Mob Movie Monday "Kill The Irishman" Review | Michael Franzese | Danny Greene Irish Mafia

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so he's driving in his car huge explosion car bombing guy gets out of the cars rolling around jumps up and he says is that all you got it's gonna take a little more than a few firecrackers to kill danny green [Music] [Music] do [Music] hey everybody welcome to another sit down with michael francis hope everybody is doing well and it is mob movie monday and today we have you know one of the most requested movies ever and that is kill the irishman great film we're going to get into it give you my perception of it get through it as a review going to be really cool before i do that i got to tell you some of you people must be really anxious for us to get to that half a million subscriber mark so that we can do the big giveaway because we've put on so many new subscribers in the past several weeks and i think we're up over 435 000 now maybe more than that and uh i gotta thank you you know your loyalty so much content on youtube the fact that you keep tuning in to me i really appreciate it and at five hundred thousand we're doing these huge giveaways so stay tuned keep coming on it's gonna be great uh okay the community is building people are encouraging one another we're putting a lot of great content in there we now launched our new platform the console area network okay look into that you can go on and see what it's all about and we're excited about it a lot of people are already you know signing on and so it's a great great program everything we do is to encourage people uh to make them better in their business better in their life skills that's what we're all about i've been doing that for a long time and uh you know being able to do it virtually is uh you know it's just a gift it's great so thank you all for that so let's get into uh kill the irishman different kind of film you know it was kind of a sleeper not too many people you know really thought about this film didn't get all of the high profile that some of the other mob movies got but it was really a good one ray stevenson val kilmer christopher walken vinnie dinofrio you know all great actors in this movie kind of a difference so let me set it up this was back in cleveland you know 60s and 70s and we obviously had a mob presence there mafia presence there causing oyster presence we had a couple of uh you know strong irish people during that time you know in that town same like we had in new york in new york we had the westies tough irish group i got to tell you a lot of them i knew formed by mickey featherstone and jimmy coonan i didn't know mickey that well but i knew jimmy good guy stand up guy tough kid you know he's doing a lot of prison time now but somebody that uh you know i would turn to if i needed something and we became good friends and uh you know just stand up guys they were a tough crew and uh same thing in cleveland with this danny green he's kind of the star of the show the movie is about him it's uh it's fairly factual as always they do take dramatic liberty in this film but pretty factual uh as far as the events that occurred around danny's life at that time so basically what is it about danny green is an irish guy he comes up against the mob he originally started out you know working as a union laborer on the docks and uh eventually you know he he builds himself up to be to working with the mafia guys doing a lot of different things shylocking extortion so on and so forth and it was a rough time during that time in that city he eventually you know clashes with the mob guys a lot of stuff happens and in the end he gets it you know so that's a brief overview of the movie i'm going to go through scene by scene some of my favorite scenes and uh give us a little bit of my perspective my experiences in that regard and we'll take it from there so how does it open he's working on the docks danny green is for the longshoremen's union and you got the union boss that's a real bad guy you know real bad guy he's arrogant he's uh he treats the men like garbage he walks around with a body guard really thinks who he is and you know let me tell you way back when that's when we really needed unions when workers needed unions because the bosses a lot of these you know corporate employers used to treat them lousy and you needed a union but when the union boss starts treating his own people like garbage that's no good and that's what was happening here with the longshoremen so a lot of the uh the workers were disgruntled obviously danny green was and let me tell you this danny green was a tough guy he was no you know uh wimp he was a very tough guy he was a real street guy he stood up to a lot of people so anyhow there's a scene there one of my favorite scenes when the union boss is got danny green in his office and he's really calling him out he's telling him you know i know you're doing some stuff on the side from now on you're going to give me a cut i'm actually sending my guy to meet you tonight at 12 o'clock i don't care what you do illegally but i'm taking half of everything that you do and tonight you're going to come at your envelope you're going to give it to my guy before that he really puts him in his place because danny says to him you know i want you to resign because i don't like you i want you to resign that pisses off the union boss and he starts going at him you know he's a real bully you know bully because of his position not because of who he was difference and uh he starts saying all these abusive things to him he's gonna you know do a lot of bad stuff to him danny doesn't say a word keeps his mouth shut walks out of the office next scene that night he meets with um you know the union bosses goon i would call him who is supposed to collect the envelope that then he's supposed to give him danny says i'm not giving you an envelope they meet in a warehouse or something so i'm not going to give you an envelope he said um let's fight guy pulls out a gun danny says you're going to use a gun on me let's see what kind of tough guy you are let's fight so he puts the gun down bad mistake on his part danny goes to work on him beats the hell out of him right you know knocks him out beats him i'm telling