MLB/ 30 Minutes Aggresive Reactions Part.3/ Ejection [FULL COMPILATION]

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[Music] Chapman said something and that was it and now a Chapman is chapped with the home PL umpire Moscoso he got tossed well did it get tossed before there down it's going to be a strike out according to the home plate umpire challenge it's a stolen base but Shelton is furious and he just got thrown out because you could see that that did not look like a strike to Reynolds and you think it's he struck him out and patas is ejected from the game patas just got thrown out he's going to draw the strike zone he's going to toss the bat two frustration boiling over in the Cardinal 7 's over 30 saves a year and he's going to punch out Suzuki and Kurt Suzuki gets tossed by The Rook umpire John Tay who in all honesty has had a nightmare behind the plate today well no what position things got to go your way well he is [Music] hot now they're getting everybody involved the call in the field stands the runners out so what's the obstruction rule what's the obstruction rule blocked he wants to go out and talk to the second base umpire he's saying you know the rules in place and he just got tossed yep well Davey is hot now he got tossed by the Home playay umpire Cory Blazer and he wasn't really talking to Blazer and that's a strike 0 and one blatty didn't like to call and Ryan wills and he is letting him have it and it's been a very very inconsistent this this could be the one right here and now he's officially been thrown out and LZ going right back and forth with Skip and you got to imagine this is a little bit of a double-edged sword here for skip he's strike three called two down stay tuned for Indians live here comes Terry Frank Conan he's been thrown out of the game he did not like the fact that Ron Kula waved him away very dismissive and he G and that's what and the pitch and a cutter strike three called down is fuming and he got tossed out of the game and now he inadvertently bumped caraza as well to the 14th inning as Martin just gets tossed out of the game you knew eventually this had a chance to happen with the way things have gone all afternoon Martin is in sensed into Marlo hail and Lou randez is ringing him [Applause] up [Applause] gone well Bryce is gone you know that the helmet the bat and Mike wyers tossed him immediately one out bottom of the 10th Chris hey the only man the Nats have left on the bench he thought it was high and he's called out on St and J Upton has been thrown out of the game he's been beepen a few times in this series Here Comes Brad Upton has been thrown out by Rob [Applause] Drake now tor's going to get in the space [Applause] some frustration and now Moler is trying to restrain Tori right didn't like the call thought the pitch was down and in well he let somebody know and then he got wrong Mike SOI came out and argued a little bit but to no avail struck him out looking and Russ doesn't believe it and he is out of the ball game throwing the equipment will get you thrown out here comes Clen hurdle to get his Catcher And now to let Ed hickcox hear about [Applause] it and I think the twins have done a good job of that and SOA has got to just threw him out he just got tossed and so's got to learn to not do that John HCK gave him about 5 Seconds worth and then his similar thing well now he's giving it to the home play Shan Barber he may not last and he's gone he was looking for that one and another strike out he's been calling that all night oh we got some chirping going on here with somebody Justin Upton is still angry about the call the strikeout call against him and Bud Black coming out the ball that strikes recall and Bel may it tossed and he has been tossed and your managers going to go with [Applause] him he did go well I think the biggest thing too is he wanted to explain to him where we're at in this game and how big a call that is exactly yeah don't be care the line and he's clearly in the line of the throw right there and now Terry Frank C is coming [Applause] back strike three call that's two of those in a row and altu is getting pretty fed up with the home plate umpiring he's right in Allen Porter's face couple of calls in the inning Jose Altuve has been kind of pushed to his limits here in recent weeks it is low oh a late call strike three Alonzo can't believe it takes off his and now Bob Melvin is gone Alonzo being pushed back by the a Skipper and now after Melvin's been ejected he's going to get his money's worth significant thing happened during the break Dexter foul exra back into the conversation and never got particularly heated that's why it was surprising when ultimately caraza ran dexra from this ball game see that's I'm really surprised CH Harper is not happy and he's gone [Applause] goes back a little bit before that first Gonzalez is ejected and he's asking for a round call but to check the divot it's pretty much saying how in the world could it be fair if the ball hit back here that's a called strike three on a pitch that was nowhere near the Zone Escobar is chapped and he should be that pitch was down and the helmet toss will cost him some money Dale Scott has