2024 Elections | EFF briefs the media

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here to hear from the Commander in Chief the president and the leadership of the E I will start by introducing the leadership from my left your right uh the treasurer General Ma on on her immediate right is the national chairperson Veronica man which is sitting on the left of the Deputy president on the far right is the deputy secretary General OB my Lula can we please fix the the sound it's not sounding nice on the far right is the deputy secretary General Bob May Lula on her left is the Secretary General Marshall lamini on the left of the Commander in Chief is the Deputy president Floyd Nikos shambu and am introducing now the Commander in Chief Julius malma to take the nation through please can we all listen in the Commander in Chief president thank you very much I don't know on this H we sound can you please switch on the mics on the table [Music] [Music] don't have it seems there some technical challenges at that results operations center Julius malma seems ready to go give us a sense of their own assessment of how they have performed in these elections um it looks like they ready to go let's take you back there um thank you the officials of the E members of the media the people of South Africa forces of the volunteers party agents economic freom Fighters welc outcome of the24 election and to a greater extent they represent the will of the people we however know the discrepancies unprofessional conduct dysfunctional occurrences and inconsistent results capturing that have been brought to our attention from different parts of South Africa we take this opportunity to thank all eff Ground Forces for a job well done we particularly thank Our Youth and student mobilization committee which sprang into action as M Bal and brought the necessary energy and dynamism into our election campaign and programs the impact of the youth was felt in the 2024 election and we command the Battalion for a job well done the 2024 elections were not easy for the eff which was fighting not only against the ruling part party but against many puppets of the white racial capitalist establishment existing as political parties and in different media platforms the 2024 elections were not easy because whatever effort and resources dedicated in the province of kazul natal parts of kti and panga were undermined by the commendable and decisive rise of contu which performed above the the eff in kzn and bualan we nevertheless congratulate and commend the people of South afria for voting out the ruling party from the from an absolute parliamentary majority which was abused since 1994 over the past 30 years thec had used its parliamentary majority to protect mediocrity and Corruption and to also preclude any form of alternative perspective and thoughts on how our country should be governed in the recent past during the eff's participation in Parliament thec misused its parliamentary majority to do the following distorted and voted and voted against the eff motion that sought to amend section 25 of South Africa's Constitution which will have made it possible to expropriate without compensation and to make the state the legitimate custodian of all of South Africa's land voted against the eff motion which sought to repeal all Colonial and aparted legislations that are still part of South Africa's legislative body and system voted against the eff motion to conduct the Parliamentary inquiry on the conditions and renumeration of Mine Workers and Farm Workers in South Africa voted against the efff motion to introduce free quality education for the poor at institutions of Haren voted against a parliamentary motion to investigate the allegation of corruption in ascom voted against a well investigated and clear report on the criminal activities that took place in palapala farm of the cting president s rapos voted for the illegal suspension and expulsion of eff members of parliament from parliamentary participation which prevented the eff from participating in the 2024 state of the nation address this and many other anomalies this and many other anomalies constitute the core of how the former Liberation movement misused its parliamentary majority and this dism failed to bring about th through going thorough goinging economic emancipation to the people of South Africa in the past 30 years the E dismally failed to use the par the NC dismally failed to use the Parliamentary majority to bring about legislative changes that will have improved the living conditions of our people we therefore appropriate that for for the first time since 1994 the parliament majority of thec has been broken and that from now hence forth Parliament will take decisions based on logic and sense and not on entitlement of being the sole dominant ruling party Parliament will now be better positions positioned as a true representative of our people and not a platform to protect the political Elite of the ruling class now that that now that the par majority of thec has been broken and there is no single political party that can constitute government on its own we as the E will be engaging with different political parties on how we elect leadership of parli and constitute a government that will lead South Africa for the next 5 years we will engage with all political parties with an appreciation that a government should be constituted within the next 14 days meaning that some of the issues might be resolved after the base agreements have been reached as previously mandated by the local by the Central Command team CCT after the 2021 local government elections the efff negotiations principles are as follows appreciation of the e 7 nonnegotiable Cardinal pillars for economic freedom In Our Lifetime Service delivery commitment which timelines particularly with timelines particularly on land jobs water electricity flashing toilets and care for the people with disability anti-racism meaning that whatever cion is an outcome of efff participation must not reinforce white supremacy and African Nom anti-imperialism meaning whoever we partner