Modern Cutting Board

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[Music] all right cutting board so recently i made a whole video on cutting board 101 the steps that go into making a big old chopping block style cutting board all the steps that you would need for a cutting board but more than just this one style there's plenty of styles with cutting boards and so this video it's going to explore this triangular finger grip so smaller boards this is more of a cheese board maybe it could still work as a cutting board it could be a charcuterie board a breadboard but adding a triangle adds a little bit of interest as opposed to just the circle i actually saw this idea in a rockler catalog about a year ago i'm like oh i want to pull that off so instead of you know batching out a bunch where you have to cut each individual one and sanding it making a jig right so just a simple jig that can pull off that triangle for repeatability using a flush trim bit so this video i walk you through how to make a jig to batch out triangular grip uh cutting boards so these are the steps uh include some measurements if that's helpful to you uh but again if you're looking for all the steps for the cutting board make sure you check out that cutting board 101 video uh but here let's check out how to make a jig for a triangular finger grip all right so obviously you need a jig to pull this off so this is my first iteration it's just some scrap wood so you just need scrap plywood just some flat stuff doesn't have to look pretty i mean obviously this doesn't look super pretty but you know something to pull with your fingers you got your triangle and then like a little fence uh for this one i'm gonna use some nicer stuff but again just any kind of scrap wood so uh go ahead lay down some measurements make some drills make some cuts and we'll make the jig so i do recommend starting with some thicker stock maybe about three quarter inch plywood this is some thinner stuff get more into that a little bit later but i started with a six inch by six inch square some scrap pieces to act as kind of the lip or a fence if you will and this is my first iteration of the jig it doesn't have to look fancy but then uh right here i marked off these are where i mark my holes so for my purposes i did one and one-eighth inch and then two and a half inches you can convert to metric or however you want it to look uh but this just gives you an idea of where you're gonna have the the center of your hole so you're gonna be drilling out these holes so here i am i'm marking off that one and one-eighth inch and then i'm marking off two and a half inches so whatever that number is for you you just mark it off with a pencil and where those lines intersect uh you want to use an awl or i'm using my duress to ice pick here i just want to make sure that you have that dead center so it just looks a little bit more locked in and then once you have your holes you're going to drill it so i'm using a half inch drill bit here you can use a forstner bit or another another drill bit but you just want to make sure as that point you could use a cordless drill you don't have to have a drill press and so just go ahead and drill out those holes once you have those three holes drilled you want to connect the dots you want to kind of stretch that line just like so so that kind of gives you an idea of what it's going to look like but getting those three holes that's that's where you really want to take your time with the measurements for for trimming out the inside you want to use a jigsaw you could use a scroll saw but a jigsaw or a coping saw would work here as well it's just um be careful here right so this is your jig you want to make this triangle needs to look awesome so all your future triangles look awesome if you feel really confident just cut straight on that line otherwise you know kind of sneak up and you can work on sanding up to the line a little bit later down below i just have two two holes where i already marked it off and i got my points this is gonna be where the fingers go again this this doesn't matter as much this is just have your hand safely back so just kind of get a feel for for where you want that to be you could see on my first iteration earlier it was just the messed up triangle that i started with but you got your two two points and then just drill it out i'm using a one inch drill bit here just for two circles on either end makes a smile hello and then just kind of connect those lines again so once again this is for the hand to hold the jig while you're at the router table to have your hand safely back and so you can use the jigsaw in here you don't have to be super you know super careful locked in here this one doesn't matter as much alright so once you have the holes drilled and you've done your jigsaw work it's time to really refine that shape the triangle especially that's what matters this little finger grip you don't really care because this is going to get the flush trim bit this needs to be perfect or exactly what you want it to look like on your final product so it's time to sand it so i have a bench top unit with the oscillating spindle is a great tool and i can really refine it you don't have to have one of these tools though i know you the dremel is a great option so this rotary tool you have your little sanding drum you can use that as well this is under 25 so a lot more affordable these do leave burn marks however you don't care if there's burn marks on your product this isn't the final product this is just the jig so that's an option you also have a pencil and sandpaper you wrap it and you just you know sand or you can use dowels right so there's certainly other options but at this point before adding the fences you do want to make sure that this looks exactly how you want it to look like maybe afterwards you know trace it on paper and see is that the shape you want so really refine that triangle and then you're good to go so let's sand refine that triangle so you do want to clean it up uh you can clean it up with a spindle here and just working my way through just making sure that that triangle looks great because again whatever this triangle whatever this shape looks like that's what all of your future shapes will look like when you use the jig so take your time here just really refine that to the look that you want for the hand hold it doesn't matter as much just make sure it's comfortable all right so attaching these uh these fences or these stops on the side you can use ca glue but if you're going to use thin stock like i am here do not use just ca glue you want to use wood glue so i'll talk more about this in a little bit but you know that my first my first version was three quarter inch and this worked fine with ca glue but if you're using thinner stock here it's not quite strong enough so again we'll talk more about that in a second but here you can see what what it should look like right it's just going to be the lip where it can sit just so on the cutting board and so take your cutting board and it just nests right in there you can see how you're going to hold it but then