Model & Animate a Burger Reconstruction - Cinema 4D Tutorial

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hey what is going on guys this is Eli for more Bucks graphics and this time we're going to model texture and animates this hamburger in cinema 4d we're going to model this in a non-destructive way so we will be using a lot of deformers and that will make it a lot easier to make small adjustments at a later stage of the modeling if you want to take a look at the exact file I created with the camera motion added to it as well you can download that on the patreon page so let's get started in cinema 4d we're going to start off with the bottom half of the bun so we can do that with a sphere object and we're also going to enable DD lines on this so we can see what's going on so now if you would want to scale down the sphere to be more flat with the green handle you can see the sphere scales on its own that is because it is not editable just yet but we don't want to make it at at the bone because we will lose in the dynamics of this inside of the sphere object so what we can do instead is changing this model mode to object mode so with that object mode enabled let's try again so that's a lot better so now we have this flat looking sphere one more thing we would like to do is changing the topology of this because now every line is connecting with this top point and which is just one point and that will give some pinching when we smooth this out instead we can change the type of this from standard to something like icosahedron or anything else that is not connecting with just one point so now we have this pebble looking sphere but we want the top and the bottom to be more flat looking you can do that with the deformers I can guess there are multiple deformers that would work for this situation but I use the melty former so let's drag the melty former under the sphere so it is that child of it and you can see the sphere turned into a gray puddle of goo so in the multi former under the object tap let's change the strength to just 0% that fixes in the shape and we have the flat bottom but we want to adjust this so it is not as hard at the edges so we can do that with the fall-off if you're in a newer version of cinema 4d you will see you have the fields if you're an older one you will just have any fall-off shapes so it will work just the same because we will be using the spherical fields or the spherical fall-off so that's big Dad and you will get this shape and you can instantly notice there is a bit more of a soft rounding at the bottom so with this object mode still selected we can also squeeze down this spherical field so make sure you just select the spherical field let's make it flatter and move it a bit to the bottom and maybe also scale it up in total so the size is covering more of the bump and you shouldn't worry about these edges because we will smooth these out in a later stage okay that will do for this part right now it's also the side view that counts now we want the same thing at the top so what you would think you could do is just selecting this melty former and duplicating it by holding ctrl or command and dragging it up here and then if we move up this melty former you can see some strange behavior what we actually need to do is rotate this deformer so let's undo that and it is still centered at the bump and that's just to rotate a hundred and eighty degrees like this it is very important that you have the right stuff selected so if you have the multi former and the spherical field selected together at the beginning stage when scaling things down and moving it around it will behave differently so try again and follow along very closely if you can't get the same result okay so this field can be a bit different that's often is out like this maybe flatten it even more like that okay so that looks like a nice bottom half of a bun we can already place this into a subdivision surface to add some smoothing to this so with the sphere just hold alt or option on the keyboard while clicking the subdivision surface and it will be the parent of the sphere so that is nicely smooth it now we can make further adjustments so it's not too curved at the bottom okay so that's the bottom half we can also hide these spherical fields in the viewports so it's not as obstructive so now we can continue with the other parts let's also name this let's move on to the lettuce on top of this so we can do that with a disk object drag it up here a bit so we can see what we are doing we're going to add some more segments on this so let's go with something that's dividable by two doesn't really matter that much but I think it's a better habit to do it just that way and now we're going to apply some more deformers to this again the first one can be the ffd deformer so drag it under there and with this we also want to check the fit to parent option so it's exactly the size of the disc and this will make it easier to adjust the shape manually by moving points around so let's go with four points on every axis on the y-axis it doesn't matter because it's flat but let's just keep it uniform and now we can go ahead and select the rectangle selection tool with the point mode and just randomly select some points and move them around to give the shape a bit more of a randomness instead of just a flat disc look okay something like this is just fine can be anything you want but I wouldn't go too strong with it because we will have more displacements on this so let's do that with the displacer deformer let's drag it under here so it's a second one and we're going to add some shading to this to make it have effect on the disc object so