Mobsters: Tommy Lucchese and The Mafia - Full Episode (S1, E19) | A&E

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nobody brought in money like tommy lucasian  this was an absolute criminal with a total   criminal mind tommy lucasy saw there was a  lot of money in corrupting unions in what   were called legitimate enterprises  there were fixed fights boxing   never saw such corruptness as when the mob was  there the lucasian crime family is one of the   most significant organized crime families in the  country tommy lucasy was the guy who would kill   you in a heartbeat if he thought you were going  to get in his way this was a stone cold killer new york city 1934 popular violinist david  rubinoff ducked into a restaurant for a bite   to eat inside he spotted a notorious diner  across the room it was mobster tommy lucasy   when the guy caught sight of lucasy he literally  went white and tommy invited to move to the table   rubinoff had a reason to be scared he owed  lucasy ten thousand dollars in those days   ten grand was a lot of money it was the  great depression a toothbrush cost five   cents and a loaf of bread  went for less than a dime rubinoff had borrowed the cash from lucasy to  buy a stradivarius violin but never paid him   back in full the russian-born musician knew he  was in trouble no one welched on tommy lucasy rubinoff told lucasy that he was having  money problems but would pay him back it   was the wrong answer lucasie casually reached  for rubinoff's hand and tommy said you know you   got beautiful hands what a shame it would be  that anything would ever happen to those ants   lucasie told the violinist he wanted to talk  it over in the back alley behind the restaurant   rubinoff was terrified and the guy said tommy  i'll have your money tomorrow morning i swear   i wish that's good that's nice  i'll see you tomorrow morning   rubinoff didn't waste time the next day he paid  his debt back in full as usual tommy lucasi   got what he wanted the odd thing about tommy  lucas's success was he didn't look the part   uh he was uh five feet two inches tall and  probably didn't weigh more than 105 pounds but   don't be fooled by appearances he'd kill you in a  heartbeat if he thought you were gonna get in his way ellis island new york in 1910 it was the  gateway to america for millions of immigrants   the masses included an 11 year old  sicilian boy gaitano tommy lucasi   the lucchese squeezed into an apartment  in new york city's east harlem   italian gangs ruled the streets   they'd shake down the local store owners  for payoffs and if someone didn't play along   all bets were off they were preying on their  own immigrant stock the italian-american gangs   they appeared to be more violent they're more  willing to commit murders and intimidate people   tommy's father earned an honest living hauling  concrete day in and day out each day tommy watched   his dad work himself to death while thugs in the  neighborhood earned an easy living through rackets   as a teenager tommy ran with a band of young  criminals they called themselves the 107th   street gang tommy got mixed up very quickly  with these street hoods kids would run around   robbing peddlers anything that wasn't nailed down  they would try to steal break into places burglary   stealing goods off trucks anything  where they could turn a fast buck   tommy answered to the gang's leader another  sicilian named charles lucky luciano lucasie's parents didn't  like what they were seeing   they pushed him to get a steady  job and soon lucasi went to work he got a job in a machine shop uh during which  time there was a bad accident that sliced off the   thumb and fourth finger of his right  hand leaving him with three fingers   the accident convinced him that no good  would ever come from a respectable job lucasie quit and returned to his gang before long  rumors of his criminal deeds reached his parents   they were very upset that he clearly  was drifting into a life of crime   the family was appalled because  they were quite convinced   that he would bring shame on them as a criminal  lukaze's dad kicked tommy out of the house   he moved into a tenement apartment and joined up  with his other family the members of the 107th   street gang tommy hit the streets hustling and  stealing from anyone in east harlem it was a kind   of juvenile crime that was very prevalent in the  neighborhood and he was no exception but almost   from the start he seemed to be a little more  clever than some of the other kids so he he was   almost automatically a leader in 1917 18 year old  lucasy came up with a scheme to shake down store   owners an extortion racket disguised as a window  cleaning business he would go to a merchant who   had a big beautiful store front window and say i  have a window cleaning service that is superior to   every other cleaning service you can use the idea  was if you didn't go along with the scheme they'd   break your window it would cost you hundreds of  dollars instead of uh maybe fifty dollars a week and after a lot of people in east harlem got  the message which is that if you wanted to keep   your windows intact and have them clean at the  same time the lucchese window cleaning service   was the way to go young new casey raked in  the cash hand over fist it was his first   foray into organized crime and a long  way from his dad's job hauling concrete   but tommy was not a common street thug he  used his brain to develop rackets for his gang   nobody brought in money like tommy lucasy this was  an absolute