MODERN Mega Iron Factory Tour in Satisfactory

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I love seeing these builds people are doing with the new update. I’m waiting for the Early Access release on Tuesday. I’m gonna do a brand new play through and I’ve got a ton of ideas inspired by all these builds people have posted.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Earthserpent89 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2021 🗫︎ replies
well hello everyone and welcome back to  another satisfactory video today we're   going to be looking at a iron factory that  i've been working on for the past couple days   making it an update 5. so if you don't know update  5 has added so many different building features   to the game that allows us to really just be a lot  more creative with our factories and i really just   want to show you the factories that i have been  making so we have our power factory which i will   do in another video and i'm also doing our iron  factory which i just got done with today so let's   go through and let me show you the factory so for  me the best way to experience the size of these   factories is really taking off your hover pack  and then really just walking around the factory   so that's what we're going to do so our first  entrance is here we're using these sliding doors   which i absolutely love i really use those all the  time for any entrances into any of the factories   at this point so when you first walk in you're  really just gonna see all the glossy floors i'm   using these a lot in this factory and what you  can see here is just some of the building and   factory information so here to run this factory  at a hundred percent efficiency we need 3690   iron ore needed per minute to make everything  run efficiently we have over 200 constructors   and then 123 smelters 42 assemblers and with this  we're making 210 reinforced iron plates now this   factory is making reinforced iron plates is the  main thing but then we're also making plates rods   and also screws so almost anything at the start  of the game is what we're making right now so   this first room here is actually screws so  here's where we're making all the screws   and here's what i'm actually going to put on  the jetpack and then fly around so you can get   a better idea of layout so here we're actually  going to bring ores in from down low which this   isn't connected and we're actually going to  bring them in and then we're going to make   uh no they shouldn't be connected um we're  going to make screws so obviously rods here   and then convert those into screws and then  those will go up to the second floor and this   entire factory is three floors tall so this  is a very tall building and then if we come   up onto this platform here we can see a lot of  the new stuff that we have with update 5 as well   are the clearances they have kind of let you run  free with clearances with different items now   so we don't have to worry about interfering with  any buildings or equipment with like our walkways   those don't really matter you can't clip if you  want i always try to make everything as close as   possible without clipping but what this room  is making are the reinforced iron plates now   i did make a video on this layout so i'm not  going to go into it and showcase it too much   on how these plates work and the layout but this  will make 10 reinforced iron plates per minute so   five for each assembler and then you can actually  see again we're three floors tall we're going to   take those reinforced iron plates and then bring  them down into the sorting area below which again   we will get to but all these rooms look like  this so there are three rooms of this tall   and there are seven long so and each one is  a six by six so we're using a lot of space   and then in this room is here we're making our uh  iron plates so this entire run is just going to   be making iron plates and again you can see that  we have walk away here just so we can actually   from the walkway we can see how our smelters are  running once everything is fully connected these   factories are not fully up and running because  once i make the train station to collect all the   ores then we'll go into actually making it all run  but everything is connected to make it run it's   just mainly adding power to it um and then adding  the words itself which i don't think will be an   issue all right so that's pretty much what this  is we can see that we have our conveyor underneath   the walkway keeping it very very simple we can see  that with these floor foundations that we're just   keeping everything so clean with these new hole  uh in the foundations whatever they're called   but it's just keeping it so clean once again  seeing these doors i'm using those everywhere   one thing i love is that with the offset of the  door with the railing you actually see here that   i'm offsetting this walkway inside the room but  you can't tell with that because of this door   it covers up that gap which i absolutely love and  you can't walk through it which is even better so   being that i said this is three taller you can see  that we have all the ores coming in down low and   going to their respective floors so again that's  why we need so many ores coming in so i'll just   kind of fly down this entire run and we'll get  onto the main floor itself and let's put back on   our blade runners and run a little  bit faster so again seeing these   new additions to the walkway and everybody they  call them but like overlays onto the foundations   looks so great so when we get down to the other  end we come to the second entrance so again the   same items that we showcase on the far side we're  showcasing here so again 3690 iron ore needed   per minute over 200 constructors 123 smelters  42 assemblers 210 reinforced plates a minute   we're showcasing here along with the building  information showcasing the signs here will take   us down to the sorting area which we'll get to  i don't want to showcase it yet but then if we   go up to the second floor here's where things  could become a little bit different on the left   side which was our right side on the way here one  we are having a what do they call that thing uh i   forgot what they call it but we have that to get  coupons so if we have any overflow it will send   that into there so we can actually gain coupons as  we go so here i'm gonna put back on our hover pack   so here is the storage for all of the reinforced  or not reinforced there's iron plates iron rods   and screws here's where we have all the storage  so on the left we're actually going to have   i believe the far left will be rods middle will be  screws and then the far right will be our plates   so here you can see that we're using these frames  to really make our conveyor kind of hung from the   ceiling running all the way down you can see that  we have a lot of storage containers so it should   hopefully take a long time for any of this to fill  up but then also we are going to export stuff from   this factory into other factories as well so  here you can see that we're taking the screws   from our second floor which let's try to get down  there second floor making screws again same layout   as the first floor and we're just gonna bring  those in and merge all of them together to make   one smooth factory so we're kind of back at where  we started but now if we go up to the third floor   kind of the same thing on