with must not be a puppet or representation of the West imperialist agenda and interests in sou in South Africa commitment to Africa common prosperity and development publication of all the concrete agreements reached with Coalition Partners to avoid a perception that they they are secret agreements constant and honest engagements and reports to the people on the progress made on coalitions additionally our negotiation principle and demands will include the following Amendment of the Constitution to realize land expropriation without compensation in 6 months creation of state-owned Bank nationalization of the South African Reserve Bank cancellation of the historical student debt in 12 months creation of a state pharmaceutical company in 12 months passing of insing Bill in 12 months removal of Dam from the national anthem opening of clinics for 24 hours 7 days a week provision of free sanitary towels for all who need them provision of free water and electricity for all Sasa beneficiaries we will engage with all political parties that accept our principle and demands as legitimate and will respect political parties that believe that our demands are irrational and must not be entered entertained while we have decided to form part of the government of South Africa from 2024 onward we are not desperate for positions and will not sacrifice principle on the altar of political convenience the eff final list of members of parliament and provincial legislatures will be amended to reflect the work done during elections those who did not play any role in the election work of the eff will not go to Parliament or provincial legislature even if their names appear higher on the list submitted before the elections the eff officials who are mandated to be the final list committee will meet during the course of the week to conclude on the final list of those who are going to represent the eff in National Parliament and in different provincial legislatures we advise all efff members and leaders to comply with the decision of upper structures finally we once again say thank you to our voters supporters and those who placed financial and nonfinancial support to our Movement we also convey our gratitude to those who kept us in their prayers so that we all are protected during the election program thank you South Africa thank you thank you very [Music] much two okay I see at number four I can see you my sister number five my brother number six number seven okay number seven I see you on the far right okay we number eight okay com everyone who takes the question from number one please introduce yourself and give us the outlet that you you're coming from thank you very much let's start with number onek yes um good afternoon and I know I'm behind [Music] thec and I hear you um mentioning some of the key principles that will guide your negotiation in the form of the government Coalition but what is it may what is it that you are willing to somehow compromise even that uh in a negotiation of this nature is a give and take and out of that principles which you have laid out quite clearly but I mean you are aware that South Africans have given you half of mandate so what is it that you I to Som compromise than from good afternoon thank you for the opportunity is saying that whatever happens they are not willing to work so so in particular thec does the EF have any parties especially thec that you say no we not work with this one we work with that one thank number three everyone who taking a question moveable thank you so question I think can this one so okay I'm looking at the performance here your election on Election we've watched the eff grow we're not necessarily watching that case now I know people are making a case around the MK party but as the E and I not might be too soon reflected on the role it's played in its current position and I mentioned that julus because over the years there's been the ker and buses issue about ker and counselors or the buses issue there have been issues about seeing people been rejected supposedly by the ANC being given Post in Parliament I've EF members saying but we working to reward these people so has the have also reflected on whether or not you've also played a part in what's happened on that leader board behind us um issue of coalitions um you worked with are the leadership did not hear the question make the question yeah will understand you when the efff looks at its current performance have you played a part as the e in where you've come out in those numbers there in the past every other election we've seen you grow that's not the case in 2024 it's not just for me it's not just an MK question does the EF look at itself as a maybe we also need to reflect on what we should have done better right that's the first question secondly on the issue of coalitions in 2016 you were in a working relationship with the da you're currently in one with thec Nuru Leni part of what the NC keeps saying is that it wasn't a working relationship as they look at coalitions now they say EF is not desirable because it's difficult to manage the EF is that a fair an unfair assessment from where you stand as you go the table and just very quickly uh VI last one um my last one I swear you have a list of your Cardinal pillars that are part of what you going into negotiations with some are saying based on your current performance you're not going there to the table with the upper hand that you have no right to dictate the terms you need to be moreable to what is possible that's it thank you okay thank you very much comrades let's H keep our questions pointed and uh precise and number four good afternoon my name is Tim I'm with Bloomberg News uh the first question just uh around the configurations that you're thinking of in terms of coalitions I wonder if you would consider a government of national unity in which all parties that have reached and agreed upon threshold would automatically participate would you be in favor of that that's the one configuration the second one would be whether or not the agreement that you would be in favor of would affect just