criminal with a total criminal mind by the early 1920s a powerful mobster named joseph  maceria reached out to lucasy and to the leader   of his gang lucky luciano maceria ruled manhattan  with an iron fist on the street people called him   joe the boss joe the boss could recognize criminal  talent when he saw it he hired luciano and lucasy   as hitmen and they went to work right away tommy  committed an estimated 30 murders for his new boss   lukasi had come a long way from window  cleaning scams now he was a killer   yet in spite of the body count lucasy managed  to avoid jail time he had a reputation for   brutality and used that to intimidate witnesses  in 1921 at the age of 22 the cops caught tommy   stealing an expensive car a packard and with  the arrest came a nickname from the police   and when it came the time for him to be booked  he had to go through the usual process one of   which was his fingerprints one of the detectives  or police officers who was fingerprinting him   noticed that he had a mangled right hand at the  time there was a very uh celebrated terrific   picture for the chicago cubs known as mordecai  three finger brown the cop nicknamed his suspect   tommy three finger brown new casey mukhazi  never liked that name but he was stuck with it   and for the first time in his life lucasie  received a criminal conviction but prison time   would do nothing to change lucasie he wanted money  and power and was willing to kill anyone to get it   in the early 1920s it seemed tommy lucasi could  kill anyone in new york's east harlem at any time   no one dared to testify against him he got away  with everything that is until the police caught   him stealing a car and locked him up until he  got arrested for auto there mr lucasy got away   with everything as it turned out that was the  last time he was ever imprisoned for anything prison on the hudson river north of new york  city was one of the nation's oldest and toughest   prisons the state sent some of the worst mobsters  up the river to sing sing tommy fit in just fine   13 months later the state paroled lucasy  tommy returned to new york the free man back in east harlem the roaring twenties  had taken over lucasy's old neighborhood   in order to clamp down on booze-related crime the  u.s government amended the constitution to include   prohibition but on the streets of new york locals  continued to drink alcohol and crime exploded lukazi saw an opportunity the  government made liquor illegal   but there was still a big demand for it but tommy worked for joe maceria an ill-tempered  boss who had fought his way to the top taking out   everyone in his way he had a stranglehold on power  in the family and had no interest in working with   gangsters that weren't italian tommy's generation  called members of the old guard like mazzeria   the mustache pete's masaria wanted  to produce low-grade bathtub gin   and sell it to the neighborhood drunks he  treated bootlegging like a small time con   it frustrated lucasy and his fellow gangster  lucky luciano they knew it could be so much more   the young generation said this is stupid that's  not where the money is people with lots of money   who are accustomed to spending a lot of money  on the finest possible whiskey and scotch   they could buy do you think they're going to  drink this rock gut you're producing are you   crazy look at your market the real market is  downtown in manhattan mazaria disagreed with   lukazi and luciano he hated their philosophy  but couldn't ignore the incredible profits   to make their plan work lucasian luciano  convinced masuria to smuggle high quality   foreign liquor into the us and sell  it to the speakeasies everybody drank   the general public viewed it as just a silly law  and it was not a big deal to break this law as a   result liquor was big business and lucy would  work with jews in the city not just italians he would work with any ethnic group he had no  prejudice against working with jewish gangsters   people like lou casey and said  look the jews are teaching us   certain final points of organized  crime we need them and they need us in the late 1920s masuria declared war on rival  mobster salvatore maranzano each man wanted   to control new york's underworld by himself  nearly 100 gangsters died in street battles   tommy lucasy and lucky luciano sided with their  boss massaria but wanted the bloodshed to end   luciano saw this as bad advertising you  couldn't have bodies strewn all over the streets   and not expect somehow the city and the city  government and the police department to respond   luciano knew blood was bad for business maceria  had to go lucasian luciano drew up a cunning plan   for a hostile takeover of the new york underworld  taking out maseriya first then his rival   maranzano luke casey was in the middle of it  playing off one side against the other pretending   he was allied with somebody while double-crossing  them at the same time the plan was flawless   lucasie would secretly meet with maranzano  and pledge his allegiance luciano would then   take out maceria clearing the way for maranzano to  become the most powerful mobster in new york city   on april 15 1931 at a restaurant on brooklyn's  coney island four gunmen burst in on joe mazzaria he was killed instantly crime scene photos show masuriya  with the ace of spades in his hand   a sign of bad luck in some circles next with masuriya out of the way lucasian luciano  moved on maranzano it was up to lucasy to find a   way to knock him off lukazi was very