Model Critique - SketchUp & Enscape Interior Rendering Workflow Tips and Tricks

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hey it's Joseph here my friend in UK has sent me a sketch of file for us to do a critique on the model itself it is not necessarily a design critique it's more of finding out best practices and some workflows that you might not have been aware of and also going over a couple of tips and tricks for you guys to see how I work so hopefully you'll find a couple of things that you did not know before and whilst watching this video if you have any questions or something that I kind of left out please leave a comment down below and I'll be happy to explain or just kind of discuss what is going on there first of all my friend's name is Karolina she lives in UK and her website is ca - homes dot Co dot uk' I'll leave a link in the description for you guys to follow as well so the file that I will be looking at is this file here the file name is entirely subjective however I don't really like including a date on to a file itself and because I don't really know this projects name I'm just gonna name it as my friend's name and I'm gonna start with a sequence of numbers so whenever I make a huge update to the model and then I'll do a save as and put a next number to it so it's gonna be Cara Lee na 0 - I am not necessarily going to save as every single time but this actually gives me sort of a milestone or timestamp for my files so with that out of the way I'm just gonna go double click it as we go through the file itself we're gonna do a little bit of archaeology as we don't know all the history behind this model only the thing that my friend has explained to me is that she had two days to work on this file and she was intending to do a n scape rendering off of this model to give it to her client so with those things in mind I'm gonna look into the model itself and it is apparent that she is still working in 2018 version which is not a problem but I would like to stay with the most current version when possible and I can immediately see that there are quite a few scenes that are set up especially for n scape and also quite a few layers system that is showing here and the first thing that I would like to do whenever I get handed over a model is to purge and because I already have the purge all extension I can go to extensions and purge but because I do this so often I already have assigned a shortcut of shift zero and that is going to give me urge all options by the way if you're wondering about my shortcuts I do have a video on that as well as I have a patreon page if you sign up I'll give you all the access and importable file for you to apply the shortcuts for your sketchup maybe later down the road I will also share importable shortcut file for Revit as well but for now it is only sketchup but i also have developed a package where it includes the description for each and every shortcut for you guys to understand why I am using that specific shortcut so that is available check it out in my description so I'm gonna go ahead and okay this and see how many things are approachable and notice how I am purging 114 one layer and 75 materials and three styles and I can okay that just to give you a comparison I don't imagine this is gonna be a lot but if I save as and then just pull up my desktop the first version was about 113 megabytes it is now down to 95 megabytes and as I go through a couple of more cleanup process this may go down even further I will look at the layers and actually I would like to turn on all the layers and see what is going on inside of this specific model so I'll do a zoom extent and see if there's any other geometry outside and also just to see what has been hidden I'll turn on hidden geometry and then I'll go in here and try and see if there is anything that has been hidden away so I can immediately see there is sort of a shell that is hanging out here so let me just kind of get rid of those shelves okay that's fine let me just turn off hidden geometry so that my computer is not struggling as much I'm gonna create one scene so I can just kind of look at everything clear especially when I'm working for an entire model I'm gonna set things up at 60 degree wide angle so I'm gonna hit Z once and 60 deg ENTER and things are gonna be much wider so that I can swim a lot easier inside of my model and then I'm just gonna arbitrarily set up model here I'm gonna create one view by right-clicking on that side and then ad and 2019 feature allows you to rename this easily on the scene temp so I'm just gonna say JK since it's me and then maybe it'll be a good time for me to say and by the way Karolina also has shared rendered images from the specific file so let's just go ahead and look at that so we can kind of gain what's going on here so the first view is looking outside looks like that is proxy here and some lights on a ceiling we can kind of work on that specific one and maybe turning this light on so that we have a bit more light on this side and the next one here things are looking a bit too white but that's sort of the design choice so I can't really do anything about that but I think we can gain something by adding a bit more dynamics in the back by turning on a few lights and same thing here those spotlights are not looking too good so we can work on that as well as maybe looking to turn these lights on I'm not sure if this one here is specific light that is coming from this shunned layer or the ceiling line so we'll look at that the other enter edges in the front is looking good maybe we can work on and these silhouette people because that's not necessarily nice so we may have to work on that so this is looking a lot nicer they're slightly yellow tone to this which is okay considering its residential interior space a bit artificial five May but I'm gonna leave most of the things white because that's more of a design choice we're here to do sort of the model critique more so than the design choices so I'll stay away from those and let's just dive in so from here I'm gonna immediately turn on n scape and by the way if she had used the most recent version of n scape and saved those presets into the file and I can kind of access those values as well so I'm gonna check that out first so if I go into here there's gonna be visual settings as well as general settings that has been changed in the most recent version so I'm going to click on visual settings and if