the national picture or or if there is scope for it to be a wholesale agreement which would then consider where you participate in local municipalities and at a provincial level as well and then please the last one we if possible will you wait for parties to come to you for these Coalition talks or are there parties that you've identify that you would like to make the approach to first uh and which are those parties if that is the case thank you very much thank you very much number five thank you very much my name is l I'm from the Mel Guardian look um I just wanted to ask cic uh during the media briefing I think it was just before the elections you said that your position would be in Jey if you if if you didn't do well in this in this uh elections do you feel that that might there might be some issues where the EF might want to change uh you from the leadership and secondly do you think the emergency of uh MK was the reason that uh the eff didn't do so well in this uh election and what do you think of of of how they did thank you very much thank you very much number six let's move swiftly number six okay we're skipping number seven hello um Alexis Aqua I'm the managing editor of summer for Africa um um my question is are there any preconditions with which you would deal with thec and specifically would you be prepared to work with the andc only if um Ram poser stepped down I asked this because MK said they would not work with thec with Roser in place thank you number seven questions have been asked number eight thank you uh good afternoon my name is m I work for the Sunday World Mr Mala you you start off by saying you accept the results what has changed because we saw a lot of complaints especially from efff quarters in the western cap about the results and just generally EF members have been among those claiming vote rigging vote manipulation and all sorts of fraudulent behavior that they alleg against the I was the leadership does the leadership feel different or did something change between the heightened complaining and now and then maybe secondly is the eff among potential Partners willing to work with the da which declared the eff coming into these elections as en number one thank you very much thank you very much I think uh the first round is done we'll give it to the uh leadership Commander in Chief uh thank you very much we have just outlined our Cardinal pillars and issues that will be demanding to thec and then um um we can't say now that this who are prepared to let go or not because like you said um negotiations of this nature need you to be ready to compromise on certain things but there are certain fundamental things that you you know that these are deal breakers for instance the issue of land um is not something that you can compromise on um yeah but we'll go and engage open-minded kind of an engagement and then we will take it from there U we want to work with thec if there's any party that we can work with and work properly is the ANC because ANC when compromised is not arrogant and ANC when it doesn't have absolute majority and it happens that you share power with them they never recover from losing power so if we to go to election again in the next 2 years the NC sitting at 40% now for sure they're going to come back with 15% because they after losing elections they don't do any any effort nothing to change some attitude so once they say the ANC lost what what you must know they going to lose forever so don't worry that's why we prefer them because they will never grow um we we we did a self reflection and um we did very well uh as the eff uh we did what a well established political party does and um including those verses the those people that we expelled for not bringing buses we have not regreted all uh they did not impact us anyway um I just said in the statement now when we're running elections you'll find that there are people who are not playing a role in the elections but they are on the list so um there is a a princi principle guideline that was issued during elections when we're constituting election teams and converting our structures into election teams that everybody must go perform where they are assigned and then some decided not to do their work and because they were disturbing the work of the elections we said just go home H we'll see you after this election so we're going to see them to tell them to decline their seats in Parliament because you can't sit at home and then go and dance at the RS in Cape Town RS when people are fighting to put up a rally and all of that you have no role to play you sit that straight from you go to Parliament it will never happen that one never it's not going to happen um look we we we are going to negotiate with thec the same way we did in 2016 uh we were much we were stronger um in 2016 I mean we were we were in 2016 we were almost the same numbers I'm not if I'm not wrong those numbers change in 2019 um to to be what they were um um 1. 1888 something so that was not the number that we went with to the negotiations with the ANC with we went to the ANC with the number that we have now the same number we have now that's the number we took when we went to have the elections with NC so this one happen um so we were doing very well uh after 2019 we did well in 2019 and we did well in 2021 and then we we at a slight deine now why the people who were supporting president Zuma after 2019 I mean when BR zum was removed they had no any other home because they didn't want so they ended up coming to us not coming in the form of taking membership but when it came to voting they said well uh amongst other these parties the closest to what we we want is the eff and then they went to vote for the EF that's why you look at the number of the EF which shocked us and it's now being explained by this into 2019 we just sitting and then we get 350,000 votes we like uhuh which one from what happened what did we do bying numbers we even told you this we repeated it in public platform we don't know where those numbers came from now explanation those people were never ours they were president zum