Ultimate Guide to MW3 God Spots, Lines of Sight, Jump Spots

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do not tell anyone about the spots you're about to see today because we are going over model Warfare 3's most overpowered God spots line of sights plant spots and more let's start with highrise so what a lot of people will do on the offense side is hop up on this green shed if you look through that cut right there you'll be able to see the entire cross from the left side of the street towards the elevators what people don't know you can just straight up jump from the right side all the way to the top now from the same spot right here you can actually do an easier jump to top third mantling on this ledge and yall know from the original Modern Warfare 2 that on high-rise all that it takes is not jumping off the map actually surprisingly all that it takes is following the line here going up the scaff and then here you are on top of top third what a lot of people haven't picked up on is that both of these Ledges extend over to the outside of the map so if you follow it out here this gives you a super nice off angle to the other side of that propane and even here you can see all the way down left Street our first plant spot is stretching out this bomb as far as you can to this side and actually on the way back over I'll show you another jump spot for top third you have to get a little bit of strafe but from this spot on the sign you can strafe jump over to here or you could also just land down here you have a nice line of site on top of the bomb from here or if you somehow find yourself all the way on top third you can lay down here on the very left see allive Bomb It stretched far enough so that you can just straight up check it from here there's a couple other spots you need to know on all of these AC's this bottom line here if you jump up on it you can Crouch and it gives you a nice head glitch depending on where you're looking this is a Hardo as well so you can hop up on this side you'll be in the hill and you'll be able to head glitch towards blue same thing with these looking towards mid or on this side jumping up and crouching looking towards these windows or standing up and being able to look towards this side this little ledge if you hop on top of it it gives you a nice head glitch that looks over the B push through a very common head glitch people will go once they push through B Street is here that looks over everything and I believe from this spot over here you're able to counter that simply by hopping up here and looking towards that uh that head glitch on the street y'all should be very familiar with this outer wall run but one thing that I'll let you guys know if you're trying to hit it in Search and Destroy your other game modes you have to be careful about these Ledges here because if you jump on it and fall wrong it's going to kick you off of this ledge and then you're doomed so when I'm running across this Lane the same thing happens for this side of these little Ledges if you're looking straight ahead you'll see my character kind of bump out to the right right there that little bump the last thing you want is for that to kick you off the map so I always am facing towards the wall and that allows you to run along this ledge and hit that flank even faster same thing for these spots here look left and then once you're pass them you're able to jump up and flank the spawn all also can't make this video without giving credit where credit is due ESS and Dylan is the spot go I have his channel Linked In the description a lot of these spots came from his mind so be sure to show love to his channel in the description down below this next one is one of my favorites on this map if you hop up on top of these barrels and then the generators right here you're able to mantle right here and it gives you another way to get top heli the tricky part about this jump though is that if you stay too close to the wall when you jump over you're just going to fall into blue so the secret is go to these generators on the right back up just a little bit from the wall and then you jump towards the left and go up so just make sure you're not all the way towards the wall you're backed up a little bit then you jump left and you're able to manle on all these propanes you're able to mantle on this spot here you have to be careful not to be blown up but this little part of the propane is a nice little head glitch if you're able to get up here you can see pretty much the entire map and depending on where the opponents are coming from you're able to angle yourself to make it a head glitch so same thing on this propane you can actually jump up mantle here of course look over mid but this is another way to jump up top hel that's not the predictable staircase and then on this side there is a way to jump up to top hel nice and quickly if you are on this part of the AC jump up a mantle here and then you're up on top heli without having to go up these stairs on this side if yall don't know already when you do hit up these stairs there is this Lane to look under the helicopter you can check their spawn you can check their right windows and if they're on their staircase you're able to see that as well a great plant spot for a bomb if you're able to stretch it towards this side you're able to lay down up here and check the bomb that way one of my favorite post plant spots on B is this generator right here if you mantle up on the right and then Crouch you're able to Simply fall into this spot gives you a really nice off angle and head glitch that looks over their entire spawn you can also see underground from here as well another mantle spot if you hop on top of these barrels and then the elevator buttons you can get on top of you're able to spam jump and then you can mantle up top you kind of have to get the mantle just right I'm actually turn my hand cam on for this part you'll see if I just kind of go straight for the jump and spam forward on my controller