose our skeleton we'll use the skeleton mesh Queen okay and here we have our skeleton we comply compile and safe and now we can see in here I Chang in here the settings I put it on tiles and the T SES on medium it will be just for us to see what's going on and we can see that we have different rig modules that we can use if and real can figure it out all your skeleton looks it will actually give you advice on S that you can use in here if I Mouse over it said that on the spine one socket I can drag and drop the spine module here because it recognize that this is a spine as the name is spine so it to drag and drop the spine module here so we're going to go and find the spine to have the spine module we will drag it onto this and straight away without doing anything the control rig is created and we can actually test it out if I click on this if I go into the rotation if I use it we can see that we have a control rig totally out of the box by doing absolutely nothing so that's kind of crazy crazy it's working perfectly fine and the more crazy is that now it give us more stuff that we can add it's figured out that in here I have the shoulder right and he said that place the shoulder module here so if I go and get the Shoulder module which is this one I can drag and drop in here and automatically it's going to create the shoulder control now I have this one that appear and it says that we can place the arm module in here on the end right socket going to go and get our arm and we get a control rig trade away for example everything is working perfectly by doing absolutely nothing unre is actually showing us what we should do and what stuff we could apply and we just doing it if we go into the arm we can actually go into the the Ty and we have a lot of stuff that we can change first we will just do the F key I key default and if we do that we can see that he actually created this control with this little box and now we have an ik rig with the elbow it's exactly the same thing that we did on my previous video on control rig is the exact same thing but it took us 2 second and we can do that for each of the bones of our character now if I go and check his finger we can see that there is the finger and if we go there we can see that there is a finger module I could actually track and drop in here onto the finger and the the thumb will be ready can do the same for each of the finger I got the crash nice so that's normal it's it's the preview of the 5.4 so there will be some crash it's okay we'll send and restart that's something that could happen if the in the new features we will just reopen the project we will go into our control rig okay and we lost everything put tiles medium so make sure to always save when you are working with the new feature because sometime it can crash as as you saw so we just read everything I will drag and drop a spine spine E I will compile and save to make sure it doesn't crash shoulder in here compile and save the arm there and Save I'm going to go into the arm and into the da panel I'm going to click again the F key I key default up now we save and now as as a normal control rig we can actually place the control ring onto the scene and use it to create some new animation if I drag and drop this control rig I'm going to slow the camera we can see our control rig there and we can actually play with it could move this like that and create an animation by creating a control ring and it took us like 5 minutes to create the control ring so that's pretty cool now you're probably thinking okay that's the maning of unreal that's the def man king so it's probably made to work straight away but uh I will show you with one of the character I've created in one of the previous video I did a control I did a basic control rig for a bunny character we will go back into that project and we will see how it goes okay so if you remember if you go back to the control rig video and all the video we did about this little bunny game we made our own control rig if I go into my character we have our control rig that we have created for our bunny we have this control rig which is kind of complicated we took some time to make it but now we we try with the modular control and we will see if we can make this a little bit faster let's go and create a new into animation control rig we create a modular rig let's create that uh modular control rig uncore bunny let's make sure to always save to not have the game Crash and lose all of our progress okay going to put tile again and medium and save we will change the preview mesh to be the bnny and here is our little bunny we can see uh it found the IP soet and say that we can tap and drop a module here for our hi socket it should be the start of our spine so reuse the spine onto this the spine start bone and we need to specify the start spine start bone and the spine end bone we choose the spine and for the spine and Bone we should shoose the spine too okay so so we have our spine we didn't put the pelvis pelvis bones otherwise it it's not working so we have our spine now we will see in here we have a lot of control a lot of socket created into our character the thing is they are not plac onto our bny bones so I go into the neck and I will create a new socket this will be the neck socket we will leave it like that so we have the neck socket into this neck we will add the neck module I and drop the neck module and we will set up everything the ne start bone will be neck and the head bone will be head we cannot really see it because it's very small the has a big head we're going to go into the control and we're going to change some of the value we have shape transform let's change the scale to be some something like 6 six and 20 maybe it's not big enough that's very big 10 10 and you're just going to place it a little bit up we just increase this to be 35 and now if I take this control I can actually move the head like that looking up and down my head is special because the next start bone is actually called Head and the headbone will be the end it's okay the one that we actually want is this one which is the actual neck can move the head of the bunny like that I'm going to create a socket for my arm for for my arm the socket will be the left arm new socket up okay perfect let's place this into our left arm socket and the shoulder bone will be our left shoulder the hand will be our left hand that's pretty cool okay so to have something a little bit better I actually choose that our shoulder bones will be the left arm and the end bone will be the Left End and now I have the on each of my bones of my arm see that we can actually move them the circle is not on the good rotation but it's okay we'll keep it like that I didn't find a way to change it maybe there will be a way or maybe there is a way but I didn't find it it's okay we're going to add a socket for the other arm for the other arm let's go to the r Archy and into the right right arm we will create a new socket up now we have our socket there can drop drag and drop my arm inside we will have the right for the and hand bone we will choose right end and for the shoulder bones we choose the right arm it will be good for us okay perfect now let's work with the legs I'm going to go into let me check it should be the leg left up leg we create a new socket and the right up leg will create a new socket going to add a leg control going to choose the right up leg then the TA bone will be the right up leg pelvis is the hips the foot bone will be the right foot okay let me see into the detail if I can actually change some of this stuff up we have an issue with the FK I default it was working with the manquin but it's not really working with our buny I think there is more stuff to configure I think we can configure the primary AIS and find the good one but we'll see that in another time if I can figure it out this can actually work can actually set up like that that's pretty nice can do the same for the other leg and here we have some kind of control rig it's not perfect there is probably more stuff to set up into the socket but to make something very simple it's actually kind of working I can now drag my modular control rig and I could actually use it now to create an animation if I place my controller that I've created last time we can see that we have kind of the same stuff don't have the control for the for the elbow and the knee that's the only thing that we miss but to actually create something simple this is actually pretty cool and pretty fast we did not have to learn a lot about control rig we just put it there we just set up the rig module and everything is working perfectly fine that's it for today I hope you like this video if you do please leave a like And subscribe if you don't want to miss the next video there is a lot of stuff that we can see into the 5.4 there is a lot of new stuff into the next video we will see some of the new feature of the 5.4 and one that I really want to check is the PCG biome we'll be able to create some biome with trees and stuff like that into PCG and another cool stuff is PCG now we can actually change our PCG or generate with PCG on the own time so that means when the game is playing so we can actually create some procedural stuff automatically in the game so that's pretty cool but for now it's over and we will see you on the next video bye
Channel: Nicolas Noseda
Views: 3,342
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UE5ControlRig, UnrealEngineRigging, GameDevTutorial, UE5Tutorial, AnimationControl, GameDevelopment, CharacterRigging, UE5Animation, GameDesign, UE5Development, RiggingTutorial, GameArt, UE5Tips, InteractiveAnimation, VirtualProduction, ModularRigging, RiggingTips, AdvancedAnimation, RealtimeAnimation, CharacterDesign
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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