MLB | Unusual Odds

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[Applause] down the line and now Basset is going to try to beat him back to the back and but that's a b that's another disengagement and that's the third you can only disengage twice there's a shot great play Adams bobbles the ball drops the ball flips and a catch somehow someway Jackson ah beautiful drops it down Luc Casey's got it but he throws to Third and nobody's home John bird's going to score now they get forz at oor swing Zino can't find it now get a runner hung up they should get somebody get them both there's one tag him how about this takes it the other way this is hit well towards the left field corner Corner Frasier going back and he can't make the catch it's a fair ball going to Rattle around and cron coming around from first base will score popped up playable Suzuki trips over mustakas and that ball is going to be a foul ball and we'll see what they call here they're ending the game just let it happen well you can do it with your timing you just get started early I think Akil Badu just pulled a Shaquille O'Neal moment just broke the glass on that foul tip take a look at this here foul ball missed with the breaking pitch and carosone thought it was four it's actually three but no worry nobody saw that that one gets P kboom has bird will go to third and strike three call Healey caught looking and that will retire the side High slider called strike Homer turns on this ball deep to right field Marte is going back it is lodged in the wall it's lodged in the wall blue J's a three 73 kind of drops at this Kikuchi gets to it and throws to First it dropped he whipped on the tag Kikuchi was able to get there but it's ol and C fighting the trainers at this point which means he's close smashed up the middle Kinsler has a kick off his glove he recovers but not at to and Nails Santana and he goes down in a heat oh Josh roas at Short Stop oh he has had issues with his throwing over there it's not as smooth here's Nota off his glove and a beautiful feed to Martinez he get the out how about that spin some magic big fella rean Mark after he struggled for the first five seasons he's off and running Cel takes the pitch it's a throw that bounces into shallow center field nobody was covering the bag and well J can feel like a ball player not in the Dugout but close enough to be chopping on some sunflower seeds all the old days I do it every once in a while Mona runs Abu Strikes Out throw out his second base is not C Mona into second and he did get hit on the way into second base Yan want spells how about the steal of third by doer with the pitcher Johnson holding the ball he wasn't even [Applause] aware B now how about that a b Here Comes Topia and the Red Sox add another run to Alonzo and a Fly ball hit back in the left field Brawn will have enough room will he no it goes off the wall and Alonzo AR second like somebody spilling a beer or something on pop this one up a lot of room over there Flores will give it a look and the bad boy runs into Flores and they will call him out yeah it's a little high timeout was called I [Applause] believe I'm not sure if the folks at home have a oh who hell he called umpire saying it's on Mato hadn't got back in Allan was ready to go he said let's go some guys always I've heard often heard pitched him right there did you see that he quick pitched him and George lost track of the count yeah he did he he do to the best of them he does that occasionally out of the new it's going to roll fast yes it is and it's a base hit oh boy wow look at the way that put some chalk on that QQ ball it's fair goes this is in the air to right field for Brian Anderson and they've got base it was a great decoy there by migy R call had no idea where the ball was take a look at that he pops up the bunt and Rizzo will let it drop out there and for some reason Herrera get caught in the run down he's out there Third Base that's a fair ball Loria tackles it oh they got a runner overan the bag at second he ran into and out right there oh what a tremendous swung on lead and dof's going to have a play a diving play the ball bounces down and he's going to be able to run over and get the out Dallas thank you Steven Tarpley taking over his fourth game in this his first year with Miami [Applause] back to tarpy bobbles and in the dirt and look at Logan foresight tatis at third Two Out Here Comes Fernando he's going to steal home Fernando tatis Jr just walked in WoW 52 Don't Take Your Eye Off him Gman is out in front l in foul toward the bullpen not a bad idea to hit it down in that direction because Osos holding the runner at first [Applause] base shoer to third de will come to the plate and Machado safe he got the footed before the tag and a real good job there by Will little there he goes again another throw to first and again he steals him blind well this has been going on all night and gsman has yet to pick up on it Walker with first five ground ball off the bag at third it's fair and down the line and way down the line xanders think broken bat roller to the right side long run for go he throws it away it bounces off the screen in front of the Ranger Dugout kicks and Deals and a bunt Third Base side hugging the line