MM2, But A SPIN WHEEL Chooses My PERK... (Murder Mystery 2)

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mm2 but a spin wheel chooses my perk so when I murderer I'm going to be spinning a wheel to see which perk I have to use during that murder around I'm really hoping I don't get fake gun or footsteps because I hate those ones they are literally my least favorite let's spin the wheel and see which perk we're using first ooh we got slide if that's how you say it I don't know if it's like slate or slight but we got that I don't like that one actually actually that one's worse and footsteps if I'm being honest I don't like this one at all like I really just can't throw with it but I guess we have to do it cuz that's what the wheel says now let's go into a public server and wait to be [Music] murderer oh my gosh don't kill me good she's going off someone else now oh does she not know how to stab there she goes oh they're still alive what that's why are they still standing up are they dead what oh okay he just fell over who has the gun because there was someone shooting at here at some point oh no no no oh my gosh that was such a close call goodbye okay no someone in here has the gun okay they go off the purple hair I'm so going to get no I'm not cuz she [Music] won oh okay it's someone with flames okay no it's like what is that like a nun oh they just missed the person standing still what is happening I'm getting so confused why are people like not dying is it a nun or am I like blind is she a nun I can't tell oh okay guys finally I murder that kind of took like a little while but it's it's fine okay so we have the slight perk on so let's see if we can win which we probably won't because I'm just not good with this perk at all oh the gun the gun is right there not the not the juking I'm getting juked that's so sad stop okay oh we got her okay o please don't kill me oh gosh okay oh I got her I'm too good before we continue watching let me tell you about mm2 club mm2 club is a legit online website that sells murder mystery 2 weapons for really cheap prices I'm going to be buying my dream knife obviously I'm going to use the code Lily to get 10% off my order okay now that I have bought the item I need to confirm my Roblox username so that I can get the weapon if your account is under 13 then you must friend the bot to be taken to a private server if your account is over 13 then just press here the bot is telling me to jump to receive my trade and there it is press accept and Tada you have your weapons we'll definitely be shopping here again anyway guys back to the video okay someone is definitely over here cuz I heard them let's go come back here bro he's like out running me this is so embarrassing oh oh my gosh he just walked into my knife that wasn't going to hit him if he like stayed where he was where is this last person I cannot hear anyone ooh I saw like the flame effect are they here oh you're kidding I was like so off [Music] like come here oh come on so close what oh they're over here okay GG guys we won with slide let's spin the wheel again and see which one we have to use next okay let's see I'm actually so upset guys we got fake gun that's like the worst one that's what I said it's like the worst perk like ever honestly but I guess we have to put it on ooh I'm the sheriff okay I feel like I haven't been sheriff in like ages honestly what is this that is so scary goodbye who's hacking oh that's great there's like an explod in the server oh I didn't even see this guy here who is the murderer I don't get it like who's the murderer why is no one killing I'm just going to shoot her yeah okay okay oh my God I'm the sheriff again let's go I'm just too good even though I want to be the murderer but like it's fine we're just we're just going to have to wait let's hope it's not the AFK go over there again oh [Music] oh [Music] what let's go I'm really sorry G I'm really sorry finally I am the murderer let's put on this and this and it is oh that's right it's fake gun oh my gosh it's so useless I don't even know why like it's just so like the sheriff is just going to see me and just be like you know shoot me see like the sheriff is right there if they saw me with like a like a gun they were going to like kill me hey look no you're kidding I was just trying to like show them that I had a gun too and I died look how I died as well oh my gosh okay let's spin the wheel again and see which perk we have next I'm hoping it's something good because we've had horrible ones so far we got ninja bro these are so bad these are literally so bad I'm not getting like anything good I want to get haste or x-ray or like even ghost just something something like really good please I just got murder again what is my luck it's like this is like my Redemption considering last round was really embarrassing and I died okay let's do it with Ninja I wonder why there's a dead body over there no one's killed yet okay I don't want people to know like I'm the murderer because that's like the whole point of ninja like I'm just like trying to concentrate and win if this girl shoots me again oh wait the gun's here what I didn't even know it was out oh my gosh she went Bal where is this last person are they in the bathroom they're going to be in the closet like 100% in the wardrobes over here nope okay that was really embarrassing then they're going to be yeah in the garage right there let's go guys we did it again we just to it was like really silent because I couldn't hear anything cuz a ninja okay because we we won okay let's spin the whe again let's just do it again and let's see if we can get murderer for a third time maybe oh my gosh guys we got haste let's go we this to good okay let's put on haste I love Hy so much it's like the one I use all the time it's like just my favorite one 24/7 use it okay can we be the murderer nope all right then oh okay this person right here why they like half in the roof um okay but they're the sheriff and someone that went that way with murder but yeah well he's dead so yeah someone said El camper this person must have been like camping I be a camper like I didn't even realize I'm just better totally oh my God I'm the Sheri the go outside and shoot somebody okay who is going to stop wait [Music] oh that's your comma for shooting me when I was murderer that like one time yes okay guys I am the murderer again 30% chance took it long enough but we have haste so it's okay this is going to be such a good round I'm [Music] hoping oh hello the lag already what is this jking going on I don't like this I take it back this is no you guys saw that I stabbed [Music] her the gun is out you're [Music] kidding there's still someone out here but oh they're right there what am I doing doing I just like yeah oh that was so close to him no no no no sorry I know I'm jumping a lot but he's kind of like wall camping and it's scaring me a lot he's just like waiting for me to walk through the do like what am I meant to do oh can you imagine if I hit him what okay this dude right thank you luckily he got stuck on the doors oh my gosh okay so we are going to be spitting the wheel one more time to see what our final perk is going to be I really hope we get either x-ray or ghost I'm like praying let's see oh my gosh guys I actually we actually got x-ray that's actually like a good perk to end this video off it's like such a good perk oh my gosh where is it I don't really use it as much as haste because haste is like going fast and I feel so slow if I don't but it's good for like bigger Maps okay guys we are the murderer okay so we have x-ray on this is like an average map to have x-ray on but it's fine like no issues Oh I thought I could like get her cuz I thought she's going to stand still okay where is everyone okay okay a lot of people were like in the kitchen and there's some people right here how did how did that Miss like I couldn't get one of them hello let me get you br is there someone here am I like blind I think I am what you're kidding how did that Miss I know there's someone here okay please please please [Music] please okay good okay good peekaboo oh kidding yeah see like I feel so slow like they literally out running me I'm a snail oh he would jump right then wouldn't he okay it's just them why are they all jumpy like calm [Music] down okay good oh sherff come back here [Music] bro okay this is like confusing where is he he's just yeah he's confused too oh come on that was so close Okay the lag is not okay bro how is I not getting here oh my God what i'm blaming his lag I am blaming his lag that was not my fault okay guys thank you so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: llxllie
Views: 165,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, mm2, murder mystery 2, mm2 gameplay, mm2 edit, mm2 edits, llxllie, mm2 camper, mm2 teamers, teamer, mm2 oders, roblox campers, roblox oders, edaters, mm2 compilation, mm2 tiktok, roblox mm2, mm2 roblox, murder mystery 2 roblox, roblox murder mystery 2, mm2 halloween, halloween, mm2 halloween 2023, mm2 halloween event, mm2 update, mm2 halloween update, mm2 spin wheel, spin wheel, mm2 wheel, perk, mm2 perk, mm2 ghost, mm2 haste, mm2 powers, mm2 perks, mm2 xray
Id: 23kBo_5vEDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2023
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