MK party non-existent in Limpopo - Mathabatha

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for thec Stanley matab Matata good evening good to have you and thank you very much for coming on this evening good evening and good evening to your viewers also the national Secretary General of the party says there were glitches more of them happening in limo saying no there was manipulation so the glitches was their manipulation what happened well it's it's not a Fair reflection to say that they happened in limo but if you say they happened to the least of limo I would understand but they did not happen in Lim in the list the the list of lim so as a manner of speaking we just say in Lim but we are referring to the list of lim but it gives a different meaning and interpretation so what what I'm trying to say is that the least process in limo um did not have any dites and it did not have interference up until when it was submitted to to IEC and it's not the pro the provin the provincial leadership that does that it is done by the sgo in fact yes it is done by the sgo not even the the provincial list committee so so you are you are confirming the fact that the the provincial list committee actually did not see the list that was submitted to the IEC because it was submitted uh well others are saying by the elections agents no no I'm not trying to confirm anything here I was just clarifying the the process that the process up till the it left the province it did not have problems the problems that we started noticing we started noticing the problems when we saw the list that was submitted to the IEC H hence we had a meeting today as officials of the province I was in Dean today this morning with the officials of of the national office baras as where the national office baras were telling us the process as to how how is the process going to unfold to correct the wrongs that may have happened yeah and uh I I I I am afraid to De to dver anything on on on on that matter at this juncture because it is in the hands of my superiors the national SEC Secretary General but African as as the province coming from your meeting now are you saying to us you know why a new list had been submitted to the IEC as opposed to the official one that you would have known as The Province at the at the at the end of the list process that wouldn't have come from my mouth I did not say that I'm asking you a question are you saying are you at a point where you know how a new list would have been submitted completely different to the one that you would have finalized listen to me then you is then that you can make an inference after listening to me I am saying to you the process the least process in limo was very smooth and it went on following all the guidelines yes we did not even violate any single Clause of the guideline up until the list was submitted to I and I am saying to you that at that level the province is no longer there right so I can't know anything about that list the only thing that I know about the list that was submitted to IEC is that we had problems with it as a province we hence we we we requested a meeting with the national office beers and the sgo and the sgo and the national office beers met with us today and they assur to us that they are going to follow the matter to the letter yes and up up until they do so I can come here to you to the media and and and start saying that I know this I don't know this I I understand you clearly what you're saying you are saying it's not the provinces issue because you submitted the list up until that point you had done as a province everything right right and the list was then at National hence I'm asking you the question as Province have you been cleared by national as to what happened to the list that you submitted to National and not corresponding with the list that eventually made it to the Electoral Commission of South Africa we don't need to be cleared because we were out of the game already how how do you clear me after after I have completed my 90 minutes of play it it can be when all these things happened we were out of the game already that is why we were the the plaintiff in this particular case were the ones who were complaining no no certainly and when you when you when you raised the complaint did you get an explanation was the clarity given to you hence I saying to you hence I'm saying to you that this matter is now within the domain of the national office barers and we met with them today they assured us that they are going to pursue this matter and they'll give us they they they'll give us the result and the consequences that are going to follow but as for now I think it will be very premature for me to come to come here on national television and say I know what is going to happen I know what happened because it happened outside my dom me all right so province is not at this particular Point even engaging the agreed candidates uh about the fact that the there could have been this alteration of their position on the list that was submitted to the uh I yeah in fact the sgo has undertak undertook in fact to to to to engage all the AG parties and um and and and all those comes who who are who are not supposed to be the on on that list on that particular L the sgo is going to engage all of them and then they will come back to us and and give us a feedback and you at this particular Point have no way of knowing what the process will be to rectify that well we wouldn't be knowing that because the the no o in fact the no o was meeting today the no o was meeting today and then they assured us that as soon as they are done with the processes they will come back to us and and update us and give us a feedback as far as the yourself as the plaintiffs are concerned how would you want this matter to be addressed fairly in a very just manner H those who are not supposed to be where they are are not supposed to be where they are that's that's how far it can go and the the the are cretive members who have who are saying look uh we we are now hit twice I mean lightning has hit twice in the in the same area it's it's unlikely that this is a glitch and they're even thinking of of legal action uh would you say it's premature for them to to to pursue those uh Avenues what do you mean lightning has twice meaning banab says this happened previously as well and she went to court and it's happening again no no is very very different from what happened here extremely different a very different matter Al together so it can we can compare the two cases so you are you are saying the objection that she's raising has got nothing to do with the alteration that the national is investigating right now I wouldn't know because I don't know uh the results of that investigation yet but currently what I'm trying to say is that the parameters are different what do you mean the parameters are different explain for us the chair person what what do you mean by the parameters are issue when she took us to court it had happened after a year when we were addressing H the the changes when when we had the right to