I'm not mantling all the way what I've learned if you look at my left stick if you kind point forward in diagonally you'll find that sweet spot if you look in the very center of the screen kind of where my gun is it says press X to mantle something about going horizontally with the left stick allows you to get that mantle up rather than pointing head on if you're trying to mantle something that's a little bit funky go horizontal right and horizontal left to get all the way up here now that we're over here I'll show you that you can do this jump on top of this propane another spot y all should know if you're pushing the Beast Street lay down here and then you're able to see the push they're not going to be expecting you here because you're behind this trash can if you're pushing on this side you can strafe jump from this part to that little ledge right there it's that pipe on the right you kind of have to give it a little bit of a strafe jump but once you're up here you can see the entire Underground on both sides it's a good way to kind of watch your back when you're pushing from B you can just kind of Crouch this one slowly walk your way across you don't have to hit a strafe jump or anything like that but you're able to see blue and the blue push as well as your back this side of underground you can hop up on top of this red Barrel which gives you a nice little line of sight towards the top stairs and if you angle it correctly you can see their left windows a lot of people also don't know that this is a ledge right here another great off angle for the left windows and if somebody's coming from this street to wrap back and look bottom mid they will not be expecting you here if you like to snipe or watch the cross from this side if you hop up on this table it gives you a nice off angle for their deep spawn if you're somebody who likes to snipe the middle part instead of just Ching this Corridor straight up what you can do is hop up on this table behind you a better line of sight since you're coming from top down and if your opponents are sniping they're more likely to get hit markers since your torso will be higher up inside this spawn building of course you can jump up on here check top heli as well as the underground flank if you kind of angle yourself like this also on this box you can hop up here and this allows you to head glitch the blue push and that is all for highrise now on to Invasion not a ton of spots on this map but there are some very important ones one of my favorites is from this left box right here if you jump up on top and strafe right you're able to see if somebody is head glitching the top of the tank if you happen to be playing this top second building you can of course see that same head glitch you can strafe jump from here towards this building and same thing from the opposite side of if you're trying to push the Hardo you can also strafe into here to clear this broken building you can check construction from under the tank if you angle it properly from here you can see the right corner of construction as well as these head glitches on the left but if you lay down right here you're able to see this push from the DVD alley let me go ahead and plant since the timer's ticking down and I'll show you all my favorite plant spot on this map I actually am not looking forward to exposing this one because the more people that know it uh the less likely I'll be able to clutch but if you plant for that back corner there of course that involves clearing the street because they can see you if you bust open this door into ice cream and then hop up on top of the vending machines you can check the bomb if you hop up on top of these boxes you're able to see the cross towards the back street same thing but opposite if you hop up on top of this car you can check the orange hold or the uh or the forklift you can also jump up for more information on the bomb site if you happen to find yourself in the Fortress this entire window you're able to see red dots through there's also this spot here on top of this planter if you jump over to the righted you're able to hold most of mid you can angle yourself back a little bit to see that back alley I want to show this jump up to the top nerd corner is what I've been calling this if you go on top of the desk and then jump on this lamp you can jump up and see the a street cross kind of the same thought process from construction earlier if you look under the tank you can see their back spawn and any head glitches that are in the mid Courtyard and from the opposite tank you're able to look underneath to see towards mid all the way on this right corner of a bomb you can lay down watch your own back watch your own flank think and then if you stand up you can see the entirety of that a bomb and nobody's going to be checking this and that's all for Invasion let's move on to karach if you watch my videos you know one of my favorite routes on this map is to jump on top of the bus get on top of the higher part here where you can strafe jump over to this left window from the same bus you're able to jump to the second story however you can't mantle this you have to jump on top of that ledge right there it's a little bit of a tricky strafe but once you're here you're up in a second if you're trying to push towards a bomb you can strafe jump into the bus and that's a faster route towards the a bomb if somebody's planting or if you're trying to check it you can also just straight up mantle from this side you have to back up a little bit before jumping up here and then you can do that same jump we were talking about earlier if you're on any sort of stairs you can wiggle your way further into the head glitch you see my hand cam I'm wiggling left and right and now I'm all the way down these stairs and I have a nasty head glitch towards there rather than if I just straight up walked up while crouched I would be way higher and way easier to shoot it's actually insane how this works like I'm in the floor right now if