there was anything in the specific file I can load preset load from project and there isn't anything other than this default settings so I'm gonna go ahead and just reset everything to default so I can work from the same settings as what you guys would work on something that I really like the look of is having a bit of outline so I'll just increase that to 20 percent and also whenever I capture I want to make sure I get it as a JPEG and there's automatic naming so I don't have to think of a view name every single time and then I just saved that into my desktop always so that's pretty much what I do except that I change things to Ultra HD and then I'll work up my way from those values so I'm just gonna save that as a preset into this project the name is JK again okay so next time if I need to work on this rendering I can go and load preset from a project and I'm gonna have this specific preset and load that afterwards so I'm gonna go ahead and save that again and then let's look at and scaped itself so with that I'm noticing immediately things are looking dark from outside it is because of all the contrast so if I just kind of going in a little bit so notice those lights in the ceiling that we wanted to work on so let me just set this up so that I can see the rendering on the left side and Sketch up onto the right let me just kind of close that off for now normally I would put this onto my second screen however you need to kind of see what I'm doing so I'm gonna leave it as a split screen so let me just kind of look at that scene here so I can immediately see there is something going on that is an emissive material I just color sampled it by holding down alt key on the paint bucket tool and then that is causing this sort of weird light effect let me double click that and then move that down bit so that is causing that sort of light bleeding effect I don't think this is a right workflow so I'm just gonna get rid of that one this is looking like a v-ray light yep so we're a spotlight we don't need that anymore and then it is looking sort of out of alignment in terms of the can line going on here so what I will do is I like the trim that has been worked here so I'm gonna maybe delete this and even not one two and then perhaps work off from this one so I'm gonna select the ring here I have a shortcut for selecting the curve by TomTom it's an extension and then I hit V and then select that and copy that come out of there paste it in place then let me see if I can create a face by doing so yep so with that and in that distance you can't really tell the difference so I'm just gonna push pull that make that into a group and then here I'm going to apply emissive value and that can be worked in differ way so I'm just gonna create a new material and then this is what I like to do and I do zero zero dots so that all the change value material stays on the top of the list so it this is going to be light emissive zero one so that's gonna be the first one and then apply the materiality and notice how that is coming out a bit more natural-looking and perhaps we need a bit more light coming from there actually shedding some light onto the scene so we're gonna go to escape objects and then I can do the spotlight if I just highlight over here normally if that is a curve a centreline should show up but in this case it isn't so I'll just kind of arbitrarily draw a line here and if I go here I can see that this is not being applied as a component so I'll just cut that and then go into this component specifically and paste in place ctrl shift V which is a custom shortcut that I have applied now all the components that are down lies are looking exactly the same I'm gonna come out of that if I click on page down I'll go to the next scene and then if I go to page up I come back to this scene and I actually don't really like those animation effects so I'm gonna go to model info animation and just turn that enable scene transitions so that I don't have any delays between the scenes as I do page up-and-down and because I want to put this cone into a separate layer I'm gonna go to extensions layer export and import by a tick I'm gonna import my layers list from the template I can also share this as a template and also the layer import/export file that you just saw into my patreon page any of you who's interested in that let me know so we'll just kind of work together so that is available for you as well so all the layers have come in I'm gonna go into this light so I can specifically select this cone only and then just put in as the lights and I'm gonna save that and then in the scene if I I like this notice how I can increase the intensity I'll just kind of bring it up and see if it has any effect into the scene yes it does by double-clicking it it doesn't really go back so I can just set down a specific value which is a thousand by default so that is fine I can close that one out so that the ceiling light is there let me just work on these three lights because I want to add some light in there as well in here I'm gonna go down into the specific lights there's something weird going on as I can see multiple cones into this light I'm not sure what is going on and inside I want to have emissive materials so the bottom of it actually appears lighting up [Music] there and then apply the same light material notice how that just turns on so that is more natural looking and then let's apply another type of spotlight in there and then that will shed light onto the surface let's just increase the intensity and see if it is in fact putting light in the scene yes it is so I'm gonna go back and put that right back in 2000 CD so that all the lights are same intensity okay so everything is looking much better in terms of light in this scene and the cabinetry is sort of the white matte finish so the marble is not really looking glossy as it normally does so marble zero one and then it is not receiving any reflection whatsoever and I'm going to the instigate materials and I'm gonna increase this roughness down to maybe here so you'll see that it becomes more reflective I don't know if that is maybe we've increased the reflection value a little bit more so changing roughness changes the reflection of the material okay so let's work on the cabinetry surface as well sample that there high-gloss kitchen so it is supposed to be shiny but the roughness is ninety so if I just take it down high gloss so high gloss is supposed to be high gloss so