can change they this already so we're addressing certain things you know the issues of expertise we wanted somebody with expertise to come and become MEC of a particular Department which need needed spe specific expertise but unfortunately for us on the basis of processes we were found to to have bypassed or taken short cards elsewhere you know as a result uh the court the the court insisted took a decision that we must we must reinstate punani and we did we complied we reinstated her but this one did not happen in the province all together it happened outside the province hence I'm saying the parameters are different together the other matter that would have been ventilated in in in in the courts however be it unsuccessful is that of of boy m is is that in any way related to this matter I wouldn't know because I don't know what cost this matter whether the boy mama will case it's it can be an example or perhaps it can be a a case in issue when it comes to this particular M I wouldn't know because I don't know what happened like I'm saying it did not happen within my and this yes I knew that you you going to inter interview me on the basis of this matter I couldn't have agreed to come because I would have referred you to the right the relevant office which is the sgo right let's talk then about this issue uh that this is a in in a sense to others interpreted as a a a state of the party in the province that the there could be some uh jostling and wrestling for power at least proximity to power how how do you see it I I I I I I I'm just whether you understood my my my my my standpoint where I'm moving from it can be it can be a state of power juing in the province because it did not happen in the province it happened outside the province in the province we've got the list that we agreed upon in the province as an extended PC it has got no problems that least so this did not happen in the province it happened outside the problem thece Sor so how can it therefore be said to be a state of power Just In The Province when it outside the province I do do you see do you see this having in any way an impact or an effect on um your campaign in the province and the outcomes of that campaign no I don't think so because uh h i i i i I'm sure that the affected comrades are disciplined comrad because still thus far you know they've given thec a chance of ratifying the problem and I'm sure that they will continue working for the I mean campaigning for thec and allow the N NL to resolve this matter and the ANC will be able to resolve this matter I'm sure about that how is the effect of new parties and independent candidates affecting the performance of the uh ANC in Lim especially the emergence of a party like party it's nonexistent in our province that part it's it's absolutely nonexistent you know I I'm not sure as to whether I should say um parties such as um are parties that has got no base in as far as our province is concerned because they are few individ very few you remember that they wanted to to um to to organize a rally in malam and they failed it could not take off so I don't know of any big meeting that they organized in our Province and and and and the meeting was successful I don't know about that I don't know of any so in in our Province here I I don't see any serious impediment when it comes to the to to to the voting population our people are able to see for themselves as to what the ANC did in this province how how we found this province 30 years ago and where the province is at the present moment in Jun so there's no ways in which our people can can can can be tossed around by any Mickey Mouse party the latest byelection in in once again showing thec coming out Victorious do you do you think the the the outcomes of what 10 byelection are an indication of certainly how you're going to perform normally by elections are sort of pointers for for for the bigger things to happen so so we we are winning almost every byelection in this province if you can what what what what 10 is not the only one that we're talking about H the byelections that we had in this province almost all of them if if not 90% of them we won all of them except for one if I'm not mistaken inim but all the B elections that we we contested we won all of them so I must I I I I can be justified when I say those are correct pointers for the African National Congress in this province are you concerned though I mean might do well provincially uh with the polling that is indicating I mean not it's not a decisive thing it's of course polling that is suggesting a decline of the ANC nationally well um looking at the current of uh the current campaign three and the involvement of all these com the STS and everybody who who has put his hands his and or her hands on De currently I I'm almost convinced that we will we will turn around the SP you know but and and remember the local government elections are usually not a good indicator for the national and provincial government elections you know because that local government people are concentrating on different things but at national government we're concentrating on micro issues as a as a result I I I I have got no doubt that we will even win C and and and will make a very serious in the western CES because this campaign the way it is is on real issues tangible issues and we are able to produce evidence as the African National Congress and say this is what we have done and this is what we are going to do and this is evidence that we we are going to produce in as far as this this fi or this sector is concerned if you look at our Manifesto our Manifesto is not just a list of which list it has got a baseline study we are saying we are going to move from one to three and here are the six priorities that we are going to concentrate on very focused very pointed and uh I'm I'm not sure I mean even the balance of evidence is Bing us yeah the minister of water and sanitation recently spoke to us I mean as ear as as as last week he was there he was assessing the the the progress of the the gani Water Project when you go on the ground and you do your doorto doors is the water issue h a big question mark for the people of Limpopo yes yes there I agree with you that is a very big issue for the people in fact if you look at the the issues that the seventh Administration is supposed to concentrate on in this province our only three issues is one being number one and the jobs job creation and to some extent rades those are the key the three key issues that the seven Administration needs to concentrate on but I totally agree with you on the issue of water we still we still we still found wanting on the on the issue of water but the gani project I'm satisfied with the progress since Minister started intervening PR we appreciate your time and thank you very much for coming on
Channel: Newzroom Afrika
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Id: gDU76s2sywg
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Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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