MLB Hired Me to Paint This...

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check it out this is the package sent to me by the MLB straight up they recently hit me up to customize some shoes for one of their players Mook bets and they sent me the shoes look they sent me two pair of shoes these are Jordan one cleats and this pair of Jordan one loaves I'm going to be customizing both these shoes I'm going to do a lot of painting I'm going to cut up some baseballs sew them on the shoes I also want to make my own boxes out of woods so I can put the shoes in and then drive up to LA surprise them with the shoes I think it'll be cool I was also told if he likes these shoes he's going to wear them at the first game at Dodger Stadium on opening day so that's obviously going to be my goal and the first thing I did was get the leather ready for paint I'm going to sand lightly all these like little spots where the shoe creases when he walks that's like where the paint could usually come off if it does but it never does I pretty much started the shoes by making each panel a different shade of gray I kind of tinted the gray blue also and then I went back over each panel and did like a little cartoon Shadow accent this is pretty much the same color just a little bit darker also if you guys watch baseball you probably already know who mookie bets is he's one of the top players in the MLB he's a seven time all milk bet par a drive to and he's a Jordan athlete that's also why I'm doing both pair of Jord the base colors of the shoe are done but I want to go to the store right now and buy a baseball I think it'd be cool to use actual baseball leather on the shoe I also want to do that that car I know like every single comment's like oh look at the car in the background but I only got that to paint it I think it'd be cool to design it I just don't have an idea yet I'm going to get like four or five baseballs I want to cut them up and put them on the shoe here's my plan I pretty much want to cut all these little stitchings off so then I can peel back the baseball leather they kind of have a natural Bend to it cuz it was on a ball so I'm going to pick off all the little hairs then take them home and iron them flat count to 9 1 2 3 4 9 once I had that flat I cut off the tongue of the shoe I pulled out my sewing machine and sewed that baseball on a different tongue I'm sewing this to follow the holes that are already in the baseball right now so I'm just going all the way around and for the strings poking out the back when I was done sewing I threaded those through a needle and then stuck it through the mesh of the tongue and then I added like a little drop of glue on that piece of string poking out then I pulled it through so it dro R inside the tongue I sewed it back on it's all on looks good the next morning it was time to finish all the little details of the shoes I sprayed on the Dodgers logo on all four side boxes with a little bit darker blue mookie bets is also a family oriented guy so I used the iPad and Drew out a little heart shape that kind of fit the back panel of the shoe and then I wrote him and his wife and kids names in there and then put that to print I want to paint on the baseball leather Seven Stars he's a seven time Allstar so I want to like do like a handdrawn Seven Stars I thought it would be cool to kind of sand down the stars after I painted them and then I added the MLB logo on top of that ooh nice boom boom that looks good I sprayed on the stencil I made finished up all the last little details and touches the shoes are pretty much done I'm going to add this little matte clear coat now I'm also going to add a couple drops of this doar into the clear coat this stuff's pretty cool Watch what it does if I take some normal paint look I put it right here now I'm just going to add a little bit of doar in here it literally turns the paint perfectly matte I like when the shoes are matte coat not like glossy I don't like glossy shoes at all this one's like chalky and matte and this one's glossy I used that to coat the whole shoe and protect the paint okay also on these little lace tabs the little tips of the laces what is it called an aglet yeah isn't it infinish verb I have these little covers I'm going to glue on the tip of each side of the laces I think they look really cool boom see I think that just looks better that just looks cleaner it should be nice so hard giving these away like I always like the shoes I do and then I just have to give them away to somebody else look at that though oh those are nice these look really clean got the Shadows the accents all the little colors this is just the first pair so these are the first pair of shoes before I start these shoes I want to make a box I want to make a box for both the shoes I feel like it's not as exciting delivering in a cardboard box so I'm going to go to the store and get some wood I want to make wooden boxes I went to the wood store and picked out a couple sheets of wood that were kind of the same height as the boxes I took those back to the warehouse to get started but I figured it would make the most sense to have the wood glue drying while I was working on the shoes I think I'm just going to cut out four pieces four sides of the box and then also cut out the bottom out of the wider piece of [Music] wood you're welcome for that I got this router I don't even know how to use it but I'm borrowing from the warehouse neighbor I'm going to slide the boards on the router and then kind of chip out a little corn so when I glue it all together I can fit the lid in perfectly look at the edge that's perfect I wrapped a little piece of sandpaper around a block of wood just so I could rub it in that little crack I kind of liked how sharp the edges were and I didn't want to Dole them out I lined up all four sides of the box which I'm not going to lie this is way harder to get perfectly straight than I expected I taped them together in place filled all the cracks with wood glue and then put it all together I got