Modern Warfare 3 Top 10 BEST META Class Setups (MW3 Best Class Setups)

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I'm give you guys the top 10 best class setups in Modern Warfare 3 and we are going to start out with the fan favorite MCW dur on the 16.5 MCW cycl long barrel for bullet velocity and range aiming out of way and firing aim stability 5.56 NATO High grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range the cost some recoil control 60 round drum unless you're comfortable with the 40 either are completely fine you do get a little bit more Cons with the 60 but I don't think it's that noticeable RB claw PSL grip for firing aim stability gun kick control and recoil control and last but not least the Mark I reflector this thing literally takes no effort to use it's the easiest weapon to use in Modern Warfare 3 and if you don't have this in Your Arsenal even just you know as a just in case type weapon then you're doing it wrong so this is the best class set up right here make sure you guys screenshot it this is the best class for the MCW if you guys want me to do something with the conversion kit let me know in the comment section down below by typing MCW next is the SVA 545 this is a very slep on but very powerful weapon go on the STV Precision barrel for aiming out of sway bull of velocity and range gun kick control and recoil control 5.45 High grain rounds for bu of velocity damage range 60 round mag unless you want to use a 45 either way it's completely fine main V6 stock for gun kick control and recoil control and last but not least the mark through reflector this thing is incredibly easy to use and because the two first bullets are incredibly fast you're probably going to shock your enemy much faster than they can react to you so if you even just want to have it in burst fire mode it still clears incredibly fast that way too it's just a fantastic weapon to have in your Arsenal so guys feel free to screenshot this one right here if you made it this far comment meta next to RAM 7even and I have two classes for you guys actually throw on the vt7 spirit fire suppressor for being undetected by radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range the FTE sp10 angled grip for horizontal recoil aiming out sway gun kick control and aim walking steadiness 40 round mag retort 90 grip tape for firing aim stability gun kick control and recoil control and HS 3.4 pad for gun kick control and recoil control this is the end product right here and it's an absolutely amazing incredibly low recoil weapon that's very easy to use now I do have one alternative if you guys don't like the cons of the bt7 spe fire suppressor and you guys just want the recoil control instead of the vt7 spirit fire suppressor throwing on the monolithic suppressor right here so it'll give you no Sprint to fire penalty you can just get right into the action completely your choice though whichever one you want to use you still do get all the benefits of The Recoil control without the penalty of the Sprint of fire speed so whichever one you want to throw on there like I said feel free I just think that the previous Choice was better this is a fantastic alternative though if you want to throw this on there feel free to screenshot it remember if you guys don't want the monolithic vt7 spier suppressor if you don't want the vt7 spier suppressor throw on the monolithic suppressor the striker throwing the Sonic suppressor s for being undetectable by the radar bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim walking steadiness Sprint to fire speed and recoil control now if you don't like this we can actually choose the alternative of the Shadow strike suppressor s if you don't want any cons you'll still be undetectable by the radar but the only thing is I mean you won't get the bullet velocity and damage range I don't really recommend the monolithic suppressor or anything like this just because it already has low recoil and you don't want to compromise your damage range with any of these other ones so the Sonic compressor s is just the overall best choice they on the striker Recon long bar for bu of velocity and range and aiming out of sway at the cost of hit fire intact stance spreads Sprint to fire speed and aim walking speed now the beautiful thing about this is with this entire Loadout I am going to be taking care of these cons so it doesn't really matter that these cons are here for now I see some people using the striker Elite long barrel the only downside to that is it doesn't give much bullet velocity and range the way this does and this does give aiming out S Plus the addition of recoil control and gun kick control just isn't necessary because it already has low recoil these things also are unnecessary because the other things we're going to be adding to the attachments and it's just decreasing bullet velocity and range which will make this basically a peashooter when this is very optimal they're on the 0 45 Auto High grain rounds for no enemy skulls bullet velocity and damage r at the cost of recoil control now I don't really recommend any other alternative just because one I don't really see one and two I just think that this is the best possible choice you do get a reduction of recoil control but it's something you won't notice because like I said this thing has very low recoil as it is 60 round drum now this one's kind of personal preference you can use 48 and honestly the cons will actually be better and this is probably more of the The Meta option but I like using 60 round drum just as many bullets as possible and I don't really see too much of a difference with this class setup so if you want to use 48 or if you want to use 60 completely fine whichever one you choose and last but not least is no stock this helps to aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed aim walking speed and hit fire attack stance spread now the difference between this