Miyamoto Musashi - The Path of Aloneness | Philosophy Quotes

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[Music] study strategy over the years and achieve the spirit of the warrior today is a victory over yourself of yesterday tomorrow is your victory over lesser men [Music] there was a student mentality in all of us that must be tapped into a student is resilient a student is disciplined it is only through discipline that you will experience the freedom of a warrior a student never surrenders see the strategy is the plan strategy the game plan the plan of action the recipe the how must be studied before the first step is taken I am convinced that so many of us lose because of what we were not willing to study we investigate what we are getting ready to enter into we must be calculated as we enter into New Seasons into new relationships this is the road to becoming a warrior an experienced skilled and calculated Soldier a fighter a game changer so my son must stay down this is somebody who is set apart from those who operate in the realm of normalcy this is somebody who is above and beyond we got a bit of a work effort to go after it a student is a disciple and a disciple is disciplined disciplined to achieve the spirit of the warrior they are perfectly positioned for victory daily discipline is an invitation out of normalcy a man who studies is a man who is allergic to average for your Warrior then you don't even know it take a deep breath inhale and exhale inhale and exhale after today everything is about to change because change starts with you [Music] to understand this is to know the difference between men and lions you must understand that there was more than one path to the top of the mountain and in this very moment all you have is all you need see somebody lied to you and told you that life is about acquiring more to move forward what if I told you that getting to the top of the mountain was not about acquiring more but about becoming more that if you can become then you will find your authentic path to the top everybody wants to go to the top but nobody wants to discover new ways to climb there find your authenticity discover your identity we're all told if you want to get to the top follow the leader but that is a broken mentality yes leaders are necessary but we must be fully aware when we have been called to lead to blaze our own trail to discover a new way is daunting it's exhausting to get to the top but there is more than one way then you will discover that way by not acquiring so it is not the more that you get the faster you will go it is the more you become the quicker you will elevate and so getting to the top of the mountain has more to do with becoming [Music] what is your try you try who is the child in front of you and defeated The Climb is just as important as the arrival the top is the end game but the process is what will make you [Music] think lightly of yourself and deeply of this world [Music] life begins at the end of your comfort zone at the end of your ego and your insecurities but when you come to the end of yourself in the beginning of the understanding of our world why we are here and what is our purpose [Music] and all of a sudden Everything Changes lightly and deeply of the world the world is vast over 7.5 billion people walk the face of this planet there is so much here creation the antelope the trees the mountains the Stars people from every nation in every tongue and we have economy we have industry we have technology we are more advanced than ever before so take a moment agree never to self-sabotage yourself no more self-condemnation that you cease to see the opportunities in this world how beautiful I plan it is to think lightly of yourself and deeply of this world it's an invitation out of your ego out of your insecurities out of what you think you cannot do it is to look beyond your program it is to think of your legacy it is to think of what you will leave behind it is to think of your contribution and your impact even in this moment in the midst of trial in the midst of tribulation axis of the question what can I contribute you see conflict is necessary trial is is needed it causes us to create to be proactive to be inventive it moves us to become pioneer ing what type of Mark will you leave in the earth what would be your legacy man has always been haunted by the vastness of Eternity and so we ask ourselves when we are long gone will our names you [Music] know I choose to live by choice and not by chance I choose to make changes and not excuses I choose motivation over manipulation I choose to Excel and not compete I choose self-esteem over self-pity I choose to listen to The Voice from within versus the voices from without I choose to fulfill my destiny I choose to get the job done I choose to finish what I started [Music] no fear no hesitation no surprise no doubt free yourself from the debilitating disease of fear it has manipulated you long enough tranquilized your faith the fear of inadequacy the fear of uncertainty the fear of failure the fear of not finishing fear of rejection the fear of missing out the fear of change the fear of losing control the fear of being judged the fear of not being liked the fear of something bad or traumatic happening fear of getting hurt many of these fears have left us in a state of paralysis unable to move forward unable to achieve them is now once you conquer fear with faith and love there will be no hesitation there will be no surprises and there will be no doubt and if certain that in the end you will anyone can give up it's the easiest thing in the world to do but to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart that is true strength if you're going to stay in it if you're going to win this fight