Mixbus 10 – SSL 9000J EQ

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hey guys I'm Nathan from Harrison audio and in this video we're going to look at the new EQ included in mixbus version 10 the SSL [Music] 9000j hey guys welcome back to the channel I hope you are enjoying the new mixbus version 10 and as always if you have any questions leave a comment down below but what's cool about version 10 is we've added the ability to swap out different EQ modules and in the past we've had the Harrison 32c EQ but now we can switch it out with the SSL 9000j so let's look at the EQ overall and listen to some sound examples by turning a few knobs so here in the session we have our Channel strips and our buses and you can see by clicking on EQ here in the switcher we now have the 9000j EQ now at the bottom we can actually swap these in and out by clicking on the button and now we can see we have Harrison 32c or we can have the 9000j so the EQ itself has a highpass and a low pass filter high frequency High midband a low midband and a low frequency the high and low frequency bands default the Shelf but you can make these into a bell curve by clicking on these buttons you can also switch this over to the E mode which is going to give you a different flavor of another SSL console so if you look at the drums for example I've already done a little processing here but let's go ahead and actually save this as a preset then I can swap back and forth so if I go into the plug-in area I can right click on the 9000j EQ and go to presets and save this as a new preset so we're going to call this drum EQ and press add so now we can right click again go to presets and reset the plugin so now all my settings are gone but I can easily get back to the other version as well and also by utilizing a cool feature in mixb called mixer scenes I could actually AB between these two settings really fast so if I right click on the first mixer scene I can store this and call this drum flat and then go back to my preset area choose my drum EQ and then right click on the second mixer scene hit store and call it drum filters okay so here's the drums all by itself and we're going to go back to our first mixer scene and yes I want to overwrite the settings okay so we have plenty of low end we have plenty of high end stuff going on with the tambourines and the symbols and then clicking on mixer scene two I can engage the filters you can see this warning window keeps popping up so I will click on do not show this window again because I know what I'm doing at this point hopefully okay so I know I have the drum soloed up and we can flip back and forth between the EQ off and the EQ on oh yeah so what I actually did was I filtered the low and the high but I've also boosted some of the mid-range frequencies so to me you don't need a lot of that 10K or really 12K frequency when you're working with a lot of instruments and then take the mid-range frequencies and start boosting or cutting just to get the overall tonality that you want so one more time here's the drums flat and filtered so you'll be surprised how much you can actually filter out the lows and the highs and still get a great sound and leave room for lots of other instruments in your mix all right let's move on to the Bas guitar now we're going to solo up the Bas and once again we can right click go to presets and we can make a new preset called base EQ I can Sello this up go to mixer scene number four hit store call this base filtered right click on the preset and reset the plugin go back down to mixer scene hit store and call this base flat okay so now we have two different options for our BAS let's take a listen to the flat [Music] version okay so we have some extra highend in the base that we don't necessarily need and you're just not going to hear it in the mix anyway so now here is the Bas filtered [Music] version and if we look at the high mids and the low mids I've actually taken about 2k and boosted uh 4 DB and also taken 800 Hertz and boosted about 3db right here so even though I'm rolling off a lot of the high end of the base I'm still able to get a nice bright Punchy sound from the bass guitar because of the mid-range that I'm accentuating so now just for fun let's go ahead and solo up the drums and the base we'll do two more mixer scenes we'll make this drum base filtered then we'll right click here and reset our plugin reset plugin and we'll make this [Music] one drum base flat okay we'll start off with the drums and base with the EQ off and then we'll turn it back on with the mixer scene here we go back to flat and filter so I hope that's a good example of what you can do with this EQ there is a few differences about the SSL EQ versus the Harrison EQ and if you if you look at it the low pass filter actually starts from the left and you go up to the right which on the Harrison it's backwards you start on the right and you go down to the left then also if you look at the mid bands you have the ability to change the queue either from a Sharp Q to a wider Q versus the Harrison 32c which has a proportional Q which means as you raise the gain or lower the gain the queue is either going to get narrower or wider so just depending on the material that you're working with and the tools that you want to use you now have two different options of EQ at your disposal so if you have any questions about version 10 leave a comment down below and as always I'm Nathan from Harrison audio and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Harrison Audio
Views: 10,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Harrison Consoles, Harrison 32c, Harrison Mixbus, Harrison Mixbus 32c, AVA Plugins, XT Plugins
Id: DaYPlzp-VZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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