been fairly cons to delivery on the way and that's there and Chris has been thrown out of the game Chris says I argued on all three strikeouts and bu show walers coming up to will Little John knew that was [Applause] coming well he's still fuming over the previous [Applause] [Applause] call David sing him he's too sensitive takes his mask off and it's going to be John Ferell I think he got tossed well said something back to titchner and then he chased him I'm not sure if it was app or F I think it was Ferell he got tossed well we saw an nap somebody's gone well he didn't swing at that and somebody got kicked out is it Joe the Solair call and there have been some other calls I think he's been aggravated about so he and DJ rurn going at it Chris Bryant was rung up his first time up on a a borderline pitch we had it you know rendone caught looking again now The Dugout voicing displeasure Dusty coming [Applause] out enough and he's [Applause] gone and now Pat Murphy going to get his money's worth with the home plate umpire Tony Rand got him well that's a problem that means you're going to have a catcher play in left field Ariano perfect AIS gets thrown out of a game that's over by Tony Randazzo saying I didn't even foul tip that ball that's how far away I was so Randazzo throws him out that's going to cost him some money but the Yankees care nothing about that as they nail it down off the plate so the one two oh my here we go he's an objective from the game that was a terrible call by Barrett awful strike three on Tulowitzki and now he's going to argue with Dan bolina get tossed [Music] what they called for Blackman getting into a Foster and he just got thrown out Blackman so upset at the previous pitch he just got run this is going to accelerate right now David Tak it all the way he steps out of the box and takes a strike he flipped the bat but a strike C and he is coming out to say some more he'll be blocked on his attempt to come out to say some more sorted out they're calling him out oh my goodness Brad might lose it on this well he's got to get there he's get kicked out of the game think he's going to lose it too oh and I don't blame the big fell well somebody's got to go get migy feel that he got away with one there sure he did sure he did that's BS now Robin's going to get his money work s BS it [Applause] is it was a strike too close to take with two strikes and Martinez takes strike three on a back door breaker not like the call he thinks it went around the plate now he's been kicked out of the game Brad osus out to step in and C said hey don't be too hasty how about checking with a guy at first and cash if he had a collar he'd be hot under [Applause] it and a breaking ball is a high strike three call and Freeman snaps his back and he's thrown out of the game Freeman snapped his b slammed into the plate and was immediately ejected by Tim Timmons low from over there and out is Matt Williams or was it Harper well if it's Bryce Harper that that's not good Bryce Harper it appears has been taugh Gary Cedar tells Chase Utley to back off you know part of me and I know that from time to time you'll see a pitcher throw at a hitter after that hitter hits a home run if he Cadillacs it tell you what there's no reason that an Umpire should be able to point right in your face what was he pointing about well they were arguing but he can point in your face as soon as you go back you're out I mean for him to rush a guy who just got hurt to get in the box that's a little bit ejected from the game and that was after a fourth inning incident it boiled over into the fifth now today Jeff Bannister has been ejected by trip Gibson the first base umpire and so he's going to continue to soora barking back at Cash boy you you certainly wish that you had one left because you'd love to review that one Andy Fletcher and um to be perfectly honest with you considering where the dugouts sit the visiting Dugout sit here in this ballpark I don't know how a home played umpire can determine who or what said something to get him ejected from the Dugout is's doing it right like he's just well but he's doing it too long you know you you make your point he doesn't throw you out you go in The Dugout and was it Perez who got tossed was it however Adrien Gonzalez had the base hit to drive in two Matt is going to be picked out of the game arguing with the played umpire Brian Knight and he is this to make Chris Hatcher with Dave Roberts now coming out of the Dugout to protect him Jeff Kellogg to crew chief strike three called and punto slams his helmet down you got to be kidding me and that's how the ball game ends on a very questionable strike three call and Bob Melvin is chewing on James Hoy big time and Phelps asking I'm just asking you could almost read his lips and he was tossed from the game migle was there quickly he got tossed so the Marlins have to pick through the wreckage of that tier of seats and and and Redmond has been thrown out of the ball game so first time Mike Redmond's been ejected and he's going to get his money's worth now you get your money's worth give it to him all he's asking is look at it again I don't think he is so upset he really can't even argue