people so it's good they found their home they must relax in their home there is absolutely no problem this is there's no V that's what explains there's nothing that you can say the eff didn't do H and and all of that he maybe that's why they did not get people we got our people and people who had borrowed us our vote their vote found a new political home and then they went there remember they didn't want Rosa uh in thec they lost then they when they went to the polls in the count they didn't vote for him they voted for the eff and then they when they went to arrest the old man then it was a mess a discussion which I had with president rapos but you can't do what you're doing you're going to make him a hero because it's not explainable what you want to arrest him for so and and and and July unrest should have told us that the man has got some support somewhere H and and start treating him with care but even after taking him out of jail they still go on to harass him and all none of them has have gone to him to apologize so but we arey we're the happiest because we have achieved our mission in our lifetime and that mission was to bring thec below 50% that's what we have always told you that this animal is going to be eaten piece by piece so re we were holding on this other piece preparing to go to the other piece of the animal hey Zuma arrived and took that piece we're eating piece by piece and then Zuma went to take the piece we're going to but we don't complain we want to Humble the ANC the ANC is very humble all of you you can go on social media disappear all of them have disappeared they have nothing to say SL Queen no more money for slay Queens done' taken the p the pass is gone you can go and look at the ANC inan go and look at the ANC in go and look at the ANC in Jo they are dysfunctional they have no Direction because they lost power during local government that disarray you are going to see it at a provincial level thanks to the eff we started this job and we are continuing with it someone was asking me H if I'm going to resign because we performed B I won't do that it's not a penny I'm here I'm not going anywhere yeah I'm in charge that must be very clear I'm not going anywhere I'm not going anywhere in terms of politics I'm not going anywhere in terms of health I'm not going anywhere in terms of age ours is a generational Mission it's not a popcorn that will just pop and disappear it's going to stay we have a staying power and uh in Parliament we're going to lose if we lose seats two three seats and we used to rasti that Parliament before we were 44 we were how many 25 25 we rtiz it 25 of us so even if you take three seats we're not going back to 25 we are still where we not during that time of 25 so we are not a declining party the footprint of the eff is now confirmed that it exist in every municipality in South Africa it gets its votes in every corner it gets its vot now CD even in the suburbs if you can go and look at the map of JC you will see the VDS that e was taking in in in in in in in midrand in Centurion in rbag and very interesting development um that we we we even Beat Da in one of the their stronghold uh so the the black middle class has found home in the eff they love the EF they vote for it h and and and they do so unashamed H proper Progressive black metal class that is not money driven that doesn't want to benefit from uh Rothchild ruper open Richard Bron of of Virgin what what only blacks who don't benefit from that the Black Elite believes in the eff black middle class so I can tell you now go and check the votes of e in the areas where they are black people you are going to find votes of the eff so um and then an organization like that you say is dying it's not dying there's in any election there will always be Dynamics and the dynamic now is there was an emergence of this party uh now we know it I mean what president Zuma did to us is what mashaba did to us H in Johannesburg and then once we became aware or there is a problem called Mas we went to solve that problem it's done we finished it you you can go around and ask for sure he's taking quotations of hair product now he's going back to do don't have time we came here making noise we reminded him many times where now you behave like you're something and then the country to showed him that is nothing and they and and the rest of those other people went to eat people's monies they received so many millions so many they can only break about one seat and all of that the biggest loser in this election is thec and you must never try to be clever and shift that to the eff and want to project the eff as if it has lost a province or it has lost a country people lose a country people lose a province you want to say the e F has lost what we have won [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] and check you are principle Beyond principle [Music] because we have to sustain this organization we we accept the result but it doesn't mean when there's a discrepancy there we can't raise it to raise a discrepancy does not mean you are rejecting the results because that discrepancy may not have material effect even if you succeed it will just give you you are added 1,000 you are added 2,000 but is to teach the I also a lesson and principle and expose this shananigans that they are people who are swapping results from results sleep and captured so it's a principle we need to pursue but when we looked at those discrepancies that they are of no material effect and therefore you can't say on the basis of that you reject the result we accept the result we accept the defeat we unable to congratulate anyone for for being elected president because there's no president now yeah yeah yeah yeah there's no one no one no one even the one who's got who's a current now he doesn't know if he's going to be president tomorrow yeah just came back [Music] now want to hear what are they saying and we are not going to call them I we don't call anyone we'll they will call us if they want us and if they want us we are here we are not going to disappear H let's talk and out of those talks