MLB Overly Sensitive Umpires

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facing of the second deck dead center field another breaking ball Bautista is called out and now he's thrown him out of the game Angel Hernandez has thrown Bautista out of the game and I'm not even sure Bautista knows it I don't think he knows it right now John Gibbons is going to go to his defense right away Angel Hernandez with the quick hook gib's going to find out what was that all about what he didn't say anything what did he do to get thrown out there was absolutely no reaction at all watch Bautista and look he's looking at him and there is no reaction he turns his back and you can't justify that and Hernandez throws him [Applause] out now he's thrown strowan out and Russell out that's ridiculous that is terrible and strowman's got to be calmed down I don't think I've ever seen a battery thrown out on the same play Pitch did not go as they check down to Tony rendazzo tell you something else if Club keeps winning and they get into the postseason I think Lloyd has to be right there that's the one I was thinking of duh that's the one I was thinking of slipped my mind there for a [Music] second somebody just got tossed friend rzo like he's running somebody I wonder if it's Chris Woodward who is it can't tell rzo he was hit by a line drive earlier today strike three call not a call that Brad Miller said hey and now Bob Davidson going to walk after him he just threw him out of the game Bob walked right after Brad Miller oh take a look at it again Brad doesn't like the call he tells him that he thinks it's outside then he runs him then he walks after him and then he just Smiles at him and he throws him out of the game I I I don't like that at [Applause] all see if the team chiropractor is on call oh yeah you got to think how fast Hamilton was running and he hits that triangle out there and Don mattingley has been tossed Don mingle's been tossed I [Applause] you on the Deep Side get one in there check swing ball in the dirt and vable went through it strike [Applause] three usually the mild man are Venable is really upset and now has been tossed that may be the first time in his career Venable has been he gotten the he ho it's hard for Switch Hitters to get hit like that cuz you get a long way oh for the opposite side yeah and headley's a switch hitter but Theo so hard and the ball just kept coming up hit him in the chin Headley having a conversation with thr [Applause] out well something was going on there you could tell I I I think Marty Foster the home play onire was telling Headley to get in the Box you know we don't see this much but it was
Channel: Sporting Videos
Views: 57,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mlb, baseball, highlights, compilation, umpires
Id: 5x-B8NdPFaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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