MLB 19 Road to the Show - Part 51 - Castillo's IRL GRAND SLAM!

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what's up guys and welcome back to MLB 19 roads to show that's right maybe a we're back oh we are not going anywhere I haven't uploaded this game in about a week so shitty honestly I was gone I came back and then we had all the e3 shenanigans and then the news reports the DLC came out I've just been kind of a a little bit enthralled with other stuff but we're back man I'm excited and hopefully we can finish out the sauce the ball in this season strong but a couple weeks of baseball left here in our purse season I'm hoping we're gonna be able to make some sort all this here we go could be playing sanity pins here coming right to us first ball we've had to come our way and a little bit over a week haven't played this in a while but I'm excited to be back I think we're gonna do okay he's now a fast game we had three home runs in the episode so that was that was pretty exciting have to play Ryan over now we're gonna see his return tier after appearing as a pinch hitter he of a team last night got got something pretty exciting for the short there's a pitching unit seriously surely pick up something something may have come in you guys may see it the next couple apps it's and if you guys know what what our name and number is here we go change up two sliders in her blog of the guy emerging title here comes the first pitch got ahead of that two-seamer okay well hit bought but it's I'm not gonna be able to stay fair on that one the guy off first that's not going to work out so I think I think this is the last game of this series against Casey maybe it's a poor game I'm not sure but we're down to oh but nothing's on count here it comes obviously not ideal that's fair base huh huh that's gonna be good for [Applause] he's in there let's go baby okay nice little double up the left-field line you'll love they see that I wish that homerun hood has stayed fair watching them all weekend to something that stays hot here with another extra base it you'll be happy when this series is over whoo so they don't have to deal with it the boy is hot got our home front boost activity oh dude oh my god oh my gosh I almost forgot to tell you guys about what happened last night no ways you gonna be our in there it wasn't last night at this point it was a couple of nights ago things but Castillo hits a first inning Grand Slam dude I don't know if I'm gonna be able to put the actual footage in the gameplay Liebig might be able to sneak a little bit in there I don't wanna get copyrighted by sighs he had a first inning Grand Slam and everybody was tweeting me it was so funny shout out to I guys out there I I knew the real ones were the ones who knew the means of the series my boy Castillo dude I'm so proud to hop over em we're good let's go we had two little boo-boos [Music] where I stand their lead even further is starting strong here fellas this is what we like to see Billy Hamilton look at this do we get a 3o lead after the first inning one strike offering now but I put them away here on three strikes in a row and did weakly to the right side wheat fields rounder got him let's go baby okay I mean maybe maybe a male lead it was a trip to Tahiti and taking a week off and that's what we needed this now be able to pick things up and actually get something good and the runner back get some work done let's go baby we're seeing changeup you see another curve and another snap keeping particularly come omae's on him feels so good to be back I love this game did I really do so chill ready with the first pitch here it comes we gotta figure out what we're gonna do after I land in for the base head after this season's over I don't like big guys I don't know mate how's this soon their heads in I kind of want to truck we've never dabbled in anything else like Diamond dynasty and stuff like that and I'm tempted to try it ton of respect for the man on the mound at the same time but also love to play another season I feel like if we have this series the pitching series and diamond dynasty lying too much I guess technically we could count the pitching series while we're in there we're safe will not come to pass as the inning is I thought we beat it out we could shoot that kind of as the same series oldest or wash it off every once like every other episode and then we can do dynasty it's like I don't know I've gotta figure out what I want to do I'm not really sure to be honest mine mine mine waving you off bro waving you off and they'll put it away now without much I want good points hold me on now look at that reaction that fielding shutout these attributes you don't really matter bro Bobby's got a guy on first coursing changeup to suicide earlier disappearance first pitch on this way that's gonna be three for three baby we are seeing at the ball today got that laser vision man perfectly estimate did it feel so good to come back to that [Applause] counting here from cata got in front of us in the basin's they're gonna be able to steal home and he got Wong here on the bases are looked at Jewesses tell me it's not gonna happen I was gonna say if they put Castillo up and he drops a bomb just like he didn't look in his Leicester the real life the real world swinging that would be city safe on the infield in the infield fly apply in effect here that's gonna be one out Nikki Del Monico ace is loaded one away down digging in next over yeah fielder Nikki don't know you got this next that's kind of an unfortunate one dude I was really really wanting our boy to get up to bat here we go bottom of the seventh were down by one man that was a short-lived little run there for some slider changeup at a 2-seater ready to deliver here's the first one here with the first pitch dude isn't Latino lefty sigh darn it like up picture I don't know it's weird I mean we saw well you got a piece of it but it just went straight towards the third baseman settling in now top of the 8th were down by one I cannot believe that he gave up his lead did this White Sox team is listen to just killing me