load out and say like a a class set up in war zone is in war zone I use the RB Calis assault stock which helps with gun kick control aim down sight speed and Sprint to fire speed and with with this gun already having low recoil you don't really need the addition of gun kit control but it is something I like having overall for war zone now with multiplayer I don't think it's as essential because it already does have low recoil as it is and it doesn't really take as M bullets to kill so you're going to have the low recoil in the initial amount of bullets and then it may start jumping after maybe the 10th or 11th shot but I don't really think it's necessary so I'm going to show you both with no stock and the ARB Calis so I put on one plate just because that's the general idea of what the health is going to be like so you you guys see it doesn't have much recoil even at long range is not that bad I mean I think that you'll have enough time to actually get the job done and the like ads is actually pretty quick so it's completely up to you whether you choose use no stock or not but I will show you what the catalis actually looks like so with the catalis it actually as you guys see has significantly less recoil it's actually a whole lot easier to control the recoil so some people may opt towards the ARB calus but you do get a little bit less of the perks that you would get with the no stock so it's something that you have to weigh your options on so with all these said and done if you guys want to screenshot this class up feel free but if you don't want to use the RB calus assault stock then the not stock is in my opinion just as good and this is the first class for The Meta Loadout second class is the Rival 9 and they're not going to be many modifications for this just because this is honestly the best setup I can possibly make they're on the LR flashhider from muzzle flash concealment recoil control gun kick control at the cost of aim down sight speed I don't really recommend any other on just because one I like having a flash hider I don't really like like my flash showing up when you're actually shooting plus I mean these ones are also pretty good but when you're shooting in this flash in the way it's like you might as well just keep the l4r flash hider that's just my opinion 9mm high grain rounds kind of make this the gun that it is I mean it increases bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control but you're not even going to notice the recoil control because the other attachments we're going to have on there I don't really recommend any other attachments just because it's not really optimal I mean maybe bullet velocity but this increases bullet velocity more than the bullet velocity perk so I mean you honestly might as well just keep the high grain rounds and sacrifice a little bit more recoil control that we're going to compensate later on so on the 40 round mag now for multiplayer I don't recommend 50 just because the cons are way too high it's something I actually noticed more than anything else I think 40 is a sweet spot if you want to use 50 then feel free but you're going to be losing more gunfights to Sprint to fire speed now for recoil control I thrown the Rival Vice assault grip for gun kick control firing aim stability and recoil control at the cost of aiming out sway now obviously you can use say an under Barrel but I mean my opinion this is actually just perfect and the MTZ Marauder stock for gun kick control aiming allim firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed movement speed hit fire attack stand Sprint and Sprint to fire speed the end result is this beautifully op SMG I mean I can't hit the Super longrange Shots just because I have a little bit of stick Drift But the short and medium range engagements which you're actually going to mainly be in are just way too easy in my opinion it just doesn't take much effort so this is something that I would highly recommend especially for competitive players if you guys want to play competitive you guys want to sweat in multiplayer it doesn't really matter what you guys do this is a go-to class setup and I think you guys will do a fantastic job now I will show you guys one more thing I did mention if you guys wanted to use this setup you could but if you wanted to take off the Rival assault grip you can throw on the Bro heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming out way horizontal recoil and firing aim stability and then this will be the end product right here it's something that really doesn't move and in my opinion is absolutely ridiculous now like I said I have stick drift so the longrange engagements no matter what I do are just going to be tough for me but someone who doesn't have stick drift is just going to be very very easy and in my opinion this does actually do a pretty good job like The Recoil kind of is not there but it's completely personal preference whatever you guys want to use it feel free I said I wasn't even going to change this class set up but if you guys want to use this class it up instead of the initial one feel free and you're going to have even less recoil I just think that the one with the Rival Vice well yeah rival Vice assault grip is just more optimal next is the best assault rifle in the game and that is the hoger 556 they on the vt7 spe fire suppressor for being undetectable by radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of aim down tight speed aim walking stoc and Sprint to fire speed going to 5.56 NATO High grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range at the cost of recoil control which you will not notice 40 round mag I mean this is just as high as it'll go so this is the best choice and it it doesn't really hurt with the cons RB assault stock for recoil control and gun kick control at the cost of aim down sight speed and Mark I reflector Mark 3 reflector is personal preference but honestly