Model Morning Routine | Breakfast, Skincare, Hair | Romee Strijd

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[Music] [Music] morning guys so today today that Lawrence is going to fill my morning routine first thing I start with is water of course I've tried to finish a whole quest when I wake up because I'm always so thirsty so the first thing I do is rinse my face with cold water to wake myself up so this morning I'm doing a super simple breakfast it only takes like one minute and we're staying in a hotel so I brought my own things this is coconut yogurt with mango taste these are red berries and this is a mix of hemp seeds chia seeds and flax seeds I just love coconut yogurt so much because this one also has it's called coconut Cove and it has a really nice probiotic blend and probiotics are really good for the gut and I take like three to four spoons and now I'm gonna add my homemade hemp sea chia seed flax seed mix and make it always my home and bring it in a little container it's a lot of protein and chia seeds and flax seeds have a lot of fun I take like three to four spoons I put it over there your works and then I top it with a lot of red fruits so now my breakfast is done I take my phone off airplane mode and I take some time to like watch it messages whatever emails and during my breakfast so the thing that I've been trying lately is dry brushing because I've heard is really good for like into the drainage and it's also really good for blood flow and it's really important you always brush towards your heart so I always start with my ankles and I just go upwards and they say it also helps I love it like Sunday night and I do my belly towards my heart arms and you do this before you shower because all the dead cells in me shower off now when you hear you brush this way because your brush to watch the heart that's done [Applause] [Music] I just came out of the shower and now it's time to brush my teeth we're using this Trader Joe's truth face at the moment with baking soda and there right now it's that to brush my hair and I love this brush because it's not like one of those hard brushes that this choice your hair so either this one or like a tight little teaser it's really good for your hair and then as you guys know I use Kisumu hair oil in the ends of my hair like three drops I think just immense because if that put it too much on top my hair gets to flip and they're too like some boolean knots time to start with the skin care and I'm obsessed with this augustin Vader I used a rich creamy also I have the regular formula is called the cream and then I put this in my hand and I add a little bit of the Clarins drops I always do it it gives you like a little bit of a glow 3 maybe 4 tips it was 5 and I just mix it in my moisturizer to make sure you put it everywhere and also a little bit in your neck because you don't want a 10 phase and appeal neck this cream just feels really hydrating I'm really a little bit not it's time to do some body lotion really important to keep your skin hydrated especially as a lingerie moment this one is really nice because it's super clean and it's just super moisturizing but not too like I don't like it when it's sticky so after my moisturizer I use this eye cream from Plata foam I also feel like this moisturizer concealer before glow as you can see so after that I'm using this SPF from its clinical and I really like this one is really important to wear SPF even when it's winter I never knew I always thought you only have to wear sunscreen in the summer but apparently you also get a lot of like sunlight in the winter then you've seen this thing before I do my little scope thing sometimes I even put it in the freezer because it's a really nice feeling when it's cold there are a lot of different ways to do it I mean you have like headache or like a lot of pressure in here you can like do with this when you have like tension in your neck you can go like this and like press here you can go upwards if you want to lift you can go downwards if you want more of like a lymphatic drainage and because I go to work today I'm not gonna play any makeup but I always do some eyebrow gel and eyelash curler and they fall - I feel like it just gives you more of like an awakened look and I always brush my eyebrows upwards [Applause] and I'm using is Sisley lip balm now it's time to blow dry my hair I hope this one works I'm not the biggest fan of blow-drying my hair and the girls with long hair can probably relate because it takes for ever but it's done and now I just like to this is like a heated brush and I do the ends of my hair and a little bit this part because sometimes it just looks a little weird [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay and now I'm ready to get dressed okay guys I'm dressed I'm ready to go to work this was a little bit of a different video than we usually do but some of you requested so I was like let's give it a try let me know in the comments if you guys liked it and what else you would love to see you
Channel: Romee Strijd
Views: 4,033,291
Rating: 4.9290662 out of 5
Id: 1G0HZMRobZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 14 2019
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