but he'll get heated up here in a minute Jim's going to get tossed [Applause] too face of trip Gibson and he's about to get thrown out if he doesn't walk away he got right in his face and he's gone now why would he throw him out when he's walking back toward the Dugout after he'd already said his pce he must have said a couple of magical words uh Adrien Johnson the H pled umpire appears to have thrown out Kevin long the Met's hitting coach and Kevin's going to head toward the tunnel so long defending David Wright on him right three call and that time the pl got a little wider and Recker been thrown out of the game out in this kind of game that's Angel wow Angel got a quick fuse well Recker complaining that Hernandez is at a wide Strike Zone all night made the and now Ren is going to make sure he gets his money's worth here who's mad now I mean who's the voice of reason here look at Phil czy are you kidding me what is that Ron Reni on his way back to Brad's going to come out and uh give his piece he doesn't believe he can see the plate you can tell Brad very animated right there a lot of frustration and takes his jersey off and nicely and neatly covers the plate so no use to having the white part to rule Here Comes double play Joe West is slowly working his way over to this argument he is the crew chief so guardy doesn't even want to talk to him he knows the the history between objected to many of the calls by Dan aonia and Dan got tired of hearing it and ran him so now Scott service had to make a couple of changes here some sometimes you just had enough and you can't take it anymore and in today's game it doesn't understand what's going on he might have been thrown out of the game yep he has been unsure with the strike zone and for players uh that is the hardest part just a little the inconsistency so David wri has been ejected I'm not sure if this is has been ejected from this ball game does he know he was ejected I'm not sure he sure isn't sure isn't scream too much about it maybe yeah well let's see he's going to pass off the lineup card cap and wave to the Umpire and the n's hitting coach has been ejected well he might have wore it for a player and that's what a good hitting coach does if a player's chirping he'll chirp louder so that the Umpire sees he's the guy that's yelling and maybe he wants Chris hey to stay in the game strike three Gardner fires the helmet down to gets thrown out of the game not a smart move by Bret Gardner now with the Yankee bench and lack of depth and Joe Jordy will come out and talk with Mike G and this is a game sometimes of criticism well I wonder if any of this though with the pointing at the at home plate has to deal with the call out of Willingham in the second inning well guardi kind of saying you know he moved his left foot before he threw the first all at her saying why didn't you check and it's a such a frustrating thing and we see it happen at least once a week where umpires won't check with a base umpire who necessarily has a better view of the check swing well you can see Joe gerardi telling him he had no idea where the ball was going that's a tough spot for Joe West I mean you see that the Rays beating up on him a little bit and then come one comes up and in hard to tell if it's intentional but clearly cabal and it went it may have hit the Umpire came very close to the Umpire and he was immediately thrown out so we'll step aside we'll see how this all sorts out Bob Melvin not a happy camper two on A's lead he's having some oh no don't don't he's gone he's there's no way he's going to stay in the game that pitch is ridiculous I knew he is going to get tossed Bob Melvin I I just what do he say he called me a bad name I know if you saw it last night but at the end of the game when the issues were happening right and Bob Melvin was thrown out Bob Davidson Came From First Base and got in the middle of it there was no reason for him to even be there and then for him to chase a young player like Brad Miller you have to give him an opportunity to say something that's ridiculous that is terrible and stren's got to be calmed down I don't think I've ever seen a battery thrown out on the same play the pitcher and the catcher three ejections in the inning and it's an out there to inaugura Le take out the lineup cards got the heave ho so it's not the alltime record but it's pretty close to it as he doesn't make it to the post and now Robin ventur comes out he wants a word and find out just exactly and then Torres threw him out of the game and the reason they're arguing is because of this pitch to Charlie Blackman now the runner was going you see Pitch cast presented by Mazda is right smack in the in the middle of the strike zone who also has been thrown out of the game well he's not going to go quietly here and I don't blame him that's ging holy cow well you talk about a quick hook on Cabrera grman is on his way out I think he got tossed cuz you can't question balls in strike so now he's just going to get his money's worth and and he should because it's been a rough night for will little out of there and saying that it was a catcher's interference that's not something you look to call it's something