you're coming from this side this awning that ledge as well as that ledge are all nice little lines of sight and angles for you to hold the mid push going into the bottom Fountain building if you open these doors you're able to watch the mid push you can see through this window if they decide to jump up to top red going over to this side of the map a lot of people will sit on this planner and head glitch top third however that's not a ton of information so what I like to do is jump up here and Crouch at these barrels you line it up just right you're able to see the top third hit as well as Top chicken and then if they end up pushing top third you can strafe to your right you'll be a little bit lower on that head glitch and strictly looking at top third of course you can hop up on top of these Ledges and you can even walk alongside it to push towards this side the most consistent way to make this jump on top of scaff I found is to strafe to the side as you're jumping up on this concrete that way you're even more exposed to where you can just jump up on the scaffolding and mantle up but the best way to get up to the AC's is to jump on this box and then this box that way you don't even have to mantle or make any noise you're just all the way up here there's a way to just single hop up here but it's not terribly consistent and you don't want to accidentally jump through it and then you're stuck on this side I think it's more so the left side of this right concrete if you just jump you're there but I'll try to show you what it looks like if you hit it wrong that's what it looks like and it just is super awkward you feel clunky you have to jump back over before going more consistently up top what a lot of people don't know if you run up these stairs you can hug this outer part of the wall all the way on the right side um you get a nice angle into top Church as well as top Fountain and then you can even Peak the bridge if you go back to the other side you can jump on this ledge right here which is a nice off angle to watch the flank as well as anybody pushing from the B Street towards you this entire outer ledge like we saw on that side also goes on the left as well so if you hop up here you can of course see anybody that's in chicken as well as this off angle that goes towards both of these windows here what I like to do is kind of strafe jump out towards this spot this is one of the best head glitches in the game some jump spots if you're trying to push chicken towards Top chicken building you can jump on this right here back up far enough to where you can jump and mantle on this and then you're up top from here you can also go on top of chicken which allows you to flank second instead of having to mantle up like that if you hop on this first box and then strafe to the right you'll hit this ledge and then you'll hit oh okay hold on hear me out you'll hit this ledge then this ledge then here and then you're up top all without mantling so just a smooth push up to the right that way if you're hard aiming you won't get caught while mantling like if you're jumping up here you won't have your gun out so if they're sitting on those barrels that we were at earlier they'll have a free shot on you as opposed to just kind of strafing and already being up top third while the timer's ticking I'm going to show you a nice plant spot for B plant on this far back corner we'll do that same jump spot from earlier to get up to Top chicken you can kind of see the outline of it there as well as on this side which is a lot safer from second you can fall on the awning hit the garage right here you're able to hit this ATM sign and even jump further back onto this sign that way you can check the Deep flank as well as the close flank speaking of that hard point if you push into here and jump on top of this ledge you can strafe jump into this corner if you crouch you can go even deeper and nobody will be expecting you up here other more consistent ways you can get up into the spot are from the trash cans here assuming that the door is closed you can even mantle on top of the caution sign and then jump up here as well before crouching and then you're in the corner one thing I forgot to mention as well from this top window hop here from either side you can actually slowly creep down and then you stay on this ledge it's a nice off angle to watch The Arches hit and if you turn around you can kind of see the push towards a bomb problem is if you look far enough left you're just going to fall down so if you're able to stretch plant for this side all the way on this back corner anybody that's on the top Aces or top yellow here as well as into the fountain room you can see all the way down that street towards the a bomb I hate to expose this but I think maybe celium did already if you lay down up here here it's essentially a stair glitch like only the tiniest part of your head is showing so they're going to be unable to shoot you if they're chilling from the bomb or even if they're top red if you lay down at just the right angle you will be unkillable and that is all for Karachi now on to Scrapyard not in the competitive playist for 3 v3s and 4 v4s but a lot of websites are keeping this map in for 1 V ones and 2v tws one of my favorites is to get on top of shark fin the easiest one is to hop up on top of these barrels and then jump towards the right you don't want to Sprint and jump because for whatever reason it makes your body hit that ledge right there there either strafe to the right or kind of look ahead and just simply walk one thing that I found super early on in this game is that if you crouch here and then shift all the way to the left you have a head glitch on top of this generator that watches the L plane push as well as the entire B flank now from this plane here you're able to strafe jump on top of the short plane you're a little bit more exposed but you can still see all of the top third you can see that left window you can see top broken PL and if you crouch and shift