if you're going to overcome this enemy Against All Odds you're going to have to believe [Music] you're going to need courage you're going to need grit you're going to need faith your courage must exceed the common sense of man no man is free who cannot discipline himself you will never have your destiny you will never be able to afford your future unless you are disciplined if you're going to fulfill your purpose you will suffer the pain of persecution not everyone will understand why you are staying in the fight but if your vision is locked in you will Attain that which you seek to win any battle he must fight as if you are already dead our lives are so short there is no time to waste the approach to combat and everyday life should be the same we lose in life because we fail to take it seriously we think it is a game when in reality it is Warfare and you will either suffer the pain of regret or the pain of discipline when a soldier enters into battle a soldier is focused disciplined innovative creative and purposeful if we will approach our everyday lives like a trained and dedicated Soldier approaches battle we will win and not just exist everything you do must have meaning you must Focus and practice discipline in every moment for every task for thinking you must discipline your conversation you must establish your goals and accomplish them strategy to create the best outcomes every thought every word a reaction has a specific purpose you must Master the day you must approach your life like a trained and skilled Soldier approaches Warfare life is this will not be easy but in the end foreign fight like a dead man like you did to your insecurities like you did to your vulnerabilities like you did to the pain of the past fight like a dead man what a man fights like he's already dead he's desperate he's dangerous he's disciplined Fight for Your Life claw your way into your future for your goal is that everything you have big thing to lose to have an underdog mentality like everybody's already counting you out like everybody takes you don't measure up that what you started you will not finish when you find as if you already did you are without restraint you are a disrupter you break all the rules because you have nothing to lose you are desperate for Resurrection and you will do anything that is required to accomplish the goal you are setting out to achieve I choose to live by choice not by chance I live life by Design and not by default I am conscious I am aware I have been awakened [Music] I am detailed I am meticulous I am articulate I am aggressive and intentional and assertive I design my life I refuse to whine and whimper over lemons life throws me lemons I build and lemonade stand I will learn from my mistakes every day I live my life by Design and not by default every day my passion is reignited success is my obsession I establish my boundaries I pray and meditate I speak my desires boldly [Music] I choose to make changes and not I choose motivation over manipulation I choose to Excel and not compete I choose self-esteem over self-pity I choose to listen to The Voice from within versus the voices from without I choose to fulfill my destiny I choose to get the job done I choose to finish what I started strategy is the craft of the warrior it may seem difficult at first but all things are difficult at first this is the way for those who want to learn my strategy do not think dishonestly the way is in training become acquainted with every art in all the ways of all professions distinguish between gain and loss in worldly matters develop intuitive judgment and understanding for everything perceive those things which cannot be seen do nothing which is of no use the important thing is to polish wisdom in the mind in great detail if you sharpen wisdom you will understand what is just an unjust in society and also the good and the evil of this world then will you come to know all kinds of Arts no one in this world will succeed in deceiving you it is after this stage that you will arrive at the wisdom of strategy the wisdom of strategy is entirely distinct even right in the middle of a battle where everything is in Rapid movement it is necessary to attain the most profound principle of the strategy which assures you a immovable mind you must examine this will both in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined they'll come meet situations without tenseness yet not recklessly your spirit settled yet unbiased by training be able to freely control your own body conquer men with your body and with sufficient training you will be able to beat men in fights be able to win with your eye and be ten men with your spirit today is a victory over yourself of yesterday tomorrow is a victory over lesser men be relentless we must be cognizant cautious careful however confident and courageous yet with understanding we must move under the direction [Music] we must strategize with an objective in mind our aim our focus our Target must be excellence [Music] when we move through life uninformed and without a circle of accountability foreign desolation and gross irrelevancy will be our portion we need people in our lives that will hold us accountable to the plans that we make and the actions that we take this is the beauty of an honorably hosted strategy with great enthusiasm courage and unwavering faith and we must execute our plan of action do not become the weapon that is formed against you in order to prosper you must eliminate all distractions do not waste time idling or thinking after you have set your goal [Music] have a name a Target and once that Target is set be determined [Music] and I don't mind is the playground of your enemy it is an invitation to fail immature strategy is the cause of grief when we