let's add a noise in the shader you can use any one you like but I'm going to use a very strong one which will be the cell noise so you can see it's very ugly right now but we're going to smooth this out so it will look just fine as lettuce but first let's go back to the displacer under the object tab and we're going to increase the height maybe so it is even more dramatic but you're also going to decrease the strength of this so that's an easy slider to see how dramatic the look is so let's go with 40% for example and now we're going to do the same thing as the bottom bun which is selecting the disc object and holding alt or option on the keyboard while pressing subdivision surface so that makes it smoother and I think this looks like some crispy lettuce or maybe even bacon if you want to so that would be a similar workflow but with a cube object probably let's move on to the meat on top of this which is the easiest one because this is just a cylinder object let's make sure it is a bit bigger so the the size which is 100 centimeters let's also make it less tall something like 32 centimeters will work let's raise it up and you're also going to add some fill it on the caps like this maybe just three subdivisions works and a bit less of a radius and now we can also place this into a subdivision surface again so it's really smooth let's see if we have pinching on a top I don't think it's too dramatic because we will have displacements and the texture later so you won't notice so let's move on to the cheese the cheese is also quite simple we're going to use a cube object of course let's raise it up again and the size is just fine we only need to adjust the height of it to just 4 centimeters but we're also going to add some more segments to this so let's go with something like 5 on just the X and the Z value and now we can adjust this again with a deformer which will be the ffd deformer again so let's drag it under there fit to parent and we're going to replicate in the grid points on this so that's 5 on every side except the Y value which only can go down to 2 because we have some height to this let's go back to the point motor to rectangle tool selected and we're going to select these two points at every corner and move them down a bit ok let's also see how this looks if we place it in a subdivision surface I think that looks kind of good as well but you don't have to you can also hide in the deformers if you want to again what you could also do if you don't like these edges right here is adding a bevel deformer for example so let's drag this under there as well and everything is just fine except you want to use the use angle to be sure it's only subdividing the edges right here let's move on to the tomato slices we are going to just use a tube object for this and also a cylinder object let's make them both at once move them up again for the tube let's go with something like an inner radius of 26 for example and an outer radius of 36 and of course it doesn't need to be this high so let's change the height to just 10 centimeters okay let's do the same thing with this cylinder let's go for 8 centimeters then so it's a bit smaller and you also want the radius to be smaller maybe we can just do it like this okay so now we want to add some filler to this tube so under here not as strong of course so let's go with just 1 or 2 centimeters and I think that should be fine and I think that should be fine so let's group these together that's one slice and we're going to move this so we can have three of them okay so that's good now one last thing we need is the bun at the top so we can try to do this with the bottom bun because it's dynamic anyway so let's just duplicate this to the top this deformer at the top can be removed actually because we don't need it we can also rescale the sphere of course so we get a bit more volume at the top and let's also adjust this deformer okay so that are the basic components of the hamburger we will just add a bit more details to this so one could be adding some seeds at the top here because that's what you usually get so to create a seat like this we are going to use a sphere object again let's raise it up so we can see what's going on you're going to add a tapered áformer on this and drag it under there let's also make sure it's fit to parents like this and just increase the strength to something like 65% maybe now we can also scale this down with the object mode again so it's flat but make sure we have the sphere selected like this and it also doesn't need to be as wide so something like that looks like a small seed but of course we need to scale it down if you want to scale down the seat on its own you want to do this in the model mode because we will be adding this in a cloner object and for some reason if you scale down things in the object mode it will just reset the size in the cloner so make sure we have the model mode on and let's scale down to something that's approximately the size of a seed that lets creating the cloner in mograph and drag the sphere under there you're going to set in the cloner mode to object so we can point it towards the sphere of the top button like this okay so we can see we have some weird rotations at this side so we need to transform the rotation in the cloner let's try and see which value is the right one you can also see the scaling is not happening like we want it to maybe so you can further adjust that under the cloner setting is this well let's keep it like that for now but we also want more of them if you want to add a lot of clones it's a good idea to use an instance mode of render instance which is way faster so it doesn't calculate all the