Model Railway News | July 2023 | New Locos Are On The Way!

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[Music] thank you [Music] hello there everybody sounds trains here welcome back to the railway and welcome back to the model Railway news as always I am coming at you with all of the hottest industry news from the month of July and as usual there's a lot to see this time particularly in terms of new models which are either out now or out pretty soon and we'll start off with an update from Rapido who have just revealed a large suite of decorated samples for their upcoming 15xx pannier tanks it looks as though pretty much the entire current range of panniers is included here my particular favorite though is this Great Western Green which really does look excellent but if you're interested in a perhaps less conventional Livery they've also got this very handsome looking NCB maroon which looks incredibly smart and yet very different from the pannier tank liveries that we usually see of course there's also the usual selection of BR black deliveries available too and they all seem to be finished off to a heist standards these come in at the retailers at 127 pounds 50 which is about the going rate for a loco of this size and looking at these models they will be well worth the wait Rapido have made another release as well that would be their new Great Western Laureate y wagons that means that both the Rapido and the Hornby Laureate wagons have now been delivered and the verdict is in in my opinion neither were fantastic I did a full comparison of both models and if you'd like to see it check the link up there both models look absolutely fine but on closer inspection both of them have design elements that call their massive prices into question clearly as usual both models had pros and cons although I did conclude that the Rapido model was the best in my opinion check the video out if you're interested they've also released the new great western toad break Vans which are available at retailers now in a small selection of different liveries in including this one in the engineers yellow again we get these very traditional liveries from Rapido but quite often they do just Chuck in a lesser scene one which is really interesting the price of these is 33 pounds 96 approximately at the retailers and if you're interested in any of this stuff I have included some affiliate links below for you up next there are more decorated samples to look at but this time from Acura scale who have revealed decorated samples for the hattons slash Acura scale class 66 which has been newly upgraded I believe I've discussed the range of liveries before but now of course we can see them physically painted and this makes this lovely 66 Model look even better than ever the Acura scale nuclear flask wagons have also arrived in stock which is really quite a turnaround as they were only announced around nine months ago but they are now available they're in packs of two for 74 pounds 95 each either from a curoscale themselves or from the retailers keep an eye on the channel for a review because I am hoping to cover one of these at some point and if you'd already like to try one I've popped an affiliate Link in the description for you up next dapple have made yet another fantastic steam release in double O scale it is this which is exclusive to rails of Sheffield and it's an example of dapple at their best despite being an extremely expensive piece of Kit this Loco really hit the mark looking brilliant and Performing excellently as you probably have seen I have a full review of this Loco and if you'd like to check it out I've popped a link up there of course I looked at the gray version but there is a whole host of other liveries available for this Loco each looks smarter than the last so do check those out if you're interested rails have also announced another brand new locomotive it is this the class 41 prototype hsdt power car the precursor to the HST that became so famous here in Britain the model is manufactured by Bachmann this time instead of dapple but it still has a very very high spec including a five-pole motor with twin shafts for all-wheel drive separate bearings and die cast metal gearboxes not plastic ones mind you so it sounds quality details include complex bogeys with lots of separate detailing a detailed under frame sprung buffers and a full Suite of lighting the prices start at 199 pounds 99 which though expensive does fall in line with rails of Sheffield's other exclusive releases and actually this price Compares reasonably favorably with Bachmann's General release locomotives do bear in mind though that unlike the Hornby hsts which come in packs of two as far as I can tell this is just a single pack you just get the power core there's no non-driven dummy included as far as I can tell it certainly doesn't say that on the product listing page this past month has been a very busy one for exclusive models because of course another one was delivered to the model Center or TMC the Loco is this the all-new backman G5 steam Loco and again my review of this Loco is already out so if you'd like to see it I've popped a link up there clearly this is a lovely logo with some gorgeous features such as a beautiful paint job intricate cab and really top of the industry performance but it also had one or two distracting issues including this rather obvious join between the two halves of the boiler on that particular boiler issue though I've had quite a bit of feedback from other people who have purchased the same model and they say that Ridge between the two halves of the boiler is nowhere near as noticeable on their models as it is on mine so that suggests that maybe the model just wasn't assembled properly if that's true that would make this particular issue an assembly issue and not necessarily a design issue so as long as you're reasonably lucky you can expect not to see that issue on any model that you might buy obviously there were other minor issues with the Loco but that I suppose was the most major one so if that issue is not consistent across all models then that is very good news for the model Center G5 this month there's been a fair amount of news from Hornby in both TT scale and double O scale so we'll start off with TT scale because they've revealed some quite detailed renders of their upcoming class 50 and 66 locomotives and frankly these simple photos do reveal quite a lot about the models they reveal that the class 50 is to have etched metal handrails which is a high quality feature for such a small Loco it's going to have separately fitted steps and fan grills which also appear to be etched and that the class 66 also has a wealth of separately fitted detailing including etched grills here too on the roof above the cabs they've also revealed the first shots from the class 50 tooling which is a rare Insight frankly and this again shows a vast Suite of separate detailing as well as what appears to be a heavy looking die-cast chassis which appears to allow for all Wheels on the model to be driven so here we have a TT scale locomotive considerably smaller than what you'd expect to see in double O yet it seems to be packing in all of the same features as we see in double O whether it will truly contain all of the features that we enjoy in double O is yet to be seen but these photos are good evidence that it will do up next some longer awaited news on the Hornby class 2mt in double O scale news on this Loco has been in very short supply over the past couple of years it was announced ages ago and we really haven't heard anything about it for a good long time well that has changed this month because Hornby have finally shared an update in the form of these decorated samples of the models and Frank believe they look absolutely stunning the 2mt is quite a complex Loco in that there's a lot of pipe work on the outside of the body and yet these models seem to capture that complexity just fantastically these are not massive Locos and yet the level of detail and complexity in their Bodywork is just crazy in my opinion cannot wait to see how these actually turn out you can order these models at the retailers now or pre-order them there are 196 pounds 11 so very very expensive but I think now that we've seen the sheer complexity in these models the higher price does make a bit more sense so actually I think that's done a lot to change people's opinions on the models still expensive don't get me wrong but at least that seems to be a good reason for that expense that said we haven't seen the quality and the features of the final release so hopefully these areas of the model will match the price as well as the detail does also Hornby have posted this update on their P2 project and it seems as though the model is in full production as we speak they've shared these fantastic production photos which show The Painted bodies with a wonderful finish on them at least part of the bodies we've got the back end of the boiler here really high quality looking Parts as well and you can also see the fleet of tenders these Locos have sold out in many places unfortunately but you can still pre-order them here and there the model Center has them available for instance for 229 pounds and four Pence obviously an awful lot of money fingers crossed they will be worth it for now though that is all of the news I have for you here in July I hope you enjoyed it please do comment down below and let me know what you're most excited about and as always if I've missed something out that you think deserves a mention again please do comment down below and let me know and I will consider it for next month for now though have a great summer I will see you next month for some more update for now though you take care enjoy these wonderful new models that do keep coming by the looks of things and I'll have a new video for you very soon alright cheers everybody foreign
Channel: Sam'sTrains
Views: 28,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samstrains, model, trains, hornby, steam, tri-ang, 00 gauge, railway, diesel, class, review, unboxing, bachmann, layout, H0
Id: PbAvPOc_EJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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