the people of South Africa are going to benefit we thank the rasmas in all the universities there's no single University that we lost the young intelligen here is the one that is able ble to read and internalize the 24 something election manifest so uh and and we're going to do bashes for them we're going to celebrate those victories in all those institutions where we won we have told the youth and student mobilization committee go back to thank those young people who stood on the cues and voted for the eff we must remain in in close contact with our voters thank you no no there was a story of government of Na don't do government of national Unity we don't want it so we want Coalition don't want government of national Unity will end up with wrong people thanks commander chief uh we'll take the last round of hands and uh you must forever hold your peace if you don't raise your hand now there are no follow-ups after this there are many other businesses as you have heard that the leadership must be engaged in so I'm going to start from the back there the gentleman there you number one my sister you're number two you are number three um is there any another number four 5 6 okay I can't see you seven no no six is six I counted it another one okay 7 yeah we see you we're closing at 7 no okay that's fine number one back there came we start sir you can ask your question uhel from H TV mrma I want to ask about uh the IC arrest warrant for Benjamin netan and youf what is your take on that and how much of a li this is going to be for international law and added to that obviously the efff brought the uh motion to remove the Israeli Embassy from South Africa if the EF is in a stronger position now to get it removed what happens then thank you thank you very much sound guys please give us a proper out number two good afternoon everyone Z Kash from the sapc um Mr MMA I want to know you make the comparison between acsa and MK um as being the New Kids on the Block right um I want to know though will you deploy or employ the same meth method that you used with the actions say or would you be willing to work with the MK party and to what extent and if that is the case and then we do see a relationship forming between the MK party um and the eff and potentially the ANC would a precondition be that um the president of the ANC step aside um for that relationship to take place if the ANC does not act against him thank you thank you very much um we go to number three good day uh my name is liand I'm from the Sunday Times um Mr malma some have said that um how you um narrated your view on open borders might have uh hurt you in these elections and that you were seen to be a bit antagonistic in your messaging um have you reflected on that and as well as when you say that you are going to um Ministries uh are you still intent on having Mr Floyd chambu as the Finance Minister and my third last question well it isn't it was st's question around whether your negotiations will they Encompass the entirety of the country or will you focus purely on National thank you thank you very much my sister there they skip jul thank you my name is dear Moni from love World set Mr malma sorry sorry the last one okay Li can you please uh repeat your question but make it pointed the last one uh just in terms of negotiations um obviously with um MK dominating in K ATN it kind of limits the uh conversation with um thec in in that Province so what kind of negotiations will you go into thec with okay uh my sister thank you my name is deor Moni from love World set Mr malma at the World Health assembly last week on the 28th of May the member states of World Health Organization reiterated that the world needs a pandemic agreement built on the principles of equity sovereignty and prevention to ensure that future Generations are safeguarded from the threat of inevitable future pandemics are we going to see e lobbying other political parties in Parliament for South Africa to support the pandemic treaty thank you okay thank you very much we'll go to number five okay thank you uh good day uh Mr MMA it'sand from Bloomberg News I'm just wondering if you have started thinking about presidential candidates in whatever Coalition formation you end up with um what would some of the criteria be to elect a a presidential candidate thank you go to the next hand yeah sorry from Sal media the first question is does it uh the eff believe that the timeline stipulated for the formation of coalition government is sufficient given the current political climate and then my second question has obviously been covered in that regards yeah um I thought I was the only one can you please use a much stronger voice than uh your using now all right the second question then of course having been covered is no we still can hear you the second question being has question okay read it say it again all right so starting from scratch does the EF believe that the timeline stipulated for the formation of a coalition government is sufficient given the current political climate and uh secondly does it matter to the eff who is at the home of the ANC when you enter into negotiations okay you can go please try uzee the mic there uh Mr this is chrisan from speaking my question is do you rule out Coalition talks with any specific parties and what are those parties and um seeing that the E and the ANC will not have enough seats to on their own have a coalition uh what other parties uh could could there be a possibility that a third party would be involved and which party would you prefer thank you thank you brother there good day Mr Mal my name is s I'm from Phenix TV so my question is given the experience from the municipalities the idea of Coalition what lessons can be learned from from this experience when it comes to the national uh government okay thank you the last hand please swi it central TV I just want to ask uh there are some that are saying e lost because of your stance about uh foreigners uh do you still stand by that even after your votes have decreased okay thank you very much um colleagues that was the last round of hand