to hear to call for this game has had some entertainment I saw Bob Garren on the phone he's talking with the Mets video [Applause] guys you know what's a manager's reaction supposed to be when you think you missed a call I mean immediately you throw him out for arguing how dare you argue with an right now strike three Marvin Hudson Rings up Amed that was a ball Nick is saying you can read his [Applause] lips number one SK start to get to that another backwards k and now Ryan rayber hanging around second time he's been called out by Lance Barry so turn around he [Music] just I guess Alonso expects him on a low on the way P well Robie you're right down there you're pretty close to J Bell and you're in between the argument yeah J Bell is about three and a half four feet from me right now yelling at Tim Timmons and the argument Jay was saying hey why didn't he get tossed Tim Timmons held out his fingers to just a couple inches of part said he moved [Music] that price has been toss and he is indeed getting his money's worth two2 strike [Applause] three that look down oh no he just got tossed you know what your gift right there just below the knees and Boi's just been tossed that was bad call that's what you call taking the bat right out of the hitter's hand Now molinaa does not want to get run how can what's to prevent grabia from taking this time if the if the batter doesn't St out and I'm not sure if the Royals have lost communication in their Dugout but Ned Yos was yeah so Yelich has been ejected and now mattingley has been [Applause] tossed so the mar nine strikeouts tonight Carpenter's been ejected this Strike Zone has been as wide as we have seen a strike zone foul when you were right there yeah you're standing 3 ft away from it everybody else is standing 100t or more away from that play you can see Chip saying you're right there for's home plate not sure who it was directed at but Tim timens took umage and sent him on his way and now Joe's saying listen I'll get my money's [Music] worth M bsta thought it was Ball Four Bill weli Rings him up it was a slider and Wy having a discussion oh he threw him out of the game boiling point out of here first ejection for Scott this season and he is done for the day so Tim boar the bench coach will take care let's take a look free call breaking ball on the outside corner Lori turns around and talks about it to Mike deir he had his say and he will go back to the DGA remember the Blue Jays are a man short here is your calling that pitch a strike for me now I don't care if you call it a strike but let's be consistent so when my guy throws the ball there and it appeared that Aaron Sanchez did to odor he didn't get the call and and that's what's upsetting you know the one thing that Ventura would like to do is just grab the head Billy was get out of here you're out of here Billy ejected from the game and before it was all over Brian price came out and put in his two cents as well to no avail of [Music] course let's see not sure how this started the Steve Smith may have been thrown out of the game here don't know that for sure but the way he is arguing would lead you to believe [Applause] that hey you say are you talking to me are you talking to me and the one two swung on and Miss get away from Josh th oh it's a foul ball says Adel Hernandez Angel Hernandez says foul ball Davis started running to first Dick's pleading with Angel Hernandez and here comes John given so the Orioles may have gotten a break yeah two strikeouts in the inning for escalona both looking and Cody Ross has been ejected Chad Fairchild the home PL umpire and now Cody [Applause] is the conversation continues oh he's been thrown out seriously oh my goodness are you kidding me Chad Fair child we did not come here to watch you today oh going to miss no controversy there but when you throw your equipment you are subject to ejection and that's what Conroy did and he didn't realize it Joey says all right everything's cool don't worry about it I'm on me I'm on me now V realizes he's been ejected and here he comes breaking ball they say he went O'Neal is angry and I think he just throw O'Neal out of the game O'Neal is saying you should have pointed down to the third base umpire don't tell me it's a swing without even checking and O'Neal is really barking he fires his helmet and his hat and he does again kicks away Pagan toward third the throw got him the ball hit the dirt but on the bounce Escobar able to get it he applies the tag Pagan and Mike quty arguing and the last two pitches were right at the knees and right there establish a good strike Z early we have a good ball game oh my goodness he's tossed after three pitches hey he was upset with the umpiring yesterday but an 11 to3 game it's a move point and that's what service is not happy about you can see Mike zenino asking for help right away thinking that might have been a swing also now Scott has been run to
Channel: The Baseball Screen
Views: 123,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wUg1go7pws8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 23sec (1883 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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