rolling rolling twisting toward Wards the chalk hugging the and monoa gets down on his knees and tries to blow the baseball to no avail scores Yonder Alonzo moves up to Second and that pitch sails away and both Runners will advance Alonzo to third Gomes to Second what happened I think this happened to him the other day on Monday night that ball keep it in front it moves panic in the scoring position line drive to Upton oh and it goes out of Upton's love p had to hold now he moves to third trying to walk something off in The Dugout it's another example he just sues it himself again rounder back to him he fell down kicks off him all the way over by the first Baseline and everybody's going to be safe oh my gosh did he get hit in the eye looks like look like his left eye we just noticed cision with Carlos Gomez is Nelson falls off the mound now he did let the ball go so technically that could be a ball it is you know it's actually a little surprising as kintana takes a spill a little surprising Kane didn't get booted for that we've seen that a couple of times and hopefully Jose is okay and might be a drop at second and the Dodgers only get the one out well you can never assume a double play but that was a d boy Godly fell off the mound again that's been happening to Zach from time to time we saw it in San Francisco a number of times uh at the start of this road trip he usually ends up running somewhere down there is some key piece of equipment uhoh I think we've discovered the problem it Dr under the chest protector yeah it's in there hey there it is his might have been his earpiece I think that PO by his tops one tough play for deg Grom and he can't make a play as his feet came out from under him he's upset the question is is he hurt if I can't play for these guys who am I going to play for play for the Red Sox seino slipped there that's a good pitch I got to try to perfect this the game within the game that's what you miss when you can't play anymore quo falls down quo's on the ground and he's holding his left leg pet Alonzo wow the clean shaven pet Alonzo earlier in the game in a mustache yeah now who does that well it's super called superstitious Gary it's it's called after the two home run game now here's a bunt by Matteo and a pretty good one mclanahan Falls as he tries to pick that one up let's make sure he's all right his feet went out from under him take your base pops it up that goes sailing out of the hands Carlos K takes a curveball for a strike Weaver stumbled as he delivered that pitch fell down on the mound and ball MOA tried to flip the bat but apparently too much pinear on it I don't know if I've ever seen that where the catcher had to get out of the way grounds on to the hole is short Russell boots it and then spikes it into the ground it rolls into right field and allows cre to advance to Third that was against the white socks at home struck out a dozen in that outing allowed just the solo home run Jose Abu as his only hit allowed and the 02 Pitch hit up the middle off way right just like he wanted kick save in a beauty and directed that right to Gold Schmid Adam loves Team USA and soccer crank the right center field Freeman the Gap to drive home bets Freeman for second Le's throw tag wasn't there it's a double and a chopper by the mound that ball is going to be a base hit and now a throw back to Second and Margo got back in there Margo rounded turned on handled to third fired to home tag on Fredo he's out he says no check it called out of the plate and there it is he's safe and the Reds lead as Garcia takes ball three woo look at him with a cartwheel actually that pitch might have hit him it's like a hit him on the foot and he's going to reach out his front foot maybe SH now the pitch due to taking and it is low for ball four D to had to check and make sure gry doesn't walk too many but he has just walked D to and Murphy now tearing from second to third nobody's covering third to St Louis in Texas now wh to third the throw gets away was there any contact when Whit got to his feet with the third baseman he pops it up Cole coming down off the mound and that ball is stuck up there apparently that ball batters his struck out now a line drive single by Taylor Ward with two outs in the fifth inning that is just the third hit of the game for the angels and almost back maldi tried this one I thought may be playable now I'm watching it see Nolan he so inun he thought like maybe if I catch it off the chair and a couple of bodies they'll give me an out call and while he was doing that absorbing the foul off the bat of toan Diego Cy a look up close and personal there tunnel vision perhaps I think that's what that that is tunnel vision mlan launches to right Marcado going back hard slows at the wall he lips it's gone did he knock that over I think he did and he might have inadvertently volley balled m show Walter said before the game unlikely he'll play today because he had the travel here but uh he may be in the lineup tomorrow and oh Jonathan just snuck a snack well you chase a fou Owens it short wild throw and here we go again I think frier missed the base trying to avoid the tag of Paul gmid he doesn't touch it there dice in the center hits it well Yelich is back at the track reaches