Modern Family | Alex’s Competition for Valedictorian Heats Up on the Track

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Well, it looks like you both have the same gym grade, but I do see here that neither of you have completed this semester's mile run. We were at a debate tournament. Which we won thanks to me. Oh, please. After your long winded summation on euthanasia, people wanted to kill themselves. Enough. We will do a make up race. And whoever wins gets to be valedictorian. You're on. This is crazy. Are we all so obsessed with being number one that we can't just celebrate this moment? Yeah. I mean, it's the end of their senior year. They're both into great colleges. They should be off celebrating, playing hooky, going up to the lake house to go skinny dipping with their friend's older brother who's home from college. Let's keep this general Claire. The point is, these are two amazing kids. We should be celebrating them both. We're not surprised. You would think that. Great. Wait. What? Every parent wants to believe that their child can compete with Sanjay. But Alex can compete with Sanjay. That's why we're here. Sanjay was forming full sentences at 13 months. Alex had a poem published in highlights magazine when she was five years old. It was called Mr. Lamb Buys a Ham. But really, it was about the Holocaust. When he was 16, Sanjay was the highest ranked chess player in the state. When Alex was 15, she discovered a mistake in her taxes. We owed a lot more money than I realized. Yes, we're very impressed with how much Alex has been able to accomplish given her background. You know what? You're right. Let's settle this out on the track. All right, coach Tucker, I'm assuming we can count on you to officiate. Well, now, normally, I don't like to be the center of attention. Fine. I'll get someone. Else. I said I would do it. Alex's uncle cannot possibly be considered an impartial judge. I'm the. Gym teacher. Who else has the training to oversee this? Anyone with a stopwatch? Okay, you know what? No need to humiliate me. May the best child win. Oh, she will. Consider this moment gauntleted. Is that a word? Hold your head up like it is. Vocabulary is mostly a matter of confidence. Sanjay, what are you doing here? What are those? Ankle weights? Okay. Wrist weights. Why are you here? Look, tomorrow it's all going to be over. Everything we've been working for since we started school. So I wanted to come by and say thanks. I'm not a doctor yet, but it seems like you're having some sort of brain episode. No. I'm serious. Thank you for pushing me. You know how hard it's been to keep up with you my whole life? Uh, I have my GPA because of you. I got into Stanford because of you. Uh, I'll admit, I did spend about a few hundred extra hours trying to be better than you. I'm gonna miss this when we go to college. Yeah, I guess I'll miss this, too. I like you. Okay. I mean, like like like how Pierre Curie liked Marie Curie. Oh, I'm sorry, I went too far. You smell pretty. I should go. All right, kids, four laps. First one to finish wins. It's not rocket science, unfortunately for you. Because I think you'd find that easier. Are you nervous? Come on, Alex, you can do it. I ran six miles the morning you were born. You came out of the womb ready for this! Sanjay, you're 115 cousins are rooting for you. Why are you ignoring me? All right, on your mark. Look, I didn't mean to weird you out yesterday. Stop it. I'm not falling for these little mind games. Get set. It's not a game. It's how I feel. I said enough, Sanjay! Run! Sanjay! What's happening? He must know something. We don't stop running. Alex, it's a trap! What are you doing? I was telling the truth yesterday. I don't care if I lose valedictorian. If it'll prove that I really like you. Are you serious? Yes. Please don't laugh at me. I'm. I'm feeling very exposed with my skinny legs. I like your legs. You do? Well, I love your hair and your smile. And the way you roll your beautiful brown eyes when someone gets an answer wrong. I don't understand what's going on. Why isn't he running? He spent $1,200 on a Skype session with Usain Bolt. I feel like we're about to kiss. Are we about to kiss? Cause I've never really. Oh my God, they're kissing. Sanjay! What are you doing? Get away from her! Oh! So cute. He seems quite skilled at it. Okay. That's enough, I think. I think we can dial it back. So co-valedictorians it is. I missed a tile demo at Home Depot for this, but good for you.
Channel: Peacock
Views: 411,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: peacock, peacock streaming service, peacocktv, Modern Family, Modern Family Alex, Alex Dunphy, Modern Family Alex valedictorian, Modern Family valedictorian race, Modern Family Alex competes for valedictorian, best of Alex Dunphy, modern family alex kiss, ariel winter, modern family clips, modern family best scenes
Id: 7SfjDWZubzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 54sec (294 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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