all the way to the left let's say you have somebody playing b or you planted B or something like that you have the entire flank from a on a nasty nasty head glitch if you want to jump on the broken plane from this side you're aiming for kind of that spot on the right side and then when you hit it it's a little bit hard to hit but once you do you want to spam your jump button as you're hitting that part of the plane and that way it just continues straight up there's another jump spot onto this side of the broken plane and it's from kind of the bed of the truck you jump up here then you pause before continuing your jump onto the broken plane however I found this one not nearly as consistent as this one even though it's more difficult cuz all this stuff is in your way on the right it's so much more consistent to just kind of jump and then bunny hop onto the plane from the other side of the broken plane super easy jump from this generator up I know youall already know that however what you might not know is that you're able to head glitch this generator and watch the cross to L plane can strafe jump from this side towards this plane here you want to make sure you hit that right cuz a lot of times if you go further out to the left you're just going to fall off the plane and then you have to go all the way back and all all the way up so kind of strafe jump towards that right side you can Crouch here and you have a nasty head glitch towards their spawn anybody trying to work a this was exposed a little bit earlier but you can Crouch or lay down and get through these windows you lay down you can go through the windows that way same thing from this side if you jump up and then lay down then you're inside the plane but if you go on top of the barrels on top of these boxes super great off angle for anybody trying to working a bomb Sider push up here you can jump up on top of these boxes and if anybody pushes from this side through that door everybody is looking down low you'll see when I'm zoomed in you literally can't see that top box unless you look up nobody is going to be expecting you here jump from this box and mantle up here this is another great spot the people pushing from that door are going to be looking lower not higher so you have a nice angle on them and then now you have the pit push if you hop up on this wall the entire Left Flank if you back up far enough on the wall you can see it all of top broken you can even see inside the L plane and then a little bit of top L plane if they're pushing from the other side jump up on top of these barrels and then on this side of the pallet you have a nice little head glitch for the flank towards B on this side on top of these pallets a nice off angle is on top of this ledge a fast way to top L plane as well if you jump up on top of the green crate you can just mantle up on this side you have to aim for the middle CU if you hit it on the right it's not going to let you up and I'm pretty sure it's a long mantle every time so just aim towards the middle oh that was actually short one so if you aim towards the Middle look up or look down it's a nice way to mantle up top and that's going to be it for scrapyard spots now onto skid Road one of the better spots for watching flank yall know you can get up on top of that awning there but this entire brick ledge here allows you to watch the tunnel flank and if you strafe out far enough to the left you can see all of the top water tower a nice jump spot from this side of the water tower if you jump on top of this orange thing right here and then on the pallets you can jump up on the right however a lot of people especially on the other side will push those blue doors and hold this corner I sit here all the time and I watch the hop up I feel kind of sad that I'm exposing this cuz it's going to make me die from from that spot but if you jump up on the right side of this pallet and then go left it's a way for you to mantle up top while being pretty much unseen from that spot and you can really get pretty far strafe jump you'll see this wall is here and nobody would expect kind of a mantle up top and then a chow towards that right corner all of these windows right here I don't have anybody in my Lobby so you're going to have to trust me but if you look on the bottom part of these windows you can see red dots through them not going to be terribly consistent but if you're trying to watch the flank from the blue doors as long as you're on the very bottom ledge the white part of the window you're able to see a diamond if you strafe jump towards the left side of that pallet you can get a one mantle that goes up here which is a little bit faster but like we were talking about earlier it's still vulnerable from that push right there a spot that I've been loving recently especially since this the hardpoint on P1 if you crouch along this wall it gives you a head glitch towards the inside of fire I haven't tested if you're able to hold the hardpoint from here I think you have to be kind of in the window let me go ahead and plant B stretching for this side if you jump on top of this while that door is open you're able to see the push from middle into the bomb site if you angle yourself you can see the left alley as well as that push on the far right side into the bomb site a lot of people don't know you can hop up on top of this great and it's a nice little off angle to keep you up tall if you want to Chow the back alley you can do so from an even higher angle you can check the bomb either from this window here or if you crouch and look just right you can see it through this little crack in the wall right there a great off angle if you see that ledge right there you jump on this you have the entire push from mid you have Top Apartments the only place they can come is from Back Alley or jumping out your right window without you seeing them the important part you need to know is to not aim farther than this brick wall right here cuz if you do that you'll fall off the ledge