intelligent  and he snooped around found out what was going on   posing as a disaffected member of luciano's group  lucasie infiltrated maranzano's organization   tommy learned that maranzano worried about  a possible audit from the irs tommy's great   strength as an organized criminal was his ability  to read people and to find out where you were   vulnerable marinzano told his bodyguards in the  office at the grand central tower not to carry   guns anymore because he didn't want them to be  busted on gun charges when the irs guy showed up   on september 10 1931 four men showed up at  maranzano's office in grand central station   they said they were with the irs without any  announcement three people claiming to be from   the irs walked into the office and strangely  enough uh three finger brown lukazi was there   the men weren't irs agents they were  lukazi's hitmen everybody was lined   up these guys pulled out guns and lucasi had  a pre-arrangement with these killers he made   a nod of his head to who was maranzano they  knifed him and shot him and he was finished with masaria and maranzano out of the picture  lukazi and luciano could build a criminal empire   the deal was simple get in line  with lucasy or get wiped out in 1931 tommy lucasi and lucky luciano took  out their biggest competition in new york an   older generation of mobsters  called the mustache pete's lucasian luciano sat atop the criminal underworld  they were now in a position to rewrite the   rules of organized crime in new york city it  would pave the way for lucasi's rise to power luciano had a new take on crime he urged  the city's top mobsters to stop fighting   and work together he had a simple strategy give  each family autonomous control over different   criminal enterprises traditional italian organized  crime as we know it today was formed in 1931 when   luciano created the five organized crime families  in new york luciano said the best way for our   survival is by not drawing attention to ourselves  and to expanding our economic empire luciano took   his business model one step further each family  had a chain of command with a boss at the top   the structure of organized crime is very very  simple you have a boss you have an on the boss   a conciliary soldier and the soldier has a lot of  associates the bosses were virtually immune from   prosecution because they never pulled the trigger  they never roughed up anybody for the most part   uh trying to prove a conspiracy case  against it would have been impossible   for a low-profile mobster like lucasy the  families provided an ideal shelter for his rackets   the other mobsters respected luciano and  he in turn respected his old right-hand man   luciano rewarded tommy lucasy by giving him  a very top role in one of the five gangs   tommy lucasy became the number two man in a very  important family known as the gagliano family   at the age of 32 tommy lucasy took his  place as one of the top mobsters in the city   but unlike luciano who lived in a suite on  park avenue lucasy and his family lived in   a modest home in new jersey he didn't  want to draw attention to his business then in the early 1930s lucasian luciano  looked ahead to a time after prohibition   we're gonna have to have something to replace  it and it's got to be something big because   this is a lot of money we're getting in from  prohibition hundreds of millions of dollars   in 1933 their prediction  came true prohibition ended   lucasy didn't miss a beat he used his connections  with jewish mobsters to make money on the side   in of all things the kosher chicken business   at that time in new york in the early 30s the  kosher chicken business was a very big business   but it was very competitive and there was a  lot of disarray lukasi discovered a very small   highly specialized union at the heart of the  business unlike mainstream slaughterhouses   kosher chickens have to be butchered by hand  and only by a select group of certified rabbis   they were the kosher qualified butchers who  did the actual work preparing the chicken   it was a father-son union meaning it  took you 20 or 30 years to master this   so if they went on strike you're in trouble  because you can't simply say okay you know   call the employment agency and get me a  couple of cook now it doesn't work that way   lukazi secretly took control of the union and soon  the entire industry he moved in in effect created   a cartel in which every aspect of the kosher  chicken business would be controlled by him the   slaughtering the distribution the transportation  lucasi set prices and controlled the contracts   ironically the manufacturers appreciated lukazi's  efforts because he promised them a portion of the   market they're not unhappy about it because at  one time you could get wiped out in a season   if your competitor came and undercut you by two  cents a pound now you are guaranteed a certain   portion of the market as long as you cooperate he  benefited everybody he thought he benefited the uh   the merchants the slaughterers the transporters  and mostly himself lukazi's scheme did not benefit   his customers what happened was the cost was  passed along to the consumer people who wanted   kosher chickens had no choice now did he worry  about a price revolt or consume no of course not   devout jews where else are they gonna get  chickens they gotta buy kosher chickens okay   they paid the price and it  was the first big mafia tax but tommy lucasi wasn't satisfied   he wanted control of one of new york's biggest  businesses