Commander in Chief president thank you very much the eff welcomes the arrest of net and part of the engagements in the Coalition agreements will be the implementation of the resolution of the previous Parliament which said Israel Embassy must leave South Africa so we are still going to to emphasize that um um um action sa made it very clear that they are the enemy of the E and the action sa um did not have a Manifesto their Manifesto was eff everywhere Herman went was tweeting about e EF this EF that look at him now he didn't concentrate on on his organization is concentrating on other people's organizations so uh we don't care about action say um MK we are relatives we're together if they had to do saying they don't want to work with the NC there's no problem but now we'll work with them we'll work with the NC and work with them also there is no problem that we not far from each other we one thing with MK so there's absolutely no crisis I if MK doesn't want to work with thec national and then we work with thec national there's nothing stopping us to work with MK in guul Nat and also in soang as well so there's no problem problem there's no animosity between MK and the efff so that's what you guys throughout this campaign you were trying by all means to to try and create a division and we refused to fall into that um yeah Floyd will be a minister of Finance if they agree this people because uh he's the most qualified in all respect uh none of the people they've put there have got uh the understanding of that institution better than Floyd uh so yeah we we putting a best candidate forward [Music] um uh pandemic treaty we we agree with that uh we'll support that um um border open border we supporting foreigners and all of that okay if this issue is the one that has costed elections for the eff why didn't this issue give Masa votes it's not what you saying MK MK took our votes which it Bor to us in 2019 there's no any other explanation other than that if this issue was a concerning issue in South Africa G McKenzie with two seats they didn't help anyone with anything you are not going to be made to compromise a principle to please nonexisting voters our voters understand our message very well our open border policy is we want Africa that is one but you cannot do that before you develop the other economies of Africa and you do the you develop the economies of other African continents through making it easy for goods and services to move around the continent and individuals to move around the continent so that we help develop the continent these people don't want to come here for the sake of coming here they want jobs they want greener pastures we are a big country we've got a huge capacity we can develop their countries and benefit out of that in a huge way and it's not something that you get elected today tomorrow you'll be carrying Gates around you in a bik have remove this Gates come come no no no no doesn't work like that you guys are just vulgarizing the whole point people 40 something thousand people I mean 40 41% of those voters voted for thec which is the one that brought this people here this these people are here already undocumented they were brought by the ANC why are 41,000 I mean 41% voting for thec still because if you hate this foreigners so much you must hate even a party that has made it possible for these foreigners to enter South Africa who has benefited from this xenophobic attacks in these elections no one operation DOA was contesting elections they are not going to get anything back to the village where they come from don't have time V so we we we we are refusing we are refusing to switch off oxygen machines and if you comrades are saying that thing is the one that is costing us vote or let it continue costing us vote we refusing to switch off uh machines were are refusing to deny children African children to study in our schools because they we told they from a certain country but they Africans our interest is to educate Africans we can allow that if this issue is going to make us remain the five of us six of us so be it we're not going to retreat on a lie on on a scare mongering the the issue when we started in 2014 and 2019 it was land they were saying yeah e is going to take your land they even did a program to give people a a title Deeds we're giving you title Deeds doesn't want you to have title Deeds now they realize the issue of the land is not working they go find something there which is nonexistent it's a lie if it's a if it's a if if you down me go and talk to my sha he will tell you how big a lie is this thing of being xenophobic and then you think you're are going to get votes no we don't want votes of tribalist by the way we don't want want votes of racist we don't want votes h of people who thrive on the division of the working class we don't want regionalised politics that's why we are National in character and we reject we reject regionalised politics we reject tribalism because tribalism is equal to racism once we start engaging in tribalistic politics as a country you must be rest assured we we inviting a disaster in this country because the worst thing with tribalism is that it will lead uh to a situation where people fight in the same country it will lead to a civil war tribalism goes straight to Civil War that's why we don't subscribe to those things someone was saying why are the Limpopo people not voting for Mal limo the limo people are voting for the eff I don't want to be voted by the people of limo on the basis of me coming from limo uhuh I don't want that the eff is not from Limu is Julius malos from Limu not eff so don't want to locate our organization into some Province we are a National Organization that's why we fight battles in in every corner of South Africa and we're going to continue doing that whether we are in government or not we're going to fight for our people we're not going to behave here like H people who are riding on a high horse and then abandon the character of fighting for our people we will continue to fight for our people and and what gives us courage is the the young vote from