individual ones but it just copies them the surface mode is just fine and let's add a count of something like 140 now we don't want them at the bottom here because that's not what happens usually so what we can do is adding a plane effector to this like so let's go in the parameters and disable the positioning so if you don't have this effect we want to hide parts so let's scroll down and check the visibility option but of course we need to some follow-up to this so we can say everything at the bottom should go and everything at the top can stay so we can do that with a linear field let's take a look where the error is pointing to so that's to this side let's rotate it so it's pointing to the top that's also scaled is down a bit and if we move it up here you can see we can adjust where you want the seeds okay so that is fine one last thing I would like to add to this are some small breadcrumbs which is very easy to make it's just using a sphere again and we're going to make this very small again in just the model mode so something like this could be a small Crump maybe and we're going to add a displace of the former two days again under this sphere let's add annoy shading on this and maybe let's make the height a bit smaller so it doesn't intersect as much okay that will do for now but we're going to add this in a corner again but because we have this displace or on there it is a good idea to kind of bake this on the sphere object so make it one object so it doesn't need to calculate the displacement in every single clone so let's select the sphere and the displacer like this right click and press connect objects and delete so that's a crumb and we're going to add a clone of Firdous where we can drag it into let's change the mode to a grid that we're going to make this a bit bigger than the burger like so let's raise it up enough and we're also going to set up a random effector on this because we don't want if you're straightened out grid so let's go to the parameters and make it 80 centimeters maybe on every value so we have a random positioning on this and maybe we can also add a randomness on the scale so a uniform scale of just one so we have big chunks and smaller ones maybe just go with point six for example okay so that's all the modeling there is to this let's move on to the lighting maybe so a first thing I want to do is adding a floor object and also a background object so we can set up the scene for this let's move down the floor just a bit so we have a bit more spacing below the bun and we're going to set up an infinite floor look for this so let's create a new material and you're going to set the color to just pure white maybe let's drag it on top of the floor and also the background and now to make this infinite we need to right-click the floor go to cinema 4d tags and add a compositing tag and in here all we need to do is checking the compositing background option so that's all we need to do for that so we can move on to the actual lighting so a first thing I'm going to add as a main light we can use a target light it will set it up to the center of the scene where the hamburger is anyway but we're also going to change the type from spotlights to an area light okay so now we need to define from which angle we are also going to look at the hamburger so let's say we create a camera and go into it and set up that first kind of angle so maybe this will work okay so we have the camera set up right here so we can see what the angles are and we're going to move the light to the right side and also a bit from the front that make it a lot larger something like this maybe raise it up a bit and move it back just a bit as well and you are going to change the color of this as well so let's go with something slightly orange and also add an area shadow on this that maybe we can also go into the shadow tab and make the shadows a bit less harsh so just seventy percent density okay so we can duplicate this one and move it to the left back side let's also make it smaller for this one that doesn't need any countering shadows so let's disable the shadows as well and you're also going to make this a soft blue now let's add one more light at the top you can just an area light and rotate it let's make it really big like this and raise it above here but for this one we don't want the full intensity we just want it to be set at 70 and let's also go to the shadows again and set it to area with a 70% density as well and now there is one last light that we would like to add at the front so we have it directly pointing behind the camera towards the hamburger so let's just reuse this front one maybe and position it closely and we're going to make this a lot smaller and also make it pure white with an intensity of just fifty percent so it's softer doesn't need to blow out everything at the front and the shadowing is just fine I guess so let's see how this looks within the default textures okay so that's starting to look fine but maybe we can also add an ambient occlusion effect on this and we are also going to add an other light to this which is just the regular lights with an ambient illumination option turn on and just at 70% so that brightens up the whole scene for us yeah so that looks a bit cleaner to me now we can continue with some of the materials of this we're going to create the textures all in cinema 4d so that's fully procedural so you don't need to download anything for this and that is exactly what you want so let's start off with the first one which will be for the bread so under the color Channel let's add a gradient to this let's go inside of here we're going to set the mode of this to do the vertical and let's start