MIXED MEDIA COLLAGE TUTORIAL - Abstract techniques - Create a Series Using Layers

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[Music] in this series i'm working with a set of three and a very simple palette i'll leave a list uh in the description below and this selection of mark making tools a brayer mod podge and my heavy gel gloss by golden i'm starting with the china marker um i just use black and white it's great it goes over the acrylic and you can seal it with a medium at the end either matte or gloss here i'm starting with a transparent cadmium yellow light just putting down some color after putting down some marks and responding to what's there then of course i'm using my brayer because at this point i'm not wanting brush strokes [Music] i'm continuing with warmer i believe it's a raw sienna or a yellow ochre [Music] and scratching the surface i usually start with a larger piece of collage paper this one is just leftover scraps probably made from my cleaning my bread at the end or in between artwork and trying to get the entire surface covered here so i don't have any bubbling and using a sponge for this job usually does a trick and of course rolling over it with a brayer really gets the bubbles out i believe the mod podge i'm using here is a matte mod podge [Music] as you can see i've selected before just everything that i was feeling like working with warm tones orange red i really love working with red orange and yellow lately and combining them into subtle values which really draws interest to the work as you can see i picked up a piece of orange there to go just to slightly look different from the red below so i'm just responding to what's there i'll intuitively i may or may not find what i'm looking for above then i might throw down some paint on top that's my cheap brush that i'm using to spread the medium as you can see i'll just grab a piece and just move it around until something speaks to me and i like tearing it depends if i'm bringing it right to the edge i'll trim it with the scissors so it fits it perfectly i want something larger here this is a cooler piece of red collage paper as you can see i think that's manganese or crimson underneath [Music] so i'm settling in making some choices i think i'm thinking of dividing the substrate which is this heavy printing paper into simple grits or just three areas horizontally we'll see what happens you could go with black and white i can see that being a really interesting possibility and then adding color but i'll be making another video on how i create my collage papers there though that's with some tools with a jelly a jelly printing plate so as i continue to use reds oranges or yellows and building up layers of subtle value [Music] the works now are starting to take shape placing in different positions just to see what feels best that's the good thing about collage you can just move it around you don't have to make a final commitment until it just ah it's there i can see i keep grabbing that one piece but i'm not happy with it nice that piece was too big so i scaled it down this is just leftover palette paper love saving those just for those real odd organic shapes and then cutting them out i'll end up using it that's why i left it right there to grab you want to have everything around that you're wanting to use within arm's breach so you can respond quickly and you don't really want to think too much i'm not thinking a lot here i'm just responding [Music] i find that the less thinking i've done the the best discoveries i've found [Music] i'm liking that little bit of blue in the uh piece on the far left oh here comes some orange so now we're going into subtle differences subtle value differences color differences so as you notice i'm putting a little bit of the same color more or less in each one so but they're this they feel the same but yet they're very different from each other that's what you want to go for in a series [Music] a piece of turquoise moves around a lot oh here we go nice so i just rub along with my nail make a mark know exactly where to cut it and down goes the medium the marks that you start with in your very very first layer may or may not end up showing up but that's okay that's what you just call an activator you're activating the substrate just to get things going a water element i'm looking for and these uh in this abstract series i'm not using any of my usual imagery i'll be making a lot more videos on how i do that and how everyone's imagery symbolism that you add to your artwork is really what makes it unique this piece here is another piece of pallet paper that was left over that i saved there's that piece of red again [Music] i realize now that it's not working so much because it's so long and thin compared to the organic pieces that are there now it is a difference but here i think i end up putting it in the bottom of this and i cut it at a slight angle just to change it up [Music] and i'm liking that orange vertical shape on the right in the piece on the left i don't know it just seems to have a sort of like a human quality or something yeah so just bending over around the other side for now we'll trim it all up i'm trimming it now okay you'll also find if you ever get to the stage where you can record your art process and then when you have some time you can watch it you'll find i'm finding anyway that oh wow when i'm watching gee why did i do that i could have chose that piece or oh i should have put that down and if you make a note it's really important to keep notes as to depending in your series what you're going for the important things you want to remember so uh recording your art process has more than one it's it's a it's very helpful i don't know why i'm using that sharp pointy piece oh it's going in probably because it's so different from the rest difference that's really important what do you have what do you see in front of you what isn't there especially if you're stuck and you don't know the next move but still you don't want to think too much you just want to keep that going [Music] putting in some black and white elements with polka dots interesting on the side [Music] i must be thinking about my next move oh here we go this is your corrugated cardboard packing material save interesting packing material you want to be careful and just save your favorites because you end up with just tons of it so this can make vertical lines or horizontal lines and once you use it enough times and you create this larry of layers of acrylic paint on it it stiffens up and it becomes even better the lines are subtle and you don't really know what you're going to get and that's the fun part surprises are good oh i'm lighting lighting it up a bit because just adjusting that value i want it to a little bit more contrast let's see will i put it over the same or elsewhere oh there i go [Music] oh much better [Music] so text text to me is really important uh it depends on which layer it is if it's your first layers and you're just using it to put down to activate your surface that's fine too some of the text will stay some won't but i use text in my work a lot just because i you know words are powerful here i'm uh but then i like to hide them cover them just so they're not so obvious so this is titanium buff that i'm putting down then with the brayer see it just just adds and activates whatever rough or what's at the surface it'll just pick up the texture this is tissue paper um with paint on it that i deliberately made for my collage big sheets just putting dots marks using acrylic and then letting it dry it's great because it's so transparent it lets you see what's underneath yes that's why i'm pointing to that [Music] you can make these in batches and you can use black and white warm temperatures cool temperatures [Music] putting some more down over here just smoothing it out making sure now sometimes you want a bunch of texture with your tissue paper sometimes you don't it all depends yeah so it tore there it's pretty delicate so you have to be careful easy to tear i'm i discovered a bubble there so what i'm doing is i'm using that sharp it's a potter's tool and you can also use a razor blade or an x-acto knife cut into it and then re-flatten it again and then it'll the bubble will disappear [Music] so now i decided okay i need some contrast so i'm coming in with some black i'm just rubbing the surfaces making sure the eye moves around more text i'm always looking for old books discarded from the library old books from yard sales anywhere you tear the pages you can cut out the words separately it just adds so much more interest to your work thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: All My Art & Soul - Mixed Media Art
Views: 7,358
Rating: 4.9477806 out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, mixed media, collage, series, create, layers, intuitive, process, mark-making, mixed media collage tutorial, create series, using layers, art process, mixed media art, intuitive painting, red, orange, yellow, how to paint in layers, acrylic paint, techniques, tips, mixed media art journal, teaching videos
Id: dgKiM-oa3kc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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