it all clamped up I'm going to leave this to dry also sorry I haven't been posting for a while it's been like 5 weeks since my last video I've been working on a couple videos at the same time you'll see them soon now but if there's something you guys want to see more of or less of comment down below cuz at the end of the day I make these videos for you guys I think sometimes people think there's no point to comment cuz I won't see it but I have a weird addiction to reading every single comment let me know what you guys want to see I want to base the shoes off Dodger Stadium the seats are kind of like tan and blue I guess they designed it to look like the beach there's like blue like the water and the sand so I'm going to paint the back pieces tan with the shadow under it kind of like the shadow under the seats I painted the other pieces light blue you know kind of like the ocean water on the side of the shoe there's like this little this Air Jordan logo I want to fill it in with black sometimes if I don't have a small brush I'll just I'll take a normal one just cut off some of the hairs it literally is the same thing now it's a tiny brush there was probably a better way I could have done this piece cuz it took me an hour and a half just to make it look good okay I think the box is dry the next morning I left it overnight I need to still glue the top and the lid on I'm going to take the clamps off now and then glue on the bottom of the box and then leave that to dry while I work on the shoes more I wanted to add some more baseball on the shoes at first I wanted to use the baseball leather as the Nike logo on the shoe that was at least the plan at first I feel like the baseball leather didn't really match the gray on the shoe instead of repainting the sides I thought if I added more and more details it would kind of make the shoe look better but it didn't I would paint a piece and then asone it off cuz I wanted to redo it and then I painted again and the paint kind of got clumpy I would also sew on something then Uno it and then there was like holes in the shoe the more and more I did to the shoe it just made it harder to save and make look good I just don't like it I don't know um I just do not like it I messed it up I don't know what I was doing I don't even know I'll be honest I did get pretty upset at the shoes um I usually don't put the stuff in the video but I will just to show you guys it is it's always me I'm just kidding that was not real I filmed that like 30 minutes ago I thought it'd be funny got him that's actually how I felt though I can also usually start over on the shoes just get a new pair but they sent me the shoes and I didn't have anymore so the next morning I ended up driving an hour and a half to the closest store with the shoes and stock and I honestly had a better plan this time I kind of figured out what I did wrong last time and exactly what I want the shoes to look like I still kept the beach colorway for the theme of the shoe but then for the sides and front I wanted to add a lot more baseball leather I glued those on the shoe and Then followed the original holes that were in the baseball with my new Stitches so it still looked like the baseball stitching I was pretty much on my last full day of working on the shoes and as bad as it was ruining the other ones these ones were going way [Music] better the shoes are definitely getting there they're almost done this is the last day we have I want to dye the box I want to stain the Box blue I bought this blue stain it's like navy blue stain I have the other box drying right there tomorrow's the last day when I wake up I have to you know finish this box and then go timing is really tight but should be able to get it all done um maybe this isn't the best angle dude this looks sick while that was drying I set up all the last parts of the shoe cut out the LD for the box and pretty much stayed up all night trying to finish the shoes and the little details in the boxes so the next morning I clear coated everything put it all together and all that was left was to deliver the [Music] shoes all right so I made you two pair of custom shoes yep Ready I made the box also this is the first one you can open it up oh nice okay got the little details in there too all the detail yeah nice it's hard you like the Jordan one low yep that's Perfect all right got a CLE yeah you got the baseball leather on there some baseball leather on there the you know Seven Stars super yeah this is super dope this is super dope nice a sick this is sick brool I'm happy you like them yeah yes sir can you take a picture with him yeah of course you got to hold the Box the box is sick cool which one do you like better you have a favorite I'm curious I don't know yet I feel like I feel like I really like these okay cuz it's got you know the fam on there but I really like how it has this there the baseball leather yeah which I feel like it's super dope the all stars in there which is super dope so I I don't know I don't know which one I I like this one this one has you know the the intricate details that one was a lot harder to do how long did it take these ones took like 2 days those one took like 6 days yeah cuz I messed up a bunch of times I keep remaking them yeah well cool happy you like them hell yeah love him I love him ready guys all right look it's uh look at the TV don't look at me this is awesome look at the TV mookie bat walking in can you see it right there walking wait for look it's like I'm right there with him look at him walking in Dripping oh he's looking down what is what's down there boom dang they look good that is awesome imagine all the paints like trailing behind him that is [Music] awesome
Channel: MARKO
Views: 1,352,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mookie Betts, MLB, Marko, Dodgers, Mookie, LA dodgers, Ohtani, Shohei, Jordan 1, Custom shoes, Cleats, Baseball, Custom cleats
Id: WXxryh_VGqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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