with a very soft yellowish color and let's go to a darker orange color let's go to the reflectance tab and you're also going to adjust this so the inner it can be a bit bigger so 20% and you're also going to change the color of the reflections so it isn't pure white we want this to be a very soft yellow let's also add a bump map to this so the 20% strength is just fine let's create a layer on this so we can add multiple layers of noise inside of it so let's go inside and add the noise shader let's go inside of here so first of all we want to decrease the size of this to 10% so you can see the result up here we're also going to make sure the black color right here is just set at 50% gray so that makes it a bit softer let's also add a second noise shader on top of this let's make sure we set this to multiply so we can see both of them let's go inside of here as well and let's change up the kind of noise to maybe booyah or something that's a bit more of a black inside of there and we're going to change up the colors of this so let's go with more whites and less black so that's inverted so that gives us a bit more of a random noise which consists out of these small speckles at the bottom and the larger patches at the top okay so that's all there is for that we can already apply this to the bottom bun and the top bun and let's also add it on the breadcrumbs now we need to make sure it is being applied correctly to the buns because we want this gradient to be applied so if we were closer you can see we have it somewhere at the side here so let's actually render to see how this looks and that's not what we want so let's go down here and select in the tag of this top bun maybe to start off with and let's change the projection to spherical because it was a sphere in the first place and that should fix most of it if you want to you could also go in here and the UV texture mode and just move it down to get the effect you want so that moves the gradient with it but it should be fine by default so let's do the same thing at the bottom it's Fearghal but in this case it may need some kind of adjustments so make sure we have an object selected and attack as well and in this case you can notice we have the dark at the top again and light at the bottom but we don't want that we want this to be inverted maybe so let's rotate this 180 degrees and we can also scale this down so we have more of gradients happening at a small part right here okay let's disable the lines as well just notice that if you scale is down you can also get a bit of stretching of the noise texture but it should be fine if you don't overdo it okay let's move on to the second texture which will be for the lettuce so under the color channel we can add just a green color we can copy this color because we will add some layers to this actually so let's right click and copy let's go under the texture and add a layer and go inside of their car we can recreate in the color Channel and you should be able to paste it if you go inside of it so based as the green color now let's add one more layer which will be a noise shader and you're going to set this to layer mask because we will add another color on top of this so layer mask we can already set up the kind of noise it will give so let's go with crenell and give it a size of 200% and maybe even stretch it in one direction so let's go with this first one so it's a bit longer at one side let's go outside of here and add another color channel and this one will be a bit darker so we have this multiple layers and so it looks like the lettuce is a bit see-through but it actually isn't it is just faking the look we can also go here in the reflectance tab and slightly adjust this may be degrees the fall off a bit and increase the width and also under strength maybe you can also change the color again if you want to but keep it subtle okay so let's drag it on top of there and this looks good let's continue with the meat maybe this one is quite simple we're good we are going with a brown color of course let's go in the reflectance tab and you're going to decrease the width of this so it's a very sharp reflection we're going to increase the width just a bit and the strength can be all the way to a hundred percent so it's very shiny and now we need some kind of bump to this so let's go to the bump channel and you're going to add a noise which will be an electric noise I think that looks good for me I don't know why so let's drag it on top of there and see how that looks so yeah I think that looks kind of right let's continue with the cheese it will be a deep dark yellow let's also go to the reflectance tab let's decrease the width of this but increase the strength of the specular channel so we get a strong and sharp reflection again let's drag it on top of there let's continue with the seeds maybe because the tomatoes are a bit more tedious to make so seeds these are very small so it doesn't need that much attention just a light brownish color and let's go to the tomatoes so we're going to set up a soft dark red color for this let's go to the reflectance tab where the magic will happen so we can keep the most stuff at default but increase is trying a bit we're going to change the color to a soft pink like this and we're going to add a bump channel to this as well let's go and add a noise where we changed the black to gray again and we're going to set the global scale to just 7% for this one so it's very small but you're also going to decrease the strength of this so we just wanted to be something like 4% so it's very soft and subtle so this will be the outer shell of the tomato now we want the inner part to look different so what