I'll just make it as reflective as possible so that is looking much better all right I'm gonna say that and then I'm gonna get rid of this shiny part because it wasn't really doing anything there let me just sample this one too so induction is normally glossy and that one is not looking glossy so I can't actually bring that down as well so that it is someone's more glossy or reflective surface like so alright the scene is looking much better with those settings this is looking almost not finished wood so we'll just give a little bit of Sheen to the wood itself so person in wood maybe that is supposed to be a little bit classier than that but roughness was dialed in as a hundred [Music] that is picking up nice gloss there that is good in this case I don't know if we should have this person rotating off of her knees so we can actually change that so we'll work on that for a bit so let's fix the rotation of that person there so if we go here notice how she is rotating off of her knee it is because the origin is here so we can actually go and then maybe even rotate off over there so I can do that I normally like just getting rid of all the edges so I can do merge faces and then merge all the straight edges I can also get rid of these edges all right so that is a cleaned up version and I can just basically position her from the origin onto this chair so normally she is rotating off of her chair I do like these face meet components but especially the ones that are sitting down they're kind of tricky so you may have to move them a bit depending on the scene but this is what I would usually like to do whenever they're sitting on a chair so that the origin point is dictating how they're sitting on to the table so that's better so this one is face meeting as well so rotation is completely off so let me just select all and bring her bottom on to the origin maybe we can also flip as well so in most of the views that this person is looking fine maybe the scale is off too so let me just increase scale a little bit not necessarily a good component but maybe we'll go down the road of changing the people as the end scape and to Rajas so let's look at these components because when I turn on the hidden geometry I have noticed they are quite complex and I also have noticed that this edge is turned on whilst the others are not so that is sort of red flag for me to see if there's anything that we can do to make this better so if I double click on it I can see all the chairs or clumped up together which is fine and if I go into here you can see the top is separate from the rest of the chair and then this is a one chair and puzzling because this is a group I think there are a few things that we can do to make this even better so first of all let's focus on this one in the corner and make them into a good component I can just kind of repeat across so right click make it into a component I don't really have to give a meaningful definition but in this case I'll just say chair 0 1 so that is now a component whilst the rest is not really a component notice how this is a group of three chairs so I'm going to explode that so that they are singular if I select all I am seeing everything is somewhat consistent whereas this one is not so I'm actually going to delete this one and then perhaps even had this one array here and all of these changes are actually being shown into this escape side so if I actually go ahead and delete this one inside of here is going to delete as well so if I just array that to the left notice how that is changing as well so if I select all I can actually make all of them with the component replacer into this specific component it is not really going to be visible as the others aren't really looking different let me just kind of demonstrate this so you can kind of easily see what is going on so if I go here and hide the legs and I'm gonna select all again select this chair zero one instead of this group here and all of them is going to be that specific component without the legs so if I go back in there and then unhide the legs notice how everything is looking like a component behavior so I'm going to look at a couple of rendered images a view one is looking like this let me try and find that specific one so here maybe position one it is looking like that as well so as you can see there so let me minimize that and try and render that scene here so I'm gonna go to a favorite view again and just make it into favorite view so in here I can just kind of go to the right and then I can just flip between as well obviously I have slightly wider angle I think that is preferred to just kind of show you more space if I really want to use a Sketchup setting I can just click on synchronize views and notice how that is a lot tighter I don't really prefer that so I'm gonna go back to here and try and show a little bit more then over to this side so I can kind of show what is going on in the kitchen so I am liking that scene a whole lot better so I'm gonna go back into Sketchup create view and then that's gonna be in scale view 8 that's fine but I'm gonna say jk0 - and perhaps make my other one JK model because it's a modeling view and then just and just change this back to 0 1 so ok and then make that into my favorite few actually scratch that one out and then 0 1 it's a bit harsh light outside and then too subtle of a lighting that's going on inside of interior so let's just change that a little bit and then in atmosphere I can change the Sun brightness slightly lower and then lower the shadow sharpness so they are not as sharp I'm not particularly liking that specific light that is being created on the side maybe I need to move those lights a little bit alright so I'm gonna save this as a third file and try to work with this light here by moving it slightly inward [Music] and I would like a bit more vignette in the scene I can increase the vignette a little more and here you can see the scene outside is looking too sharp so your focus is driven out to the garden instead of being focused onto this beautiful island unit so I'm gonna go back my house code to rendering and then I'm gonna increase the depth of field can kind of see things going out of focus back here and then things are focusing on here however that is out focusing the back of the island too much so I'm gonna dial back out so here you can see that everything's focused here and then back is somewhat blurred out and maybe we can have little bit of grass