got it wow bangs into the wall and holds on and Christian Yelich is down just a round ball that's through and into center field for a hit AIA around first big turn throw back toward first he deed him and it's thrown off the ball boy and that'll be another base how about that 02 Cho to third in between hop nice settle by Newman oh the juggling act excellent [Applause] recovery Sky to left long run for mckin toward the line and he makes the play little juggling act there Michael but it ended up not in the glove but in the too hard oh yeah except there and then he just flag it down selfdefense yeah well you know it's on the right side I mean it's on the his left side but that's on the right side as far as getting your glove up that'll be a block as Peralta looked to get his spikes caught and so so they and a block the Rangers have just scored the goahead Run Deval with a b and for the first there's another B and that's going to get another run home cman goes to Second young scores from Third special opportunity my kids are a little tired if you can't tell and uh it's just a it's just a special thing to get to be a part of a team like this and get to be a part of some of those names hey hey ball hit the dirt whoa with a attempt now to intentionally walk ref Snider about almost through to the back stop got there's a line drive to left off the bat of Josh Young and it gets stuck in the padding and it'll be a double so young hitless yesterday has three hits today but something went wrong out there for him I Chopper second base odor with the tag to throw to first not in time they get the out on the lead runnner but a little late Runner is going Throw Down by Martin and in time to get judged he hangs in tough against a big guy and Russell's throw short hop a little bit and look at the saw it off his Bat and that confused the pitcher barow he didn't know where the ball or the bat was coming from yeah that's got to go as a base hit I mean that's just a good piece of luck but for Bar B ball toward the hole cut off by Rogers he'll get the out at first nobody more pumped up behind the play than Austin Garber Julian on one hop another great play by fletch it stonic and they get the double play highlight after highlight for Fletch that's unreal Fletch live Bryce Harper oh here we go looking at it see that where is it he I told he can't see it oh my it's going to fall in rafay into second and stopping one and0 oh Spike got caught up look look at Francisco land never seen a pitch [Music] [Applause] there B Miller I heard him say something about a violation can they call mcneel for being on the other side of the back Gallow lifts that in the air to right field a Royo can't see it a Royo can't see it it's over his head and on the warning track two runs will score Gallow being waved home everybody in the lineup for the Jays has made a contribution one way or the other it's going to be a tough out barehanded they get the out two great play plays right there as McFarland the LA here's a two- two and that one fouled away hey that's cat himim did he catch that oh my goodness that one was found I believe off of Heim popped up in the air sliced to the corner see if Velasquez has room coming back oh he got it a little parkour from Nelson Velasquez two two got a little piece of it and yes two yeah I think it got a piece of him also onew coming and he throws him an off speed pitch and mcneel rolls it in order R he lost control of it and McNeal calls into first base what is he doing oh wow o Rizzy had the infielders so much slower nice block by Stevenson did he cup that under his chin he sure did w had him reaching going to be a tough play Verlander throws it into his own leg he be a base hit it's got Verlander smiling Chopper up the gut it's a nice play by Jimenez do they get the out you better believe it an incredible play by Andre J menz with the flip out of the glove to up the middle and through oh knocked down by Jimenez and on the flip they get the force incredibly in second base oh man you talk about a piece of The Scouting Report coner palaa lifts it down the line at left that's frco out there and he oh he makes the catch just inside the line throw back towards second sh got simy out just enough on it down the line Jared Walsh diving play from the seat of his pants throws out Cory Seager see you you make a nice play take care of your first Bas here's Gino a little soccer yeah he's he's good he's good we've seen him do that before that was a double juggle there take a look at the foot oh nicely done on the juggle way to hang with it Josh Roos it's almost like they're picking on him right grounder BL look [Applause] out he got the popped up foul ground long run for Machado trying the over the shoulder and he catches it a bobble or two but he makes the catch R's going oh boy do threw it in the left Center but Ronald stays there at second base but he is now one away Conor FFA going and is in there with a stolen base ikf whoa what's going on what happened Kim takes off again swinging a Miss strike three the throw the tag attack by Roos wow on both ends that is as good as it gets from a second baseman the first baseman and the runnner going and they got him a diving block there by Matt Chapman looking like a def