and he would take it by force new york mobster tommy lucasy  had a knack for business   during prohibition he turned bootlegging  into a full-scale operation and now in 1933   he controlled the kosher chicken industry lucasie  used brains instead of brawn to get his way   for decades new york city's garment district has  been the nation's center of fashion design and   manufacturing at one time the 40 square block area  of midtown manhattan shipped more than a third of   the clothing sold in the united states and in the  20s and 30s tommy lucasy found it ripe for picking tommy lucasy always had a  connection with the garmin industry   first during prohibition lucasi could be counted  on to supply clothing manufacturers with booze   you went to see tommy who said listen i got a  couple of buyers coming in do me a favor tommy can   you get me liquor and i gotta have the top stuff a  number one top stuff lucasie would oblige and the   profits he made from bootlegging allowed him to  venture into another mob business loan sharking   on the heels of the stock market crash americans  were left desperate for money many of them   turned to mobsters for help the shylocking or  loan sharking business just blossomed in the   great depression because it was an easy source of  money for people that didn't have access to banks the loans came with exorbitant interest rates but   lucasie wouldn't hesitate to use violence  or threats when people didn't pay him back the depression hit businesses just as  bad they needed money to bail them out   the banks were shutting down businesses  needed money they didn't necessarily have   the type of collateral that a bank if the bank  was able to even lend out money with cash saved   up from his prohibition rackets lucasie could  bail out any business in the garment district   he also figured out almost every season or  a couple of times a year many of the garment   center manufacturers were short on cash they had  sold say the spring line and they were trying to   bring out the summer line or the winter line  but they needed money and there's tommy saying   hey i have a solution for you need money  i've got the money i got plenty of money   and he becomes the number one loan officer  for the garment industry lucasie preyed on   the district with so-called knockdown loans  short-term loans with sky-high interest rates   tommy knew most people couldn't pay him back  right away and the interest would pile up it was   one of the most lucrative loan shocking deals ever  invented the repayment conditions were stringent   on the clothing manufacturers in order to ensure  a hefty return for the lender tommy lucasy often these people could never pay you off right  away so he doubled his money and it continued for   a long time and at the height of the depression in  the 30s he was netting five million dollars a year   lucasie exploited the loan sharking racket to  get inside garment businesses and take control   eventually a lot of these businesses couldn't pay  the money back as a result they got a new partner   and they got a very dominant partner that started  calling the shots he's known as the calmest shop   you've ever met in your life look you can't pay  here's what i do i take your business or i take   a piece of it before long tommy's got dozens of  businesses he controls either overtly or secretly   in the garment industry lucasi had already  used his loan sharking operation to muscle   in on the fashion industry but his next move  grabbed the garment district by the throat   he infiltrated the closed cutters union a powerful  group that could shut down the entire garment   industry by going on strike in controlling this  union lucasi could charge his competitors any fee   at any time tommy lucasi who saw there  was a lot of money in corrupting unions   if you could take them over you could have a  steady stream of money if they went on strike   what would happen everything comes to a hall  you can't do it without these people you cannot   replace them as in the kosher chicken racket  lucasie controlled a key part of the assembly line   manufacturers paid tommy  to keep the factory moving now here's what made it beautiful the manufacturers didn't complain why because  tommy said you're not going to pay these extra   costs you're going to pass that price  on to every american who buys clothes   but after lucasy stepped in he also gained control  of the trucking union whose drivers shipped the   clothing guess what there's only one trucking  firm you were allowed to use at one set price   don't like the price carry  them yourself get a horse   it seemed that lucasy could corrupt  any type of business even city hall   next tommy lucasi would use his influence on new  york politicians during the great depression while   most americans just managed to scrape by mobster  tommy lucasy raked in the cash running rackets   in the new york garment district and he did it all  from behind the scenes no one kept a lower profile   than tommy lucasy it was hard to trace it  was not as if you could walk down the street   and see a sign in the window of a garment  that deferred and said we're now mafia   controlled so much of what was happening was  invisible lukaze steered clear of trouble   he paid off the cops to keep his rap sheet clean  these mobsters could walk into a police station   and pay off these cops that were making ten  dollars a week for walking a beat and they   could pay off politicians who were not under the  same kind of scrutiny that politicians are today