you this is a tough guy and uh next scene is danny is in the office now when the union boss walks in danny's sitting in his desk i love this scene because this is what happens to bullies when you're not a bully because of who you are you're a bully because of your position because of who you have around you but you yourself you're nothing you shouldn't be a bully so um danny gets up off of his desk the union boss calls for his goon he doesn't know that danny beat him up the night before the goon ain't coming danny tells him there ain't no goon anymore you're done with that the union boss starts to threaten him danny starts to slap him around just slaps him one time after another after another he went easy on him actually by just smacking him in the mouth is there any bigger insult than to get smacked in the mouth i don't think so you know it's degrading it's embarrassing so rather than beat him up he smacks him two or three times hard chases him out and at that point in time danny becomes the union boss they wanted him to become the boss the men did any out so he becomes the boss i'll tell you why this bothers me a little bit normally that union would have been controlled by guys in the mob no question about it and the fact that danny was just able to take over without the mob authorizing him or or supporting him on it the fact that danny was able to throw that boss out you know so easily and got no retaliation over it that didn't work for me i'll be honest with you i don't know what the situation was at that time with that longshoreman's union but i know all the longshoremen were controlled by the mob guys no question about it so that didn't work too much for me but hey it worked great in the movie so now danny green is the president of the union and what is he doing he starts to make money he puts his people in place he finds a girl they get married you know his life is great but what do they do he starts to do some shady things as the union boss a newspaper uh reporter is watching him investigating him through all of this and he finds out that you know danny is corrupt and they're doing grand larceny and extortion racketeering deals and all this kind of stuff he writes a huge story about it and next thing you know danny is indicted he's indicted by the locals not by the feds by the locals and he loses his job in the union obviously and uh there's a scene there when he's with the investigator or the detective that locked him up and says look you're facing 10 15 20 years whatever the numbers are uh he says but i can work a deal with you and he tells danny look we don't know much about organized crime here he says all you have to do is become an informant once a month sit down with me and tell me what's going on in the world of organized crime and danny says i don't have to testify he says you don't have to testify you do that it'll be time served you can't be in the union again you have to sign something you'll never go back to the union but that's the deal so danny goes for it and you know it made me think of guys in my life willie boyd johnson who was an undercover informant for the feds for i believe 20 years you know willie boy he worked for or he was with john gotti and he happened to get close to me i was shy locking money for him i was giving it to him he was putting it out on the street little did i know he was an informant for over 20 years eventually willie boy got killed gotti found out about it and you know his body uh was found in obviously you know not a good situation for him greg scarpa another guy you know guy in in my life everybody knows him the grim reaper you've heard so much about him he was an undercover informant for again 15 20 years we found out later on a columbo guy guy that i was closely associated with when we heard that he was an informer everybody thought they were going to have problems over that and obviously he heard a few people not too many again another tough guy who made a deal with the feds and you know this was what was going on back then you know the government was smart they put a lot of guys on the street you didn't know who was who at one point in time you didn't know who to trust anymore but um danny green did become an informant for uh the cleveland police uh the cleveland uh law enforcement department there and as a result he bought himself out of jail time val kilmer also with cleveland law enforcement he knows danny green for you know most of his life he knows him since he's a kid and now he knows he's on the other side he was upset that danny green got the deal that he got so he's looking at danny green watching him he starts to you know really pay attention to him now he happens to be sitting in a restaurant that he calls a theatrical grill because he's sitting in there there's some mob guys sitting in there danny green walks in he calls it theatrical grille he says every city has a theatrical grill and what that means it's one place where everybody hangs out you could be a judge you could be a cop you could be a lawyer you could be a mob guy you could be anything everybody kind of gets together in one of these places we had a place like that in brooklyn it was called cresce's and it was in the green point section where i grew up with my dad and the funny thing was they were cousins of ours that owned the restaurant in that restaurant on any given day you had judges prosecutors law enforcement mob guys my dad myself we used to hang out there everybody hung together you know you were watching each other and everybody was comfortable believe it or not they went because the food was great it was a great hangout well that was the place that val kilmer sees danny green come in danny green offers to buy him a drink val criminal tells the way to know you know let's keep everything straight i don't want to be getting a drink from him and but now you can see that this little uh you know cat and mouse game is going to start uh val kilmer now um you know kind of makes it a mission of his to get danny green because he knows he's corrupt you know another great scene is when danny green gets out of jail he now has nothing to do he can't you know go back to the union so he has cooked hooked up with this uh italian guy you know nardi that was a friend to his and nardi introduces