round ball up the middle the flip out of the glove to get the force play what an effort there by Turner to cut down the man in the middle McLean somehow gets to it flip to India on the bearhead he got it wow they cut down Ken fielder's Choice snap throw to first and they might have gotten them all that was close Andy Rodriguez somehow avoided the [Applause] tag Walker might have a shot at this as well in foul territory Kennedy over there with them and it drops in between them you don't have to swing that hard to do anything oh my goodness I thought it hit him throw to first is in the dirt and it goes into the rais bullpen around third Steven Quan will be waved home he will score heading to third is Andre he Manis he's in there safely two balls in a strike to him here it comes Runner goes from first to swinging a Miss ooh and high tried to stop the throw instead squeezed out of his hand to throw back to him and they get him cero got of a two for 28 slide and that's a good pick up by Santana and it ends up in left field Crow will score as Maro just whiffed on that throw it look Escobar two and0 a pickoff try second he throws it into center field Lindor comes home the score and the Mets of a two-run lead it's 4 to2 two Norris throwing wildly to the plate cuz he doesn't want Josh Bell at second base it bothers him whether it's signal calling for whatever reason there we go again let we drop the ball on B finally got him to do it he tried to B twice looked like a quarterback spiking the ball trying to stop the clock Josh reck broken back and it twisted R mesy around and goes into the right field must had some knuckle ball action on that cuz monesy broke left and the ball went to his oh that one Seager ducking out of the way for a strike that's C happened a couple of times to Seager here in the last week or so this is a pretty nasty break chopped out to short they'll get the out at second base and the throw drills Chesler cuffer oh no a run scores the Royals Take the Lead but Chesler High fast ball is chopped to the left side and Bobby Wood Jr had him out but the ball either went over Duffy's glove or through his glove that looked like he went and the pitch rocketed to short scooped out of the air by overstone a hop gathers it in and throws to first again I think the ball came up H in the Bill of his cap that's two men down it did it kind of clipped up and real oh is he okay Gio stumbles down he goes lays there and I was hoping he he was laying there out of amusement and not out of injury two coming did he go yes WS tumbles off the mound Kia strikes out he stuck the landing and has his batting average up to 273 for the year what was that that was a sound that was not supposed to eminate from the speakers here it spooked everybody in the ballpark two two just Nicks it and gets a piece that was great that was fantastic hacky sack anyone I mean the the 01 pitch Edmond chops head left side his speed he is out and how things have change I happened to see what just happened in Centerfield I I'm looking at it here here we go go no see this isn't going to work out well yeah so now he's got to call time he loses the glove and then Austin Hayes down the left field line into the corner and that ball is fair just inside the pole he stuck it in there to tie the game oh got Soo wow I'll tell you what you talk about bad luck when is it going to end that is unbelievable listen to [Applause] this one-1 pitch is clock to First that is picked up and wow Al doesn't know that he was safe and he rounds the bag and he's tagged out the b first pitch yep that's what I figured I said stay Loos mhm stay loose first Grand Slam for Fernando tatis Jr and that one is thrown behind Machado but it slipped yeah I guess yeah I don't know oh I can tell you exactly what that's all about goes it's a right hand and a lineer the right field but going back to make the play sound TI there he Whi on it he absolutely whiffed he lost his footing and when he tried to recover he just Skyhigh pop up off the bat of Bowers the wind takes it it falls and bow will be at second I can't remember and uh what we got something hovering over the field whoa is it a giant bubble a minor after the first one gel oh look out there goes the popcorn runs along the way including one last night is 20th of the year and he flies one out to shallow left field Sam Haggard he comes on and this judges it and it lands and Nemo winds up at line to left field and that is going to be over Yoshida and now he can't find it it is in the monster watches the light it went right off the the outside it's that's got under this one we'll see if it'll stay in the yard Peterson over there to have a look with Pomo both guys into the screen it might have hit the screen on the way down he hit one to the wall last time and how about this look at the English on that ball from foul territory back in play Olen Taps the bag off the end of the bat Here Comes Melendez and makes a running sliding attempt Moore ran away he's out up the Middle look at that play by the pitcher nobody what is he doing he never went to the bag he never threw it to soderstrom and I tell you Eric Young Jr is one and0 oh look at this Kim doing a little kimal I love it the the Philly fans didn't like it I thought they