tommy lucasy had made a name for  himself by controlling businesses   but he knew politicians could be manipulated just  as easily tommy understood that you cannot have   organized crime without corruption very simple you  can't do it and so he was known for his assiduous   courting of people that he knew he could corrupt  and who were in a position to be very very helpful   in 1945 tommy flexed his political muscle in  the race for city council president he backed   vincent impella terry an unknown law clerk  sicilian-born infiliteri didn't have a chance   he wanted the post and didn't even  know if he could get on the ballot   but he had one thing going for him lucasie  in the end impella terry won the seat   lucy now had the city council president in his  back pocket in 1950 a police corruption scandal   forced mayor william o'dwyer to resign  impella terry then won a special election   and took his place as mayor he turned out to  be one of the worst mayors new york ever had   he was totally incompetent nevertheless it didn't  matter it mattered to the mob they still had this   pipeline to city hall one night reporters caught  impella terry at dinner with lucasy the mayor of   new york was breaking bread with a mobster and  it didn't look good when they went over to him   pelletary later and said you know who he is he  said all i know is he's a dress manufacturer   the mayor played dumb the story never turned into  a scandal lucasi even had the police in his corner   tommy paid them to look the other way allowing him  to run his rackets without fear of repercussion   now with that how active do you think the new  york city police department was in pursuing one   tommy lucasy for any crimes not very much i can  guarantee you but that's how he protected himself by 1951 lucasi had been under boss of the  gagliano crime family for nearly 20 years   as underboss tommy oversaw the day-to-day  operations of the family's crews   and rackets in february of that  year gagliano died of natural causes   after his death lucasie stepped in as the  next crime boss he was the obvious choice   he was among the most admired people within the  mafia nobody brought in money like tommy lucasy   his performance in places like the garment  center and the kosher chicken industry made him   a much talked about man within the mafia lucasi  celebrated the promotion by upgrading his   lifestyle he and his wife conchetta left the new  jersey suburbs and built a custom home in upscale   lydo beach on the south shore of long island his  neighbors took notice of his unusual guest list   it seemed rather odd the strange parade  of politicians police officials and   all judges all kinds of prominent  people into the casey house   then in the early 1950s the walls began  to close in on the mob and this time   tommy couldn't rely on payoffs to skate by  in washington u.s senator estes kefauver   launched a series of hearings into organized crime  calling prominent gangsters like frank costello you must have in your mind some things you've done   that you can speak off to your credit as  an american citizen if so what are they paid by thanks the hearings  aired on national television   thrusting mobsters into a place they wanted  to avoid at all costs the national spotlight   will you state to the committee uh where  you have been for the past six months have you been in chicago as usual lukazi's carefully maintained   low profile served him well the key  follower committee never questioned him in 1952 however lucasie was called to testify  before the new york state crime commission   now 53 years old lucasy repeatedly cited his  fifth amendment right against self-incrimination   but five years later lucasy was  unable to preserve his low profile in november 1957 in appalachian new york  a state trooper followed up on a tip that   dozens of mafia bosses were meeting in  town the group included tommy lucasy   as the cop pulled in the driveway lucasy  and many others fled the scene on foot   still the discovery confirmed once and for all  the existence of a national crime syndicate   the new york city police and other city police had  to recognize there is a structured organization   for nearly four decades lucasie had prided  himself on his ability to keep a low profile   but his anonymity was now slipping away   in 1963 joe valachi dealt lucasy  in the italian mafia another blow he went before a senate committee  and broke the mafia pledge of omerta   the code of silence by providing a chilling  inside look at the mob velocity identified   the lucasi family as one of the five new york  mafia families and tommy as boss of the operation still the feds didn't have enough to go  on lukaze was free to continue his rackets   and even rig fights in the ring but  lucasie wasn't in the clear a boxing   scandal would soon make national headlines for  the once low-profile crime boss the fix was in in the 1960s new york mobster tommy lucasy  operated a number of successful rackets   his next hustle would bring the house down for decades mobsters had loved the  rough and tumble sport of boxing   fighting and boxing and the mob were  first cousins lucasy was no exception   he had been involved in boxing for years  his neighbors in long island took notice   they were always surprised that when  there was a fight major fight going on   they had a conversation with him he would always  give him a tip on who would win and naturally   they never lost a bet if they followed lukazi's  advice he knew beforehand who was going to win   he knew the