we can actually do is just going over to the original one and copy the colour and go up here and place it this is a good start so we're going to add a layer to this again go inside of it and add a gradient and we're going to set the type to start let's make this gradient a bit different so we get the actual sharp shape of this star and you're going to add multiple ones of these so another star that maybe make it a bit more random and you're going to change the angle so we get overlapping parts and set the mode to add you could go ahead and keep repeating this step to get multiple small segments let's go outside of it and set the mixed mode on this color channel to add and just give it 20% maybe let's drag it on top of the centers and that's a very simple way to get the basic look of a tomato without having too much detail of course okay so that's our all the textures now all we need to do is adding some motion to this that's one of the more difficult parts I'm not sure if everyone will get the same result because it all depends on the models because we will be using dynamics for this so it's not manual animation it all depends on the shapes of the model I will not be going too deep into the details of how dynamics work because that's just the whole video on its own and it is also a bit complicated to be honest so I'm going to give you the values I used and kind of explain what I do but if you want to get the result I have I would just try to copy the values and we will be entering if you want to you can play with them of course to see how it looks but I will be giving some kind of base set up for this so first thing we need to do is right clicking on the floor go to simulation tags and add a Collider body on top of this this will mean that everything will land on top of the floor and not just go through it or something and that's very important of course now we can go ahead with the other parts now we can add dynamics to the other parts but this is a very important point to save your project because it will get a bit unstable right now it depends on your computer how much it can handle but if it is a bit slow it will freeze so make sure you save the file before continuing so let's go ahead and create the first soft body dynamics tag let's do it on the sphere object and not the subdivision surface under here we can already set in the bounds of this to just 7% or something close to that and we're also going to add more friction to this so something like 90 percent that means that parts will not slide off each other when it lands we want this to be nicely stacked on top of each other okay so with that done let's go to the soft body tab we can extend this field so we can see more of it at once so we have a lot of values in here and I don't know all of them eater but for most of it you could say we setup the amount of springs that will happen so in a kind of bounces to every kind of direction or style of bounces so that's the first field at every section the damping on everything will say how fast the springing or bouncing will stop so if it has set at a hundred percent it will stop very fast if it is set very low it will be very jiggly the shear value on this will say how flat the shape will get in this case and this seam and we have a deflection right here this will say how flat the object will flow over the other ones below it so if you set this to zero it will kind of behave like a cloth and one more important one is right here the stiffness this kind of tells how much the shape will compress on its own so let's go ahead and make some changes to this dynamic tag on the bun it will go for most of the pieces but not all of them so first of all the structural field can be just set at 25 so that's not a strong but the damping can be much stronger so 80% that's okay for this let's increase the shear just a bit and also the damping can be all the way up to 80% again let's go to deflection which can be set at just half of this so let's go with 25 maybe the damping can be up to 80% again so that's the magic number for this one all the rest is okay for this we want this to be very stiff because otherwise it's too jiggly so go to a hundred we also want to set the damping to be stronger so something close to 80 or 70% again and all the rest should be fine I'm not going to play this animation just yet but if you want to preview this you can press the play button it may freeze for you so if you can't get it to stop by clicking the button again you can also press f8 on the keyboard so that's a good shortcut to remember in this case we are also going to set the preview range to two hundred and forty percent so we have a bit of a tail to this okay so that's the first tag we're going to apply this tag to multiple parts of the hamburger make sure you always do it on in the shape and not in the subdivision surface because that makes it a lot slower and my experience for the cheese we want something different so let's also copy it on top of the cube but we are going to make adjustments to the values so we want a 50% structural value and we also want a 50% damping to this so that will make it a bit more bouncy let's also go with 50 on all the other values that will come so that's easy the stiffness can also be a bit less so it can flow more naturally over the meat and also less of a damping so 50% again and you're also going to make this a bit more bouncy under the collision tab so let's make that double so something like 15% the friction can stay as it is okay before the tomatoes it can be a bit glitchy I don't know why probably because we have this cylinders inside of the other parts and it also doesn't need to be dead much of a