were going to cheer for that they started booing him off the glove of Santos oh and a barehanded pick by Elvis that is a fine play as Elvis bare hands that he might have had some time to play jammed him in a pop fly hustling out there look at FCO oh he made the catch he barehanded that ball and foul teror Harper goes ball is caught by JT it's like we're playing in our backyard whiffle ball that's funny JT asking for time oh I got it in on the infield that one squirts Away From alaro Here Comes K he tries to elud Al Faro jumping tag he missed oh he got him K reached above him touched home plate and Mark K is probably going to ask [Applause] [Music] two- pitch is up Springer broke halfway now he tries to get back and he's out Mar Maldonado came up throwing put on a nice little swim move not sure with the choice and he lays off Perez takes off and is safe at third Brockton draws the walk and somehow Perez lined and caught by Fernando you cannot do it any better than that superhuman now we have a squirrel running on the field behind Cruz and in front of the twins Dugout and in the twins dug out and chasing all the big strong baseball players out of the way something you don't y kind kind of trying to elevate and throw at the same time it's not that easy oh my goodness what in the world is he okay Jared Kart misses on that inside the two two right back up the middle speared by bz and he flips the candelario for the out at second oh what a dazzling play by jaier bayz that was destined for Center but Runner takes off swinging a Miss from Olen throw down is not in time bag comes off auna just wants to take it with him well he can't have too much fun because he still has to get ready for stood up and answered all the questions last year and right both The Catcher And the Umpire threw the baseball out to the mound and for look at that is that a catch it's in his mask ball never hit the ground on a foul tip two strikes you've got a glacius they should have him for a while here's a one-1 pitch a buns Lester bobbles and got the out flipping it out of his glove glaus is going to argue the pl Tucker goes and Mado with a base hit down the line and left Tucker to third Runners on the corners for the Astros now watch this a step to the left a step to the right now look at the cheeks I mean he's just firing in here and at some point the tongue's going to come out as he gets close to he's about out of gas right now watch it is Brinson Lofts it to right center field long way to go and the gron diving attemp comes up empty the grown up bleeding bloody yeah oh my goodness out of the inning gra still got 12 outs to go after that Bullpen whoa did you see that Dallas Kel tripped over his shoelace pretty sure that'll be a fineing kangaroo court yes dust yourself off kid one hits one in the air to center field that sends Blackman back to the edge of the warning truck at the wall it's off him and gone it bounces off David dah and out of the interesting concept is this one lifted again out to short right field but it's not very deep and odor will grab it go to Second for the one out out and he's got a chance for a double play here Guzman popped up straight over home plate Danny Jansen the catcher flips his mask away and Oh my he stayed with it and did a heck of a job little popup shallow left Center Chapman is tagging and Chapman's going to Bluff and then he's going to come home as the ball just kind of popped up out of the hand of Goodwin and Chapman scores two strike pitch and it goes off of Woodruff kick save and a beauty right to Jed Jero that's too easy to pass up the old 1 three will make it and Dave Roberts will argue he went out of the Baseline but no call you need some length here that is one hoop Andress knocks it down he flips to second now they're going to throw to Third and it's going to be an unconventional double play 645 just how you and the way those guys have pitched as Mak hits a towering Fly ball deep into right center field Zimmer is back at the track they run into each other and this ball is where is and a bul is called [Applause] fast ball sent it to shallow right field and gritch did he catch that ball it's being called a catch and if that holds up it's going to be an inning ending little nber and look at the spin on this it comes back into Fair territory it keeps on rolling Martinez down to Third and it dies on the dirt and that's a base hit that one Jack deep to right field the way way back all the way to the wall lunging can't get it it's gone it's into the [Applause] bullpen Peterson is this going to hug the line it's going to stay Fair there are like three times it looked like it was just going to roll foul I mean enjoy some great food Stephanie iser that gets in the right half had a blowout I'm not sure exactly what happened when he lost his helmet 3-1 count back goes Mikey mck took it's over his head and gone or is it yeah that's gone thing Runner goes Murphy hits the runner hits deza and so deza is out Murphy gets to First Murphy's actually going to get gtis cracks his b that's a fair ball and it's played by the ball girl down the left field line on the way to second is Gad two two delivery on the way another off speed pitch not hit hard oh Collision run will score they got a chance