him to this jewish [ __ ] played by christopher walken he owns a restaurant and uh nardi vouchers for danny green introduces him to christopher walken walking tells him look this is what i do i put money out on the street and i need people to collect there's some good intercuts there with how he collects you know if you got to get violent about it whatever break a leg like we used to say you do that so danny green goes to work for christopher walken as a collector you know it starts to come up in the world starts to get noticed a little bit this guy nardi who's an italian guy he was uh you know a high up in the life at that point in time brings him to meet another mob guy this guy lucavelli who has a union and who is trying to get um you know the garbage guys the sanitation guys to join the union but they're very resistant and they're you know pretty tough guys so lucavelli enlists uh danny green to get the garbage guys to join his union you know and in new york you know we didn't have unions for the trash guys but we had an association uh sally avelino who's with tony ducks you might have heard of sally he was the one that had the jaguar bugged and uh you know tony ducks was in that car and and there was a big uh you know part of the mob commission case the conversations that they had uh while sally avellino was driving tony ducks around but he was the guy that you know was the head of the association that most of the trash guys or many of the trash guys that owned their companies in new york how to join this association so in cleveland it was a union and danny green was enlisted uh by lycovelli to get the trash guys to join the union so he's doing that so he's starting to come up in the world you know in that life and people are getting it to recognize him but he's a very brazen type of guy he doesn't you know bow down to the mob guys he doesn't think he's subservient to them because like i said he's a tough guy how tough was he well there's a great scene there when he gets out of jail and he had lost everything he's got to move his wife and kids to a different neighborhood and a different house he doesn't have that much money yet so they're going to a neighborhood that's you know not the best neighborhood and there's a scene there where across the street from danny's house you see a bunch of motorcycle guys going into this you know vacant area and they're partying and doing all of this stuff they're getting loud making noise so danny walks over to them and he says look as of right now the noise is going to stop and you guys are going to get out of here well the leader of the biker gang says no we're not doing that and he kind of calls danny out well danny leaves you know again quiet he walks out the door he comes back with him himself and a few of his guys they got baseball bats they're ready to fight danny green is always ready to fight so uh danny says one on one me and you outside he takes the biker outside they go at it in the middle of the street and danny just knocks the hell out of him i mean beats him up i mean danny was a tough guy starts pounding him in the face blood flying everywhere pretty gruesome scene but uh his wife is watching danny green's wife is watching she's starting to realize really you know what danny's all about what he what she really married and uh that's the end of the bikers so again tough tough tough guy now he starts to get on the wrong side of the italian guys this guy luchavelli you know wants a little more out of him there's a scene there where um you know liquor belly tells them anything that you're doing on the street i'm getting a 30 cut out of that's what i want danny green says you know what i ain't doing that he's not he insults him you know bad at that point in time and you can see now that there's irreparable damage done between them you know danny's not bound down to them the mob guys are mad so what happens they try to kill him and i don't know how many attempts were made on his life back in during that time there was something like 36 car bombings at that time i don't know why they were using a lot of car bombings in cleveland but it was happening all the time and it's funny there's a scene there where one of the reporters that were reporting on this after they tried to car bomb uh danny green both in his house well they tried it in his car and when that didn't work they uh they tried it in his house they actually threw a bomb at his house and uh that didn't work either and brian ross who worked for nbc i believe at the time uh was the reporter that was reporting on this how well do i know brian ross brian ross caused me a lot of trouble in my life he was working for nbc at the time he did a big report on me on an nbc news show called expose he was following me around for months when i was on parole and he actually was a major reason why i was violated on my parole i'm not going to get into it all now but he he caused me a lot of trouble and a big expose that he did on me said i was making a fool out of the government and that i had pulled a wool over their eyes and that you know i was supposed to be giving them information that i wasn't giving them and as a result the government was very upset it made them look really foolish and within three days of this expose back in 1991 i was violated and put back in jail brian ross who by the way he lied quite a bit through this expose that he did on me he lied on some other people i think he got slapped around for some reports that he did i know he went after wayne newton at one time went after a lot of people this was not a good guy but for some reason he keeps coming back i guess people think he's a good reporter anyhow brian ross was reporting on this don't want to get sidetracked but uh i have an experience with him you know danny green at one point in time you know the news media comes out and says hey you know you got nine lives man there's attempts made on your life all the time you keep getting through this what is it about you and danny tells the uh you know reporter on on television right then and there he said i'm not afraid of these italians here's where i live my office is down the street anytime they want to come after me they better come with both barrels loaded and he really goes off right on national