winner because the mobsters rigged the  fights there was always a talk about maybe this   fight is fixed maybe that fight is fixed betty  a lot of betting on box frankie carbo ran the   boxing racket for lucasy he maintained control  over managers trainers and promoters carbo and   his associates used intimidation to get their  way if you defy them they kill you beat you up   or break your knees you had no choice and that's  what happened to promoters and boxing managers   in 1964 carbo arranged a heavyweight title  fight between reigning champion sunny liston   and olympian cassius clay lucasy associates  had been managing liston's career for years   bookies and reporters picked  liston as the favorite   people said that listener was going to annihilate  them newspapermen picked them i picked listed by knockout most of us did there was talk  that carbo used his influence to fix the fight on february 25th 1964 the pair took to the ring  in miami continues to circle moving constantly to   his left as liston tries to move in on him for  six rounds they fought a clean fight but then   liston shocked the crowd he refused to return to  the ring after the sixth round he knew he had to   lose that fight and if he got up off that stool  and went to the center of the ring again there   was a very real danger that he was going to win  by betting on the seven to one underdog cassius   clay the mob cashed in on his win clay's camp  denied any impropriety and called for a rematch   the next year on may 25th 1965 the  pair faced off in lewiston maine   this time there were even sharper  allegations that the fight was fixed   in the first round clay who had since changed  his name to muhammad ali jabbed liston with a   quick right while backing away listen now  his head bobbing and goes to his knees it seemed like a harmless punch but  liston unconvincingly fell to the ground   rolled over climbed to his  knees and then fell again even to this day there is controversy  whether the fights were fixed   sonny got hit he fell down the best way he  could and just lay there so he went from   you know sitting up vertically to lying  down horizontally and to the paycheck and   then that was it the people who said that  that was a tank job i i disagree with 100   i've been in many ring sites and i saw that  fight as clear as i could ever see it in person   my eyes saw a very good boxing performance of  one man over the other there was no dive there   following the fights lucasi insulated himself  from the front lines of illegal activity   as he had done for years in the  mid-1960s lucasie started to feel   his age he complained of chest pains  dizzy spells and chronic headaches tommy withdrew from day-to-day mafia operations  and spent an increasing amount of time at his home   in florida the 66 year old mobster then paid his  doctor a visit the doctors had devastating news   lucasie had a brain tumor they gave him  a year to live despite all his money   despite everything he had there was nothing  medical science could do for him lucasie   beat the odds and hung on for nearly two  years but he couldn't overcome cancer   on july 13 1967 tommy lucasi died at his home  in lydo beach long island he was 68 years old   on his deathbed um luke casey indicated he really  didn't regret anything more than a thousand people   attended his funeral including mobsters judges and  powerful politicians in the wake of lukazi's death   confusion surrounded his successor tommy had never  officially named an heir to the family throne   in his absence bosses of the other mafia families  met and chose the next boss tommy's former protege   tony ducks corrallo one problem corolla was  serving the last few years of an extortion charge   in the interim the families asked carmine  tremunti to step in and maintain tommy's rackets   following in the footsteps of tommy lucasy  corolla's men set up rackets at john f   kennedy airport in 1978 lucasy crime family  associates staged an incredible robbery at   the lufthansa airlines cargo terminal they  made off with six million dollars in cash   at the time the lufthansa heist was considered  the biggest robbery in american history   it wasn't until the 1980s that the feds were  finally able to get to the top leadership of   the lucasy crime family through electronic  surveillance a bug planted in carollo's car   recorded more than 70 hours of incriminating  conversations federal prosecutor rudy giuliani   the future mayor of new york used the  tapes to go after the city's five families   he indicted all of the administrations of the  five families as well as the other bosses and   concieries and captains or whoever he  could sweep into this indictment in all   six high-ranking mobsters received convictions of  extortion labor racketeering and murder for hire   they were all convicted and they all were  sentenced to uh basically 100 years in prison   the verdict removed the top leadership of the  lucasy family from the streets and marked the   end of an era this new generation of bosses was  a bit more aggressive yeah really street thugs   today it's an organization that garners  headlines and stiff convictions hardly worthy   of the low-profile mobster who revolutionized  racketeering if tommy lucasi could arise from   the grave and come back today i think you  would be absolutely stunned at what happened you
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Length: 45min 25sec (2725 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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