you want to take a pencil and you want to mark out on your your board where do you want the triangle to go and so go ahead place it on mark it out because you do need to remove some material before you actually use the jig so all right that looks good and then you do want to go ahead and drill out so be really careful here uh you want to not go up to the line right you can be really close can sneak up and then you know you are going to take out some of the material most of it um don't leave a ton of of you know excess material in there but don't go too far that you go over the line so it doesn't have to look pretty here because the flush trim bit so the flush trim bit on the right the spiral one is really what i recommend it's just a lot nicer cuts cleaner it's a little bit safer but here you can see there's a little bit a little bit more material in there but it still does the trick so you want to hold it down just so and then just work your way over be really careful with the router table taking your time go nice and easy if you really wanted to be extra safe you could use some carpet tape underneath this some double stick tape that would work as well but if if you have a good jig that's strong and safe you don't need that again we'll talk more about that in a second but uh it just this that's real time right there uh just working your way around and then uh suck up all that sawdust and maybe do another past pass if you need to but then you pull it off and you're like okay that's pretty good it's pretty clean so if you take your time on that initial triangle it really does look nice you know a little bit of sanding left to do but there you can see it that's it in action with that flush trim bit again i do recommend using a spiral a spiral flush trim bit i'll leave a link down below about that all right changing gears real quick because i got to talk about safety i just stopped working on it you can still see my mask mark here's the deal i've i've made a ton of these triangle grips with with this jig i wanted to make a new jig for the video oh this is pretty but look what happened right so i was just it's just being held by ca glue now ca glue is amazing right it's incredible stuff but you see how thin that is all right that that's not a lot of uh you know material or surface area for it to adhere and that is so much strain as you're pulling it and if you really pull on it it's just gonna pop off so it popped off for me it was a little sketch so please please please please be safe uh sometimes we get these ideas for how to batch something out so i don't have to go and cut each individual uh triangle hold but if you're gonna do this jig which i still think you should i still think you can totally do it safely maybe go for the three-quarter inch plywood don't do you know this you know pretty pretty little stuff that's like basically three-eighths of an inch uh go with the thicker stuff and then sometimes what i do when i use ca glue i'll actually add a little bit of wood glue i'll have a bead of wood glue and then i'll have ca on the sides and maybe just wait uh we're always in a rush to finish quickly but you do want to make sure that this is not coming off um a good bit does make a big difference other part of the problem on this one right i i left a little bit too much room just because these amazing bits can take away material so easily doesn't mean you should put such a strain on the bit so when you are you know cutting in up to the line and such uh do make sure do make sure that you get you get pretty close don't leave a lot of material there uh especially if you're working with some harder stock hard maple uh you know oak other things that's gonna make a difference so again i just just wanted to stop and be real we make mistakes owning it but i would hate for anyone to have a disaster where they injured themselves so router is an incredible tool but it is equally if not more dangerous than the table saw respect your tools take your time but especially on something like this where you're going to put that much strain maybe some wood glue in addition to the ca glue and just make sure it's a really strong jig all right back to it back to the boards back to the triangle grips so here you can see it with that thicker stock again i do recommend making it with some three-quarter inch uh again it's the same idea here if you're if you're at all nervous maybe add some carpet tape but i have done it safely but again just respect the tool and be careful after after you've got it all down you do want to add some edge profiles so i like doing round overs it feels nice you could do chamfers for a fully modern look but the round over just feels feels really nice so that's what i go for you can see what it looks like with the round over and uh pretty happy with it so this is just a really cool look it's different it's unique and so it adds some character to your board a little bit of a modern feel and here you can see just this small batch right small batch of five and using this jig made it that much quicker to get five triangle finger grips as opposed to doing each and every one and then of course jumping ahead to adding some finish don't forget that cutting board 101 video if you need to see any extra steps on on how to make a cutting board but uh here's the jig and and there you have it all right there you have it uh batching out triangular finger grips using a jig so again like i said in the video try not make it with a thin stock i did go back and use wood glue uh but you know maybe add some fasteners just be safe with it uh any kind of work with a flush trim bit you always want to be extra safe i do have some other styles right so a charcuterie board this is one in works in in progress um you can see some different handles so there's plenty of possibilities for uh cutting boards chopping boards charcuterie boards i do have a video about this if you enjoyed this if this was helpful to you uh despite the the big epic whoopsie daisy safety first uh please consider subscribing i'm gonna do a lot more projects like this uh all kinds of sawdust shenanigans uh but for this video i really hope that that did help you if you wanted to pull off this look to get that triangle uh make a jig jigs are fun they're they're easy way for repeatability obviously you could use a cnc but not everyone has a cnc and it's kind of fun to problem solve so anyway make a cutting board get creative and as always have fun take care everyone
Channel: Six Eight Woodworks
Views: 85,369
Rating: 4.923852 out of 5
Keywords: cutting board, cutting board designs, cutting board handles, cutting board styles, modern cutting board, cheese board, cheese board diy, cheese board ideas, how to make a cheese board, cutting board jig, cutting board handle jig, flush trim router jig, woodworking projects, woodworking projects to sell, woodworking projects that sell, woodworking project ideas, charcuterie board designs, cutting board diy, chopping board ideas, cutting board design ideas, woodworking jig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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