manage it softly to third Wow not gonna get a single one thanks mister third baseman appreciate it that Pro really appreciated that big spot here first and said what's out in the bag here we got next to bad it'll be Chris Owings [Applause] get out to school first should be easy that's how you make a throw baby that's what I'm talking about all right one Russian is the end to winnings to make up for it one run down we should have one more at Banyan Zoo a Lin it's gonna come in the bottom of the night I wouldn't have it any other way Lin here we go fellas nothing in one count here it comes ground ball set back up the middle bear whoa baby let's go grab it with it let's go all right coming up - back here bases loaded bottom of the ninth with two outs oh lordy Lordy lordy 90 feet Oh sinkers sliders twitter at a four-seam oh my god I'm nervous trying to hold the lead here's the dilemma I'm that dude I'm nervous I'm just gonna be completely honest with you I probably I was not ready for this here we go come on the Royals the slimmest of margins late in this one and trying to hang on and earn the series food let's go that's a tie ballgame oh no that's the wind that's the wind we're getting in there let's go bro look at Castillo my guy who's the the winning run um let's go that's that what a way to come back dude oh my goodness coming up clutch I was nervous down a one an account waited on that one he's son ripped anyway right back up a little as well centerfielder was not able to get it there in time Castillo put the chit's on and got all the way home poby is like a sack of potatoes I don't know how he made it that far but he did and the man you see there that's your cold bro that honestly like layer of the game we've got a bunch of player the games before and it's all like you know we hit a couple of home runs you just sound like some crazy hits do something I feel like we weren't really getting crazy hitting there like that was just like down in the trenches just digging away at these guys making things happen a double and three singles that's that's pretty cool all right fresh series against the Indians here let's get it it all Cleveland here in tier eight field in 91 and 59 holy cow this this is gonna be something man oh we've got the got two guys on two guys on the league guys look one believe you know out slider for seem to change up to seem attacker managed to let's get it boys come on dude I was trying to wait you guys know I get kind of excited now it's my early I was trying to wait to the end and let that one come to us but we're just a little bit it's a little bit too late that's five yo one pitch not like not like that was gonna be going on in the park anyway that woulda stayed fair what about Who I am that's ten games turns over but easier said didn't really like in that forcing against you not given any at-bats away he's swinging a hot bat and make one shall the hedge to end the Seas and put that batting title belt around his I should have swung at that one I'm sorry no change or is he gonna go for like a strikeout curve or something I'm gonna guess low chose to - yes dude coming off of that hot I'm a hot game that is not how you want to start things up so that's okay we're okay down to you Danny Rome at least we definitely should have swung in that all that fastball and slider looking pretty stupid up there but we're gonna be fine late slider four-seam changeup juices curves Carrasco to get the inning under will be on nobody out first pitch on its way let's get it going - you kidding me they're gonna be there no nice play for the out dude we are playing a single thing of defense in these games my goodness I feel like it's going so quickly alright slider four single change up to seaman occurrence gunner we're down five to one leading off here again I don't think he even concern whoa it's been tapped or deep centerfield let's go baby that's what I'm talking about it's a solo shot I wish that could have been in the first inning but at least it's gonna add one more run we're down by three reduced to love three innings left so we're five to two game we're not out of it yeah Bueller track it's it's not great but we're not out of it yet he regards to fix it and play let's see if we can turn his head use it knock hero for 3 in the game so far this could be 2z don't pull me off the bag again not to attach okay got the lead runner though that's what matters here we go bottom of the 9th get a guy in first one out you slider for seems to be seen that's it here comes the first pitch whoa low but close I know he's one of their guys they realize on to get his class he looked like only 90 can spark one quicker than that no sir win time maybe two out count I'd take another another yarder if you want that's low ball three Oh cows emissions getting me to hear you on Moncada who represents the potential tying run here waves we need three runs got two outs to spare and that's gonna close out to the game there's no were there were there to first do the pivot that time in the throw pulls the first baseman off the bag well he's definitely I mean we had the swing you thought it was in the strike zone there's no doubt about that not really the contact well at least I didn't strike out like that as the balls lose the game my goodness all right well first game was fantastic nice and long but felt good that's very the game 40 the second game clearly a little bit less excited best in the game can't be too upset the Indians have like the best record in baseball this year in this game shall I city of Shimane no it's not expected that we win against them I I just like to stay hopeful it looks like they just ran through almost their entire lineup only up by one horse sees enough of their slider cutter to change and if you're gonna win about a video you wouldn't want it any other way good set of options here buddy did go in a massive slump after we smart map this is gonna be a race to the end who's gonna have the best finish to the season got such a mix of fast and flow and breaking a non-breaking - he's got his sights set on a batting no chance for it to be