for an out at third can't get anybody over e Denny and a two- oh Pitch that hits the runner and the inning is over you need some stuff like that to R goes the pitches swung on a Miss throw to second base is off the glove of Rodriguez but there's interference by The Hitter Roos interfered with JT real there's anything going on Pitch to Hicks is bounced it hits the bag checks up it'll score a run Chavis is just barely able to get the out at the bag and it's an 8 to four ball game I I would yeah although they did come from far and wide the signers of the Declaration now what was that what was that he hit him he hit him whoa goes ball is hit high and deep to center field goes he back get up ball get up off the glove and out of here a two-run home run for V big bouncer tough play Gregorius has it go off his hand with a collision and they'll call him [Applause] out and that gets away from AJ who slips and falls and throws a long guard out toward Short Stop AJ's feet went right from beneath onew delivery and MC will hit it off the mask of [Music] weers felt that one asking look at that so [Applause] hard on it he's able to check up that's what they were trying to do there I mean they had that chopped off the plate fielded by Abu interference on the pitcher inoah takes that one off the mask Cameron rock well he knows how that feels so couple couple of Catcher standing there going why did we side why do we want to be a catch and the onew pitch uh one hopper in front of the plate and now it's two and two that was a short one yes it was Michael lorenzen's back to oh my goodness Max stassi was about to throw that ball back to Michael lenzen and he do JP Crawford left-handers and right-handers a high pop and that ball is stuck up there well we saw that in the New York series The Beauty of Bob Melvin you that that got Romine and he's being held up by David [Applause] Rackley ball gets away and Tak it off for second and getting there without a problem his profar and he's running BYO almost took out Vargas wow that was scary ball stuck in NEOS run goes got a good jump here's they throw down to Second a little bit late ietta did a heck of a job we're going to call interference on on [Applause] Fielder see that front foot starting to open up stay away from him yeah I mean he's just anxious for anything on the inner half this is interesting and this is just what we saw in Chicago and you see and he got him watch out Johnny quo was expecting hinaman to throw the ball around the horners in the past and that one knocks the glove right off Kurt Suzuki I don't think I've ever seen that before and including how well his team's playing including his 50th win and JT catches that one out of the air it's a foul tip not a foul ball a foul tip how about that it's a shame pops it up first base shot in foul territory pool near the dug out calls off byetta pops out of the glove and right to Chris nice job by Chris inetta sticking with him and quick recovery this ball was popped up let's see who has the play here Brian mccan scrambling and the ball Falls fair and then goes foul or did he touch it in Fair territory and they're going to say he is then it's here we go again yep funny how the human mind does not let us Escape our recent failures what just happened there that was a little bloop Nick GED swings at the first ma pitch and AJ Ellis runs into the back of Ahmed and it will be interference on Nick Ahmed yeah leads us to wonder why yeah saw uh I saw Tyler throw overthrow the pitch a little bit hit Swanson right in the shin it looked like like he got it pretty good wonder if that's he wasn't ready for the throw oh my goodness oh luckily it was a lobar and narv going back and forth he's got a Ripkin esque streak of days in a row where he does something funny on the field Duvall pops it up foul ground overs The Catcher narv And he can't make the catch but Urus does the third basem was right watch as the ball goes down the dirt and he takes his mask off yep can't do that he's absolutely guilty of it cannot stop the flo that ball with your mask any piece of equipment you have changes the speed of your pitches boun there's a delayed move at second base and it was very delayed for Sheets he is an easy target for chinos trying to take second on the ball in the dirt course z Rod has had those issues with tipping pitches here's the 3-2 and he pops him up back toward the netting Leon looks like he may have room and he does he makes the play yeah the pitch broken bat right in front of the plate Manny Pena's got it off balance throw and as he tumbled to the turf he throws a soft strike to first to retire Solair probably had a little foul caught by m he did it he's been trying that play all year long and it paid off that is outstanding A Tip Drill by Martin Maldonado Duval pops it up yotti in foul territory then Adams and he makes the and he gets a strike oh that's well nubbed down the Third Base Line Peña hoping it goes back there and it does swisser is going to be out oh that is so beautiful oh that is terrible Nick swier onew popped him up but Roya coming in there's going to be interference I believe so what they're going to do they're going to call interference so he's going to be out and they're going to let Navaro come to First