soft body we can just apply a rigid body tag on this so select all three of them right click simulation tags and let's go with rigid body if it misbehaves on your site I'm not sure yet if it will you can also play with the in air attack and make it apply to the children and if that doesn't work you can also select all of the shapes inside of it right click and connect objects and delete and that's what I am going to do for this one it's not dynamic anymore in the modeling kind of way but it's a safer and faster way to have this model behave like we wanted to in the animation okay so that's all the tags we want except for the one at the top bun and T crumbs so we can also apply this rigid body at the crumbs at the top here so let's just do it like that make sure you go inside of the attack and set the inherit act to apply to children okay so that should be fine I think and now we're going to the last one which will be for the top bun so let's copy the original bun 1 and attitude this fear and we're going to change the values again and this one will be quite different because we don't want it to be as heavy so if we keep it as this right now it would just press all the way to the bottom and squeeze everything outside of that and we don't want that of course so let's change this and have just a bounds of 10% again and go in these soft body options the structure one can be at all the way at a hundred the damping can be way lower at twenty percent we're going to set this year to fifty with the damping of twenty percent again same thing goes for this one but we can also do is going in the mass of this that we want a custom mass so it is not as heavy as I just said and you're going to make this really small so zero point five and that should do I think one more thing I would like to point out before playing all of this is that you can go under the options of the whole scene on its own and set some kind of gravity options so if we press command or control + d you can go in here and select the dynamics options here you can set the gravity of everything but by default it should be fine but one more interesting feature you can use is this time scale at the top so I use that in the preview video to get the slow-motion effect so if you animate this scale by pressing this button for example from ten percent all the way to 100 percent you get this nice transition of the parts just flying around slowly and then stacking on top of each other like it should be so now is the right moment to save your file again and there are just a few more things we need to do before hitting the play button because it will freeze for you and pretty sure about it unless you render it in the picture viewer it will not freeze so you can do that if you want to but that's not a fast preview like we wanted to so what we are going to do is breaking the dynamics of the model so we have all these deformers right here we're going to turn this in one solid shape and that makes it easier to preview so how we are going to do this is selecting the object and all the deformers right-click and hit connect objects and delete so we're going to do that on all of them especially the lettuce one is important because if we don't do this it will glitch through the bun and we don't want that so even if you render in the picture viewer you want to do it on the lettuce the meat is just fine let's go with the cheese as well the domains are also fine by now we also have the one at the top here where the seeds are being projected on so let's make sure we set the seeds first so click on this and make sure the instance mode is set back to instance that way we can make it editable by pressing C on the keyboard and get all the small ones inside of it right click on the group select all the children and we can connect the objects and delete again so we have one salt piece now we can go ahead and collapse the top bun as well we're also going to make the seeds a child of this sphere so it follows along okay so that should be fine but if you preview this I recommend disabling the subdivision surface on this because it will try to subdivide all the small seeds and that is a bit heavy on the computer okay so one last thing we need to make sure is that we have the dynamics on the crumbs right so we have this applied to children tag set up already but we want to make sure we have the individual elements turned on on all of them that way they can fall individually instead of just one invisible cube of crumbs also you want to set up the friction to maybe 95 percent or something so with that all being set up it should preview just fine in the viewport it may be a bit slow but it works and doesn't freeze if you want to take a look at the exact file I created with the camera motion added to it as well you can download that on the patreon page so that's all I wanted to show you guys today I hope you learned something new from it and I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: MOBOX Graphics
Views: 48,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mobox, after effects, tutorial, vfx, motion graphics, after effects tutorial, motion graphics tutorial, model and animate, cinema 4d modeling tutorial, cinema 4d animation tutorial, animation tutorial, modeling tutorial, cinema 4d modeling, cinema 4d animation, cinema 4d, cinema4d, c4d, kinematics, dynamics, rigid body, soft body, animation, simulation, satisfy, asmr, redshift, octane, beginner, how to, Model & Animate a Burger - Cinema 4D Tutorial
Id: cZO7JkqEq9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 52sec (2152 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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