Modular Control Rig and Auto Retargeting Tutorial | Unreal Engine 5.4

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Hey everyone! So, if you have watched the State of Unreal  in GDC 2024, you might be familiar with all   the changes that were announced for  version 5.4, including the changes in   animation system, which took a massive  transformation and blew our minds away. So, two of the major features, including the  Advanced Auto Retargeting and the Modular   Control Rig, completely transformed  what was once a slow, cumbersome,   and complex procedure into an intuitive,  streamlined, and surprisingly fun process. So, in this video, we are going to dive  into these enhancements and show you how   they can be leveraged across different  skeletal meshes. So let's get started. So, I have downloaded this sample Mixamo  model for our today's demonstration. So first,   we are going to create an IK for our  Mixamo character. So let's open this   in the preview skeletal mesh;  we will choose our Mixamo mesh. So previously, we used to go through all the  trouble of creating the IK chain map one by   one manually. Now, we have this button:  "Autocreate Retarget Chain." So the system   understands that this is a Mixamo skeleton, and  it creates the retarget chain map accordingly. So this system has basically compatibility  with different types of industry-standard   skeletons that you have used in various  applications like maybe Daz, iClone,   and so on, and they are all going to be easily  retargetable over here. Pretty cool, right? You can also create the IK goals  with a single click by clicking on   the "Autocreate IK." So it creates  a full-body IK by default. If you   are interested in other types of IK,  please check out my other tutorial. Here I can see a minor issue  that can be very easily fixed   by reversing the preferred angles over here. So now let's open this RTG  mannequin that comes with our   mannequin character. In the Target Asset,  we will choose our Mixamo IK Rig Asset. Yes, so here we can see a few issues. That's  because the poses are not matched. So let's   go to the editing retarget Pose, and in the  auto-align, I will choose "Align All Bones."   What this does is it automatically aligns  the target bones to match with the source   pose. In the other tutorial, you have seen me  manually do this thing, like rotate each of   the bones so that they all align with the  source pose, but here it's all happening   in just a few clicks. I mean, retargeting  has suddenly become so fun and interesting. [Music] So here we see another issue where his left  upper hand is not correctly oriented. We can   fix that very quickly by changing the pole  vector offset of the left arm from 0 to 180. [Music] We can retarget the Paragon character  very similarly, so let's do that.  With just two clicks, I am setting  up the IK chain and the IK goal,   and it works even better with the Paragon  character since it's an Epic compatible   skeleton. The IK retargeter over here is  also pretty simple and straightforward,   and this works flawlessly for the  mannequin as well as the MetaHuman. Let's see how this works with Mixamo. The first  thing we are going to do is align the bones to   match the source, and then we need to set the  pole vector offset of the left arm. Here you   can see issues in its feet, so I will go back to  editing the retarget pose. I had already aligned   it to match with the source, so now I just have  to manually adjust the left and the right feet. Now, the animation looks much better. [Music] Let's look into implementing the  Modular Control Rig. For that,   I will go to the animation section in the  context menu. In the Control Rig option,   I will choose "Control Rig," and over  here, I need to select "Modular Rig." So first, in the preview scene settings, I  will select my preview mesh. It comes with   the root control by default, as you can see.  And in the center, you see this round button,   which indicates that we have to drop  the spine rig module on top of it. On the left, you have your module assets that  you need to drag one by one. And over here,   you have the rig hierarchy. All the controls that  you add are going to appear over here, and you can   also directly add the controls in here, just  like how you do in the control rig blueprint. So now, let's add our modules. I will start  with the spine. I will just drag it and place   it in the socket. This brings up a group  of other sockets that are connected to the   spine socket, and we're going to place the  respective modules one by one over here. [Music] Sometimes you can misplace, so you can simply  delete from the module hierarchy and reposition.   And this tool is not very perfect. It has a lot  of issues still. Even the Undo doesn't work all   the time, and a lot of times I had really  messed up and I had to start all over again. So in your rig hierarchy, you can see all  the controls that have been automatically   created when you dragged the modular rigs.  Typically, in your control rig blueprint,   you would have to create individual  controls manually. So this approach   is actually a very effective and time-saving  way of quickly creating controls around your   character that you can, of course, manipulate  in the sequencer to create custom animations. So by default, your arm rig is FK. You can  change that by checking the "FK/IK Default" in   the details panel of your arm module. This will  ensure that you're able to use basic hand IK. I can create the modular rig  for the MetaHuman as well,   very similarly. Along with the base preview  mesh, we can also add additional meshes from   this skeletal mesh array. Now let's  quickly set up the modular assets. [Music] This "Add Control Rig" asset that you see  over here is going to be useful for you if   you're looking to add a control rig for  specifically a particular bone. And this   "Chain Rig" is going to create a hierarchy  chain for any given set of bone hierarchy   that you are looking for. So here, you need  to specify the start bone and the end bone.   