there's a bunt AO fires to third they get the fourth play good play and AO ends up flat on his stomach and Busters got it he's going to go to Third and they got him and that's the ball game wow it popped up Molina slides toward the outside edge and that pitch bounces well that was fancy can you do that what happened you didn't see it no so a double a home run with one out and Omar hung on strike three nice catch catch what are you talking about he tuck and the 3-2 he struck him out or did he did yachty hold on he did and Hosmer didn't realize it guess who came up to warm up Bundy Manny machado's behind their mask taking a little what four from the Tigers who were looking up from The Dugout able to catch able to throw one and one oh my goodness the throwback hits Bellinger's helmet Cody kind of dropped his head a little bit to uh dangerously up and in it was not this is not typical baseball etiquette watch where the bat is come on did that on purpose so yeah that was awesome that was awesome right there there's Greg bird looking for his first hit and looking for his first extra base hit of the spring tried to check his swing but he goes around and it's strike the throw to first first is in time to pick off the pinch Runner and that is Shane Robinson oh he's framing it in cricket that's a strike to the pen and he Strikes Out Caesar Molina trying to find the ball and it's connected to his chest protector [Music] there goes the runner and a fake throw by Molina and they got the runner hung up headed home and he is out what a play by Ben swings and fouls it back you see what Joe Mau just did watch this so saved to run on a wild pitch place was packed as well he just tried to throw the ball back to his pitcher and he hit Anthony in the head change up popped up nap off with the mask behind home plate and the inning is over so there's a bunt and out of the box he is going to be out Billy Burns trying to bun his way on the ball made contact with him out of the box Bob Melvin is on his way that's interference at 200 excuse me 231 against Brothers huge jump and now they got Altuve hung up good block by Rosario and a good feed to brothers and brothers will tag out out a right-hander and the pitch a foul tip and that got a piece of bar I think didn't it no where it wind up it's stuck in his mask oh wow thank goodness for there's something's going on that was really strange now they're throwing the ball out over third I think we got to what happened here after the popup here sails got a ball in his hand oh my goodness unbelievable when will it endia pops up the bunt Montero mcky time Josh Coler has it one away the assist from mcky and a Fly ball lifted into Center Hamilton does have a good arm Carpenter will tag up here comes a throw to the plate couple of hops and Carpenter poed over the scope was on the third base side of second and air May's first base tulowitzky made a turn toward second and jumps over weers what a play here's an 02 to woto ground ball double play into the second oh what a stop behind his back Velasquez behind his back was able to retire fand bouncing ball Meyer gets the short hop nice flip to Second and they're going to call a double play there's the new rule right there anine Richardson Harrison Bader to pinch hit what in the world was that that's an out that's out number two little Quick Pitch and Diaz popped up look out mesaro just bumped into the runner but he gets the ball anyways he bumped into the runner after the and he pops it up that ball might stay playable Gomez on the Run gets there Gomez and Bowers tank up both hit the deck Gomez hangs on it's pascotti on the ground diving play by Russell oh my goodness what a play that'll end the ball game Addison Russell to Javier bayz popped up foul ball or is it no that's that ball bounc back up and falls on the infield and it came up and hit there's a bunt themes has got it got a race to the bag and he gets the tag on him what a play by themes Bo what a beautiful play this one again pitches swung on a Miss throw to Second bases High they're going to say that Roos got in the way it doesn't matter Sosa tagged him out anyway that was an amazing catch consistently Aaron Hicks the batter hits it sharply down to First Carpenter to the bag two down meanwhile Matt Carpenter took that ground ball off the bat of hicks to one of the the fingers of his right hand oh [Applause] man broken bat and Junior flips it over to Lopez out at second base it means to Joy there it is ball four and the streak for Garett Cole comes to an end and Gallo thought about going for two tripped over the bag and just gets back now you have to be sure that he's all right and he tries to bunt and Woodford can't catch it and that'll bring it a run and it's two nothing New York the magic of jav B two and this one popped up center field you can't see it but I don't think he has any idea where it is and I got be honest with you I didn't either and neither did the and Bell somehow evades getting tagged what a nice job by Josh of a loop thing so don't feel bad about it Murphy trying to bunt and that one got him out of the box he's out yep interference and that be a put out for Martin Maldonado he was right on it run at the plate Lori on the charge and it hits the runner