MLB WS 1992 Game 3 Blue Jays vs Braves
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Channel: Garai Jรณzsef
Views: 21,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 33sec (9333 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Canada's first recorded game: 1838
USA first recorded game: 1846
Canada's pastime! :)
ah yes the "there are other countries in the world than the US" segment
Oh man that was cringe.
This makes me grateful that we were able to have our own Canadian networks cover the NBA Finals.
Somewhere in the stands, a young Harold Reynolds is freaking out about the fact that the world series is being played on turf.
I found the parts using hockey equipment to play ball pretty funny.
I just can't take the rest of this seriously from a country that chants USA when the Jays visit a ball park and the home team might have more international players than the Jays do.
I remember watching this live as a kid and my whole family rolling their eyes so hard. Like I get it's supposed to be in good humour, but its just so lazy.
This may be how Americans see (or saw) Canada, but this dude's head-shaking ignorance is exactly how Canadians see Americans.
I remember watching the American announcers during this series and finding them absolutely insufferable. So glad we won.
I want the three minutes of my life back from that cheese fest. Fucking terrible
that is some cringe-humour right there...