Mix Challenge with Andrew Scheps

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hello everybody hope you're doing marvelously well I'm staying here with their wonderful Andrew chefs how are you no I'm good good I pulled up a song that we did I should record it here and so I thought this might be a really good song for us to sort of look at and I wanted to I you know ask your advice have a listen what would you change what would you take off where do you think something could be improved that I am completely throwing him under the bus because you haven't heard the song we have laid it no no I still haven't heard it now but that's great I like this because this is if I was watching a video this is what I would want I wouldn't want a completely planned out version of how everything's gonna be I'd want you just listen again that sounds cool but that could be better let's see what happens okay so David's song is it's it's pop rock to stick driven everything was tracked a little drumkit ago saying we did it using fairly inexpensive equipment so that we could you know help the people who watch the stuff help our community because there's so many people that are trying to come up and make music and yeah you're mixing in a box the whole world is changing isn't it great so do you want to listen to Vic yeah throwing you under the bus pretty heavily here yeah yeah I mean I think I think rather than try and sort of do a mix what do is we'll ignore the vocal because that's gonna be the thing that would be hardest and half the track around it and we'll sort of break it down as if I were starting to mix so we'll go to the drums and granny's like that but keep what you've got and either replace what's going on or just pretend that that's the way it was recorded and we'll just add stuff and see what happens yes so great that way I don't have to think too much we can just sort of focus on individual things and say oh why don't we try this grain we'll see what happens nothing all right but yeah let's have a little listen like up through into the chorus so I'll just mute the vocal for the - yeah yeah go out or do we feedback we go [Music] let's see what's going on with the prawns now it's pretty simplistic drums essentially kick a snare bass see what's going on okay so we got a kick sub yeah he so that's good so let's we'll just sew up kicks' alright and I'll just pretend it's all one truck I'm gonna look at individual necks and we'll just pop this guy on here on the kick so you can hear that Lane it's nice um really quickly just an overall thing the other thing is when you first put the plug in and everything is bypassed right and even with everything in it's zero latency because we wanted live guys to be able to use it great as soon as you touch a control that module becomes active right but in this case just the thumb so the saturation is still inactive and a filters are inactive and they are doing zero CPU load so that's the idea is rather than it put a hundred of these in and all of a sudden you're screwed you can put a hundred of these in the session until you touch a knob it's the same as not having any there's the zero load okay so anyway so I like the thumb will do some clipping maybe that's a little too much and then I really like this resident to show just great and of course all the default frequencies I wanted them to be like really weird ones cuz it's like oh that's exactly where I would put it but we sort of compromised something so that's a little lower than I might put it but but it tends to work all the time that's probably it but let's see what happens if we slit attack so I like an 1176 you put your attacker releasing it in the right direction so we can understand what exactly they're all right let's get the compressor so basically tiny bit of saturation yeah that tiny bit of saturation is compressed enough yeah and then and that's it into some EQ so together that's great really just just really extended that Lao underneath it's giving it some yeah it's just a little more length in a little more air I mean you know it's it's what you would do so snare let's see what's going on and there is some Samba underneath okay and it looks like there is a bus as well right and there's only 11 so 60 actually let's leave it on just cause because we'll use the gate to get some take some of the length out instead [Music] comes up quick so let's use the gate because why not so another thing every single one of these ya modules has an expanded view because you don't see all of the show controls for any of them until you expand so there's high pass and low pass do you know what I've used I didn't know you could 2/3 a lot of people don't a lot of people don't like I'm gonna be at the NAMM show and you normally I go through all the basic stuff and I decided that this show I'm gonna do only advanced stuff right because no one knows you can even do yet half of it so yeah I'm I'm gonna just I passed the sidechain and again this doesn't show well that's nice and then I can't remember which one it is I think the wide on the tone is the sort of Neve ish one which but you were talking about before yep bode yeah and again you always [Music] saturation [Music] interesting well because there's no symbols I was using the other heads for dirt but it's interesting now you're adding the dirt on the kick giving a little well let's let's see if we can get that sort of length out of the compressor right and because it's a little rude my overheads became my roommate and then if you open this this was actually something I didn't have to fight for it they were fine with it but it's a full EQ on the