he is out and the game is over unbelievable ending to lewitzky can't look back see where location is breaking ball little Q shot that hits Beltre outside the batter box he's out good job by S to poting right away to make sure home PL umpire brings up a joh he'll Q one and that hits J out that gets a hit on it but it's an out so that'll do it that's one way to get out of it throw one extra pitch give up a hit in and out first base side Lopez says it's mine bows it over there and he didn't make the catch that's what happens to you when you're the young one do you see that you get picked on a little bit but you grow up fast don't want to burst his bubble but there's gum on his hat so he has no idea that's on his head right now at this point up the middle oh what a play by Castro but he can't keep a handle on it pretty good play just to the Day game tomorrow in New York and R going to catch that game I thought maybe oh B hop goes in right field Here Comes Davis trying to score the throw of the plate D 22 originally drafted by the Twins and That Got Away one guy hustled and one guy didn't The Hitter did the pitcher didn't how about there goes altu swing in a miss the pitch hits gtis is bad on the throw gtis swung and missed at the pitch and Vasquez throw hit Gus's backside and they broke his B I don't think he broke it I think he went flying in the cop look at our guy makes the catch oh hotline drive to right Hayward falls down and still was able to make a juggling [Applause] catch that's right to Owings that short stop and hit him and that's the out two two and a broken back grounder could be another double play ball that a boy Ki kidness did a great job and he sa second did that's a great job of base running right there don't let him tag you he told him that before just misses one only that the guy on Deck Austin Riley and Walker started stopped did he hurt himself oh no like right in the hip did he have a cramp they're not calling a ball scooter Janette this is Janette before the game kind of messing with the kids that were we singing The Anthem scarred for life he scooter Muny home Bellinger streaking for third and tagged out to end the inning a double three RBI almost lost his pants and yeah you don't want to make the third out the ground ball towards the pitcher flip home and hits the Umpire safe is Mona it's 4 to one how about this another paper cut base hit the that ball is ripped and into the glove of bregman he throws actually the ball got away from him makes no difference because Garcia would have gotten back anyway so they can laugh about it good pitcher I mean 11 and0 I mean look at those numbers there's a little Tapper Otani that's a tough play but he makes it himself to retire Topia it's just he doesn't want to be touched [Applause] throw to Second and Cruz is tagged out by Gregorius two two ref ner lifts one over to Albert puol infield fly rolles [Music] called two [Applause] down Springer runs again and it's Ball Four there was no signal from the home played umpire so we was swinging the bat then yeah lot of hard hit balls every time he goes to the goes to the plate look at that pitch just missed yeah I can't remember exactly what the numbers were but it was something like 60 runs batted in in the [Applause] last Hill looks to Second fires wide they get the outage second but no double play and Harrison baners says checked the tape how did hot te even catch this I mean you have Bader sliding Cabrera over but this is into the [Laughter] seats that is fantastic spring clips it is a little warm so let's everybody have a run through the sprink clip beautiful on the rough edges of his game the Deep right center field but now k battling the wind and he hangs on to the ball multiple High Power Alley and rer straight away right field bz still has a chance and got him he stayed with it and threw him out Double Play Ball bobbled by Walker tries to get the out at first and does well it looked like a routine double play but Walker very for fortunate to get the out at first after the Bobble nice play a third by castanos to Rob chinos yis and it's popped up shift was on leak is under it and who wants it it's dropped oh it's caught Molina there with and this is playable for McBride oh oh he still caught it is that he still caught [Applause] it he did get it up out to shallow Center Galvis is looking for help here comes alter and he made the catch he juggled it and now they're going to get Bruce if the throw is clean first ball to leave the infield mornik well into the Gap and he clanks it off of his glove and now voy takes second as it's dropped again Jake mornik here's the 3-1 swinging a Fly ball left field Upton going back at the fence and he will jump and make the catch above the fence the ball was in his [Music] a
Channel: Top All Sports
Views: 489,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mlb, Baseball, Beisbol, Mlb odds, Baseball odds, Odds, Oddities, Bloopers, Mlb bloopers, Baseball bloopers, Las mejores jugadas, Baseball plays, Mlb plays, Oddities 2024, Baseball oddities, Mlb oddities, Sports odds, Odd
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 58sec (3778 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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