like that go to the bottom mid building if you hop up on top of this ledge you're able to look through the grates and you can see the bottom mid push if you hop up on the bomb here you can jump into this corner if you crouch you can look at your push from fire and if you turn around let's say you have the bomb planted here you're lit just hard aiming it you're pretty exposed if they do check fire coming from the other direction you can hop up on top of what I think is a light that way you can headglitch the mattress looking towards the uh the steps similarly on top of these barrels you can do the same thing pushing out towards the playground if you hop up on top of this wall here you can mantle to be up top there's a great off angle from here underneath a dumpster you're able to shoot into top fire that way same thing with that left window then from inside the barber shop there's of course this deep Corner that goes way up high this is a nice spot for that hardpoint as well from all the way back here in the spawn you can jump up on top of these crates and if you jump it's a nice way to check the tunnel if you go even further back and then Crouch another longer line of sight towards that tunnel and that will do it for skid row now on the terminal The Hop outside of the map is now patched so there's no way to hit it even with one of the barriers they totally patch that jumping up on this ledge right here you can jump up on either side of the wall what you want to do is Crouch before falling down on this pot right here and then you have a nice head glitch that looks over the entirety of the B push you can go further back towards the spawn on this planner and then from the planner you can even hop up on top of this ledge it's a nice spot to watch the B bomb although it's a little bit harder of a jump to get into also when you get up on this wall you can push towards this side now if you plant the B bomb in this further Corner closest to the esis then you can check it from here you just have to be careful that it can't be stretched from the esis another great way to play be post plant with us being top third a great head glitch is from this side of this AC vent you can look at the entire BR cross as well as cockpit if you hop up on this AC and lay down you can see all of book all of Dreams cross and then even some of B there are Ledges on the outer part of white if you happen to know somebody's in there you can fall down and then challenge them from a head glitch here you need to know the quick hop up to top third which would be here and then up you can even mantle on this railing earlier and then it's a faster hop from top third you can also jump on this ledge back up as far far as you want to look at the back esys push we're going further back into the spawn you can jump up on this ledge and if you angle yourself just right you can see top esis as well as Hedges through this bush right here on the flashier side you can actually jump on these TVs right here with a little bit of a strafe from the top ladder you can jump on top of the planers here and if you turn around well first I should show you have a head glitch towards the plane if you turn around you can go on top of the other planers and even jump towards the TVs on this side as well as well as that one up here not a crazy amount of information from up here but it's a flashy little off angle that nobody's going to expect this spot here will definitely get a patch soon but if you go underneath the plane kind of jump your head through this part you're able to see into the plane and even look at a bomb definitely a glitch spot I would avoid using this in Wagers or anything like that but if you play pubs or just want to get flashy you can see through a lot of the plane on that part also if you're trying to flank low plane and hit a slide just right you can slide for extra long simply because it's not tall enough for you to stand up all the way so let you slide extra long underneath if you angle yourself just like this you can actually see the crack from elbow towards plane something else people don't know is that you can head glitch top third also if you jump up on these boxes you can easily check the cockpit to see if anybody's camping land down in here or anything like that from these stairs if you jump up on this side you get a nice little jump spot towards top third to see if anybody's playing there on the other side if you hit a little jump from here you get to hang onto this ledge you can Crouch walk to the other side that allows you to push from the left side of the windows rather than being stuck pushing from the elbow in terms of plant spots if you go here you can jump and look through the entire plane if you stretch that a bomb towards kind of the center aisle of the plane you can jump up a check from there if you break the glass you can hop up on this ledge and you can walk along this entire ledge you can slowly walk your way across now from this orange ledge you can check underneath plane or you can even turn around and have an angle towards mid using the same Ledges on this side is kind of a more consistent way to hit this window flank and that's going to do it for all the spots on terminal and all the spots in the competitive map set of Modern Warfare 3 if you want to see more like this especially in more maps let me know with a like or a subscribe you have to subscribe if you learn something as well but thank you for watching I'll catch you next time at Lun time
Channel: LunchTime
Views: 125,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mw3, mw3 jump spots, mw3 god spots, mw3 spots, mw3 lines of sight, mw3 competitive spots, mw3 spot, lunchtime, lunch time, mw3 competitive, modern warfare 3, modern warfare iii, mw3 cdl, mw3 search and destroy, mw3 snd, movement tips, mw3 movement, movement mw3, god spots, lines of sight, jump spots, cod, call of duty
Id: jezCuT2n_wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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