tv well what happens there it's an embarrassment to lycavelli and the mob guys they keep trying to kill this guy and it can't do it now something is really interesting here where is cleveland controlled by they're controlled by the mob in new york so lycavelli is sent for by uh fat tony salerno genovese guy boss of the genovese you know i knew him very well told you the story about the gas stuff with me and him anyway fat tony's very upset this guy is making a fool out of you he's making a fool out of us what the heck is with you you can't kill this guy i mean what is the guy got nine lives what's going on there you guys are incompetent he really gives him a tongue lashing and luca valley says hey we tried so many times he said well we don't know what's with this guy he must have nine lives and during that time fat tony says to him look i want you to do me a favor i want you to turn this over to me let me handle it i guess he said in a nice way he didn't take it away from him because lucavelli was you know the boss of cleveland at the time he didn't take it from him but he says i want a favor obviously lick valley can't refuse fat tony to favor right from that point on fat tony kind of lures them into a meeting that they have this guy nardi is also in trouble because he kind of he kind of went against lucavelli and sided with uh with danny green something you can't you're not supposed to do and uh long story short as this thing moves along um fat tony is is uh successful in killing everybody interesting thing here happens nortie gets killed in a car bombing danny green gets killed eventually in a car bomb also there's a guy by the name of ray farido and he was the guy that actually set up danny green to get killed but the guy that set this whole thing up was a guy by the name of jimmy frattiano they called him jimmy the weasel he was an la guy he was actually the acting boss of the la family at one point in time the la family and uh fat tony had engaged him to do the hit on danny green so he he um ordered it or he devised the scheme i would say to do it this guy farido eventually gave up jimmy the weasel jimmy the weasel then became an informant when he got indicted or he got charged with killing danny green he becomes an informant jimmy the weasel fratiano i think he informed on four or five or six mob guys at that point in time he was one of the first guys to really become a major informant at the time he actually went into the witness protection program he was in the program for i believe 10 years until they finally threw them out because it was shown that the government spent well over a million dollars protecting these guys this guy in a 10-year period there was some kind of scandal about it and i think after that you're only allowed a limited time in the witness protection program you can't stay in that long after a period of time you got to get out on your own and get your own life you know together but anyway um so he dies at the end danny green so what's tomorrow here again people i mean great movie if you enjoyed this and want to watch the movie kill the irishman join my crew michael every one of these movie reviews we put immediately into the crew you can watch it tonight join the crew michael kill the irishman and all the other movies that we reviewed are in there right now go and join watch it it was acted very well and it is fairly accurate like i said they did take some dramatic liberty in it but what's the moral of the story here i don't care if you're italian you're irish you're jewish whatever you're on the street you're involved in criminal activity whether it be organized or you're just one guy running around eventually you're gonna go down law enforcement in the united states too sophisticated they got too many weapons they got too many informants on the street here's an informant who knows how much information he was given to you know the cleveland uh law enforcement about the mob guys again it's kind of a situation like whitey bulger you know whitey bulger how long was he an informant for 10 15 20 years they always seem to be informing against the italian guys you know all the time so you know you don't know who to trust anymore you know and and eventually you're going to go down it's the message that i give to our young people all the time i've been doing this consistently for 25 years people i've been talking to you know juveniles i've been talking to guys in prison i've been telling them this is a dead end street crime does not pay in america the only crime that pays in america is if you're in the government that's it because they create the laws they bypass the laws and they get away with it you know and you're going to see that mafia democracy books coming out we're almost there you know you're going to see it over the summer so stay tuned for that but if you're on the street forget about it you know as the saying goes you're not going to get away with it so great movie watch it i suggest it hope you enjoy it my team is doing a great job you know i've given you some clips on the film hopefully it gone is your interest but go to it and watch it so that's about it for today i already gave you the lowdown on our uh uh a big giveaway at 500 000 subscribers thank all of you even those of you that don't subscribe but you know tune in you know we got so many viewers on the channel and uh we really appreciate the loyalty and we'll keep doing our best to provide you with great content so that's it for today how do i always leave you be safe be healthy god bless and i will see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Michael Franzese
Views: 464,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michael, franzese, michael franzese, mafia, mob, mobster, mob boss, mafia boss, caporegime, colombo, colombo family, gambino, bonanno, lucchese, genovese, john gotti, american mafia, italian mafia, fat tony, mob monday, mob movie mondays, mafia sit down, the sit down michael franzese, kill the irishman, danny greene, cleveland mafia, is there a mafia in cleveland, irish mafia, cleveland gang, movie review, what is a sit down, mafia monday, mafia movie, mafia movie monday
Id: IV6AW7G0qPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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