So I can simply choose one of the fingers  as a part of the chain link hierarchy. So now we are going to test this  in the sequencer. So in the level,   I added my actor, and in the sequencer,  I'm going to add the reference. By default,   it's going to load the default MetaHuman  control rig, but we need to test ours. So   we will delete the previous control rig,  and now we can add the new control rig. So let's check if everything is working. [Music] Oh, okay, I see a weird issue going on over  here, and that's probably because of the improper   connection of this chain link. So we need to  go back to our Module Rig Editor and fix it. [Music] Yeah, this is totally wrong. So, let's  quickly delete this, and basically,   we need to redo it. So whatever you do in the  editor, I strongly advise you against pressing   "Undo" because that is totally messed up, and  even if I press "Undo" to reverse something,   I almost never recover to the point that  I can make it work again flawlessly. So typically, what I do if I mess something  up by pressing "Undo," or for whatever reason,   I usually close the editor without saving  and then reopen, and then it works fine.   Maybe this is a bug or something that might  get fixed in the later version. Till then,   I will be cautious while working so that  I don't lose my changes. And this is just   a preview version I'm working on, so  a lot of bugs are already expected,   and a lot of things are going to get fixed in the  release version when it launches later next month. So I will now drag my chain rig model inside  one of the finger sockets. So if I want to add   this in my index finger, I will just drag  this on one of the index finger sockets. [Music] So the hand IK is now working fine. The index  finger chain also works correctly. Alright,   so let's go back to my sequencer. [Music] Now, yeah, so it is working fine. [Music] Now, in the State of Unreal demo, they showed  how a single finger control can be used to   manipulate all the fingers for our right hand.  We are going to create something very similar.   The process is not very straightforward, and  for this, I will be using this chain link. First, I need to create the controls for each of  the fingers, starting with the index finger. Now   here, you see a lot of different sockets that  you might be tempted to put your chain link on,   but I must warn you, not all of them work.  I've seen that I get the expected result   when I am adding my chain link to either  the "side in" or the "side out" sockets. Alright, so let's add the chain module in  our index finger. The start bone is going   to be "index 1," and the end bone is "index 3."  Okay, so I can change the shape of the Gizmo,   and to do that, I will go over here under "shape  name" and just change the name to "Arrow Thick." Alright, so now let's set up the middle finger.  We are going to set up the start bone and the end   bone over here, and if I want to make this chain  dependent on the index finger chain, then I have   to set up the parent control. So the parent  control is going to be the "index 1 control." Okay, so the parent control is still showing  null. That's because we actually need to make   this as a child in the hierarchy as well.  So I will just drag this in the plane chain. Alright, so this works perfectly. So now  we can set up the rest of the fingers.   We can rename the chain links so  that they are easy to identify. Okay, so now I'm going to set up the bones for  each of these chains. So, except for the thumb's   chain, I want the movement of the chain models for  the rest of the fingers to be dependent on that of   the index finger. So I will add the remaining  ones as well as children of the index chain. So now let's quickly change the  shapes of the remaining Gizmo chains. Yep, so this is working perfectly fine. With  just the movement of the index finger chain,   I'm able to move the remaining fingers,  and the thumb chain is moving separately. So now let's go back to our  sequencer and try this out. Yeah, working as expected. It's even fun  trying this out inside the sequencer as   compared to in the Control Rig editor because  of all the clutter of note sockets over there. So now, we are ready to animate our character,  but I'm not going to since I'm not an animator.   You can try out the preview version of 5.4  and let me know how it goes in the comment   section. And if you are interested in  learning about Control Rig Blueprint,   please let me know. I can make a  separate video on that as well. Till then, please like, share, comment,   and subscribe to my channel. And if you  want to learn the basics of IK targeting,   watch my previous tutorial video.  The link is given in the description. So that's it for today. I will  see you in the next video.
Channel: Sameek Kundu
Views: 2,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5.4, Modular Rigging, Advanced Retargeting, Animation Workflow, Game Development, UE5 Tutorial, Character Animation, 3D Animation, Game Design, Real-Time Animation, UE5 Rigging, UE5 Retargeting, State of Unreal, GDC 2024, Unreal Engine Tutorial, Animation Tools, UE5.4 Preview, Game Engine, Epic Games, Animation Pipeline, UE5.4, Modular Control Rig, Retargeting in UE, Retargeting in UE 5.4, Control Rig in Unreal 5.4, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5
Id: nut6wNvMHLY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 33sec (1113 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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