MLB Insane Oddities: Defensive Plays

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and a line drive base hit the left field abraded a third they're waving them home the throw to the plate by velasquez on a couple hops [Applause] line drive to left field velasquez we think that's one of the finest catches a catcher has ever met he takes ball three and now the throw from posing he's looking at doug posey started to throw it back to him he saw he's looking at the dugout trying to hold it and slipped out of his hand coming in that final game in oakland and a high fly ball as he goes up that ladder again and this ball carrying to center field at the wall off the glove and out of here [Music] he's going to run out of room folks no he caught it for hernandez sidearm delivery and a comebacker there's the good athleticism he throws the glove to first for the out the ball was stuck in his glove and so he threw the entire thing over top of the order daniel nava goes after the first pitch drills it to left and hits it deep ozuna back at the track whoa oh makes the catch side saddle he had the glove to turn around try this at home and eat here [Applause] i don't know the last time i've seen him one out remember ground ball the play at the plate is on a bounce for one back to first not in time shot to third turner comes home with it they've got swanston turner will dive and now the throw to third they get [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] knows exactly what he's doing spider-man no that was kind of an interesting play actually that slipped right out and tyler fortunately goes from first pitch is lifted in the air on the second base side him up he still has no idea and watching how he puts his glove down like it's a stick fastball punched on the ground he bobbled it goes down falls down and while ready to put his face in the dirt and castro here who hits a sharp grounder carrums of bogarts he has it throws and gets it just a typical five six three you see that every day yeah you see him practicing make the pivot clockwise or counterclockwise shot the third as a major league third baseman baiden hop throws it into center field and then falls he's gonna back up home there's a swing in a high pop-up shallow left center racing out oheda matthews coming in matthews slides and makes a fabulous cat out of his glove he reached back with his bare hand one two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hence a long run built a long run pants falls over and caught it [Applause] underneath it is polanco peters tags from third here is the throw and it's awesome goes into center field and rojas is going to come all the way in popped him up elvis backpedaling into center and they're gonna have trout out at second that is a good move he'll pop it up they're coming from everywhere in the infield towards the mound who's gonna take it that's who's gonna take it there's adrian looks like he's letting up instead the ball goes by ugly and look at that juggle juggle caught it look dropped it of course double play yes he's living a charmed life deep to left center field and a lot of room out there and mitch meyer at the wall leaping off his glove it rolls on the wall and look at ross glowed keeping the ball in what face it this should tie the game they're bringing jerry templeton home good throw did he hold the ball he did he's out flattery going to third they got to play on him and he's out hard hit ball to left fielder is over to cut it off bautista's headed for third and banya spiked it into the dirt and bautista is going to score poured a touchdown and threw it right into the ground nobody out and you're supposed to hit that ground ball to the right side samyang who lines it to center corey patterson slides looks like he made the catch center field ends it with a nice sliding catch look how he turns his head away [Applause] off the end of the bat it hits the back utley twirls around finds it and feeds my ada deflects now how do you know that's where it goes but chase suddenly has eyes in the back of his head he knows exactly popped it up again to polanco and he slips polanco falls down and the cubs win it [Applause] it'll come back into the mouth [Applause] low throw and it's an error that'll bring in a run it is three to one not sure what in the world eric surcamp is thinking popped up it's gonna be a tough play for somebody and sandoval [Applause] third base side a-rod and jeter and who's gonna get it they drop it oh man it's upstairs the third on the second nobody's covering and what a play by angel for simmons to be able to cover the base long way to go that is amazing danny pops up the bun montero mickey time josh coleman has it one away pops it up a little higher in the air and then ultimately makes the catch as he jumps over miggy shattered bat kidness on one bounce goes to second for one yes goes to third line double play hitting over heads up play by lindor bourne goes from second through oh the throw hits lee finger he got rid of the ball every single day you see something in this game like we haven't seen and i don't know that i've ever seen a foul ball i don't know if wood's gonna have a play on this one it is caught he races back to the ivy and made the catch over with excitement to get that opportunity oh door has that come up about stopping this year and inspected his pants right did everything right smith got a piece of it barry and grabbed behind the back flip to second on the first the double pop-up omar vasquel had to appreciate that even though it came at his expense yes indeed chopped and snared to sheriff will grab it use joe west for a little help and got the out two on the way grand all bounces it back to the mound but tonses throws it away and it's two nothing up the second goes grand all looks like he never got a handle on it the o2 and a fly ball lifted down the left field line that's a smart play as hollywood lets it drop and the reason he did not much not much foul territorial one skips away another runs gonna score aguilar is coming in now braun is on his way and he will score this throw gets away arcia never stops and the bases are empty now [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Made The Cut
Views: 1,890,310
Rating: 4.8778982 out of 5
Keywords: MLB, baseball, 2020
Id: TQw9JWk1gIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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