I'm kind of noticing that now so go to Sketchup and then in here I can make that into grass so just sample that and then it is grass artificial so that is somehow not grass so let me make sure to go to material and make that into not a foliage but more of grass there you go so that is looking much like actual grass so I'm going to go back by page up and up so there you go I think that person is sort of an eyesore so let me go here and try and replace with the asset library of n scape so I can click on people and then try to find someone who looks like that is this person on the phone maybe so and then while said it let's just replace her as well [Music] all right that's better let's replace this person [Music] Paige up and down and up I wanna have some light in there so I can move the light little bit and then maybe have some light coming off okay that is looking good I'm gonna update that by going here and then that's gonna be JK 0-2 I'm actually going to get rid of the first one so delete that okay and then make that into my favorite view again I can render that away so I can click on this button here render image and then it is going to render away I'm actually going to save that preset so they'll say the preset JK is 0-1 okay and then save that file as well so the first scene has rendered from here to there so let's look at the next one which is kind of looking inside from outside so let's go back in yep this must have been it so in skate 3 if I go synchronize the view once and then I'll so if I park this one here and go to n scape on this side notice how this is actually a night scene so this is night we want to make it daytime just need to go in a little bit so let's look at the original image here and I want to be able to see inside as well so what I'm gonna do is get rid of that out focusing effect with a depth of field maybe we need to kill the light here a little bit and then change with the shadow a little bit so I think we want to pick up some light that is looking way too strong so let's get rid of intensity there so that is 4000 let's reduce it right back down to sort of the normal amount and this cone here as well I think it'll be nicer if he were to much lesser so that we don't see too much of light on to the ceiling we can reduce the sunlight a bit further so sun brightness and already even further all right actually I'm liking that much better and then rename this one as jk0 one since it was the first scene and then this is gonna be JK's or two and then go back here confirmed view is good and then just render awake and then the next view one from where the person was sitting all right that is looking much darker since we have turned off the sunlight let's just push that back up some brightness at 80% all right that is still looking dark so we need to bring up some values so it's too late at night so let's just bring that up to daytime okay that's better this person is too much distracting so I'm gonna just go ahead and hide that person create a different view JK's or three I don't really like this cup is that is not looking realistic [Music] those cups are actually looking fine what about this one here okay that is looking much better [Music] and then the last but not least this one here from corner looking out so I believe that will be one of these no it's not oh here it is about sixty degrees again and that is looking like a night again so I'm gonna go back in there to set up a noon dish and then set up as another scene Jay Kaiser before all right so that is what it's looking like let's compare and we can just kind of out focus that area too so and then do depth of field because I want that area to be somewhat blurred out that's looking good so let's render away okay so this is what it rendered us I am seeing a little bit a scene here let's go about fixing that if I go here I can see that seam as well so if I sample that notice how that comes in here I have the external editor set up as photoshop if you don't have that you can go to preferences and then applications to photoshop exe so if you have done that your Photoshop should load immediately to have this loaded and I can see that seam right here so I can go here and select all transform and then if I just increase the overall size of the image the reason I do this instead of crop is because so I can maintain overall image size so I do that save that and then if I go back to Sketchup notice how that has been filled in and I go back to that scene make sure it's synchronized and then render that away again once that is render you can see there is no seam there so we have looked at these four scenes the first one was this one second and the third and the fourth so these four scenes that we have worked on i'm gonna share with karolina so that she can also gain some of the tips and tricks that i have carried on as well and hopefully you guys have picked up a few things - so the workflows and the way that I have carried out a couple of tasks inside of here if there's something that I have missed out or if you prefer different ways please leave a comment down below and I would love to talk about it by the way if you guys have any other model that you'd like to share as well for me to kind of do this same critique please send it my way you can kind of contact me via email or any other social media I would love to hear from you obviously it's got to be something that you're okay sharing with the public so please reach out if you have some models that you would like to share with us for me to kind of go over so if you have picked up a few things please like the video and subscribe to my channel if you want to continue watching this type of videos and thank you so much for watching as always I'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Joseph Kim
Views: 29,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SketchUp, Architecture, Design, Tutorial, Tips, Tricks, Guide, 3D, canon, eos, m50, sketchup, enscape, enscape lighting tips and tricks, enscape for sketchup, realtime interior rendering sketchup, rendering, workflow, how to create a realtime rendering in sketchup, sketchup rendering, sketchup tutorials, how to create 360 rendering sketchup, realtime rendering sketchup, sketchup tutorial, enscape for revit - a quick overview, how to create virtual reality rendering sketchup, rendering for sketchup
Id: Xp-fmPEc2Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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