able to guess 400 in his last 10 games here in September but easier said than done and showing that control yet I was gonna let that one go until he showed me good net backs away he's swinging a hot bat and make it hey let's go baby from bases and put that bad in title belt around his waist all right so what do you guys say we type things up first of the game but as we mentioned it's just there we go yo amo kata this season for him yeah manager wants us for fatty right now but the consistency this guy is shown from start to finish this season has been we should get there we should get there to the manager Oh baby we're in there oh that's kind of close but we got it now we're in scoring position I'm gonna go ahead and take off again and I'm gonna play it smart we want to try to beat these guys I'm not gonna get you stressing and strike and there's no reason to leads off second with nobody out don't leave me hangin here boys swing any pops Emami Lindor Oh backs up and I always hope it all three we're just gonna converge and run into each other man that would have been great and since you know it's it's typical typical fashion oh thank gosh we're down by five you guys let me hang his plate appear you left me stranded out there and then the demons gonna hold off five runs in a couple of innings I guess it was four holy cow he's running I'm gonna let him go second Kenny got tied no no he got in there okay it's got a guy in scoring position we could put one run on the board with a good head here horsey knuckle curve slider cover to change let's channel that energy we've had today feel like overall it's gone pretty well but cuteness that's not gonna get it done for it makes the catch and that'll retires aside all right it happens I'm mad at and here's the catcher Kevin six to nothing who sent to lead us all offensive I mean it's miraculous how we've had such a horrible season so far towards second and then we're able to just turn it around right at the very end right before the playoffs and just like start a nice rally and a little win streak and it's just feels good man really got a pan our defenses been on point our offense overall has been pretty good we've got one strike out today but I mean sometimes that's gonna happen everything else is with the pretty solid had a couple of pop ups question for him in his last at-bat overall I would say they were better than normal we just orig my smile can't get the teammates to play with God offense you name it g-girl like a machine out here man let us meet some some fella machines to help me out bottom of the seventh here we go of course he knuckle curve slider cutter change the same guys pitch of the at-bat got a guy on and no houses that we're gonna fell off you can't allow this offense to get really here that is a nasty pitch let's draw a double play right here let's execute a good pitch down and away saved by the up dude if I was down o2 that would not be a good place to be right now that's a little way there and maybe a bit outside as well - one count back ahead got to be frustrated as an offensive unit so far in this one they haven't been able to crack the code on their opponent but it's not oh my gosh did I overthink those every time I should just stop guessing pitches I really should I'm gonna start guessing stuff it's down in the dirt so I know when not to swing attitude but I always overthink when the fastball is coming in and I'm like you gotta wait you gotta wait you gotta wait and then it was too late hit a single or better Krissi yeah a board here at first I'm gonna guess that low knuckle curve see if he throws it outside of the zone if not that was I thought that was like another well they've struggled off pensively three inches outside I didn't think it was that close dude all right we're starting to try to make it come back here in the bottom two seven need a big got a 3-2 count here this guy they got me on fielder's choice now you're on cleanup hitter for the White Sox don't check swing and record a hit and Oh bottom of the eighth nobody on one out we're down by one okay curve ball four seams sinker change third baseman hugging the line here now the first pitch that's outside days off dude we're starting to come back right here when he gets those low curves let's go where I'm bassist the middle and that gives we got one fast boy on bass then we are the tying run we've got to be so smart here so that's it we've got to be so smart here so we have students I don't think we could have bought you I feel like it took a long oh that's I wasn't paying attention I was just like thinking and staring up in his face game we could have gone to there that's gonna be with that bin that dropped fall like that okay I'm taking off go go go go go go go go I'm gonna stay third obviously oh my goodness we got runners at the corners which is not fantastic because it we should double-faced we're late you should send the guy first a baton mentality I can see if they go after him and then all all run no [Music] home swing and a home I go I'm going comes through a basin we're in there easy that's a tie ballgame baby yes that's what I'm talking about now tell me this game it's not easy tell me that we win this game Oh what an episode dude those were three great games the middle one we probably could have gotten dumped off in the trash but the first and the last we're fantastic Wellington people became cats man that's what I'm talking about the guys enjoyed drop a like we didn't subscribe you have it already let me know if you guys want to see more of this sorry I'm an associate a week finds out what's wrong what should be on the oh he has to feel pretty good about what he did here tight
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 46,233
Rating: 4.9232693 out of 5
Keywords: mlb 19, mlb 19 the show, mlb 2019, mlb 2019 the show, playstation 4, ps4, playstation 4 pro, ps4 pro, gameplay, game play, road to the show, mlb 19 road to the show, mlb 19 gameplay, mlb 19 ps4, mlb 19 ps4 pro
Id: 92xmjixUgxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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