Mixing dialog & music using ducking in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

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hello and welcome to video revealed I'm Colin Smith let's talk about mixing dialogue in music using Auto ducking in Adobe Premiere Pro CC alright let's clarify this term of ducky ducky ducking meaning that you're taking the signal the loudness of something and you're moving it up and down you can think of it as ducking the music underneath the dialogue and this is typically done manually where someone will have dialogue playing and then they'll turn the music down when the dialogue finishes they turn the music up and you want to do that every single time someone speaks and if you have a lot of spots that that's in it's a lot of work well Premiere Pro CC now has a long-awaited feature that audition has that's Auto ducking there is a difference though audition will update all of the levels as you update the the position of the clips Premiere Pro you just have to regenerate the keyframes it's not that hard to do but it is one extra step let's go have a look so for this I'm using a bit of stuff from folks at ninja sonic and I'm going to go to my audio workspace and the audio workspace will show you the essential sound over on the right hand side I've got a whole tutorial on working with essential sound the first thing to do is to select all of the dialogue and choose dialogue here this will set a tag for this dialogue that it is dialogue now if you don't do that you can still be okay to do that but I'm I want to bump up the audio a little bit first so well let's listen to the audio then don't lose your imagination we make it up as we go along so in the presets I'm just going to choose balanced male voice and you can see the levels just popped right up you have a microphone okay now the dialogue is sounding good let's run some Auto ducking on the music so I'll make sure I have nothing selected here I'll select the music track and then choose music and one of the new choices is ducking I'll turn that on and click on the word ducking to open this up and you can see in the first level it's asking me what to duck again so I can select what I want it to duck against I could have music ducking against music right now it's set to dialogue I could have a ducking against music I could have a duck against sound effects and ambient clips or no audio type so remember when I said it doesn't matter if you select the dialogue as dialogue I can tag it well that's what that you don't have to have a tag is I like that one because sometimes you have a really complex mix and you haven't tagged everything you just want the ducking to turn down for anything okay there's three different settings here sensitivity reduce by and fades and the reduced by is going to show you how much it's going to turn it down and the fade is how quickly in milliseconds and then the sensitivity is the level that this ducking kicks in so watch the keyframes down in here I'll generate the keyframes so you can see right there the keyframes have been generated if we play this back my whole thing growing up was right now he's like one of the best rappers I know pretty easy right let's move around some of these clips and I'll show you about how we have to regenerate this so I'm gonna zoom in I'll select these two clips and I'll move them over to here I'll select the music track again and generate the key frames and you'll see they'll move over so now we get a new mix my whole thing growing I was right now he's like one of the best rappers I know let's suggest this boost so right now we're boosting it we're reducing it by minus 18 let's try minus 10 DB generate again and you'll see those levels will change my whole thing wrong I was right now he's like one of the best maybe split the difference let's go - 13 there's a little bit of a boost there little reduction - my whole thing growing I was right now he's like one of the best rappers I know and back over here it dips again people's souls and if you wanted to you could grab these keyframes yourself and move these around now let's explore the effect that auto ducking adds let's go to the effects tab and you'll see amplify is the effect that's been added to this clip and that's where these keyframes are being generated for amplify that is a really smart idea because if this was generating fader moves on the mixer then you wouldn't be able to do this I'm gonna make sure I have my audio track mixer in the front and watch this I'll play this back and reduce the music [Music] my whole thing growing up was right now he's like one of the best rappers I know it's we used step one to the stage so the ducking is controlling the amplify effect that was automatically added to the the audio clip and we can do this with music or sound effects or anything any audio can be done the amplify effect is controlling the ducking the overall fader volume and the track mixer is controlling the overall volume in addition to the ducky I think this is a really really smart way to work this alright if you're new to video revealed then you have found this informative take a moment and subscribe you want to support us omoro we're making it very very easy via PayPal there's a link in the description there's also a link from the main page where you can donate once or monthly to support us here at video reveal all right till next time I'm Colin Smith and it's my job to get you working efficiently and making your audio sound [Music]
Channel: VideoRevealed
Views: 28,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe Creative Cloud, Colin Smith, AdobeColin, video editing, VideoRevealed, video editor, edit video, premiere pro, video editing tutorial, video editing apps, video revealed audio, video revealed colin smith, adobe premiere pro cc 2018, Audio Ducking
Id: jBvncJvMp6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 13sec (433 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 15 2018
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