this is just so easy to use it doesn't take much effort and in my opinion it's better than the MCW now I know there's going to be some people that are trying to go to war with me me with this but here's the thing this weapon got banned in competitive and the MCW didn't so which one do you honestly think is better you guys want to copy this screen uh class it up down or if you guys want to screenshot it feel free this is honestly one of the best choices you can make for my snipers out here you know I have to hook you guys up with the long Bel draw the FSS OV laser for aiming stability aim down sight speed and Sprint to fire speed at the cost of laser being visible in ads not a big deal dra the x10 Phantom 5 hand stop for Sprint to fire speed aim down sight speed vertical recoil and gun kick control at the cost of HIIT fire intact stand spread and horizontal recoil which is not a big deal 7.62 High grain rounds for bullet velocity and damage range at the cost some recoil control which you won't notice this is will make it so you don't get as many hit markers so make sure you guys have this on 10 round mag for aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed aim walking speed and reload quickness you don't need 30 bullets with this gun but if you guys want to use it fill free I just think this is the better overall Choice last but not least no stock for Sprint to fire speed movement speed aim walking speed and aim downside speed at a cost of Reco control aiming out sway Flinch resistance and hip fire spread this weapon is genuinely amazing cuz it doesn't really take much effort to actually use it's just a very powerful sniper even quick scoping all you have to do is boom just like that so if you want to give it a try feel free here's the class setup right here copy it down and screenshot it and if you made it this far comment sniper the last thing I want to show you guys is the Wasps form now this is my favorite SMG overall I just wanted to give you guys variety but this for pubs at least is absolutely phenomenal start out with the Sonic suppressor s for being undetectable by radar bull of velocity and damage range at the cost of aim walking stus Sprint to fire speed and recoil control they on the WASP Reckless 90 long bro for below velocity and range aiming out of Way Gun kick control and recoil controls at the cost of aim down sight speed hit fire attack stand spread aim walking speed and Sprint to fire speed dra the Brun heavy support grip for gun kick control aiming a sway horizontal recoil and firing aim stability at the cost of aim down sight speed and vertical recoil under round drum now I know some people are going to want to use the 50 trust me you might as well use the 100 the cons are not that bad like the only difference is the reload quickness so you might as well put on the 100 you might as well have as many bullets as possible to wipe as many people out as possible and have a great time last thing is the FSS Rampage 7 Tactical for aim downside speed aiming out aim firing aim stability at the cost of aim walking speed and movement speed this thing is absolutely busted and very easy to use as you guys see the enemy gets melted very quickly only downside is long range you're just not going to do that well if you only burst fire you'll probably be all right but you're most likely going to be dead by the time you burst fire but the short and medium ranges are just absolutely amazing and this is the best possible wasp swarm class next is the one- shot sniper the cat AMR on the predition 24in short barrel for aim down sight speed Sprint to fire speed and movement speed FSS o laser for aiming stability aim down sight speed and Sprint to fire speed 50 cal Spire points for bullet velocity and damage range Phantom grip for Sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed and tactical stock pad for aim down sight speed this thing does not take any effort at all to use in my opinion it's super easy so if you're playing like Search and Destroy and you need to guaranteed one shot this thing right here is the secret long range engagements it just doesn't matter it's an absolute monster last thing I have to show to you guys is the dg58 now I absolutely love this weapon it's incredibly easy to use thr on the vt7 spe fire suppressor for being undectable radar recoil control bullet velocity and damage range th on the d56 ls18 barrel for bull of velocity and range aiming out of sway gun control and recoil control gur Ren 03 vertical grip for Kung get control vertical recoil aiming out way and firing aim stability 40 round mag because this is multiplayer it's not war zone I think 40 is more than enough and Mark three reflector this thing is absolutely amazing with it but if you want to do something else feel free this is something that's very easy to burst fire it does not take much effort at all and usually only takes two burst to kill so if you guys want something that is honestly going to make your game way easier this is definitely the one for you so make sure you guys take a screenshot of this if you guys made it to the end of this video all I want you guys to do is comment meta and I'm going to hook some of you guys up with some C points
Channel: ChainFeeds
Views: 10,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern warfare 3 best class setups, modern warfare 3 best class, modern warfare 3 best class setup, cod modern warfare 3 best class, call of duty modern warfare 3, modern warfare 3, cod mw3, modern warfare 3 best weapons, modern warfare 3 best guns, call of duty, modern warfare 3 best ar, modern warfare 3 best assault rifle, modern warfare 3 tips, modern warfare 3 best smg, modern warfare 3 best, cod, modern warfare 3 gameplay, modern warfare 3 settings
Id: GQ4DOLlxT8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 36sec (756 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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