deliberately examine our grief anguish frustration oftentimes they are the direct result of the decisions we have made anger control your anger if you hold anger towards others they have control over you your opponent can Dominate and defeat you if you allow him to get you irritated the angry Warrior is the warrior who is fighting himself a man or woman must be dedicated stability immovable unwavering No Doubt no fear your destiny is predicated on your ability to remain calm cool and collected it is not a matter of not allowing men or women to press your buttons the truth is there must be no buttons to press if you allow anger to control you to govern you to arrest you you're bankrupt get back in the driver's seat gain control over your emotions [Music] be committed be fully persuaded to peace for without which you will never fulfill your purpose with everything that you think and every word that you speak and every move that you make let peace and Harmony be your portion the warrior that is angry is at war with himself do not under any circumstances depend on a partial feeling think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world never let yourself be saddened by a separation resentment and complaint are appropriate neither for oneself nor others do not let yourself be guided by the feelings of lust or love in all things have no preferences do not pursue the taste of good food we live in a generation where a man's belly is his God and the words of his mouth precede his destruction do not allow your belly to be your God watch the words that you speak for your words determine your future do not fear death and never stray away from the way I am not interested with your talk about my ideas I am more interested in you applying them to your life if you do not then you are essentially not in accord with your own mind you must dispense with the notion that conversation will change your life it is only strategy plan and execution that alters the very fabric of our existence you must decide in this moment to execute like you never have execute in the face of adversity execute in the presence of doubt and fear execute get the job done after you have spoken take action for if you remain still you open the door [Music] to an idle mind failing to plan is planning to fill take full responsibility portrait in the picture of your life for it is a direct result of the decisions you have made the true meaning of the Samurai is one who serves and adheres to the power of love Warriors are dedicated they were not only skilled but also cultured in upholding loyalty and devotion they aspired to hold both the pen and the sword and be able to retreat to calmness after their challenges are done loyalty and devotion lead to bravery bravery leads to the spirit of self-sacrifice the spirit of self-sacrifice creates trust in the power of love in order to win their battles Warriors must hold the purity of love in their hearts and aim to reach a state of Serenity in their mind only then can they bring Victory to their name mental bearing not skill is the sign of a matured Samurai a samurai therefore should neither be pompous nor arrogant in order to master the Way of the Samurai you must let go of any arrogance if we are full of conceit we will lose ourselves in vanity and destroy our strengths instead of our weaknesses a true warrior knows their weakness and they work to master them keep your promises fulfill your responsibilities and stay true to your morals and values only then will your path of success open to you in fighting and in everyday life you should be determined through calm meet the situation without tenseness yet not recklessly your spirit settled in unbiased an elevated spirit is weak and a low spirit is weak do not let the enemy see your spirit never let your enemies and challenges overcome you and defeat you honor courage and devotion is the core of a warrior you may abandon your own body but you must you must preserve your honor the lesson we can take from the samurai is to be determined in our advancement in life no matter how many obstacles we have against us when our path to our calling is blocked we must be ready to clear it with all our strength we must train we must persevere and never let anyone shape us into something we aren't plan and remain rigorous with your goals and Target chase them like night chases day there is something to be learned from a rainstorm when meeting with a sudden shower you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses you still get wet when you are resolved from the beginning you will not be perplexed though you will still get the same soaking this understanding extends to everything this is the substance of The Way of the Samurai if by setting one's heart right every morning and evening one is able to live as though his body were already dead he gains freedom in the way his whole life will be without blame and he will succeed in his calling once you master The Way of the Samurai you become an unshakable Warrior [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Motiversity Quotes
Views: 827,378
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Keywords: motiversity, motiversity quotes, quotes, motivation, inspiration, Listen Everyday, warrior quotes, motivational quotes, best quotes, greatest quotes ever, Powerful, warrior, Greatest Warrior Quotes, 2023 Compilation, 2023, Miyamoto Musashi, Miyamoto Musashi Quotes, The Path of Aloneness, Miyamoto Musashi The Path of Aloneness, Miyamoto Musashi Dokkōdō, Miyamoto Musashi The Path of Aloneness Quotes, samurai quotes, samurai, sensei, sensei quotes, Miyamoto, Musashi, samurai warrior, Japanese
Id: L9vWSZf3YH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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