MLB Unexpected Delays

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you can tell he's talking to wow that knock the players are coming off the field whether they want them to or not yeah holy cow willingham the first base went down on all fours i don't blame him wow and knocked me down in real good shape here in philadelphia so this guy gets blindsided by the braves outfielder tripping [Applause] he's lucky that one mike curtis closed lining him and that's the only reason we're showing this idiot what is that a muskrat or a can you see that it's a cat we had you know some stray cats that you know took up residence in the kingdom for a long time well this one particular night one of the cats gets on the field just running around all over the place finally another attendant picks it up and the attendant that got scratched just oh he's in pain he's starting to run off the field and take care of the cat all of a sudden this cat just munches down on his finger that's a tough little guy the cat won't let go no son bird is twirling around like a top trying to get rid of his cat he's going like this and trying to get the cat the cat's hung out his finger like this and he's in a whole lot of pain finally gets rid of the cat [Applause] the game that they are taking on to the field under the security of navy special warfare they are demonstrating basic field maneuvers this sealed team is based out of little creek virginia its members are navy reservists from the ohio area as well as cincinnati reds fans the seals have simulated an insertion into a hostile landing zone and patrolling in on the target just in game one of this series and maybe had his best fastball of the year he was at 98 miles an hour what happened tom haley and walking away not sure i don't see any lights on out in center field they're pointing out towards center field oh there you go oh brother but yeah there it is you know rich hill loosening up of the bullpen he's throwing so hard that the lights went off i thought it was a curveball total bases with 148 doubles with 19 and multi-hit games still getting the dogs off the field this is the official end of the dog days of summer it looks like some stragglers have to be led into their seats and paul clemons is just staring out there in the right field corner while they clear the field of dogs apparently no ground rules are in effect for this well time is called apparently they're having some bees on the field smoke backing out so is nick franklin the umpire second base offer andy fletcher's cleared the way wow not a fan of bees myself nor is many people is using that new glove he has broken in this is the second time he's used that tan colored glove he had a dark glove that was a little bit older and it was very comfortable but he's got to the point now where he likes this glove he's broken it in see the fire alarm up there right underneath the scoreboard those light flashing ramirez has said something to the home plate umpire yeah it's part of a fire alarm that has gone off here inside rogers center and it's right out in center field
Channel: Sporting Videos
Views: 7,450,994
Rating: 4.8773952 out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, highlights, compilation, unecxpected, delay, delays, weather, snow, rain, lighting, storm, worst weather games, animal interference, animals on the field
Id: tx5qG67fS3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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