the universities it means we are growing with a generation the old will die the new will emerge so well I used to say ra is a big problem and all of that now that issue is not my problem it's not my problem ra president or I president that's not my president a president of those things so yeah don't involve me in the we are going to bring our list people are going to bring their list and then we put together yes so if we didn't want drama pause why didn't you vote him out and stop asking us to do things that you didn't do you had an opportunity to vote Ram out you didn't do it you noral will do it do it yourself thec has got all the right to remove ramama PA if they want we're not getting involved there we don't want Rosa is not our preferred cup of tea it's not not our preferred but he can't be a deal breaker we don't prefer him we know that he was a collaborator we know that he he's got billions but he he doesn't produce anything he is not not in manufacturing it's not in agriculture how do you become a billionaire like that you do that by selling out your own people so we can say a lot about dros but it's not an eff president so we choose eff leaders even who's going to Parliament to Cabinet it will be us who choose from the EF side and then they will choose from their side they can bring a person you hate so much you have not won elections win elections and appoint the people you love so there's nothing you can do we are here that's where we at uh so you know the good thing with the efff is that we speak to everyone including those small boys of The Da with their grandmother Helen we can talk to all of them those racist we have no problem but we talk to them out of principle we are not going to find each other sh we're not going to find each other we just talk because we are talking but uh there's nothing we're going to really find from those people they how do you have an opposition declaring an opposition opposition and and then leaving the ruling party to concentrate on the opposition and all of them they get formed and then they concentrate on the opposition even the new ones you can see they are bought by opener to go and and Chase the E they wanted to finish this eff in this elections the opener took millions and millions of money hey we don't want this kind of an arrangement this eff is a big problem they went out to finish the E look at us now open problem for another 5 years they have to deal with that they have to deal with that that Parliament must know the new speaker don't be a crook if you become a kook you'll find us ready for you so um we are in a very good mood looking forward to go to Cape Town uh we must go clean up our boots and our overalls s again P um lesson from coalitions uh the only thing you must do in a coalition is to be humble and not Don't Lie the ANC lies a lot that's a problem and that's what what is going to be part of the discussions with them they lie a lot they say this and then say something else say this and say something else that there is a mayor there who went to take the powers of the MMC of Finance because MMC of Finance is our MMC he must rain those Powers he mustain those Powers otherwise we are putting a motion of no confidence against him of the ANC he must return the powers we agreed when we're talking that there's no one who's going to move alone without engaging other partners he goes to give a speech and then he announces he removes certain powers from the MMC of Finance he must know elections are over were now on him and that is going to be part of what we're going to discuss with his leadership vam what is vam return the power to show sign of being honorable return the powers of the MMC so that's vam law so learn to be humble learn to know you have not won elections and then always navigate through take each other into confidence do not seek to outshine others and convert them as if they just your puppets and voting cett like they're trying to do in Johannesburg municipality we are not going to allow that elections are over now we're going to govern where we're governing we're going to govern properly and we're not going to allow thec corruption one of the positions who are going to demand from the ANC is a speaker the speaker of parliament yes because we can't go into a coalition with the ANC and not have a speaker the NC is running the executive we have to run p the speaker so we monitor them and we make them accountable so the speaker of parliament might be sitting in front [Laughter] you so we really want to thank everybody thank you media those who covered us positively those who covered us negatively we understand is brown envelopes they work like that H they they make you say the things that you don't don't believe in h we defeated news 24 as well H because it was in C with our enemies and then we defeated Del mavick and we defeated opheim ret the minel family we defeated enca when MK was overtaking the first overtaking of MK by the leaderboard there H I was in a house where the watching enca yes s those enca people were celebrating like the eff has lost elections so you can see that these people they don't love us they do everything in their power to get rid of us we are not going anywhere scner and we are in all legislator by the way comfortably too hey we are in this thing for a very long time ours is a generational Mission ours is a generational Mission there's no one on this table who 60 years old on this table so we are here for many years to come if president Zuma can do it at 82 jump just just not even 50 on this table so if president Zuma can do it at 82 it means you going to wait for me until I 1082 because I will be here if president zum can hold it until then ah TD I'm not going anywhere I'm with [Music] you thank you very much colleagues thank you for
Channel: SABC News
Views: 478,470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SABC News, actuality, world news, local news
Id: DsPIk2OafwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 41sec (4001 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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