sidechain compressor so we can I pass it a little bit let the kick through a little more and then it's actually I think some of that mid-range out so it lets it in through and I'm actually going to put the pre and after the compressor [Music] oh and every EQ if you hold down control it solos the band another feature I didn't know that's fantastic which is it's good I mean for for guys like us that's fantastic because everything these days is visual aids yeah that's the sonic aid that's now that's pretty good destruction yeah [Music] let's find our place [Music] so the base yet is is actually it's two instances of di and I take I take just the DI for the low-end right or no in this one I think I may have used the amp because it was a buzz in the DI or something oh yeah just a one of the sources and okay separated I'm just gonna do something for the sake of it ways so let's make this to Bumi and then let's do the thing I was talking about so we'll check out this de-esser so what we'll do is we'll find the frequency that we think is going to be to boo me in here again with the ctrl key nice let's pretend it's gonna be around there now so with the de-esser I can just lower the threshold and it'll start sucking that out which of course is ridiculous because I've just added it but that's okay yeah but if you open this up you can see well you can actually get to it from the main channel you've got an external side chain so let's set the sidechain to bus 42 because it's in the middle and then when I go up to the kick kick sub and we'll do it free but that's okay I'll be fine I said 42 yep ooh bust 41 42 is being used all right we'll make it plus 48 to free and send it off so now this is going into bus 48 yep which is shown up here as the side chain and so now now but of course these don't make it good have them both up so it's a little subtle but you can hear it starting to suck out some low-end whenever the kick goes now which of course they're playing together almost all the time yeah so it's yeah I play based on this I wasn't very inventive yeah this is actually for organic music it's not great but yeah if you're doing a dance track or something show and you've got a super buzzy bass a lot of time I mean sidechain compression is God on those types of tracks but if you do it on a really buzzy bass off the kick the whole bass will pump which can be cool but not if you're just trying to get definition between the kick and the bass you really only want to suck out low-end Cho so by side chaining the de-esser you can just suck out low end of the bass and your buzz stays constant so you could switch from sidechain compression to sidechain de-essing you can completely change how the bass is change based on the cake so it's a failed experiment here but yeah would you then some your kick and bass together just maybe just shave the top of those and make sure that that no I mean because they they'll they're gonna get somes in the mix buss at some point so no no that would take time [Music] I'll show you something I do on guitars all the time a little bit of heavy and a little bit of this guy wide at around 1.4 it's nice as a little shine they'd like uncompress is a little bit has a little charm to it as well yeah which is interesting because you see the amount of work we did on this this guitar was we found it too fuzzy and too fizzy right so I overdubbed this mana I haven't up this guitar because I was it was to us and now your pleasure just actually solved some of the problem we were having and the same thing on on this guy but then like this is a good candidate for the compressor as well so a little 1.4 it's just a great it really kind of explodes and then on this I go like optical nice and slow and take away a little of the attack and you know normally on a compressor I'd be tweaking all these but we set up starting points that aren't even how I would normally start on some of these compressors but I don't bother tweaking because why right I see getting a bunch of gain out of that too but [Music] those are groups [Music] again that kind of same thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] and just a tiny bit of the FET can just bring out some dirt it's just a much speedier bring out the lack of fade in there so [Music] if I move all of these guys over then we can bypass them all at once right I think you think you're good I think it's all clear except for that time that should be yeah kicks over the top a little bit but it's interesting cuz it needs new speakers I've gone I've got an extended low-end and I normally mix when I mix it a console using the 120 the sub harmonic synthesizer right I couldn't get that low low and this has given me that low lunge [Music] back off on that [Music] another thing is combining the high-pass with the thumb yeah [Applause] [Music] that's nice fantastic so thanks everybody hope you enjoyed that Thank You Mandarin thank you sir if you want to watch an extended version of this we did actually do one on the you of tube and we talked a little bit about some of the current stuff that Andres been working on and did some more detailed stuff so please check that out at produce like a pro on YouTube have a Marvis time you
Channel: Waves Audio
Views: 123,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Scheps Omni Channel, channel strip plugin, scheps plugin, Andrew Scheps, Andrew Scheps plugin, waves channel strip, Waves Scheps Omni Channel, omni channel, Waves Omni, omni channel strip, Warren Huart, Produce Like A Pro
Id: srvqliZQytQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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