the left side again  making our reinforced iron plates those are the   same rooms all the way up and down but here we're  actually on the right side now making our rod so   you can see the layout's a little bit different  because we don't need as many smelters because   with the plates you need one smelter for every  constructor to keep it at 100 efficiency but with   our smelters you need two constructors to just run  it more efficiently because each one to make rods   takes 15 per minute which the smelters can produce  30. so obviously you cut that in half and that's   why we have less smelters compared to constructors  and it just works out nice and clean and i'd love   this view right here from this factory because  it just looks so cool overlooking that entire   swamp biome like i feel like there's just so many  good colors with this new glass i love how clear   it looks i think it's just a great feature and now  we're back over on the far side again and here let   me show you what the back of the building looks  like because the front of the building actually   is a little bit more wide here we're not as wide  because we had to kind of watch out for the rocks   on our left side um but here's what the factory  looks like on the backside again i think it looks   so good i just love how this factory looks it took  probably over 10 times of me restarting to find a   design that i liked and what we're going to do is  fly back over to the far side because while i do   like coming down here i like starting at the other  end more because i feel like it gives you a better   scale of the storage facility okay so it is  becoming night time but we're back to the front   of the building so what we're gonna do is go down  and we're gonna start where the garage area is   so again you can see the garage area very very  clean very simple we have enough room for two   explorers or three even a tractor the big tractors  would be too big here but we're not really using   those to import anything because we're gonna bring  those in with conveyor belts from a train station   so that's why i'm not too worried about that so  here we're at the very lowest point of this map   um or not of the map but of the factory and  here we can see where we're bringing in all   of the iron that we need because if we go into  this room you can see that we need so much iron   i mean you saw from that room that we need 3600  iron so what we're doing is just bringing all   that in from these different areas but i try to  keep it as clean as humanly possible so really   it's using all mark iv belts because it actually  exceeds the amount that we need which allows us   to then actually use some of the splitting to then  feed into others so that's kind of the idea here   is really just kind of oh i need to connect that  am i missing something i think i'm missing one   piece so i'll need to fix that but if you run  all the way down you can see that we're now   at the other end of the factory where we have all  of these storage containers that we will be using   which it goes i can't even get back there maybe  i have to go up above um which here's where we're   gonna be bringing in all of the iron from the  train station so that's when we get that hooked   up it's gonna stay underground and then we are  just gonna connect everything and everything will   start running right away and you can see we're  feeding all this conveyor if we just write it all   the way down you can see just how organized all  of this is we're using these beams just to support   conveyor i think it looks really clean but then  we're also just at different elevations as well   so just kind of going all the way down to the  other end you can tell we're switching biomes   with how the fog interacts but then if we go  over to the other side where we first started   again i'm gonna go all the way down to the other  end where we started you can see that here's where   we started on the left side is where we're going  to actually bring in all of our reinforced iron   plates to store those so each one will showcase  a total of six storage containers for each of   the reinforced iron plate rooms and then on the  back so you can see where we're bringing in the   reinforced iron plates so just a run of elevators  running all the way down i love how this looks   i can't wait to see how it looks when it's  actually up and running but it's looking so clean   and then pretty much it's just a continuation  of all these rooms going all the way down   until we'll just keep going we get down  because we had an elevation change because   of some of the rocks that we were running into  so what we had to do was actually raise it up to   get rid of these industrial storage containers  you can see that we're changing elevations here   so instead of having the industrial storage  containers we go down to these smaller ones   and then we just keep bringing these all the  way down and then when we actually need to get   rid of these iron plates and take them to another  factory what we're gonna do here is bring them out   and come out this side and then we'll take them to  wherever we need and that is the idea here so one   thing i almost forgot i was actually just getting  ready to end the video was actually how we're   going to get rid of all the excess iron ore that  we have so and convert it into the awesome sink   because i believe on the awesome sink you can't  just put ore into it so what i'm doing is with   any excess ore and overflow we have this program  splitter that will then tell it to come into here   where we will just make iron ingots so we have  i believe five or six smelters that will just   convert all the excess iron ore that we have and  then it will take it all the way down and into the   awesome sink so a lot of the items that we have so  for making plates we have an overflow feature of   that which will take it into the awesome sink  same thing for the screws same thing for the   iron plates the only thing that we don't have it  hooked up to are the excess reinforced iron plates   because i really don't think we're gonna run into  that issue but yeah this is the idea this is the   factory i think it turned out extremely well i  can't wait to get iron hooked up to it and just   see it running in full capacity because this is  going to be an amazing sight to see how it runs   and so far these are the best factories i've ever  built with this new update 5 building features   if you've got inspiration and you like this video  please like and subscribe because it really does   help the channel and it helps other people  find the channel as well so those likes and   subscribers really do help the channel guys so  if you do like these please subscribe and share   with your friends and yeah if you want to see the  other videos of my other factories like this power   one uh that will be coming up soon so be on the  lookout for that and thank you for watching guys
Channel: Createin
Views: 32,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Createin, builds, tutorial, createingaming, #satisfactorygame, satisfactory, satisfactorygame, satisfactory early access, mega factory, modern factory, satisfactory factory design, iron factory, factory design, best satisfactory build, mega build factory, imkibitz, satisfactory amazing build, satisfactory update 5, update 5 builds
Id: giPgZ6_6tAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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